Redfish firmware inventory test automation

    - Added new firmware inventory suite

Added Test Cases:
    - Verify Update Service Enabled
    - Verify Software Inventory Collection
    - Software Inventory Status Check

Resolves  openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#1538

Change-Id: Ia9808692e0d405500d84084bf9d445cf81c41611
Signed-off-by: George Keishing <>
diff --git a/redfish/update_service/test_firmware_inventory.robot b/redfish/update_service/test_firmware_inventory.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4fd6e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redfish/update_service/test_firmware_inventory.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Resource         ../../lib/resource.txt
+Resource         ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify Update Service Enabled
+    [Documentation]  Verify "ServiceEnabled" is enabled.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Update_Service_Enabled
+    # Example:
+    # "HttpPushUri": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService",
+    # "Id": "UpdateService",
+    # "Name": "Update Service",
+    # "ServiceEnabled": true
+    redfish.Login
+    ${resp}=  redfish.Get  /redfish/v1/UpdateService
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.dict["ServiceEnabled"]}  ${True}
+    redfish.Logout
+Verify Software Inventory Collection
+    [Documentation]  Verify software inventory collection member and object entries.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Software_Inventory_Collection
+    # Example:
+    # {
+    #    "@odata.type": "#SoftwareInventoryCollection.SoftwareInventoryCollection",
+    #    "Members": [
+    #      {
+    #        "": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/a3522998"
+    #      },
+    #      {
+    #        "": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/a7c79f71"
+    #      },
+    #      {
+    #        "": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/ace821ef"
+    #      }
+    #   ],
+    #   "Members@odata.count": 3,
+    #   "Name": "Software Inventory Collection"
+    # }
+    redfish.Login
+    ${resp}=  redfish.Get  /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    Should Be True  ${resp.dict["Members@odata.count"]} >= ${1}
+    Length Should Be  ${resp.dict["Members"]}  ${resp.dict["Members@odata.count"]}
+    redfish.Logout
+Software Inventory Status Check
+    [Documentation]  Get firmware inventory entries and do health check status.
+    [Tags]  Software_Inventory-Status_Check
+    redfish.Login
+    ${resp}=  redfish.Get  /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    # Entries "Members@odata.count": 3,
+    # {'': '/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/a3522998'}
+    # {'': '/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/a7c79f71'}
+    # {'': '/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/ace821ef'}
+    :FOR  ${entry}  IN RANGE  0  ${resp.dict["Members@odata.count"]}
+    \  ${resp_resource}=  redfish.Get  ${resp.dict["Members"][${entry}][""]}
+    \  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp_resource.status}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    # Example:
+    # "Status": {
+    #     "Health": "OK",
+    #     "HealthRollup": "OK",
+    #     "State": "Enabled"
+    # },
+    \  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp_resource.dict["Status"]["Health"]}  OK
+    \  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp_resource.dict["Status"]["HealthRollup"]}  OK
+    \  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp_resource.dict["Status"]["State"]}  Enabled