Adjust to unquoted version_id

The version_id from /etc/os-release is no longer double-quoted.  Made
adjustments to bmc code update code.

Change-Id: I9135292c9068c3a73620f72ca6667920c824933d
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <>
diff --git a/extended/code_update/bmc_code_update.robot b/extended/code_update/bmc_code_update.robot
index 657e525..d68eaa8 100644
--- a/extended/code_update/bmc_code_update.robot
+++ b/extended/code_update/bmc_code_update.robot
@@ -75,15 +75,14 @@
     Run Keyword And Ignore Error  List Installed Images  BMC
     ${image_version}=  Get Version Tar  ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
-    Rprint Vars  image_version
-    ${functional_version}=  Get BMC Version
-    Rprint Vars  functional_version
+    ${bmc_release_info}=  Get BMC Release Info
+    ${functional_version}=  Set Variable  ${bmc_release_info['version_id']}
+    Rprint Vars  image_version  functional_version
     # TODO: openbmc/phosphor-bmc-code-mgmt/issues/4
     # Check if the existing firmware is functional.
-    #Pass Execution If  ${functional_version} == "${image_version}"
-    #...  The existing ${image_version} firmware is already functional.
+    Pass Execution If  '${functional_version}' == '${image_version}'
+    ...  The existing ${image_version} firmware is already functional.
     Upload And Activate Image  ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
     ...  skip_if_active=${SKIP_UPDATE_IF_ACTIVE}