Moved asset tag tests in new IPMI bucket

Change-Id: Iaca3c120ee7ca2f13e6ba50e359155bc3c848af8
Signed-off-by: Rahul Maheshwari <>
diff --git a/ipmi/test_ipmi_asset_tag.robot b/ipmi/test_ipmi_asset_tag.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8947f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipmi/test_ipmi_asset_tag.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation    Module to test IPMI asset tag functionality.
+Resource         ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
+Resource         ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Test Teardown    FFDC On Test Case Fail
+*** Test Cases ***
+Set Asset Tag With Valid String Length
+    [Documentation]  Set asset tag with valid string length and verify.
+    [Tags]  Set_Asset_Tag_With_Valid_String_Length
+    # Allowed MAX characters length for asset tag name is 63.
+    ${random_string}=  Generate Random String  63
+    Run Keyword  Run IPMI Standard Command  dcmi set_asset_tag ${random_string}
+    ${asset_tag}=  Run Keyword  Run IPMI Standard Command  dcmi asset_tag
+    Should Contain  ${asset_tag}  ${random_string}
+Set Asset Tag With Invalid String Length
+    [Documentation]  Verify error while setting invalid asset tag via IPMI.
+    [Tags]  Set_Asset_Tag_With_Invalid_String_Length
+    # Any string more than 63 character is invalid for asset tag.
+    ${random_string}=  Generate Random String  64
+    ${resp}=  Run Keyword And Expect Error  *  Run IPMI Standard Command
+    ...  dcmi set_asset_tag ${random_string}
+    Should Contain  ${resp}  Parameter out of range  ignore_case=True
diff --git a/tests/ipmi/test_general_ipmi.robot b/tests/ipmi/test_general_ipmi.robot
index 32d4846..137f945 100755
--- a/tests/ipmi/test_general_ipmi.robot
+++ b/tests/ipmi/test_general_ipmi.robot
@@ -22,30 +22,6 @@
 *** Test Cases ***
-Set Asset Tag With Valid String Length
-    [Documentation]  Set asset tag with valid string length and verify.
-    [Tags]  Set_Asset_Tag_With_Valid_String_Length
-    # Allowed MAX characters length for asset tag name is 63.
-    ${random_string}=  Generate Random String  63
-    Run Keyword  Run IPMI Standard Command  dcmi set_asset_tag ${random_string}
-    ${asset_tag}=  Run Keyword  Run IPMI Standard Command  dcmi asset_tag
-    Should Contain  ${asset_tag}  ${random_string}
-Set Asset Tag With Invalid String Length
-    [Documentation]  Verify error while setting invalid asset tag via IPMI.
-    [Tags]  Set_Asset_Tag_With_Invalid_String_Length
-    # Any string more than 63 character is invalid for asset tag.
-    ${random_string}=  Generate Random String  64
-    ${resp}=  Run Keyword And Expect Error  *  Run IPMI Standard Command
-    ...  dcmi set_asset_tag ${random_string}
-    Should Contain  ${resp}  Parameter out of range  ignore_case=True
 Set Asset Tag With Valid String Length Via REST
     [Documentation]  Set valid asset tag via REST and verify.
     [Tags]  Set_Asset_Tag_With_Valid_String_Length_Via_REST