Test system LEDs.

This change includes:
   - Added test cases to turn on/off heartbeat, beep and
     identify LEDs.
   - Added keywords to get and set physical LED state.
   - Skipped these test case for Witherspoon system.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#404

Change-Id: I64c939d50852e4b627ad8bf559b75da4f95237a1
Signed-off-by: Rahul Maheshwari <rahulmaheshwari@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/tests/test_led.robot b/tests/test_led.robot
index b31c384..24a2a24 100644
--- a/tests/test_led.robot
+++ b/tests/test_led.robot
@@ -1,238 +1,78 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation     This testsuite is for testing the functions of Heartbeat,
-...               Identify and Power LED's
+Documentation     Test the functions of system LEDs.
 Resource          ../lib/rest_client.robot
+Resource          ../lib/state_manager.robot
 Resource          ../lib/resource.txt
 Resource          ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
 Test Teardown     FFDC On Test Case Fail
+Force Tags        System_LED
 *** Variables ***
 *** Test Cases ***
-Validate Heartbeat LEDs Test Cases
-    [Documentation]   If heartbeat LED exist then execute the test set.
-    [Tags]  Validate_Heartbeat_LEDs_Test_Cases
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Get Request   ${LED_CONTROL}heartbeat
-    Run keyword If  ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_OK}   Execute Heartbeat LEDs Test Cases
+Test Heartbeat LED And Verify Via REST
+    [Documentation]  Turn On Off heartbeat LED and verify via REST.
+    #LED Name  LED State
+    heartbeat  On
+    heartbeat  Off
-Validate Identify LEDs Test Cases
-    [Documentation]   If identify LED exist then execute the test set.
-    [Tags]  Validate_Identify_LEDs_Test_Cases
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Get Request   ${LED_CONTROL}identify
-    Run keyword If  ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_OK}   Execute Identify LEDs Test Cases
+    [Tags]  Test_Heartbeat_LED_And_Verify_Via_REST
+    [Template]  Set System LED State
-Validate Beep LEDs Test Cases
-    [Documentation]   If beep LED exist then execute the test set.
-    [Tags]  Validate_Beep_LEDs_Test_Cases
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Get Request   ${LED_CONTROL}beep
-    Run keyword If  ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_OK}  Execute Beep LEDs Test Cases
+Test Beep LED And Verify Via REST
+    [Documentation]  Turn On Off beep LED and verify via REST.
+    #LED Name  LED State
+    beep       On
+    beep       Off
+    [Tags]  Test_Beep_LED_And_Verify_Via_REST
+    [Template]  Set System LED State
+Test Identify LED And Verify Via REST
+    [Documentation]  Turn On Off identify LED and verify via REST.
+    #LED Name  LED State
+    identify   On
+    identify   Off
+    [Tags]  Test_Identify_LED_And_Verify_Via_REST
+    [Template]  Set System LED State
 *** Keywords ***
-Execute Heartbeat LEDs Test Cases
-    [Documentation]   Executing ON/OFF/Fast/Slow Heartbeat LED test cases.
-    Turn ON the Heartbeat LED
-    Turn OFF the Heartbeat LED
-    Blink Fast the Heartbeat LED
-    Blink Slow the Heartbeat LED
+Get System LED State
+    [Documentation]  Returns the state of given system LED.
+    [Arguments]  ${led_name}
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # led_name     System LED name (e.g. heartbeat, identify, beep).
-Execute Identify LEDs Test Cases
-    [Documentation]   Executing ON/OFF/Fast/Slow Identify LED test cases.
-    Turn ON the Identify LED
-    Turn OFF the Identify LED
-    Blink Fast the Identify LED
-    Blink Slow the Identify LED
+    ${state}=  Read Attribute  ${LED_PHYSICAL_URI}${led_name}  State
+    [Return]  ${state.rsplit('.', 1)[1]}
-Execute Beep LEDs Test Cases
-    [Documentation]   Executing ON/OFF/Fast/Slow Beep LED test cases.
-    Turn ON the Beep LED
-    Turn OFF the Beep LED
-    Blink Fast the Beep LED
-    Blink Slow the Beep LED
+Set System LED State
+    [Documentation]  Set given system LED via REST.
+    [Arguments]  ${led_name}  ${led_state}
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # led_name     System LED name (e.g. heartbeat, identify, beep).
+    # led_state    LED state to be set (e.g. On, Off).
-Turn ON the Heartbeat LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setOn functionality of the
-   ...               Heartbeat LED. The LED state is read again to check if
-   ...               the LED is in ON state.
-   Set On   heartbeat
-   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   heartbeat
-   should be equal as strings   ${ledstate}   On
+    ${args}=  Create Dictionary  data=xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Physical.Action.${led_state}
+    Write Attribute  ${LED_PHYSICAL_URI}${led_name}  State  data=${args}
-Turn OFF the Heartbeat LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setOff functionality of the
-   ...               Heartbeat LED. The LED state is read again to check if
-   ...               the LED is in OFF state.
-   Set Off   heartbeat
-   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   heartbeat
-   should be equal as strings   ${ledstate}   Off
+    Verify LED State  ${led_name}  ${led_state}
-Blink Fast the Heartbeat LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setBlinkFast functionality of the
-   ...               Heartbeat LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out
-   ...               whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing
-   ...               between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for
-   ...               this testcase to pass.
-   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   Set Blink Fast   heartbeat
-   \   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   heartbeat
-   \   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='On'   ${ON_VALUE + 1}   ${ON_VALUE}
-   \   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='Off'   ${OFF_VALUE + 1}   ${OFF_VALUE}
-   should be true   ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE}
+Verify LED State
+    [Documentation]  Checks if LED is in given state.
+    [Arguments]  ${led_name}  ${led_state}
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # led_name     System LED name (e.g. heartbeat, identify, beep).
+    # led_state    LED state to be verified (e.g. On, Off).
-Blink Slow the Heartbeat LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setBlinkSlow functionality of the
-   ...               Heartbeat LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out
-   ...               whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing
-   ...               between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for
-   ...               this testcase to pass.
-   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   Set Blink Slow   heartbeat
-   \   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   heartbeat
-   \   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='On'   ${ON_VALUE + 1}   ${ON_VALUE}
-   \   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='Off'   ${OFF_VALUE + 1}   ${OFF_VALUE}
-   should be true   ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE}
-Turn ON the Identify LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setOn functionality of the
-   ...               Identify LED. The LED state is read again to check if
-   ...               the LED is in ON state.
-   Set On   identify
-   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   identify
-   should be equal as strings   ${ledstate}   On
-Turn OFF the Identify LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setOff functionality of the
-   ...               Identify LED. The LED state is read again to check if
-   ...               the LED is in OFF state.
-   Set Off   identify
-   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   identify
-   should be equal as strings   ${ledstate}   Off
-Blink Fast the Identify LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setBlinkFast functionality of the
-   ...               Identify LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out
-   ...               whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing
-   ...               between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for
-   ...               this testcase to pass.
-   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   Set Blink Fast   identify
-   \   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   identify
-   \   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='On'   ${ON_VALUE + 1}   ${ON_VALUE}
-   \   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='Off'   ${OFF_VALUE + 1}   ${OFF_VALUE}
-   should be true   ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE}
-Blink Slow the Identify LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setBlinkSlow functionality of the
-   ...               Identify LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out
-   ...               whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing
-   ...               between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for
-   ...               this testcase to pass.
-   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   Set Blink Slow   identify
-   \   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   identify
-   \   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='On'   ${ON_VALUE + 1}   ${ON_VALUE}
-   \   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='Off'   ${OFF_VALUE + 1}   ${OFF_VALUE}
-   should be true   ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE}
-Turn ON the Beep LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setOn functionality of the
-   ...               Beep LED. The LED state is read again to check if
-   ...               the LED is in ON state.
-   Set On   beep
-   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   beep
-   should be equal as strings   ${ledstate}   On
-Turn OFF the Beep LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setOff functionality of the
-   ...               Beep LED. The LED state is read again to check if
-   ...               the LED is in OFF state.
-   Set Off   beep
-   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   beep
-   should be equal as strings   ${ledstate}   Off
-Blink Fast the Beep LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setBlinkFast functionality of the
-   ...               Beep LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out
-   ...               whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing
-   ...               between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for
-   ...               this testcase to pass.
-   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{EMPTY}
-   Set Blink Fast   beep
-   \   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   beep
-   \   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='On'   ${ON_VALUE + 1}   ${ON_VALUE}
-   \   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='Off'   ${OFF_VALUE + 1}   ${OFF_VALUE}
-   should be true   ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE}
-Blink Slow the Beep LED
-   [Documentation]   This testcase is to test the setBlinkSlow functionality of the
-   ...               Beep LED. The LED state is sampled to figure out
-   ...               whether the LED is blinking. There is no distinguishing
-   ...               between whether the LED is blinking fast or slow for
-   ...               this testcase to pass.
-   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable   ${0}
-   Set Blink Slow   beep
-   \   ${ledstate}=   Get LED State   beep
-   \   ${ON_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='On'   ${ON_VALUE + 1}   ${ON_VALUE}
-   \   ${OFF_VALUE}=   Set Variable If   '${ledstate}'=='Off'   ${OFF_VALUE + 1}   ${OFF_VALUE}
-   should be true   ${ON_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE} and ${OFF_VALUE} > ${MIN_TOGGLE_VALUE}
-Get LED State
-   [Arguments]    ${args}
-   ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{EMPTY}
-   ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request   ${LED_CONTROL}${args}/action/GetLedState   data=${data}
-   should be equal as strings   ${resp.status_code}   ${HTTP_OK}
-   ${json}=   to json   ${resp.content}
-   [Return]    ${json['data'][1]}
-Set On
-   [Arguments]    ${args}
-   ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{EMPTY}
-   ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request   ${LED_CONTROL}${args}/action/setOn   data=${data}
-   should be equal as strings   ${resp.status_code}   ${HTTP_OK}
-   ${json}=   to json   ${resp.content}
-   should be equal as integers   ${json['data']}   0
-Set Off
-   [Arguments]    ${args}
-   ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{EMPTY}
-   ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request   ${LED_CONTROL}${args}/action/setOff   data=${data}
-   should be equal as strings   ${resp.status_code}   ${HTTP_OK}
-   ${json}=   to json   ${resp.content}
-   should be equal as integers   ${json['data']}   0
-Set Blink Fast
-   [Arguments]    ${args}
-   ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{EMPTY}
-   ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request   ${LED_CONTROL}${args}/action/setBlinkFast   data=${data}
-   should be equal as strings   ${resp.status_code}   ${HTTP_OK}
-   ${json}=   to json   ${resp.content}
-   should be equal as integers   ${json['data']}   0
-Set Blink Slow
-   [Arguments]    ${args}
-   ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{EMPTY}
-   ${resp}=   OpenBMC Post Request   ${LED_CONTROL}${args}/action/setBlinkSlow   data=${data}
-   should be equal as strings   ${resp.status_code}   ${HTTP_OK}
-   ${json}=   to json   ${resp.content}
-   should be equal as integers   ${json['data']}   0
+    ${state}=  Get System LED State  ${led_name}
+    Should Be Equal  ${state}  ${led_state}