Added test to verify NTP server field

        - Added Verify_NTP_Server_Input_Fields_From_Date_And_Time_Page

Change-Id: Ib97c785c196a78080551807ddb0319da144a7594
Signed-off-by: Sushma M M <>
Signed-off-by: Ashwini Chandrappa <>
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/server_config/test_date_time_settings_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/server_config/test_date_time_settings_sub_menu.robot
index 008d04a..8c5fded 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/server_config/test_date_time_settings_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/server_config/test_date_time_settings_sub_menu.robot
@@ -91,6 +91,23 @@
     Page Should Contain  ${redfish_time}
+Verify NTP Server Input Fields In Date And Time Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify NTP server input fields in date and time page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_NTP_Server_Input_Fields_In_Date_And_Time_Page
+    Redfish.Patch  ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI}
+    ...  body={'NTP':{'NTPServers': ['', '', '']}}
+    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NO_CONTENT}]
+    # Refresh the NTP Page.
+    Click Element  ${xpath_refresh_button}
+    Wait Until Page Contains Element  ${xpath_select_ntp}  timeout=10s
+    Textfield Value Should Be  ${xpath_ntp_server1}
+    Textfield Value Should Be  ${xpath_ntp_server2}
+    Textfield Value Should Be  ${xpath_ntp_server3}
 *** Keywords ***
 Suite Setup Execution
@@ -105,3 +122,5 @@
     Click Element  ${xpath_server_configuration}
     Click Element  ${xpath_date_time_settings_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  date-time-settings