New file.

This file contains variable manipulation functions like
create_var_dict, join_dict and split_to_dict.

Change-Id: I14e21e1f91c3a5a5ea6929eaec2a1d88ae38e583
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <>
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3063483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Define variable manipulation functions.
+import os
+    from robot.utils import DotDict
+except ImportError:
+    pass
+import collections
+import gen_print as gp
+import gen_misc as gm
+def create_var_dict(*args):
+    r"""
+    Create a dictionary whose keys/values are the arg names/arg values passed
+    to it and return it to the caller.
+    Note: The resulting dictionary will be ordered.
+    Description of argument(s):
+    *args  An unlimited number of arguments to be processed.
+    Example use:
+    first_name = 'Steve'
+    last_name = 'Smith'
+    var_dict = create_var_dict(first_name, last_name)
+    gp.print_var(var_dict)
+    The print-out of the resulting var dictionary is:
+    var_dict:
+      var_dict[first_name]:                           Steve
+      var_dict[last_name]:                            Smith
+    """
+    try:
+        result_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
+    except AttributeError:
+        result_dict = DotDict()
+    arg_num = 1
+    for arg in args:
+        arg_name = gp.get_arg_name(None, arg_num, stack_frame_ix=2)
+        result_dict[arg_name] = arg
+        arg_num += 1
+    return result_dict
+default_record_delim = ':'
+default_key_val_delim = '.'
+def join_dict(dict,
+              record_delim=default_record_delim,
+              key_val_delim=default_key_val_delim):
+    r"""
+    Join a dictionary's keys and values into a string and return the string.
+    Description of argument(s):
+    dict                            The dictionary whose keys and values are
+                                    to be joined.
+    record_delim                    The delimiter to be used to separate
+                                    dictionary pairs in the resulting string.
+    key_val_delim                   The delimiter to be used to separate keys
+                                    from values in the resulting string.
+    Example use:
+    gp.print_var(var_dict)
+    str1 = join_dict(var_dict)
+    gp.pvar(str1)
+    Program output.
+    var_dict:
+      var_dict[first_name]:                           Steve
+      var_dict[last_name]:                            Smith
+    str1:
+    first_name.Steve:last_name.Smith
+    """
+    format_str = '%s' + key_val_delim + '%s'
+    return record_delim.join([format_str % (key, value) for (key, value) in
+                             dict.items()])
+def split_to_dict(string,
+                  record_delim=default_record_delim,
+                  key_val_delim=default_key_val_delim):
+    r"""
+    Split a string into a dictionary and return it.
+    This function is the complement to join_dict.
+    Description of argument(s):
+    string                          The string to be split into a dictionary.
+                                    The string must have the proper delimiters
+                                    in it.  A string created by join_dict
+                                    would qualify.
+    record_delim                    The delimiter to be used to separate
+                                    dictionary pairs in the input string.
+    key_val_delim                   The delimiter to be used to separate
+                                    keys/values in the input string.
+    Example use:
+    gp.print_var(str1)
+    new_dict = split_to_dict(str1)
+    gp.print_var(new_dict)
+    Program output.
+    str1:
+    first_name.Steve:last_name.Smith
+    new_dict:
+      new_dict[first_name]:                           Steve
+      new_dict[last_name]:                            Smith
+    """
+    try:
+        result_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
+    except AttributeError:
+        result_dict = DotDict()
+    raw_keys_values = string.split(record_delim)
+    for key_value in raw_keys_values:
+        key_value_list = key_value.split(key_val_delim)
+        try:
+            result_dict[key_value_list[0]] = key_value_list[1]
+        except IndexError:
+            result_dict[key_value_list[0]] = ""
+    return result_dict
+def create_file_path(file_name_dict,
+                     dir_path="/tmp/",
+                     file_suffix=""):
+    r"""
+    Create a file path using the given parameters and return it.
+    Description of argument(s):
+    file_name_dict                  A dictionary with keys/values which are to
+                                    appear as part of the file name.
+    dir_path                        The dir_path that is to appear as part of
+                                    the file name.
+    file_suffix                     A suffix to be included as part of the
+                                    file name.
+    """
+    dir_path = gm.add_trailing_slash(dir_path)
+    return dir_path + join_dict(file_name_dict) + file_suffix
+def parse_file_path(file_path):
+    r"""
+    Parse a file path created by create_file_path and return the result as a
+    dictionary.
+    This function is the complement to create_file_path.
+    Description of argument(s):
+    file_path                       The file_path.
+    Example use:
+    gp.pvar(boot_results_file_path)
+    file_path_data = parse_file_path(boot_results_file_path)
+    gp.pvar(file_path_data)
+    Program output.
+    boot_results_file_path:
+    /tmp/pgm_name.obmc_boot_test:openbmc_nickname.beye6:master_pid.2039:boot_re
+    sults
+    file_path_data:
+      file_path_data[dir_path]:                       /tmp/
+      file_path_data[pgm_name]:                       obmc_boot_test
+      file_path_data[openbmc_nickname]:               beye6
+      file_path_data[master_pid]:                     2039
+      file_path_data[boot_results]:
+    """
+    try:
+        result_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
+    except AttributeError:
+        result_dict = DotDict()
+    dir_path = os.path.dirname(file_path) + os.sep
+    file_path = os.path.basename(file_path)
+    result_dict['dir_path'] = dir_path
+    result_dict.update(split_to_dict(file_path))
+    return result_dict