IPMI: Moved resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot line to the first line on settings section.

Issue Faced:
    - While running script individually if ipmi_client robot resource was not on first line
      in the settings section on the script then arguments from resource.robot are not passing
      to the keywords while framing the ipmi commands.

    - Moved resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot to the first line on settings section in few scripts.

     - Ran All The Scripts Successfully

Change-Id: I879366bf034f9cd4db7ae05b337f64b2b44362eb
Signed-off-by: ganesanb <ganesanb@ami.com>
diff --git a/ipmi/test_ipmi_sel_time.robot b/ipmi/test_ipmi_sel_time.robot
index 0265b3c..089ee70 100644
--- a/ipmi/test_ipmi_sel_time.robot
+++ b/ipmi/test_ipmi_sel_time.robot
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
 ...              Gets BMC Current Time and subtracts 1 day and compare against BMC native command (date),
 ...              Add SEL Entry for all the above scenarios and compare against BMC native command (date).
+Resource         ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
+Resource         ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
 Library          DateTime
 Library          Collections
 Library          String
 Library          ../lib/ipmi_utils.py
-Resource         ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
-Resource         ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
 Variables        ../data/ipmi_raw_cmd_table.py
 Test Setup       Test Setup Execution