Verify able to do ping and login with two interfaces Ip addresses

Change-Id: Ia3f0dfb46444a0502c39955cfa113e1e7439dabf
Signed-off-by: Anves Kumar rayankula <>
diff --git a/redfish/managers/test_multiple_interfaces.robot b/redfish/managers/test_multiple_interfaces.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..145a48f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redfish/managers/test_multiple_interfaces.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation   Test BMC multiple network interface functionalities.
+# User input BMC IP for the eth1.
+# Use can input as  -v from command line.
+Library         ../../lib/  https://${OPENBMC_HOST_1}:${HTTPS_PORT}
+...             ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}  ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}  WITH NAME  Redfish1
+Resource        ../../lib/resource.robot
+Resource        ../../lib/common_utils.robot
+Resource        ../../lib/connection_client.robot
+Resource        ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
+Resource        ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Suite Setup     Suite Setup Execution
+Test Teardown   FFDC On Test Case Fail
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify Both Interfaces BMC IP Addreeses Accessible Via SSH
+    [Documentation]  Verify both interfaces (eth0, eth1) BMC IP addresses accessible via SSH.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Both_Interfaces_BMC_IP_Addresses_Accessible_Via_SSH
+    Open Connection And Log In  ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}  ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}  host=${OPENBMC_HOST}
+    Open Connection And Log In  ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}  ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}  host=${OPENBMC_HOST_1}
+    Close All Connections
+*** Keywords ***
+Get Network Configuration Using Channel Number
+    [Documentation]  Get ethernet interface.
+    [Arguments]  ${channel_number}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # channel_number   Ethernet channel number, 1 is for eth0 and 2 is for eth1 (e.g. "1").
+    ${active_channel_config}=  Get Active Channel Config
+    ${ethernet_interface}=  Set Variable  ${active_channel_config['${channel_number}']['name']}
+    ${resp}=  Redfish.Get  ${REDFISH_NW_ETH_IFACE}${ethernet_interface}
+    @{network_configurations}=  Get From Dictionary  ${resp.dict}  IPv4StaticAddresses
+    [Return]  @{network_configurations}
+Suite Setup Execution
+    [Documentation]  Do suite setup task.
+    Valid Value  OPENBMC_HOST_1
+    # Check both interfaces are configured and reachable.
+    Ping Host  ${OPENBMC_HOST}
+    Ping Host  ${OPENBMC_HOST_1}