Added a testcase to verify system VPD data


    - Added a testcase to verify system VPD data via Redfish


    - Ran testcase successfully from openpower/vpd/test_redfish_vpd.robot

Change-Id: I50f044dd24fbb9ca48d8122d353b3504eec3c8a9
Signed-off-by: dnirmala <>
diff --git a/openpower/vpd/test_redfish_vpd.robot b/openpower/vpd/test_redfish_vpd.robot
index a587847..a12dcac 100644
--- a/openpower/vpd/test_redfish_vpd.robot
+++ b/openpower/vpd/test_redfish_vpd.robot
@@ -129,6 +129,16 @@
     Disk Backplane  Location
+Verify System VPD Data Via Redfish
+    [Documentation]  Verify system Model and SN via Redfish output.
+    [Tags]  Verify_System_VPD_Data_Via_Redfish
+    [Template]  Verify Redfish VPD Data
+    # Component     Field
+    System          Model
+    System          SerialNumber
 *** Keywords ***
 Verify Redfish VPD Data
@@ -157,6 +167,8 @@
     ...    Set Variable  /redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Assembly  Operator Panel LCD
     ...  ELSE IF  '${component}' == 'Disk Backplane'
     ...    Set Variable  /redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Assembly  NVMe Backplane
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${component}' == 'System'
+    ...    Set Variable  /redfish/v1/Systems/system  System
     ${resp}=  Run Keyword If  '${redfish_component_uri}' == '/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Assembly'
     ...  Get Assembly Component VPD  ${redfish_component_name}
@@ -179,12 +191,17 @@
     ...  '${component}' == 'OP Panel'  /system/chassis/motherboard/dasd_backplane/panel0
     ...  '${component}' == 'OP Panel LCD'  /system/chassis/motherboard/dasd_backplane/panel1
     ...  '${component}' == 'Disk Backplane'  /system/chassis/motherboard/dasd_backplane
+    ...  '${component}' == 'System'  /system
     ${vpd_records}=  Vpdtool  -o -O ${vpd_component}
     Run Keyword if  '${field}' == 'Location'
     ...    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp["Location"]["PartLocation"]["ServiceLabel"]}
     ...    ${vpd_records['${vpd_component}']['${vpd_field}']}
+    # Check whether the vpd details from redfish and vpdtool are the same.
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${component}' == 'System'
+    ...    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp["${field}"]}  ${vpd_records['${vpd_component}']['${field}']}
     ...  ELSE
     ...    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp["${field}"]}  ${vpd_records['${vpd_component}']['${vpd_field}']}