Add OPAL Terminate Immeadiate boot test

   - Added new keyword for OPAL TI.
   - Changes in boot table JSON file.

Signed-off-by: Michael Shepos <>
Change-Id: I4bb26f18f6ed6d1722ea79f4b95b69bbd27dd94b
Signed-off-by: George Keishing <>
diff --git a/lib/open_power_utils.robot b/lib/open_power_utils.robot
index d936379..5274534 100644
--- a/lib/open_power_utils.robot
+++ b/lib/open_power_utils.robot
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 Variables      ../data/
 Resource       ../lib/utils.robot
+Resource       ../lib/connection_client.robot
 *** Keywords ***
@@ -169,3 +170,28 @@
     ${resp}=  Read Properties  ${OPENPOWER_CONTROL}gard/enumerate
     Log Dictionary  ${resp}
     Should Be Empty  ${resp}  msg=Found gard records.
+Inject OPAL TI
+    [Documentation]  OPAL terminate immediate procedure.
+    [Arguments]      ${stable_branch}=master
+    ...              ${repo_dir_path}=${EXECDIR}/repository
+    ...              ${repo_github_url}=
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # stable_branch    Git branch to clone. (default: master)
+    # repo_dir_path    Directory path for repo tool (e.g. "op-test").
+    # repo_github_url  Github URL link (e.g. "").
+    ${value}=  Generate Random String  4  [NUMBERS]
+    ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  git clone --branch ${stable_branch} ${repo_github_url} ${repo_dir_path}/${value}
+    Shell Cmd  ${cmd_buf}
+    Open Connection for SCP
+    scp.Put File  ${repo_dir_path}/${value}/test_binaries/deadbeef  /tmp
+    Pdbg  -a putmem 0x300000f8 < /tmp/deadbeef
+    # Clean up the repo once done.
+    ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  rm -rf ${repo_dir_path}${/}${value}
+    Shell Cmd  ${cmd_buf}