Added 5 test cases to Local user management page under access control

Signed-off-by: Anusha Dathatri <>
Change-Id: Ia427723e2c66fe92ec18942761bd0f7c927d8937
diff --git a/gui/data/ b/gui/data/
index 0cd005c..3eb83a9 100644
--- a/gui/data/
+++ b/gui/data/
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
     xpath_select_server_health = "//a[@href='#/server-health/event-log']"
     xpath_select_server_led = "//a[@href='#/server-control/server-led']"
     xpath_select_date_time_settings = "//a[@href='#/configuration/date-time']"
+    xpath_select_local_users = "//a[@href='#/access-control/local-users']"
     # GUI header elements locators.
     xpath_select_server_power = "//a[@href='#/server-control/power-operations']"
diff --git a/gui/test/access_control/test_obmc_gui_local_users.robot b/gui/test/access_control/test_obmc_gui_local_users.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3a0db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui/test/access_control/test_obmc_gui_local_users.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Local users" sub-menu of "Access control".
+Resource        ../../lib/resource.robot
+Suite Setup     Launch Browser And Login OpenBMC GUI
+Suite Teardown  Close Browser
+Test Setup      Test Setup Execution
+Force Tags      Manage_User
+*** Variables ***
+${xpath_select_user}              //input[contains(@class,"bmc-table__checkbox-input")]
+${xpath_edit_user}                //button[@aria-label="Edit"]
+${xpath_delete_user}              //button[@aria-label="Delete"]
+${xpath_account_policy}           //button[text()[contains(.,"Account policy settings")]]
+${xpath_add_user}                 //button[text()[contains(.,"Add user")]]
+${xpath_enable_user}              //label[text()[contains(.,"Enabled")]]
+${xpath_disable_user}             //label[text()[contains(.,"Disabled")]]
+${xpath_input_user}               //input[@id="username"]
+${xpath_select_privilege}         //select[@id="privilege"]
+${xpath_input_password}           //input[@id="password"]
+${xpath_confirm_password}         //input[@id="passwordConfirm"]
+${xpath_remove_button}            //button[text()[contains(.,"Remove")]]
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify Existence Of All Sections In Local User Management Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in local user management page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Local_User_Management_Page
+    Page should contain  View privilege role descriptions
+Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Local User Management Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all buttons in local user management page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Local_User_Management_Page
+    Page should contain Button  ${xpath_account_policy}
+    Page should contain Button  ${xpath_add_user}
+    Page Should Contain Button  ${xpath_edit_user}
+    Page Should Contain Button  ${xpath_delete_user}
+Verify Existence Of All Input Boxes In Local User Management Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all input boxes in local user management page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Input_Boxes_In_Local_User_Management_Page
+    Page Should Contain Checkbox  ${xpath_select_user}
+Add User And Verify
+    [Documentation]  Add user and verify.
+    [Tags]  Add_User_And_Verify
+    # Confirm same user does not exist.
+    Delete User  testUser1
+    Add User  testUser1  testUserPwd1  Administrator
+    Test Login  testUser1  testUserPwd1
+Delete User And Verify
+    [Documentation]  Delete user and verify.
+    [Tags]  Delete_User_And_Verify
+    # Confirm same user does not exist.
+    Delete User  testUser2
+    Add User  testUser2  testUserPwd2  Callback
+    Delete User  testUser2
+    Click Element  ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
+    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
+    Page Should Not Contain  testUser2
+    Test Login  testUser2  testUserPwd2  ${False}
+*** Keywords ***
+Test Setup Execution
+    [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
+    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_select_access_control}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_select_local_users}
+    Wait Until Page Contains  Local user management
+Add User
+   [Documentation]  Create user.
+   [Arguments]  ${username}  ${password}  ${privilege}=Administrator
+   ...  ${account_status}=Enabled
+   # Description of argument(s):
+   # username   Name of the user to be created.
+   # password   New user password.
+   # privilege  User privilege.
+   # account_status  Enable or disable new user.
+   Click Element  ${xpath_add_user}
+   Add User Details  ${username}  ${password}  ${privilege}  ${account_status}
+Add User Details
+   [Documentation]  Add new user details.
+   [Arguments]  ${username}  ${password}  ${privilege}  ${account_status}
+   # Description of argument(s):
+   # username   User name.
+   # password   User password.
+   # privilege  User privilege.
+   # account_status  Enable or disable user.
+   Run Keyword If  '${account_status}' == 'Enabled'
+   ...  Click Element  ${xpath_enable_user}
+   ...  ELSE  Click Element  ${xpath_disable_user}
+   Input Text  ${xpath_input_user}  ${username}
+   Input Password  ${xpath_input_password}  ${password}
+   Input Password  ${xpath_confirm_password}  ${password}
+   Select User Privilege  ${privilege}
+   Click Element  ${xpath_add_user}
+Select User Privilege
+   [Documentation]  Select user privilege.
+   [Arguments]  ${privilege}=Administrator
+   # Description of argument(s):
+   # privilege  User privilege.
+   Click Element  ${xpath_select_privilege}
+   Click Element  //option[text()[contains(.,"${privilege}")]]
+Delete User
+   [Documentation]  Delete user.
+   [Arguments]  ${username}
+   # Description of argument(s):
+   # username   Name of the user to be created.
+   ${result}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Page Should Contain  ${username}
+   Run Keyword If  '${result}' == '${True}'
+   ...  Run Keywords  Click Element  //*[text()="${username}"]//following::td[3]//button[@aria-label="Delete"]
+   ...  AND  Click Element  ${xpath_remove_button}
+   ...  ELSE  Log  User does not exist
+Test Login
+   [Documentation]  Try to login to Openbmc.
+   [Arguments]  ${username}  ${password}  ${expected_result}=${True}
+   # Description of argument(s):
+   # username   Username.
+   # password   User password.
+   # expected_result  Result of the test.
+    Open Browser  ${obmc_gui_url}  alias=2
+    Switch Browser  2
+    ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Login OpenBMC GUI  ${username}  ${password}
+    Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${expected_result}  Login expectation was not met
+    Run Keyword If  '${status}' == '${True}'
+    ...  LogOut OpenBMC GUI
+    ...  ELSE  Page Should Contain  Invalid username or password
+    Close Browser
+    Switch Browser  1
diff --git a/gui/test/access_control/test_obmc_gui_manage_user.robot b/gui/test/access_control/test_obmc_gui_manage_user.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fcb24a..0000000
--- a/gui/test/access_control/test_obmc_gui_manage_user.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Manage user account" sub-menu  of
-...            "Users".
-Resource        ../../lib/resource.robot
-Test Setup      Test Setup Execution
-Test Teardown   Close Browser
-Force Tags      Manage_User
-*** Variables ***
-${xpath_input_username}               //input[@name='UserName']
-${xpath_input_password}               //input[@name='Password']
-${xpath_input_retype_password}        //input[@name='VerifyPassword']
-${xpath_input_user_role}              //select[@id='role']
-${xpath_input_enabled_checkbox}       //label[@for="user-manage__enabled"]
-${xpath_input_lockout_time}           //input[@id='lockoutTime']
-${xpath_input_failed_login_attempts}  //input[@id='lockoutThreshold']
-${xpath_select_manage_users}          //a[contains(text(), "Manage user account")]
-${xpath_select_users}                 //button[contains(@class, "users")]
-${xpath_save_setting_button}          //button[text() ="Save settings"]
-${xpath_create_user_button}           //button[text() ="Create user"]
-${xpath_edit_button}                  //button[text() ="Edit"]
-${xpath_delete_button}                //button[text() ="Delete"]
-${label}                              //label[@class="control-check"]
-${xpath_edit_save_button}             //*[@id="user-accounts"]/form/section/div[7]/button[2]
-&{user_password}                      testUser1=testUserPwd1  root=0penBmc
-&{action_msg_relation}                add=User has been created successfully
-                  ...                 modify=User has been updated successfully
-                  ...                 add_dup=Username exists
-&{user_invalid_password}              root=rootPwd1
-${max_num_users}                      ${15}
-${xpath_table_base}                   //*[@id="user-accounts"]/div[4]/div[2]
-&{user_table_column_xpath_mapping}    Username=/div[1]
-                              ...     Enabled=/div[2]
-                              ...     Role=/div[3]
-                              ...     Edit=/div[5]/button[1]
-                              ...     Delete=/div[5]/button[2]
-*** Test Cases ***
-Verify Existence Of All Section In User Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in user page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Section_In_User_Page
-    Page should contain  User account properties
-    Page should contain  User account information
-    Page should contain  User account settings
-Verify Existence Of All Input Boxes In User Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all input boxes in user page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Input_Boxes_In_User_Page
-    # Input boxes under user account settings
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_input_username}
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_input_password}
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_input_retype_password}
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_input_user_role}
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_input_enabled_checkbox}
-    # Input boxes under user account properties
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_input_lockout_time}
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_input_failed_login_attempts}
-Verify Existence Of All Button In User Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all button in user page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Button_In_User_Page
-    # Buttons under user account properties
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_save_setting_button}
-    # Buttons under user account settings
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_create_user_button}
-    # Buttons under user account properties
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_edit_button}
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_delete_button}
-Verify Error When Duplicate User Is Created
-    [Documentation]  Verify error when duplicate user is created.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Error_When_Duplicate_User_Is_Created
-    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Test Setup Execution  AND  Delete Given Users
-    Add Or Modify User  root  &{user_password}[root]  action=add_dup
-Delete User And Verify
-    [Documentation]  Delete user and verify.
-    [Tags]  Delete_User_And_Verify
-    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Test Setup Execution  AND  Delete Given Users
-    Add Or Modify User  testUser1  &{user_password}[testUser1]
-    Delete Given Users  delete_user=testUser1
-    Page Should Not Contain  testUser1
-Verify Invalid Password Error
-    [Documentation]  Verify the error message when user logs in with invalid password.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Invalid_Password_Error
-    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Test Setup Execution  AND  Delete Given Users
-    LogOut OpenBMC GUI
-    Login And Verify Message  root  &{user_invalid_password}[root]  Invalid username or password
-Edit And Verify User Property
-    [Documentation]  Edit and verify the user property.
-    [Tags]  Edit_And_Verify_User_Property
-    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Test Setup Execution  AND  Delete Given Users
-    Add Or Modify User  testUser1  &{user_password}[testUser1]  User
-    Reload Page
-    Edit User Role  testUser1  &{user_password}[testUser1]  Callback
-    ${user_role}=  Get User Property Value  testUser1  Role
-    Should Be Equal  ${user_role}  Callback
-Create And Verify User Without Enabling
-    [Documentation]  Verify login failure while logging into GUI with disabled user.
-    [Tags]  Create_And_Verify_User_Without_Enabling
-    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Test Setup Execution  AND  Delete Given Users
-    Add Or Modify User  testUser1  &{user_password}[testUser1]  role=User  enabled=False
-    LogOut OpenBMC GUI
-    Login And Verify Message  testUser1  &{user_password}[testUser1]  Invalid username or password
-*** Keywords ***
-Test Setup Execution
-    [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Launch Browser And Login OpenBMC GUI
-    Click Button  ${xpath_select_users}
-    Sleep  2s
-    Wait Until Page Contains Element  ${xpath_select_manage_users}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_select_manage_users}
-    Wait Until Page Contains  User account information
-Add Or Modify User
-   [Documentation]  Create or edit user.
-   [Arguments]  ${username}  ${password}  ${role}=Administrator  ${enabled}=${True}
-   ...          ${action}=add
-   # Description of argument(s):
-   # username  Name of the user to be created.
-   # role      Role of the new user.
-   # enabled   If True, User is enabled (Default), False, User is disabled.
-   # action    add - Creates a new user.
-   #           modify - Edits an existing user.
-   #           add_dup - Tries to add a duplicate user and verifies the error message.
-   Run Keyword If  '${action}' == 'add' or '${action}' == 'add_dup'
-              ...  Input Text  ${xpath_input_username}  ${username}
-   Input Password  ${xpath_input_password}  ${password}
-   Input Password  ${xpath_input_retype_password}  ${password}
-   Select From List By Value  ${xpath_input_user_role}  ${role}
-   Run Keyword If  '${enabled}' == 'True'  Click Element  ${xpath_input_enabled_checkbox}
-   Run Keyword If  '${action}' == 'modify'
-   ...  Click Button  ${xpath_edit_save_button}
-   ...  ELSE  Click Button  ${xpath_create_user_button}
-   Capture Page Screenshot
-   Page Should Contain  &{action_msg_relation}[${action}]
-Delete Given Users
-   [Documentation]  Delete given users.
-   [Arguments]  ${delete_user}=nonRoot
-   # Description of argument(s):
-   # delete_user  values - nonRoot/username
-   #              If nonRoot - Deletes all non-root users,
-   #                 username - Deletes the given user.
-   Wait Until Page Contains  root
-   Run Keyword If  '${delete_user}' != 'nonRoot'  Page Should Contain  ${delete_user}
-   # Row id that gets deleted in every iteration.
-   ${deleting_row_id}=  Set Variable  1
-   :FOR  ${row}  IN RANGE  1  ${max_num_users+1}
-   \    ${xpath_user}=  Get Xpath For User Table Attribute  Username  ${row}
-   \    ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_user}
-   \    Exit For Loop If  '${status}' == 'False'
-   \    ${user}=  Get Text  ${xpath_user}
-   \    ${deleting_row_id}  Set Variable If  '${user}' == 'root' or '${deleting_row_id}' == '2'
-   \    ...    2  1
-   \    Continue For Loop If  '${user}' == 'root'
-   \    ${xpath_delete_user}  Run Keyword If  '${user}' == '${delete_user}' or '${delete_user}' == 'nonRoot'
-   \    ...    Get Xpath For User Table Attribute  Delete  ${deleting_row_id}
-   \    Run Keyword If  '${user}' == '${delete_user}' or '${delete_user}' == 'nonRoot'
-   \    ...  Run Keywords  Click Button  ${xpath_delete_user}
-   \    ...  AND  Page Should Contain  User has been deleted successfully
-   \    ...  AND  Reload Page
-   \    ...  AND  Exit For Loop If  '${user}' == '${delete_user}'
-Get User Property Value
-   [Documentation]  Return property value for the given user.
-   [Arguments]  ${username}  ${property}=Role
-   # Description of argument(s):
-   # username  BMC Username.
-   # property  User property (e.g. "Role" or "Enabled").
-   # Maximum user limit is 15. Hence iterating only 15 times.
-   :FOR  ${row_num}  IN RANGE  1  ${max_num_users+1}
-   \    ${xpath_user}=  Get Xpath For User Table Attribute  Username  ${row_num}
-   \    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_user}
-   \    ${xpath_property}=  Get Xpath For User Table Attribute  ${property}  ${row_num}
-   \    ${user}=  Get Text  ${xpath_user}
-   \    Run Keyword And Return If  '${user}' == '${username}'  Get Text  ${xpath_property}
-Login And Verify Message
-    [Documentation]  Verifies the error message displayed on screen while logging in.
-    [Arguments]  ${username}  ${password}  ${msg}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # username  BMC Username.
-    # password  BMC Password.
-    # msg       Message which is expected to be found on login page after login attempt.
-    Input Text  ${xpath_textbox_username}  ${username}
-    Input Password  ${xpath_textbox_password}  ${password}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_button_login}
-    Page Should Contain  ${msg}
-Edit User Role
-   [Documentation]  Change the role of user to the given value.
-   [Arguments]  ${username}  ${password}  ${user_role}
-   # Description of argument(s):
-   # username   BMC Username.
-   # password   BMC Password.
-   # user_role  The user role to be assigned ("Administrator", "User", "Operator", "Callback").
-   # Maximum user limit is 15. Hence iterating only 15 times.
-   :FOR  ${row_num}  IN RANGE  1  ${max_num_users+1}
-   \    ${xpath_user}=  Get Xpath For User Table Attribute  Username  ${row_num}
-   \    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_user}
-   \    ${xpath_edit_user}=  Get Xpath For User Table Attribute  Edit  ${row_num}
-   \    ${user}=  Get Text  ${xpath_user}
-   \    Run Keyword If  '${user}' == '${username}'  Run Keywords  Click Element  ${xpath_edit_user}
-   \    ...    AND  Add Or Modify user  ${username}  ${password}  ${user_role}  action=modify
-   \    ...    AND  Exit For Loop
-Get Xpath For User Table Attribute
-   [Documentation]  Get xpath for given user table attribute.
-   [Arguments]  ${attribute}  ${row_num}
-   # Description of argument(s):
-   # attribute  User table attribute ("Username", "Enabled", "Role", "Edit", "Delete").
-   # row_num    Row number.
-   [Return]  ${xpath_table_base}/div[${row_num}]&{user_table_column_xpath_mapping}[${attribute}]