Support to delete SNMP configuration

    - Added new keyword to delete SNMP manager and verify.

Signed-off-by: Prashanth Katti <>
Change-Id: Id62059b0b0586a776fd19e411eb9ca2f56004846
diff --git a/lib/snmp/redfish_snmp_utils.robot b/lib/snmp/redfish_snmp_utils.robot
index b1b90b2..66ffad7 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/redfish_snmp_utils.robot
+++ b/lib/snmp/redfish_snmp_utils.robot
@@ -115,3 +115,52 @@
     @{snmp_mgr_uris}=  Redfish.Get Members List  ${subscription_uri}  filter=snmp
     [Return]  ${snmp_mgr_uris}
+Delete SNMP Manager Via Redfish
+    [Documentation]  Delete SNMP manager.
+    [Arguments]  ${snmp_mgr_ip}  ${snmp_port}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # snmp_mgr_ip  SNMP manager IP.
+    # snmp_port    Network port where SNMP manager is listening.
+    ${is_snmp_found}=  Set Variable  ${False}
+    ${snmp_ip_port}=  Catenate  ${snmp_mgr_ip}:${snmp_port}
+    # Get the list of SNMP manager URIs.
+    @{snmp_mgr_uris}=  Get SNMP Child URIs
+    # Find the SNMP manager URI that has IP and port configured.
+    FOR  ${snmp_mgr_uri}  IN  @{snmp_mgr_uris}
+      # Sample output:
+      # {
+      #  "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp1",
+      #  "@odata.type": "#EventDestination.v1_7_0.EventDestination",
+      #  "Context": "",
+      #  "Destination": "snmp://xx.xx.xx.xx:162",
+      #  "EventFormatType": "Event",
+      #  "Id": "snmp1",
+      #  "Name": "Event Destination snmp1",
+      #  "Protocol": "SNMPv2c",
+      #  "SubscriptionType": "SNMPTrap"
+      # Find the SNMP manager that has matching destination details.
+      ${snmp_mgr}=  Redfish.Get Attribute  ${snmp_mgr_uri}  Destination
+      # Delete the SNMP manager if the requested IP & ports are found
+      # and mark is_snmp_found to true.
+      Run Keyword If  'snmp://${snmp_ip_port}' == '${snmp_mgr}'
+      ...  Run Keywords  Set Local Variable  ${is_snmp_found}  ${True}
+      ...  AND  Redfish.Delete  ${snmp_mgr_uri}
+      ...  AND  Exit For Loop
+    END
+    Pass Execution If  ${is_snmp_found} == ${False}
+    ...  SNMP Manager: ${snmp_mgr_ip}:${snmp_port} is not configured on BMC
+    # Check if the SNMP manager is really deleted from BMC.
+    ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status
+    ...  Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC  ${snmp_mgr_ip}  ${snmp_port}
+    Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${False}  msg=SNMP manager is not deleted in the backend.
diff --git a/redfish/events/test_bmc_snmp_trap.robot b/redfish/events/test_bmc_snmp_trap.robot
index 9def59e..6946b80 100644
--- a/redfish/events/test_bmc_snmp_trap.robot
+++ b/redfish/events/test_bmc_snmp_trap.robot
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 Configure SNMP Manager On BMC And Verify
     [Documentation]  Configure SNMP manager on BMC via Redfish and verify.
     [Tags]  Configure_SNMP_Manager_On_BMC_And_Verify
+    [Teardown]  Delete SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR1_IP}  ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT}
     Configure SNMP Manager Via Redfish  ${SNMP_MGR1_IP}  ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT}  ${HTTP_CREATED}