Security scanning using Nessus tool

This change addresses the following
  -Network & port scanning
  -Vulnerability scanning

Change-Id: I33c1e02b75880441a89b31c5f1998196164ef6ad
Signed-off-by: prkatti1 <>
diff --git a/gui/tests/test_security_scanning.robot b/gui/tests/test_security_scanning.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857222e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui/tests/test_security_scanning.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+*** Settings ***


+Documentation  Run security and vulnerability scan.


+Library  XML

+Library  String

+Library  Collections

+Library  DateTime


+Test Setup  Security Setup


+Resource  ../lib/utils.robot


+*** Test Cases ***


+Security Scan

+    [Documentation]  Run nessus network and vulnerability scan.

+    [Tags]  Security_Scan

+    Log  ${NESSUS_URL}

+    Open Browser with URL  ${NESSUS_URL}

+    Login to GUI  ${NESSUS_URL}  ${xpath_uname}  ${username}

+    ...  ${xpath_password}  ${password}  ${xpath_signin}  ${nessus_logo}

+    Select Full Scan

+    Start Scan


+*** Keywords ***


+Security Setup

+    [Documentation]  Break firewall and generate URL.

+    # Nessus Username, password and IP details are expected by program

+    # and should be given as command line parameters.


+    ${NESSUS_URL}=  Set Variable  https://${NESSUS_HOST}:8834/nessus6.html

+    Set Suite Variable  ${NESSUS_URL}


+Select Full Scan

+    [Documentation]  Search OP full scan.

+    Input Text  ${xpath_search}  ${scan_name}

+    Capture Page Screenshot

+    Click Element  ${xpath_op_scan}


+Start Scan

+    [Documentation]  Start Nessus scan.

+    Click Element  ${xpath_launch}

+    Click Element  ${xpath_default}

+    Wait Until Page Contains  running  error=Scanning not started.

+    Capture Page Screenshot