
- Created new
- Added link from to
- Made minor corrections to

Change-Id: I14ff0b5c2542a07c8fbe1b12db186e2c604330dd
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <>
diff --git a/ b/
index fc02e85..18b556d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,11 +8,21 @@
 -   Reference [OpenBMC CLA signers](
 -   Reference [OpenBMC docs](
+- [Redfish Coding Guidelines](docs/
 Robot Coding Guidelines
 -   For this project, we will write Robot keyword definitions in either Robot
     or Python.  Robot code should be quite simple.  Therefore, if the algorithm
     in question is the least bit complex, please write it in Python.
+    See the following for support on writing most keywords in python.
+      - [Quit Writing Ugly Robot Code](
+      - [Robot Dos and Don'ts](
 -   Observe a maximum line length of 110 characters.
 -   Avoid trailing space at the end of any line of Robot code.
 -   Avoid the use of tabs.
@@ -44,7 +54,7 @@
       ...    Run Keywords  Key1  parms
       ...    AND  Key2  parms
--   Use spaces to make conditions more readable:
+-   Use single spaces to make conditions more readable:
     Correct example:
@@ -79,7 +89,7 @@
         # This keyword name is incorrect because of 1) a failure to
-        # separate words with spaces and 2) a failure to capitalize
+        # separate words with single spaces and 2) a failure to capitalize
         # each word in the keyword.
     BMC Is An Acronym
@@ -148,14 +158,25 @@
         Get URL List
             [Documentation]  Return list of URLs under given URL.
-            [Arguments]  ${openbmc_url}  ${policy}
+            [Arguments]  ${openbmc_url}  ${policy}   ${verify}
             # Description of argument(s):
             # openbmc_url  URL for list operation (e.g.
             #              "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory").
             # policy       Power restore policy (e.g "RESTORE_LAST_STATE",
-            #              ${RESTORE_LAST_STATE}).
+            #              ${RESTORE_LAST_STATE}, etc.).
+            # verify       Verify the results (${TRUE}/${FALSE}).
+        Additional rules for example text in descriptions:
+        - Put parentheses around your examples.  Leave one space prior to the
+          left parenthesis.
+        - Use "e.g." (which effectively means "for example") to set introduce
+          your examples.
+        - Quote string examples.
+        - Include ", etc." after multiple examples.
+        - For cases where you're providing an complete list of possible values
+          (${TRUE}/${FALSE} or "PASS"/"FAIL"), do NOT use "e.g." and do NOT
+          use "etc.".  Separate such values with a slash.
 -   Variable assignments:
     When assigning a variable as output from a keyword, do not precede the
@@ -173,7 +194,7 @@
     ${var1} =  My Keyword
 -   General variable naming conventions:
-    -   Variable names should be lower case with few exceptions:
+    -   Variable names should be lower case with few exceptions (listed here):
         -   Environment variables should be all upper case.
         -   Variables intended to be set by Robot -v parameters may be all
             upper case.
@@ -189,6 +210,55 @@
+    -   Use good judgement in choosing variable names that are neither way too
+        short nor way too long.
+        Correct examples:
+        ```
+        ${host_name}
+        ${program_pid}
+        ```
+        Incorrect examples:
+        ```
+        ${HostName}
+        ${ProgramPid}
+        ```
+    -   Avoid having the variable's type as a suffix portion of the name:
+        Incorrect examples:
+        ```
+        ${inventory_dict}
+        ${led_list}
+        ```
+        Incorrect examples:
+        ```
+        ${inventory}
+        # Use plural name to indicate that it is a list.
+        ${leds}
+        ```
+        A possible exception to this rule is when your keyword or function has
+        an ongoing need to refer to one piece of data in more than one format
+        (e.g. date_str, date_epoch, etc.).
+    -   Consistency of variable names:
+        Try to avoid referring to the same data entity by multiple different
+        names.  It creates a lot of confusion for the reader.
+        Incorrect example:
+        ```
+        # Why call the receiving variable rc (return code) when the keyword is
+        # supposed to return status.
+        ${rc}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Bla Bla
+        ```
+        Correct example:
+        ```
+        ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Bla Bla
+        ```
 -   Special variable naming conventions.
     For certain very commonly used kinds of variables, please observe these
@@ -197,7 +267,7 @@
     -   hosts
         When a variable is intended to contain **either** an IP address **or**
-        a host name (either long or short), please give it a suffix of "_host".
+        a host name (whether long or short), please give it a suffix of "_host".
@@ -251,7 +321,7 @@
             -   If your variable is to contain the path to a file, use a suffix of
                 _file_path.  Bear in mind that a file path can be relative or
-                absolute so that should not be a consideration in whether to use
+                absolute, so that should not be a consideration in whether to use
                 the "_file_path" suffix.
@@ -283,7 +353,7 @@
             -   If your variable is to contain the path to a directory, use a
                 suffix of _dir_path.  Bear in mind that a dir path can be
-                relative or absolute so that should not be a consideration in
+                relative or absolute, so that should not be a consideration in
                 whether to use _dir_path.
@@ -371,9 +441,11 @@
 Python Coding Guidelines
--   The minimum required Python version is 2.7.x.
--   Run pycodestyle on all Python files and correct errors to follow the guidelines in
-  Note that when python code is checked into gerrit, pycodestyle is run automatically on it.
+-   The minimum required Python version is 2.7.x.  In the very near future, we
+    will stop supporting python 2 and will require python 3.
+-   Run pycodestyle on all Python files and correct errors to follow the
+    guidelines in  Note that when
+    python code is checked into gerrit, pycodestyle is run automatically on it.
     Example as run from a Linux command line:
@@ -457,8 +529,8 @@
             # The doc string above is not phrased as a command.
-    -   Doc strings should begin with a summary line which one terse, descriptive sentence.
-        Put additional commentary below.
+    -   Doc strings should begin with a summary line which is one terse,
+        descriptive sentence.  Put additional commentary below.
         Correct example:
@@ -480,10 +552,10 @@
             fail if there is no running system console process.
-            # This doc string is way too long.
+            # This summary is way too long.
 -   General variable naming conventions:
-    -   Variable names should be lower case with few exceptions:
+    -   Variable names should be lower case with few exceptions (listed here):
         -   Environment variables should be all upper case.
     -   Words within a variable name should be separated by underscores:
@@ -559,7 +631,7 @@
         -   If your variable is to contain the path to a file, use a suffix of
             _file_path.  Bear in mind that a file path can be relative or
-            absolute so that should not be a consideration in whether to use
+            absolute, so that should not be a consideration in whether to use
             the "_file_path" suffix.
@@ -591,7 +663,7 @@
         -   If your variable is to contain the path to a directory, use a
             suffix of _dir_path.  Bear in mind that a dir path can be
-            relative or absolute so that should not be a consideration in
+            relative or absolute so, that should not be a consideration in
             whether to use _dir_path.
@@ -634,8 +706,8 @@
     -   Do not keep commented-out code in your program.  Instead, remove it
-Template Usage Guidelines
+Template Usage Requirements
 We have several templates in the templates/ sub-directory. If there is a
 template that applies to your programming situation (Python, bash, etc.),
 it should be used to create new programs as in the following example
@@ -644,25 +716,25 @@
     $ cd templates
-    $ cp python_pgm_template ../bin/
+    $ cp python_pgm_template] ../bin/
 These templates have much of your preliminary work done for you and will help
 us all follow a similar structure.
+See [python_pgm_template](templates/python_pgm_template) as an example.
 - Features:
     - Help text and arg parsing started for you.
     - Support for "stock" parameters like "quiet", "debug", "test_mode".
-    - "exit_function" and "signal_handler" defined.
-    - "validate_parms" function pre-created.
+    - "exit_function" pre-defined.
+    - "validate_parms" function pre-defined.
     - "main" function follows conventional startup sequence:
-            if not gen_get_options(parser, stock_list):
-                return False
+            gen_get_options(parser, stock_list)
-            if not validate_parms():
-                return False
+            validate_parms()
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96d82f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Redfish Coding Guidelines
+-   For robot programs wishing to run Redfish commands, include the following in
+    your robot file:
+    ```
+    *** Settings ***
+    Resource                    bmc_redfish_resource.robot
+    ```
+-   This git repository has some redfish wrapper modules:
+    -   [](../lib/
+    -   [](../lib/
+    -   [](../lib/
+    -   Redfish wrapper module features:
+        For all Redfish REST requests (get, head, post, put, patch, delete):
+        -   Support for python-like strings for all arguments which allows
+            callers to easily specify complex arguments such as lists or
+            dictionaries.
+            So instead of coding this:
+            ```
+                ${ldap_type_dict}=  Create Dictionary  ServiceEnabled=${False}
+                ${body}=  Create Dictionary  ${LDAP_TYPE}=${ldap_type_dict}
+                Redfish.Patch  ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}AccountService  body=${body}
+            ```
+            You can do it in one fell swoop like this:
+            ```
+                Redfish.Patch  ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}AccountService  body={'${LDAP_TYPE}': {'ServiceEnabled': ${False}}}
+            ```
+        -   Support for **valid_status_codes** argument and auto-failure:
+            As mentioned above, this argument may be either an actual
+            robot/python list or it may be a string value which python can
+            translate into a list.
+            The default value is [${HTTP_OK}].
+            This means that the Redfish REST request will fail
+            **automatically** if the resulting status code is not found in the
+            valid_status_codes list.
+            So instead of having to do this:
+            ```
+                ${resp}=  Redfish.Get  ${EVENT_LOG_URI}Entries
+                Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+            ```
+            You can simply do this:
+            ```
+                ${resp}=  Redfish.Get  ${EVENT_LOG_URI}Entries
+            ```
+            If, for some reason, you **expect** your command to fail, you can
+            specify the expected status code or codes:
+            ```
+            Redfish.Patch  ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}UpdateService  body={'ApplyTime' : 'Invalid'}  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}]
+            ```
+    -   Login defaults for path, username and password are
+    -   Many utility functions are available.  Examples:;
+        -   get_properties
+        -   get_attributes
+        -   get_session_info
+        -   list_request
+        -   enumerate_request
+Rules for use of Redfish.Login and Redfish.Logout
+It is desirable to avoid excessive redfish logins/logouts for the following
+-	It simplifies the code base.
+-	It allows calling keywords and testcases to keep control over login
+    paramters like USERNAME, PASSWORD, etc.  Consider the following example:
+    ```
+    # Login to redfish with non-standard username/password.
+    Redfish.Login  ${LDAP_USER}  ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD}
+    # Run 'Some Keyword' while logged in as ${LDAP_USER}/${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD}.
+    Some Keyword
+    ```
+    If 'Some Keyword' in the example above does its own Redfish.Login, it will
+    thwart the stated purpose of the caller.
+-   Login should be done once in Suite Setup:
+    ```
+    *** Keywords ***
+    Suite Setup Execution
+        Redfish.Login
+    ```
+-   Logout should be done once in Suite Teardown:
+    ```
+    *** Keywords ***
+    Suite Teardown Execution
+        Redfish.Logout
+    ```
+-   As a result of the first two rules, all keywords and testcases that call
+    upon redfish functions (e.g. Redfish.Get, Redfish.Patch, etc.) have a right
+    to expect that login/logout have already been handled.  Therefore, such
+    keywords and testcases should NOT do logins and logouts themselves.
+-   There may be exceptions to the above but they require justification (e.g. a
+    test whose purpose is to verify that it can login with an **alternate**
+    username, etc.).
+-   Any keyword or test case which breaks the above rules is responsible for
+    setting things right (i.e. back to a logged in state).