Network base test suite for verifying configuration

    - New test suite.

Added Test Cases:
    - Get IP Address And Verify
    - Get Netmask And Verify

Tested: On latest Master build.

Change-Id: Ib14db42328a9443fa21414393a693be57c788460
Signed-off-by: Prashanth Katti <>
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
index 9f0d6de..642dc13 100755
--- a/data/
+++ b/data/
@@ -143,6 +143,8 @@
 REDFISH_BASE_URI = '/redfish/v1/'
 REDFISH_SESSION = REDFISH_BASE_URI + 'SessionService/Sessions'
 REDFISH_SESSION_URI = 'SessionService/Sessions/'
+REDFISH_NW_ETH0 = 'Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0/'
 # Boot options and URI variables.
 POWER_ON = 'On'
diff --git a/redfish/managers/test_bmc_network_conf.robot b/redfish/managers/test_bmc_network_conf.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9194739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redfish/managers/test_bmc_network_conf.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation  Network interface configuration and verification
+               ...  tests.
+Resource  ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
+Resource  ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
+Resource  ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Test Setup     Test Setup Execution
+Test Teardown  Test Teardown Execution
+*** Test Cases ***
+Get IP Address And Verify
+    [Documentation]  Get IP Address And Verify.
+    [Tags]           Get_IP_Address_And_Verify
+    : FOR  ${network_configuration}  IN  @{network_configurations}
+    \  Validate IP On BMC  ${network_configuration['Address']}
+Get Netmask And Verify
+    [Documentation]  Get Netmask And Verify.
+    [Tags]           Get_Netmask_And_Verify
+    : FOR  ${network_configuration}  IN  @{network_configurations}
+    \  Validate Netmask On BMC  ${network_configuration['SubnetMask']}
+*** Keywords ***
+Test Setup Execution
+    [Documentation]  Test setup execution.
+    redfish.Login
+    @{network_configurations}=  Get Network Configuration
+    Set Test Variable  @{network_configurations}
+    # Get BMC IP address and prefix length.
+    ${ip_data}=  Get BMC IP Info
+    Set Test Variable  ${ip_data}
+Get Network Configuration
+    [Documentation]  Get network configuration.
+    # Sample output:
+    #{
+    #  "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#EthernetInterface.EthernetInterface",
+    #  "": "/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0",
+    #  "@odata.type": "#EthernetInterface.v1_2_0.EthernetInterface",
+    #  "Description": "Management Network Interface",
+    #  "IPv4Addresses": [
+    #    {
+    #      "Address": "169.254.xx.xx",
+    #      "AddressOrigin": "IPv4LinkLocal",
+    #      "Gateway": "",
+    #      "SubnetMask": ""
+    #    },
+    #    {
+    #      "Address": "xx.xx.xx.xx",
+    #      "AddressOrigin": "Static",
+    #      "Gateway": "xx.xx.xx.1",
+    #      "SubnetMask": "xx.xx.xx.xx"
+    #    }
+    #  ],
+    #  "Id": "eth0",
+    #  "MACAddress": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx",
+    #  "Name": "Manager Ethernet Interface",
+    #  "SpeedMbps": 0,
+    #  "VLAN": {
+    #    "VLANEnable": false,
+    #    "VLANId": 0
+    #  }
+    ${resp}=  redfish.Get  ${REDFISH_NW_ETH0_URI}
+    @{network_configurations}=  Get From Dictionary  ${resp.dict}  IPv4Addresses
+    [Return]  @{network_configurations}
+Validate IP On BMC
+    [Documentation]  Validate IP on BMC.
+    [Arguments]  ${ip}
+    # Description of the argument(s):
+    # ip  IP address to be verified.
+    # Get IP address details on BMC using IP command.
+    @{ip_data}=  Get BMC IP Info
+    Should Contain Match  ${ip_data}  ${ip}/*
+    ...  msg=IP address does not exist.
+Validate Netmask On BMC
+    [Documentation]  Validate netmask on BMC.
+    [Arguments]  ${netmask}
+    # Description of the argument(s):
+    # netmask  netmask value to be verified.
+    # TBD- openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#1541
+Test Teardown Execution
+    [Documentation]  Test teardown execution.
+    FFDC On Test Case Fail
+    redfish.Logout