Move keywords not using REST into new library

Move the keywords in utils.robot that do not use the REST
interface into a new library named common_utils.robot.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#1487

Change-Id: I850fbb72407ecd70b083c122666dd227c1f20033
Signed-off-by: Steven Sombar <>
diff --git a/lib/utils.robot b/lib/utils.robot
index 5847ced..b959f5e 100755
--- a/lib/utils.robot
+++ b/lib/utils.robot
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation  Utilities for Robot keywords.
+Documentation  Utilities for Robot keywords that use REST.
 Resource                ../lib/resource.txt
 Resource                ../lib/rest_client.robot
 Resource                ../lib/connection_client.robot
 Resource                ../lib/boot_utils.robot
+Resource                ../lib/common_utils.robot
 Library                 String
 Library                 DateTime
 Library                 Process
@@ -19,504 +20,23 @@
 Library                 SCPLibrary  WITH NAME  scp
 *** Variables ***
-${pflash_cmd}             /usr/sbin/pflash -r /dev/stdout -P VERSION
-...  dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=${OPENBMC_BASE_DBUS}.settings.Host
-...  ${SETTINGS_URI}host0  org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get
-${dbuscmdString}=  string:"xyz.openbmc_project.settings.Host" string:
 # Assign default value to QUIET for programs which may not define it.
 ${QUIET}  ${0}
-${bmc_mem_free_cmd}=   free | tr -s ' ' | sed '/^Mem/!d' | cut -d" " -f4
-${bmc_mem_total_cmd}=   free | tr -s ' ' | sed '/^Mem/!d' | cut -d" " -f2
-${bmc_cpu_usage_cmd}=   top -n 1  | grep CPU: | cut -c 7-9
-# /run/initramfs/ro associate filesystem  should be 100% full always
-${bmc_file_system_usage_cmd}=  df -h | cut -c 52-54 | grep 100 | wc -l
-${total_pnor_ro_file_system_cmd}=  df -h | grep /media/pnor-ro | wc -l
-${total_bmc_ro_file_system_cmd}=  df -h | grep /media/rofs | wc -l
-${BOOT_TIME}     ${0}
-${BOOT_COUNT}    ${0}
-${count}  ${0}
-${devicetree_base}  /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model
-# Initialize default debug value to 0.
-${DEBUG}         ${0}
-${probe_cpu_tool_path}     ${EXECDIR}/tools/ras/
-${scom_addrs_tool_path}    ${EXECDIR}/tools/ras/
-${target_file_path}        /root/
-${default_tarball}  ${EXECDIR}/obmc-phosphor-debug-tarball-witherspoon.tar.xz
-# These variables are used to straddle between new and old methods of setting
-# values.
 ${boot_prog_method}               ${EMPTY}
 ${power_policy_setup}             ${0}
 ${bmc_power_policy_method}        ${EMPTY}
-@{valid_power_policy_vars}        RESTORE_LAST_STATE  ALWAYS_POWER_ON
-...                               ALWAYS_POWER_OFF
 *** Keywords ***
-Check BMC Performance
-    [Documentation]  Check BMC basic CPU Mem File system performance.
-    Check BMC CPU Performance
-    Check BMC Mem Performance
-    Check BMC File System Performance
-Verify PNOR Update
-    [Documentation]  Verify that the PNOR is not corrupted.
-    # Example:
-    # FFS: Flash header not found. Code: 100
-    # Error 100 opening ffs !
-    ${stdout}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=
-    ...  BMC Execute Command  /usr/sbin/pflash -h | egrep -q skip
-    ...  ignore_err=${1}
-    ${pflash_cmd}=  Set Variable If  ${rc} == ${0}  ${pflash_cmd} --skip=4096
-    ...  ${pflash_cmd}
-    ${pnor_info}=  BMC Execute Command  ${pflash_cmd}
-    Should Not Contain Any  ${pnor_info}  Flash header not found  Error
-Get BMC System Model
-    [Documentation]  Get the BMC model from the device tree and return it.
-    ${bmc_model}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  cat ${devicetree_base} | cut -d " " -f 1  return_stderr=True
-    ...  test_mode=0
-    Should Be Empty  ${stderr}
-    Should Not Be Empty  ${bmc_model}  msg=BMC model is empty.
-    [Return]  ${bmc_model}
-Verify BMC System Model
-    [Documentation]  Verify the BMC model with ${OPENBMC_MODEL}.
-    [Arguments]  ${bmc_model}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # bmc_model System model (e.g. "witherspoon").
-    ${tmp_bmc_model}=  Fetch From Right  ${OPENBMC_MODEL}  /
-    ${tmp_bmc_model}=  Fetch From Left  ${tmp_bmc_model}  .
-    ${ret}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Should Contain  ${bmc_model}
-    ...  ${tmp_bmc_model}  ignore_case=True
-    [Return]  ${ret}
-Wait For Host To Ping
-    [Documentation]  Wait for the given host to ping.
-    [Arguments]  ${host}  ${timeout}=${OPENBMC_REBOOT_TIMEOUT}min
-    ...          ${interval}=5 sec
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # host      The host name or IP of the host to ping.
-    # timeout   The amount of time after which ping attempts cease.
-    #           This should be expressed in Robot Framework's time format
-    #           (e.g. "10 seconds").
-    # interval  The amount of time in between attempts to ping.
-    #           This should be expressed in Robot Framework's time format
-    #           (e.g. "5 seconds").
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  ${timeout}  ${interval}  Ping Host  ${host}
-Ping Host
-    [Documentation]  Ping the given host.
-    [Arguments]     ${host}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # host      The host name or IP of the host to ping.
-    Should Not Be Empty    ${host}   msg=No host provided
-    ${RC}   ${output}=     Run and return RC and Output    ping -c 4 ${host}
-    Log     RC: ${RC}\nOutput:\n${output}
-    Should be equal     ${RC}   ${0}
-Get Boot Progress
-    [Documentation]  Get the boot progress and return it.
-    [Arguments]  ${quiet}=${QUIET}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # quiet   Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
-    #         the console.
-    Set Boot Progress Method
-    ${state}=  Run Keyword If  '${boot_prog_method}' == 'New'
-    ...      New Get Boot Progress  quiet=${quiet}
-    ...  ELSE
-    ...      Old Get Boot Progress  quiet=${quiet}
-    [Return]  ${state}
-Set Boot Progress Method
-    [Documentation]  Set the boot_prog_method to either 'Old' or 'New'.
-    # The boot progress data has moved from an 'org' location to an 'xyz'
-    # location.  This keyword will determine whether the new method of getting
-    # the boot progress is valid and will set the global boot_prog_method
-    # variable accordingly.  If boot_prog_method is already set (either by a
-    # prior call to this function or via a -v parm), this keyword will simply
-    # return.
-    # Note:  There are interim builds that contain boot_progress in both the
-    # old and the new location values.  It is nearly impossible for this
-    # keyword to determine whether the old boot_progress or the new one is
-    # active.  When using such builds where the old boot_progress is active,
-    # the only recourse users will have is that they may specify
-    # -v boot_prog_method:Old to force old behavior on such builds.
-    Run Keyword If  '${boot_prog_method}' != '${EMPTY}'  Return From Keyword
-    ${new_status}  ${new_value}=  Run Keyword And Ignore Error
-    ...  New Get Boot Progress
-    # If the new style read fails, the method must necessarily be "Old".
-    Run Keyword If  '${new_status}' == 'PASS'
-    ...  Run Keywords
-    ...  Set Global Variable  ${boot_prog_method}  New  AND
-    ...  Rqpvars  boot_prog_method  AND
-    ...  Return From Keyword
-    # Default method is "Old".
-    Set Global Variable  ${boot_prog_method}  Old
-    Rqpvars  boot_prog_method
-Old Get Boot Progress
-    [Documentation]  Get the boot progress the old way (via org location).
-    [Arguments]  ${quiet}=${QUIET}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # quiet   Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
-    #         the console.
-    ${state}=  Read Attribute  ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}sensors/host/BootProgress
-    ...  value  quiet=${quiet}
-    [Return]  ${state}
-New Get Boot Progress
-    [Documentation]  Get the boot progress the new way (via xyz location).
-    [Arguments]  ${quiet}=${QUIET}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # quiet   Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
-    #         the console.
-    ${state}=  Read Attribute  ${HOST_STATE_URI}  BootProgress  quiet=${quiet}
-    [Return]  ${state.rsplit('.', 1)[1]}
-Is Power On
-    [Documentation]  Verify that the BMC chassis state is on.
-    ${state}=  Get Power State
-    Should be equal  ${state}  ${1}
-Is Power Off
-    [Documentation]  Verify that the BMC chassis state is off.
-    ${state}=  Get Power State
-    Should be equal  ${state}  ${0}
-Initiate Power On
-    [Documentation]  Initiates the power on and waits until the Is Power On
-    ...  keyword returns that the power state has switched to on.
-    [Arguments]  ${wait}=${1}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # wait   Indicates whether to wait for a powered on state after issuing
-    #        the power on command.
-    @{arglist}=   Create List
-    ${args}=     Create Dictionary    data=@{arglist}
-    ${resp}=  Call Method  ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/  powerOn
-    ...  data=${args}
-    should be equal as strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
-    # Does caller want to wait for power on status?
-    Run Keyword If  '${wait}' == '${0}'  Return From Keyword
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  3 min  10 sec  Is Power On
-Initiate Power Off
-    [Documentation]  Initiates the power off and waits until the Is Power Off
-    ...  keyword returns that the power state has switched to off.
-    @{arglist}=   Create List
-    ${args}=     Create Dictionary    data=@{arglist}
-    ${resp}=  Call Method  ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/  powerOff
-    ...  data=${args}
-    should be equal as strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  1 min  10 sec  Is Power Off
-Initiate OS Host Power Off
-    [Documentation]  Initiate an OS reboot.
-    [Arguments]  ${os_host}=${OS_HOST}  ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
-    ...          ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD}  ${hard}=${0}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # os_host      The DNS name or IP of the OS.
-    # os_username  The username to be used to sign in to the OS.
-    # os_password  The password to be used to sign in to the OS.
-    # hard         Indicates whether to do a hard vs. soft power off.
-    ${time_string}=  Run Keyword If  ${hard}  Set Variable  ${SPACE}now
-    ...  ELSE  Set Variable  ${EMPTY}
-    ${cmd_buf}=  Run Keyword If  '${os_username}' == 'root'
-    ...      Set Variable  shutdown${time_string}
-    ...  ELSE
-    ...      Set Variable  echo ${os_password} | sudo -S shutdown${time_string}
-    ${output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  OS Execute Command
-    ...  ${cmd_buf}  fork=${1}
-Initiate OS Host Reboot
-    [Documentation]  Initiate an OS reboot.
-    [Arguments]  ${os_host}=${OS_HOST}  ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
-    ...          ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # os_host      The host name or IP address of the OS.
-    # os_username  The username to be used to sign in to the OS.
-    # os_password  The password to be used to sign in to the OS.
-    ${cmd_buf}=  Run Keyword If  '${os_username}' == 'root'
-    ...      Set Variable  reboot
-    ...  ELSE
-    ...      Set Variable  echo ${os_password} | sudo -S reboot
-    ${output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  OS Execute Command
-    ...  ${cmd_buf}  fork=${1}
-Initiate Auto Reboot
-    [Documentation]  Initiate an auto reboot.
-    [Arguments]  ${milliseconds}=5000
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # milliseconds  The number of milliseconds for the watchdog timer.
-    # Set the auto reboot policy.
-    Set Auto Reboot  ${1}
-    # Set the watchdog timer.
-    Trigger Host Watchdog Error  ${milliseconds}
-Trigger Warm Reset
-    [Documentation]  Initiate a warm reset.
-    log to console    "Triggering warm reset"
-    ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{EMPTY}
-    ${resp}=  openbmc post request
-    ...  ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/bmc0/action/warmReset  data=${data}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
-    ${session_active}=   Check If warmReset is Initiated
-    Run Keyword If   '${session_active}' == '${True}'
-    ...    Fail   msg=warm reset didn't occur
-    Sleep   ${SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN_TIME}min
-    Check If BMC Is Up
-Check OS
-    [Documentation]  Attempts to ping the host OS and then checks that the host
-    ...              OS is up by running an SSH command.
-    [Arguments]  ${os_host}=${OS_HOST}  ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
-    ...          ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD}  ${quiet}=${QUIET}
-    ...          ${print_string}=${EMPTY}
-    [Teardown]  SSHLibrary.Close Connection
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # os_host           The DNS name/IP of the OS host associated with our BMC.
-    # os_username       The username to be used to sign on to the OS host.
-    # os_password       The password to be used to sign on to the OS host.
-    # quiet             Indicates whether this keyword should write to console.
-    # print_string      A string to be printed before checking the OS.
-    rprint  ${print_string}
-    # Attempt to ping the OS. Store the return code to check later.
-    ${ping_rc}=  Run Keyword and Return Status  Ping Host  ${os_host}
-    SSHLibrary.Open connection  ${os_host}
-    ${status}  ${msg}=  Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Login  ${os_username}
-    ...  ${os_password}
-    ${err_msg1}=  Sprint Error  ${msg}
-    ${err_msg}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=  \n  ${err_msg1}
-    Run Keyword If  '${status}' == 'FAIL'  Fail  msg=${err_msg}
-    ${output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  Execute Command  uptime  return_stderr=True
-    ...        return_rc=True
-    ${temp_msg}=  Catenate  Could not execute a command on the operating
-    ...  system.\n
-    ${err_msg1}=  Sprint Error  ${temp_msg}
-    ${err_msg}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=  \n  ${err_msg1}
-    # If the return code returned by "Execute Command" is non-zero, this
-    # keyword will fail.
-    Should Be Equal  ${rc}  ${0}  msg=${err_msg}
-    # We will likewise fail if there is any stderr data.
-    Should Be Empty  ${stderr}
-    ${temp_msg}=  Set Variable  Could not ping the operating system.\n
-    ${err_msg1}=  Sprint Error  ${temp_msg}
-    ${err_msg}=  Catenate  SEPARATOR=  \n  ${err_msg1}
-    # We will likewise fail if the OS did not ping, as we could SSH but not
-    # ping
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${ping_rc}  ${TRUE}  msg=${err_msg}
-Wait for OS
-    [Documentation]  Waits for the host OS to come up via calls to "Check OS".
-    [Arguments]  ${os_host}=${OS_HOST}  ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
-    ...          ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD}  ${timeout}=${OS_WAIT_TIMEOUT}
-    ...          ${quiet}=${0}
-    [Teardown]  rprintn
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # os_host           The DNS name or IP of the OS host associated with our
-    #                   BMC.
-    # os_username       The username to be used to sign on to the OS host.
-    # os_password       The password to be used to sign on to the OS host.
-    # timeout           The timeout in seconds indicating how long you're
-    #                   willing to wait for the OS to respond.
-    # quiet             Indicates whether this keyword should write to console.
-    # The interval to be used between calls to "Check OS".
-    ${interval}=  Set Variable  5
-    ${message}=  Catenate  Checking every ${interval} seconds for up to
-    ...  ${timeout} seconds for the operating system to communicate.
-    rqprint_timen  ${message}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  ${timeout} sec  ${interval}  Check OS
-    ...                          ${os_host}  ${os_username}  ${os_password}
-    ...                          print_string=\#
-    rqprintn
-    rqprint_timen  The operating system is now communicating.
-Get Power State
-    [Documentation]  Returns the power state as an integer. Either 0 or 1.
-    [Arguments]  ${quiet}=${QUIET}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # quiet   Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
-    #         the console.
-    @{arglist}=  Create List
-    ${args}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{arglist}
-    ${resp}=  Call Method  ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/  getPowerState
-    ...        data=${args}  quiet=${quiet}
-    Should be equal as strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
-    ${content}=  to json  ${resp.content}
-    [Return]  ${content["data"]}
-Clear BMC Gard Record
-    [Documentation]  Clear gard records from the system.
-    @{arglist}=  Create List
-    ${args}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{arglist}
-    ${resp}=  Call Method
-    ...  ${OPENPOWER_CONTROL}gard  Reset  data=${args}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
-Copy PNOR to BMC
-    [Documentation]  Copy the PNOR image to the BMC.
-    Import Library      SCPLibrary      WITH NAME       scp
-    Open Connection for SCP
-    Log    Copying ${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH} to /tmp
-    scp.Put File    ${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH}   /tmp
-Flash PNOR
-    [Documentation]    Calls flash bios update method to flash PNOR image
-    [Arguments]    ${pnor_image}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # pnor_image  The filename and path of the PNOR image
-    #             (e.g. "/home/image/zaius.pnor").
-    @{arglist}=   Create List    ${pnor_image}
-    ${args}=     Create Dictionary    data=@{arglist}
-    ${resp}=  Call Method  /org/openbmc/control/flash/bios/  update
-    ...  data=${args}
-    should be equal as strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    2 min   10 sec    Is PNOR Flashing
-Get Flash BIOS Status
-    [Documentation]  Returns the status of the flash BIOS API as a string. For
-    ...              example 'Flashing', 'Flash Done', etc
-    ${data}=  Read Properties  /org/openbmc/control/flash/bios
-    [Return]    ${data['status']}
-Is PNOR Flashing
-    [Documentation]  Get BIOS 'Flashing' status. This indicates that PNOR
-    ...              flashing has started.
-    ${status}=    Get Flash BIOS Status
-    Should Contain  ${status}  Flashing
-Is PNOR Flash Done
-    [Documentation]  Get BIOS 'Flash Done' status.  This indicates that the
-    ...              PNOR flashing has completed.
-    ${status}=    Get Flash BIOS Status
-    should be equal as strings     ${status}     Flash Done
-Is OS Starting
-    [Documentation]  Check if boot progress is OS starting.
-    ${boot_progress}=  Get Boot Progress
-    Should Be Equal  ${boot_progress}  OSStart
-Is OS Off
-    [Documentation]  Check if boot progress is "Off".
-    ${boot_progress}=  Get Boot Progress
-    Should Be Equal  ${boot_progress}  Off
-Get Boot Progress To OS Starting State
-    [Documentation]  Get the system to a boot progress state of 'FW Progress,
-    ...  Starting OS'.
-    ${boot_progress}=  Get Boot Progress
-    Run Keyword If  '${boot_progress}' == 'OSStart'
-    ...  Log  Host is already in OS starting state
-    ...  ELSE
-    ...  Run Keywords  Initiate Host PowerOff  AND  Initiate Host Boot
-    ...  AND  Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  10 min  10 sec  Is OS Starting
 Verify Ping and REST Authentication
     [Documentation]  Verify ping and rest authentication.
@@ -555,586 +75,11 @@
     ...   ${max_timeout}  ${interval}   Verify Ping and REST Authentication
-Check If warmReset is Initiated
-    [Documentation]  Ping would be still alive, so try SSH to connect
-    ...              if fails the ports are down indicating reboot
-    ...              is in progress
-    # Warm reset adds 3 seconds delay before forcing reboot
-    # To minimize race conditions, we wait for 7 seconds
-    Sleep  7s
-    ${alive}=   Run Keyword and Return Status
-    ...    Open Connection And Log In
-    Return From Keyword If   '${alive}' == '${False}'    ${False}
-    [Return]    ${True}
 Flush REST Sessions
     [Documentation]   Removes all the active session objects
     Delete All Sessions
-Initialize DBUS cmd
-    [Documentation]  Initialize dbus string with property string to extract
-    [Arguments]   ${boot_property}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # boot_property   Property string.
-    ${cmd}=     Catenate  ${dbuscmdBase} ${dbuscmdGet} ${dbuscmdString}
-    ${cmd}=     Catenate  ${cmd}${boot_property}
-    Set Global Variable   ${dbuscmd}     ${cmd}
-Create OS Console File Path
-    [Documentation]  Create OS console file path name and return it.
-    [Arguments]  ${log_file_path}=${EMPTY}
-    # Description of arguments:
-    # file_path  The caller's candidate value.  If this value is ${EMPTY}, this
-    #            keyword will compose a file path name.  Otherwise, this
-    #            keyword will use the caller's file_path value.  In either
-    #            case, the value will be returned.
-    ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Variable Should Exist  ${TEST_NAME}
-    ${default_file_path}=  Set Variable If  ${status} == ${TRUE}
-    ...  /tmp/${OPENBMC_HOST}_${TEST_NAME.replace(' ', '')}_os_console.txt
-    ...  /tmp/${OPENBMC_HOST}_os_console.txt
-    ${log_file_path}=  Set Variable If  '${log_file_path}' == '${EMPTY}'
-    ...  ${default_file_path}  ${log_file_path}
-    [Return]  ${log_file_path}
-Create OS Console Command String
-    [Documentation]  Return a command string to start OS console logging.
-    # First make sure that the ssh_pw program is available.
-    ${cmd}=  Catenate  which ssh_pw 2>/dev/null || find
-    ...  ${EXECDIR} -name 'ssh_pw'
-    Rdpissuing  ${cmd}
-    ${rc}  ${output}=  Run And Return Rc And Output  ${cmd}
-    Rdpvars  rc  output
-    Should Be Equal As Integers  0  ${rc}  msg=Could not find ssh_pw.
-    ${ssh_pw_file_path}=  Set Variable  ${output}
-    ${cmd}=  Catenate  ${ssh_pw_file_path} ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} -p 2200
-    ...  -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}@${OPENBMC_HOST}
-    [Return]  ${cmd}
-Get SOL Console Pid
-    [Documentation]  Get the pid of the active SOL console job.
-    [Arguments]  ${expect_running}=${0}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # expect_running  If set and if no SOL console job is found, print debug
-    #                 info and fail.
-    # Find the pid of the active system console logging session (if any).
-    ${search_string}=  Create OS Console Command String
-    # At least in some cases, ps output does not show double quotes so we must
-    # replace them in our search string with the regexes to indicate that they
-    # are optional.
-    ${search_string}=  Replace String  ${search_string}  "  ["]?
-    ${ps_cmd}=  Catenate  ps axwwo user,pid,cmd
-    ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  echo $(${ps_cmd} | egrep '${search_string}' |
-    ...  egrep -v grep | cut -c10-14)
-    Rdpissuing  ${cmd_buf}
-    ${rc}  ${os_con_pid}=  Run And Return Rc And Output  ${cmd_buf}
-    Rdpvars  os_con_pid
-    # If rc is not zero it just means that there is no OS Console process
-    # running.
-    Return From Keyword If  '${os_con_pid}' != '${EMPTY}'  ${os_con_pid}
-    Return From Keyword If  '${expect_running}' == '${0}'  ${os_con_pid}
-    Cmd Fnc  cat ${log_file_path} ; echo ; ${ps_cmd}  quiet=${0}
-    ...  print_output=${1}  show_err=${1}
-    Should Not Be Empty  ${os_con_pid}
-Stop SOL Console Logging
-    [Documentation]  Stop system console logging and return log output.
-    [Arguments]  ${log_file_path}=${EMPTY}
-    ...          ${targ_file_path}=${EXECDIR}${/}logs${/}
-    ...          ${return_data}=${1}
-    # If there are muliple system console processes, they will all be stopped.
-    # If there is no existing log file this keyword will return an error
-    # message to that effect (and write that message to targ_file_path, if
-    # specified).
-    # NOTE: This keyword will not fail if there is no running system console
-    # process.
-    # Description of arguments:
-    # log_file_path   The file path that was used to call "Start SOL
-    #                 Console Logging".  See that keyword (above) for details.
-    # targ_file_path  If specified, the file path to which the source
-    #                 file path (i.e. "log_file_path") should be copied.
-    # return_data     If this is set to ${1}, this keyword will return the SOL
-    #                 data to the caller as a unicode string.
-    ${log_file_path}=  Create OS Console File Path  ${log_file_path}
-    ${os_con_pid}=  Get SOL Console Pid
-    ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  kill -9 ${os_con_pid}
-    Run Keyword If  '${os_con_pid}' != '${EMPTY}'  Rdpissuing  ${cmd_buf}
-    ${rc}  ${output}=  Run Keyword If  '${os_con_pid}' != '${EMPTY}'
-    ...  Run And Return Rc And Output  ${cmd_buf}
-    Run Keyword If  '${os_con_pid}' != '${EMPTY}'  Rdpvars  rc  output
-    Run Keyword If  '${targ_file_path}' != '${EMPTY}'
-    ...  Run Keyword And Ignore Error
-    ...  Copy File  ${log_file_path}  ${targ_file_path}
-    ${output}=  Set Variable  ${EMPTY}
-    ${loc_quiet}=  Evaluate  ${debug}^1
-    ${rc}  ${output}=  Run Keyword If  '${return_data}' == '${1}'
-    ...  Cmd Fnc  cat ${log_file_path} 2>/dev/null  quiet=${loc_quiet}
-    ...  print_output=${0}  show_err=${0}
-    [Return]  ${output}
-Start SOL Console Logging
-    [Documentation]  Start system console log to file.
-    [Arguments]  ${log_file_path}=${EMPTY}  ${return_data}=${1}
-    # This keyword will first call "Stop SOL Console Logging".  Only then will
-    # it start SOL console logging.  The data returned by "Stop SOL Console
-    # Logging" will in turn be returned by this keyword.
-    # Description of arguments:
-    # log_file_path   The file path to which system console log data should be
-    #                 written.  Note that this path is taken to be a location
-    #                 on the machine where this program is running rather than
-    #                 on the Open BMC system.
-    # return_data     If this is set to ${1}, this keyword will return any SOL
-    #                 data to the caller as a unicode string.
-    ${log_file_path}=  Create OS Console File Path  ${log_file_path}
-    ${log_output}=  Stop SOL Console Logging  ${log_file_path}
-    ...  return_data=${return_data}
-    # Validate by making sure we can create the file.  Problems creating the
-    # file would not be noticed by the subsequent ssh command because we fork
-    # the command.
-    Create File  ${log_file_path}
-    ${sub_cmd_buf}=  Create OS Console Command String
-    # Routing stderr to stdout so that any startup error text will go to the
-    # output file.
-    # TODO: Doesn't work with tox so reverting temporarily.
-    # nohup detaches the process completely from our pty.
-    #${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  nohup ${sub_cmd_buf} &> ${log_file_path} &
-    ${cmd_buf}=  Catenate  ${sub_cmd_buf} > ${log_file_path} 2>&1 &
-    Rdpissuing  ${cmd_buf}
-    ${rc}  ${output}=  Run And Return Rc And Output  ${cmd_buf}
-    # Because we are forking this command, we essentially will never get a
-    # non-zero return code or any output.
-    Should Be Equal  ${rc}  ${0}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  10 seconds  0 seconds
-    ...   Get SOL Console Pid  ${1}
-    [Return]  ${log_output}
-Get Time Stamp
-    [Documentation]     Get the current time stamp data
-    ${cur_time}=    Get Current Date   result_format=%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f
-    [Return]   ${cur_time}
-Start Journal Log
-    [Documentation]   Start capturing journal log to a file in /tmp using
-    ...               journalctl command. By default journal log is collected
-    ...               at /tmp/journal_log else user input location.
-    ...               The File is appended with datetime.
-    [Arguments]       ${file_path}=/tmp/journal_log  ${filter}=${EMPTY}
-    # Description of arguments:
-    # file_path   The file path of the journal file.
-    ${cur_time}=    Get Time Stamp
-    Set Global Variable   ${LOG_TIME}   ${cur_time}
-    Open Connection And Log In
-    Start Command
-    ...  journalctl -f ${filter} > ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
-    Log    Journal Log Started: ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
-Stop Journal Log
-    [Documentation]   Stop journalctl process if its running.
-    ...               By default return log from /tmp/journal_log else
-    ...               user input location.
-    [Arguments]       ${file_path}=/tmp/journal_log
-    # Description of arguments:
-    # file_path   The file path of the journal file.
-    Open Connection And Log In
-    ${rc}=
-    ...  Execute Command
-    ...  ps | grep journalctl | grep -v grep
-    ...  return_stdout=False  return_rc=True
-    Return From Keyword If   '${rc}' == '${1}'
-    ...   No journal log process running
-    ${output}  ${stderr}=
-    ...  Execute Command   killall journalctl
-    ...  return_stderr=True
-    Should Be Empty     ${stderr}
-    ${journal_log}  ${stderr}=
-    ...  Execute Command
-    ...  cat ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
-    ...  return_stderr=True
-    Should Be Empty     ${stderr}
-    Log    ${journal_log}
-    Execute Command    rm ${file_path}-${LOG_TIME}
-    [Return]    ${journal_log}
-Mac Address To Hex String
-    [Documentation]   Converts MAC address into hex format.
-    ...               Example
-    ...               Given the following MAC: 00:01:6C:80:02:78
-    ...               This keyword will return: 0x00 0x01 0x6C 0x80 0x02 0x78
-    ...               Description of arguments:
-    ...               i_macaddress  MAC address in the following format
-    ...               00:01:6C:80:02:78
-    [Arguments]    ${i_macaddress}
-    # Description of arguments:
-    # i_macaddress   The MAC address.
-    ${mac_hex}=  Catenate  0x${i_macaddress.replace(':', ' 0x')}
-    [Return]    ${mac_hex}
-IP Address To Hex String
-    [Documentation]   Converts IP address into hex format.
-    ...               Example:
-    ...               Given the following IP:
-    ...               This keyword will return: 0xa 0x3 0xa4 0xa0
-    [Arguments]    ${i_ipaddress}
-    # Description of arguments:
-    # i_macaddress   The IP address in the format
-    @{ip}=  Split String  ${i_ipaddress}    .
-    ${index}=  Set Variable  ${0}
-    :FOR    ${item}     IN      @{ip}
-    \   ${hex}=  Convert To Hex    ${item}    prefix=0x    lowercase=yes
-    \   Set List Value    ${ip}    ${index}    ${hex}
-    \   ${index}=  Set Variable    ${index + 1}
-    ${ip_hex}=  Catenate    @{ip}
-    [Return]    ${ip_hex}
-BMC CPU Performance Check
-   [Documentation]   Minimal 10% of proc should be free in this instance
-    ${bmc_cpu_usage_output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  ${bmc_cpu_usage_cmd}
-    ${bmc_cpu_usage_output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  ${bmc_cpu_usage_cmd}
-    ${bmc_cpu_percentage}=  Fetch From Left  ${bmc_cpu_usage_output}  %
-    Should be true  ${bmc_cpu_percentage} < 90
-BMC Mem Performance Check
-    [Documentation]   Minimal 10% of memory should be free in this instance
-    ${bmc_mem_free_output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=   BMC Execute Command
-    ...  ${bmc_mem_free_cmd}
-    ${bmc_mem_total_output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  ${bmc_mem_total_cmd}
-    ${bmc_mem_free_output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=   BMC Execute Command
-    ...  ${bmc_mem_free_cmd}
-    ${bmc_mem_total_output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  ${bmc_mem_total_cmd}
-    ${bmc_mem_percentage}=  Evaluate  ${bmc_mem_free_output}*100
-    ${bmc_mem_percentage}=  Evaluate
-    ...   ${bmc_mem_percentage}/${bmc_mem_total_output}
-    Should be true  ${bmc_mem_percentage} > 10
-BMC File System Usage Check
-    [Documentation]   Check the file system space. 4 file system should be
-    ...  100% full which is expected
-    # Filesystem            Size    Used Available Use% Mounted on
-    # /dev/root            14.4M     14.4M       0 100% /
-    # /dev/ubiblock0_0     14.4M     14.4M       0 100% /media/rofs-c9249b0e
-    # /dev/ubiblock8_0     19.6M     19.6M       0 100% /media/pnor-ro-8764baa3
-    # /dev/ubiblock4_0     14.4M     14.4M       0 100% /media/rofs-407816c
-    # /dev/ubiblock8_4     21.1M     21.1M       0 100% /media/pnor-ro-cecc64c4
-    ${bmc_fs_usage_output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  ${bmc_file_system_usage_cmd}
-    ${bmc_pnor_fs_usage_output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  ${total_pnor_ro_file_system_cmd}
-    ${bmc_bmc_fs_usage_output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  ${total_bmc_ro_file_system_cmd}
-    ${total_bmc_pnor_image}=  Evaluate
-    ...  ${bmc_pnor_fs_usage_output}+${bmc_bmc_fs_usage_output}
-    # Considering /dev/root also in total 100% used file system
-    ${total_full_fs}=  Evaluate  ${total_bmc_pnor_image}+1
-    Should Be True  ${bmc_fs_usage_output}==${total_full_fs}
-Check BMC CPU Performance
-    [Documentation]   Minimal 10% of proc should be free in 3 sample
-    :FOR  ${var}  IN Range  1  4
-    \     BMC CPU Performance check
-Check BMC Mem Performance
-    [Documentation]   Minimal 10% of memory should be free
-    :FOR  ${var}  IN Range  1  4
-    \     BMC Mem Performance check
-Check BMC File System Performance
-    [Documentation]  Check for file system usage for 4 times
-    :FOR  ${var}  IN Range  1  4
-    \     BMC File System Usage check
-Get URL List
-    [Documentation]  Return list of URLs under given URL.
-    [Arguments]  ${openbmc_url}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # openbmc_url  URL for list operation (e.g.
-    #              /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory).
-    ${url_list}=  Read Properties  ${openbmc_url}/list  quiet=${1}
-    Sort List  ${url_list}
-    [Return]  ${url_list}
-Get Endpoint Paths
-    [Documentation]   Returns all url paths ending with given endpoint
-    ...               Example:
-    ...               Given the following endpoint: cpu
-    ...               This keyword will return: list of all urls ending with
-    ...               cpu -
-    ...               /org/openbmc/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0,
-    ...               /org/openbmc/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1
-    [Arguments]   ${path}   ${endpoint}
-    # Description of arguments:
-    # path       URL path for enumeration.
-    # endpoint   Endpoint string (url path ending).
-    ${resp}=  Read Properties  ${path}/enumerate  timeout=30
-    Log Dictionary  ${resp}
-    ${list}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${resp}
-    # For a given string, look for prefix and suffix for matching expression.
-    # Start of string followed by zero or more of any character followed by
-    # any digit or lower case character.
-    ${resp}=  Get Matches  ${list}  regexp=^.*[0-9a-z_].${endpoint}\[0-9a-z]*$
-    [Return]  ${resp}
-Check Zombie Process
-    [Documentation]    Check if any defunct process exist or not on BMC
-    ${count}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  Execute Command  ps -o stat | grep Z | wc -l
-    ...    return_stderr=True  return_rc=True
-    Should Be True    ${count}==0
-    Should Be Empty    ${stderr}
-Prune Journal Log
-    [Documentation]   Prune archived journal logs.
-    [Arguments]   ${vacuum_size}=1M
-    # This keyword can be used to prevent the journal
-    # log from filling up the /run filesystem.
-    # This command will retain only the latest logs
-    # of the user specified size.
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # vacuum_size    Size of journal.
-    Open Connection And Log In
-    ${output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=
-    ...  Execute Command
-    ...  journalctl --vacuum-size=${vacuum_size}
-    ...  return_stderr=True  return_rc=True
-    Should Be Equal  ${rc}  ${0}  msg=${stderr}
-Set BMC Power Policy
-    [Documentation]   Set the given BMC power policy.
-    [Arguments]   ${policy}
-    # Note that this function will translate the old style "RESTORE_LAST_STATE"
-    # policy to the new style "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Power.RestorePolicy.
-    # Policy.Restore" for you.
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # policy    Power restore policy (e.g "RESTORE_LAST_STATE",
-    #           ${RESTORE_LAST_STATE}).
-    # Set the bmc_power_policy_method to either 'Old' or 'New'.
-    Set Power Policy Method
-    # This translation helps bridge between old and new method for calling.
-    ${policy}=  Translate Power Policy Value  ${policy}
-    # Run the appropriate keyword.
-    Run Key  ${bmc_power_policy_method} Set Power Policy \ ${policy}
-    ${currentPolicy}=  Get System Power Policy
-    Should Be Equal    ${currentPolicy}   ${policy}
-New Set Power Policy
-    [Documentation]   Set the given BMC power policy (new method).
-    [Arguments]   ${policy}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # policy    Power restore policy (e.g. ${ALWAYS_POWER_OFF}).
-    ${valueDict}=  Create Dictionary  data=${policy}
-    Write Attribute
-    ...  ${POWER_RESTORE_URI}  PowerRestorePolicy  data=${valueDict}
-Old Set Power Policy
-    [Documentation]   Set the given BMC power policy (old method).
-    [Arguments]   ${policy}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # policy    Power restore policy (e.g. "ALWAYS_POWER_OFF").
-    ${valueDict}=     create dictionary  data=${policy}
-    Write Attribute    ${HOST_SETTING}    power_policy   data=${valueDict}
-Get System Power Policy
-    [Documentation]  Returns the BMC power policy.
-    # Set the bmc_power_policy_method to either 'Old' or 'New'.
-    Set Power Policy Method
-    ${cmd_buf}=  Create List  ${bmc_power_policy_method} Get Power Policy
-    # Run the appropriate keyword.
-    ${currentPolicy}=  Run Keyword  @{cmd_buf}
-    [Return]  ${currentPolicy}
-New Get Power Policy
-    [Documentation]  Returns the BMC power policy (new method).
-    ${currentPolicy}=  Read Attribute  ${POWER_RESTORE_URI}  PowerRestorePolicy
-    [Return]  ${currentPolicy}
-Old Get Power Policy
-    [Documentation]  Returns the BMC power policy (old method).
-    ${currentPolicy}=  Read Attribute  ${HOST_SETTING}  power_policy
-    [Return]  ${currentPolicy}
-Get Auto Reboot
-    [Documentation]  Returns auto reboot setting.
-    ${setting}=  Read Attribute  ${CONTROL_HOST_URI}/auto_reboot  AutoReboot
-    [Return]  ${setting}
-Set Auto Reboot
-    [Documentation]  Set the given auto reboot setting.
-    [Arguments]  ${setting}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # setting    The reboot setting, 1 for enabling and 0 for disabling.
-    ${valueDict}=  Set Variable  ${setting}
-    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=${valueDict}
-    Write Attribute  ${CONTROL_HOST_URI}/auto_reboot  AutoReboot   data=${data}
-    ${current_setting}=  Get Auto Reboot
-    Should Be Equal As Integers  ${current_setting}  ${setting}
-Set BMC Reset Reference Time
-    [Documentation]  Set current boot time as a reference and increment
-    ...              boot count.
-    ${cur_btime}=  Get BMC Boot Time
-    Run Keyword If  ${BOOT_TIME} == ${0} and ${BOOT_COUNT} == ${0}
-    ...  Set Global Variable  ${BOOT_TIME}  ${cur_btime}
-    ...  ELSE IF  ${cur_btime} > ${BOOT_TIME}
-    ...  Run Keywords  Set Global Variable  ${BOOT_TIME}  ${cur_btime}
-    ...  AND
-    ...  Set Global Variable  ${BOOT_COUNT}  ${BOOT_COUNT + 1}
-Get BMC Boot Time
-    [Documentation]  Returns boot time from /proc/stat.
-    Open Connection And Log In
-    ${output}  ${stderr}=
-    ...  Execute Command  egrep '^btime ' /proc/stat | cut -f 2 -d ' '
-    ...  return_stderr=True
-    Should Be Empty  ${stderr}
-    ${btime}=  Convert To Integer  ${output}
-    [Return]  ${btime}
-Enable Core Dump On BMC
-    [Documentation]  Enable core dump collection.
-    ${core_pattern}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  echo '/tmp/core_%e.%p' | tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${core_pattern}  /tmp/core_%e.%p
-Get Number Of BMC Core Dump Files
-    [Documentation]  Returns number of core dump files on BMC.
-    Open Connection And Log In
-    ${num_of_core_dump}=  Execute Command
-    ...  ls /tmp/core* 2>/dev/null | wc -l
-    [Return]  ${num_of_core_dump}
-Set Core Dump File Size Unlimited
-    [Documentation]  Set core dump file size to unlimited.
-    BMC Execute Command  ulimit -c unlimited
-Check For Core Dumps
-    [Documentation]  Check for any core dumps exist.
-    ${output}=  Get Number Of BMC Core Dump Files
-    Run Keyword If  ${output} > 0
-    ...  Log  **Warning** BMC core dump files exist  level=WARN
 Trigger Host Watchdog Error
     [Documentation]  Inject host watchdog timeout error via REST.
     [Arguments]  ${milliseconds}=1000  ${sleep_time}=5s
@@ -1178,96 +123,59 @@
     [Return]  ${resp}
-Configure Initial Settings
-    [Documentation]  Restore old IP and route.
-    ...  This keyword requires initial settings viz IP address,
-    ...  Network Mask, default gatway and serial console IP and port
-    ...  information which should be provided in command line.
-    [Arguments]  ${host}=${OPENBMC_HOST}  ${mask}=${NET_MASK}
-    ...          ${gw_ip}=${GW_IP}
-    # Description of arguments:
-    # host  IP address of the OS Host.
-    # mask  Network mask.
-    # gu_ip  Gateway IP address or hostname.
-    # Open telnet connection and ignore the error, in case telnet session is
-    # already opened by the program calling this keyword.
-    Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Open Telnet Connection to BMC Serial Console
-    Telnet.write  ifconfig eth0 ${host} netmask ${mask}
-    Telnet.write  route add default gw ${gw_ip}
-Install Debug Tarball On BMC
-    [Documentation]  Copy the debug tar file to BMC and install.
-    [Arguments]  ${tarball_file_path}=${default_tarball}
-    ...  ${targ_tarball_dir_path}=/tmp/tarball/
-    # Description of arguments:
-    # tarball_file_path      Path of the debug tarball file.
-    #                        The tar file is downloaded from the build page
-    #              
-    #                        obmc-phosphor-debug-tarball-witherspoon.tar.xz
-    #
-    # targ_tarball_dir_path  The directory path where the tarball is to be
-    #                        installed.
-    OperatingSystem.File Should Exist  ${tarball_file_path}
-    ...  msg=${tarball_file_path} doesn't exist.
-    # Upload the file to BMC.
-    Import Library  SCPLibrary  WITH NAME  scp
-    Open Connection for SCP
-    scp.Put File  ${tarball_file_path}  /tmp/debug-tarball.tar.xz
-    # Create tarball directory and install.
-    BMC Execute Command  mkdir -p ${targ_tarball_dir_path}
-    BMC Execute Command
-    ...  tar -xf /tmp/debug-tarball.tar.xz -C ${targ_tarball_dir_path}
-    # Remove the tarball file from BMC.
-    BMC Execute Command  rm -f /tmp/debug-tarball.tar.xz
-Get BMC Boot Count
-    [Documentation]  Returns BMC boot count based on boot time.
-    ${cur_btime}=  Get BMC Boot Time
-    # Set global variable BOOT_TIME to current boot time if current boot time
-    # is changed. Also increase value of global variable BOOT_COUNT by 1.
-    Run Keyword If  ${cur_btime} > ${BOOT_TIME}
-    ...  Run Keywords  Set Global Variable  ${BOOT_TIME}  ${cur_btime}
-    ...  AND
-    ...  Set Global Variable  ${BOOT_COUNT}  ${BOOT_COUNT + 1}
-    [Return]  ${BOOT_COUNT}
-Set BMC Boot Count
-    [Documentation]  Set BMC boot count to given value.
-    [Arguments]  ${count}
-    # Description of arguments:
-    # count  boot count value.
-    ${cur_btime}=  Get BMC Boot Time
-    # Set global variable BOOT_COUNT to given value.
-    Set Global Variable  ${BOOT_COUNT}  ${count}
-    # Set BOOT_TIME variable to current boot time.
-    Set Global Variable  ${BOOT_COUNT}  ${count}
-Get System LED State
-    [Documentation]  Return the state of given system LED.
-    [Arguments]  ${led_name}
+Initiate Auto Reboot
+    [Documentation]  Initiate an auto reboot.
+    [Arguments]  ${milliseconds}=5000
     # Description of argument(s):
-    # led_name     System LED name (e.g. heartbeat, identify, beep).
+    # milliseconds  The number of milliseconds for the watchdog timer.
-    ${state}=  Read Attribute  ${LED_PHYSICAL_URI}${led_name}  State
-    [Return]  ${state.rsplit('.', 1)[1]}
+    # Set the auto reboot policy.
+    Set Auto Reboot  ${1}
+    # Set the watchdog timer.
+    Trigger Host Watchdog Error  ${milliseconds}
+Initiate OS Host Reboot
+    [Documentation]  Initiate an OS reboot.
+    [Arguments]  ${os_host}=${OS_HOST}  ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
+    ...          ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # os_host      The host name or IP address of the OS.
+    # os_username  The username to be used to sign in to the OS.
+    # os_password  The password to be used to sign in to the OS.
+    ${cmd_buf}=  Run Keyword If  '${os_username}' == 'root'
+    ...      Set Variable  reboot
+    ...  ELSE
+    ...      Set Variable  echo ${os_password} | sudo -S reboot
+    ${output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  OS Execute Command
+    ...  ${cmd_buf}  fork=${1}
+Initiate OS Host Power Off
+    [Documentation]  Initiate an OS reboot.
+    [Arguments]  ${os_host}=${OS_HOST}  ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
+    ...          ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD}  ${hard}=${0}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # os_host      The DNS name or IP of the OS.
+    # os_username  The username to be used to sign in to the OS.
+    # os_password  The password to be used to sign in to the OS.
+    # hard         Indicates whether to do a hard vs. soft power off.
+    ${time_string}=  Run Keyword If  ${hard}  Set Variable  ${SPACE}now
+    ...  ELSE  Set Variable  ${EMPTY}
+    ${cmd_buf}=  Run Keyword If  '${os_username}' == 'root'
+    ...      Set Variable  shutdown${time_string}
+    ...  ELSE
+    ...      Set Variable  echo ${os_password} | sudo -S shutdown${time_string}
+    ${output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  OS Execute Command
+    ...  ${cmd_buf}  fork=${1}
 Set System LED State
@@ -1284,109 +192,6 @@
     Verify LED State  ${led_name}  ${led_state}
-Verify LED State
-    [Documentation]  Checks if LED is in given state.
-    [Arguments]  ${led_name}  ${led_state}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # led_name     System LED name (e.g. heartbeat, identify, beep).
-    # led_state    LED state to be verified (e.g. On, Off).
-    ${state}=  Get System LED State  ${led_name}
-    Should Be Equal  ${state}  ${led_state}
-Get LED State XYZ
-    [Documentation]  Returns state of given LED.
-    [Arguments]  ${led_name}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # led_name  Name of LED.
-    ${state}=  Read Attribute  ${LED_GROUPS_URI}${led_name}  Asserted
-    # Returns the state of the LED, either On or Off.
-    [Return]  ${state}
-Delete Error Logs
-    [Documentation]  Delete error logs.
-    # Check if error logs entries exist, if not return.
-    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request  ${BMC_LOGGING_ENTRY}${/}list  quiet=${1}
-    Return From Keyword If  ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}
-    # Get the list of error logs entries and delete them all.
-    ${elog_entries}=  Get URL List  ${BMC_LOGGING_ENTRY}
-    :FOR  ${entry}  IN  @{elog_entries}
-    \  Delete Error Log Entry  ${entry}
-Delete Error Log Entry
-    [Documentation]  Delete error log entry.
-    [Arguments]  ${entry_path}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # entry_path  Delete an error log entry.
-    #             Ex. /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/1
-    # Skip delete if entry URI is a callout.
-    # Examples:
-    # /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/1/callout
-    # /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/1/callouts/0
-    ${callout_entry}=  Run Keyword And Return Status
-    ...  Should Match Regexp  ${entry_path}  /callout[s]?(/|$)
-    Return From Keyword If  ${callout_entry}
-    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{EMPTY}
-    ${resp}=  Openbmc Delete Request  ${entry_path}  data=${data}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
-Delete All Error Logs
-    [Documentation]  Delete all error log entries using "DeleteAll" interface.
-    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{EMPTY}
-    ${resp}=  Openbmc Post Request  ${BMC_LOGGING_URI}action/DeleteAll
-    ...  data=${data}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
-Get BMC Version
-    [Documentation]  Returns BMC version from /etc/os-release.
-    ...              e.g. "v1.99.6-141-ge662190"
-    ${cmd}=  Set Variable  grep ^VERSION_ID= /etc/os-release | cut -f 2 -d '='
-    ${output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command  ${cmd}
-    [Return]  ${output}
-Get PNOR Version
-    [Documentation]  Returns the PNOR version from the BMC.
-    ${pnor_attrs}=  Get PNOR Attributes
-    [Return]  ${pnor_attrs['version']}
-Get PNOR Attributes
-    [Documentation]  Return PNOR software attributes as a dictionary.
-    # This keyword parses /var/lib/phosphor-software-manager/pnor/ro/pnor.toc
-    # into key/value pairs.
-    ${outbuf}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  cat /var/lib/phosphor-software-manager/pnor/ro/pnor.toc
-    ${pnor_attrs}=  Key Value Outbuf To Dict  ${outbuf}  delim==
-    [Return]  ${pnor_attrs}
-Get Elog URL List
-    [Documentation]  Return error log entry list of URLs.
-    ${url_list}=  Read Properties  /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/
-    Sort List  ${url_list}
-    [Return]  ${url_list}
 Read Turbo Setting Via REST
     [Documentation]  Return turbo setting via REST.
     # Returns 1 if TurboAllowed, 0 if not.
@@ -1409,62 +214,360 @@
     ...  verify=${verify}  data=${data}
-Set Control Boot Mode
-    [Documentation]  Set given boot mode on the boot object path attribute.
-    [Arguments]  ${boot_path}  ${boot_mode}
+Set REST Logging Policy
+    [Documentation]  Enable or disable REST logging setting.
+    [Arguments]  ${policy_setting}=${True}
     # Description of argument(s):
-    # boot_path  Boot object path.
-    #            Example:
-    #            /xyz/openbmc_project/control/host0/boot
-    #            /xyz/openbmc_project/control/host0/boot/one_time
-    # boot_mode  Boot mode which need to be set.
-    #            Example:
-    #            "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.Mode.Modes.Regular"
+    # policy_setting    The policy setting value which can be either
+    #                   True or False.
-    ${valueDict}=  Create Dictionary  data=${boot_mode}
-    Write Attribute  ${boot_path}  BootMode  data=${valueDict}
+    ${log_dict}=  Create Dictionary  data=${policy_setting}
+    Write Attribute  ${BMC_LOGGING_URI}${/}rest_api_logs  Enabled
+    ...  data=${log_dict}  verify=${1}  expected_value=${policy_setting}
-Copy Address Translation Utils To HOST OS
-    [Documentation]  Copy address translation utils to host OS.
-    OperatingSystem.File Should Exist  ${probe_cpu_tool_path}
-    ...  msg=${probe_cpu_tool_path} doesn't exist.
-    OperatingSystem.File Should Exist  ${probe_cpu_tool_path}
-    ...  msg=${probe_cpu_tool_path} doesn't exist.
-    scp.Open connection  ${OS_HOST}  username=${OS_USERNAME}
-    ...  password=${OS_PASSWORD}
-    scp.Put File  ${probe_cpu_tool_path}  ${target_file_path}
-    scp.Put File  ${scom_addrs_tool_path}  ${target_file_path}
-Verify BMC RTC And UTC Time Drift
-    [Documentation]  Verify that the RTC and UTC time difference is less than
-    ...              the given time_drift_max.
-    [Arguments]  ${time_diff_max}=${10}
+Old Get Boot Progress
+    [Documentation]  Get the boot progress the old way (via org location).
+    [Arguments]  ${quiet}=${QUIET}
     # Description of argument(s):
-    # time_diff_max   The max allowable RTC and UTC time difference in seconds.
+    # quiet   Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
+    #         the console.
+    ${state}=  Read Attribute  ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}sensors/host/BootProgress
+    ...  value  quiet=${quiet}
+    [Return]  ${state}
+Set Boot Progress Method
+    [Documentation]  Set the boot_prog_method to either 'Old' or 'New'.
+    # The boot progress data has moved from an 'org' location to an 'xyz'
+    # location.  This keyword will determine whether the new method of getting
+    # the boot progress is valid and will set the global boot_prog_method
+    # variable accordingly.  If boot_prog_method is already set (either by a
+    # prior call to this function or via a -v parm), this keyword will simply
+    # return.
+    # Note:  There are interim builds that contain boot_progress in both the
+    # old and the new location values.  It is nearly impossible for this
+    # keyword to determine whether the old boot_progress or the new one is
+    # active.  When using such builds where the old boot_progress is active,
+    # the only recourse users will have is that they may specify
+    # -v boot_prog_method:Old to force old behavior on such builds.
+    Run Keyword If  '${boot_prog_method}' != '${EMPTY}'  Return From Keyword
+    ${new_status}  ${new_value}=  Run Keyword And Ignore Error
+    ...  New Get Boot Progress
+    # If the new style read fails, the method must necessarily be "Old".
+    Run Keyword If  '${new_status}' == 'PASS'
+    ...  Run Keywords
+    ...  Set Global Variable  ${boot_prog_method}  New  AND
+    ...  Rqpvars  boot_prog_method  AND
+    ...  Return From Keyword
+    # Default method is "Old".
+    Set Global Variable  ${boot_prog_method}  Old
+    Rqpvars  boot_prog_method
+Initiate Power On
+    [Documentation]  Initiates the power on and waits until the Is Power On
+    ...  keyword returns that the power state has switched to on.
+    [Arguments]  ${wait}=${1}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # wait   Indicates whether to wait for a powered on state after issuing
+    #        the power on command.
+    @{arglist}=   Create List
+    ${args}=     Create Dictionary    data=@{arglist}
+    ${resp}=  Call Method  ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/  powerOn
+    ...  data=${args}
+    should be equal as strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
+    # Does caller want to wait for power on status?
+    Run Keyword If  '${wait}' == '${0}'  Return From Keyword
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  3 min  10 sec  Is Power On
+Initiate Power Off
+    [Documentation]  Initiates the power off and waits until the Is Power Off
+    ...  keyword returns that the power state has switched to off.
+    @{arglist}=   Create List
+    ${args}=     Create Dictionary    data=@{arglist}
+    ${resp}=  Call Method  ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/  powerOff
+    ...  data=${args}
+    should be equal as strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  1 min  10 sec  Is Power Off
+Get Boot Progress
+    [Documentation]  Get the boot progress and return it.
+    [Arguments]  ${quiet}=${QUIET}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # quiet   Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
+    #         the console.
+    Set Boot Progress Method
+    ${state}=  Run Keyword If  '${boot_prog_method}' == 'New'
+    ...      New Get Boot Progress  quiet=${quiet}
+    ...  ELSE
+    ...      Old Get Boot Progress  quiet=${quiet}
+    [Return]  ${state}
+New Get Boot Progress
+    [Documentation]  Get the boot progress the new way (via xyz location).
+    [Arguments]  ${quiet}=${QUIET}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # quiet   Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
+    #         the console.
+    ${state}=  Read Attribute  ${HOST_STATE_URI}  BootProgress  quiet=${quiet}
+    [Return]  ${state.rsplit('.', 1)[1]}
+New Get Power Policy
+    [Documentation]  Returns the BMC power policy (new method).
+    ${currentPolicy}=  Read Attribute  ${POWER_RESTORE_URI}  PowerRestorePolicy
+    [Return]  ${currentPolicy}
+Old Get Power Policy
+    [Documentation]  Returns the BMC power policy (old method).
+    ${currentPolicy}=  Read Attribute  ${HOST_SETTING}  power_policy
+    [Return]  ${currentPolicy}
+Get Auto Reboot
+    [Documentation]  Returns auto reboot setting.
+    ${setting}=  Read Attribute  ${CONTROL_HOST_URI}/auto_reboot  AutoReboot
+    [Return]  ${setting}
+Trigger Warm Reset
+    [Documentation]  Initiate a warm reset.
+    log to console    "Triggering warm reset"
+    ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{EMPTY}
+    ${resp}=  openbmc post request
+    ...  ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/bmc0/action/warmReset  data=${data}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
+    ${session_active}=   Check If warmReset is Initiated
+    Run Keyword If   '${session_active}' == '${True}'
+    ...    Fail   msg=warm reset didn't occur
+    Sleep   ${SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN_TIME}min
+    Check If BMC Is Up
+Get Power State
+    [Documentation]  Returns the power state as an integer. Either 0 or 1.
+    [Arguments]  ${quiet}=${QUIET}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # quiet   Indicates whether this keyword should run without any output to
+    #         the console.
+    @{arglist}=  Create List
+    ${args}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{arglist}
+    ${resp}=  Call Method  ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/chassis0/  getPowerState
+    ...        data=${args}  quiet=${quiet}
+    Should be equal as strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    ${content}=  to json  ${resp.content}
+    [Return]  ${content["data"]}
+Clear BMC Gard Record
+    [Documentation]  Clear gard records from the system.
+    @{arglist}=  Create List
+    ${args}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{arglist}
+    ${resp}=  Call Method
+    ...  ${OPENPOWER_CONTROL}gard  Reset  data=${args}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+Flash PNOR
+    [Documentation]    Calls flash bios update method to flash PNOR image
+    [Arguments]    ${pnor_image}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # pnor_image  The filename and path of the PNOR image
+    #             (e.g. "/home/image/zaius.pnor").
+    @{arglist}=   Create List    ${pnor_image}
+    ${args}=     Create Dictionary    data=@{arglist}
+    ${resp}=  Call Method  /org/openbmc/control/flash/bios/  update
+    ...  data=${args}
+    should be equal as strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    2 min   10 sec    Is PNOR Flashing
+Get Flash BIOS Status
+    [Documentation]  Returns the status of the flash BIOS API as a string. For
+    ...              example 'Flashing', 'Flash Done', etc
+    ${data}=  Read Properties  /org/openbmc/control/flash/bios
+    [Return]    ${data['status']}
+Is PNOR Flashing
+    [Documentation]  Get BIOS 'Flashing' status. This indicates that PNOR
+    ...              flashing has started.
+    ${status}=    Get Flash BIOS Status
+    Should Contain  ${status}  Flashing
+Is PNOR Flash Done
+    [Documentation]  Get BIOS 'Flash Done' status.  This indicates that the
+    ...              PNOR flashing has completed.
+    ${status}=    Get Flash BIOS Status
+    should be equal as strings     ${status}     Flash Done
+Create OS Console File Path
+    [Documentation]  Create OS console file path name and return it.
+    [Arguments]  ${log_file_path}=${EMPTY}
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # file_path  The caller's candidate value.  If this value is ${EMPTY}, this
+    #            keyword will compose a file path name.  Otherwise, this
+    #            keyword will use the caller's file_path value.  In either
+    #            case, the value will be returned.
+    ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Variable Should Exist
+    ...  ${TEST_NAME}
+    ${default_file_path}=  Set Variable If  ${status} == ${TRUE}
+    ...  /tmp/${OPENBMC_HOST}_${TEST_NAME.replace(' ', '')}_os_console.txt
+    ...  /tmp/${OPENBMC_HOST}_os_console.txt
+    ${log_file_path}=  Set Variable If  '${log_file_path}' == '${EMPTY}'
+    ...  ${default_file_path}  ${log_file_path}
+    [Return]  ${log_file_path}
+Get Endpoint Paths
+    [Documentation]   Returns all url paths ending with given endpoint
+    ...               Example:
+    ...               Given the following endpoint: cpu
+    ...               This keyword will return: list of all urls ending with
+    ...               cpu -
+    ...               /org/openbmc/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0,
+    ...               /org/openbmc/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1
+    [Arguments]   ${path}   ${endpoint}
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # path       URL path for enumeration.
+    # endpoint   Endpoint string (url path ending).
+    ${resp}=  Read Properties  ${path}/enumerate  timeout=30
+    Log Dictionary  ${resp}
+    ${list}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${resp}
+    # For a given string, look for prefix and suffix for matching expression.
+    # Start of string followed by zero or more of any character followed by
+    # any digit or lower case character.
+    ${resp}=  Get Matches  ${list}  regexp=^.*[0-9a-z_].${endpoint}\[0-9a-z]*$
+    [Return]  ${resp}
+Set BMC Power Policy
+    [Documentation]   Set the given BMC power policy.
+    [Arguments]   ${policy}
+    # Note that this function will translate the old style "RESTORE_LAST_STATE"
+    # policy to the new style "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Power.RestorePolicy.
+    # Policy.Restore" for you.
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # policy    Power restore policy (e.g "RESTORE_LAST_STATE",
+    #           ${RESTORE_LAST_STATE}).
+    # Set the bmc_power_policy_method to either 'Old' or 'New'.
+    Set Power Policy Method
+    # This translation helps bridge between old and new method for calling.
+    ${policy}=  Translate Power Policy Value  ${policy}
+    # Run the appropriate keyword.
+    Run Key  ${bmc_power_policy_method} Set Power Policy \ ${policy}
+    ${currentPolicy}=  Get System Power Policy
+    Should Be Equal    ${currentPolicy}   ${policy}
+Delete Error Logs
+    [Documentation]  Delete error logs.
+    # Check if error logs entries exist, if not return.
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request  ${BMC_LOGGING_ENTRY}${/}list  quiet=${1}
+    Return From Keyword If  ${resp.status_code} == ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}
+    # Get the list of error logs entries and delete them all.
+    ${elog_entries}=  Get URL List  ${BMC_LOGGING_ENTRY}
+    :FOR  ${entry}  IN  @{elog_entries}
+    \  Delete Error Log Entry  ${entry}
+Delete All Error Logs
+    [Documentation]  Delete all error log entries using "DeleteAll" interface.
+    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{EMPTY}
+    ${resp}=  Openbmc Post Request  ${BMC_LOGGING_URI}action/DeleteAll
+    ...  data=${data}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+Get Elog URL List
+    [Documentation]  Return error log entry list of URLs.
+    ${url_list}=  Read Properties  /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/
+    Sort List  ${url_list}
+    [Return]  ${url_list}
+Get BMC Flash Chip Boot Side
+    [Documentation]  Return the BMC flash chip boot side.
     # Example:
-    # time_dict:
-    #   [local_time]:               Fri 2017-11-03 152756 UTC
-    #   [local_time_seconds]:       1509740876
-    #   [universal_time]:           Fri 2017-11-03 152756 UTC
-    #   [universal_time_seconds]:   1509740876
-    #   [rtc_time]:                 Fri 2016-05-20 163403
-    #   [rtc_time_seconds]:         1463780043
-    #   [time_zone]:                n/a (UTC, +0000)
-    #   [network_time_on]:          yes
-    #   [ntp_synchronized]:         no
-    #   [rtc_in_local_tz]:          no
+    # 0  - indicates chip select is current side.
+    # 32 - indicates chip select is alternate side.
-    ${time}=  Get BMC Date Time
-    ${time_diff}=  Evaluate
-    ...  ${time['universal_time_seconds']} - ${time['rtc_time_seconds']}
-    Should Be True  ${time_diff} < ${time_diff_max}
+    ${boot_side}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
+    ...  cat /sys/class/watchdog/watchdog1/bootstatus
+    [Return]  ${boot_side}
+Update Root Password
+    [Documentation]  Update system "root" user password.
+    [Arguments]  ${openbmc_password}=${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # openbmc_password   The root password for the open BMC system.
+    @{password}=  Create List  ${openbmc_password}
+    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{password}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary  Content-Type=application/json
+    ${resp}=  Post Request  openbmc  ${BMC_USER_URI}root/action/SetPassword
+    ...  data=${data}  headers=${headers}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    ...  msg=Updating the new root password failed, RC=${resp.status_code}.
 Watchdog Object Should Exist
@@ -1475,25 +578,38 @@
     ...  msg=Expected watchdog object does not exist.
-Validate IP On BMC
-    [Documentation]  Validate IP address is present in set of IP addresses.
-    [Arguments]  ${ip_address}  ${ip_data}
+Get System LED State
+    [Documentation]  Return the state of given system LED.
+    [Arguments]  ${led_name}
     # Description of argument(s):
-    # ip_address  IP address to check (e.g. xx.xx.xx.xx).
-    # ip_data     Set of the IP addresses present.
+    # led_name     System LED name (e.g. heartbeat, identify, beep).
-    Should Contain Match  ${ip_data}  ${ip_address}/*
-    ...  msg=${ip_address} not found in the list provided.
+    ${state}=  Read Attribute  ${LED_PHYSICAL_URI}${led_name}  State
+    [Return]  ${state.rsplit('.', 1)[1]}
-Remove Journald Logs
-    [Documentation]  Remove all journald logs and restart service.
+Verify LED State
+    [Documentation]  Checks if LED is in given state.
+    [Arguments]  ${led_name}  ${led_state}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # led_name     System LED name (e.g. heartbeat, identify, beep).
+    # led_state    LED state to be verified (e.g. On, Off).
-    ${cmd}=  Catenate  systemctl stop systemd-journald.service &&
-    ...  rm -rf /var/log/journal && systemctl start systemd-journald.service
+    ${state}=  Get System LED State  ${led_name}
+    Should Be Equal  ${state}  ${led_state}
-    BMC Execute Command  ${cmd}
+Get LED State XYZ
+    [Documentation]  Returns state of given LED.
+    [Arguments]  ${led_name}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # led_name  Name of LED.
+    ${state}=  Read Attribute  ${LED_GROUPS_URI}${led_name}  Asserted
+    # Returns the state of the LED, either On or Off.
+    [Return]  ${state}
 Verify Identify LED State
@@ -1530,75 +646,67 @@
     ...  msg=Attribute "${attribute_name} does not have the expected value.
-Get BMC Flash Chip Boot Side
-    [Documentation]  Return the BMC flash chip boot side.
-    # Example:
-    # 0  - indicates chip select is current side.
-    # 32 - indicates chip select is alternate side.
-    ${boot_side}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  cat /sys/class/watchdog/watchdog1/bootstatus
-    [Return]  ${boot_side}
-Check For Regex In Journald
-    [Documentation]  Parse the journal log and check for regex string.
-    [Arguments]  ${regex}=${ERROR_REGEX}  ${error_check}=${0}  ${boot}=${EMPTY}
+New Set Power Policy
+    [Documentation]   Set the given BMC power policy (new method).
+    [Arguments]   ${policy}
     # Description of argument(s):
-    # regex            Strings to be filter.
-    # error_check      Check for errors.
-    # boot             Argument to check current or persistent full boot log
-    #                  (e.g. "-b").
+    # policy    Power restore policy (e.g. ${ALWAYS_POWER_OFF}).
-    ${journal_log}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
-    ...  journalctl --no-pager ${boot} | egrep '${regex}'  ignore_err=1
-    Run Keyword If  ${error_check} == ${0}
-    ...    Should Be Empty  ${journal_log}
-    ...  ELSE
-    ...    Should Not Be Empty  ${journal_log}
+    ${valueDict}=  Create Dictionary  data=${policy}
+    Write Attribute
+    ...  ${POWER_RESTORE_URI}  PowerRestorePolicy  data=${valueDict}
-Get Service Attribute
-    [Documentation]  Get service attribute policy output.
-    [Arguments]  ${option}  ${servicename}
+Old Set Power Policy
+    [Documentation]   Set the given BMC power policy (old method).
+    [Arguments]   ${policy}
     # Description of argument(s):
-    # option       systemctl supported options
-    # servicename  Qualified service name
-    ${cmd}=  Set Variable
-    ...  systemctl -p ${option} show ${servicename} | cut -d = -f2
-    ${attr}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command  ${cmd}
-    [Return]  ${attr}
+    # policy    Power restore policy (e.g. "ALWAYS_POWER_OFF").
+    ${valueDict}=     create dictionary  data=${policy}
+    Write Attribute    ${HOST_SETTING}    power_policy   data=${valueDict}
-Set REST Logging Policy
-    [Documentation]  Enable or disable REST logging setting.
-    [Arguments]  ${policy_setting}=${True}
+Set Auto Reboot
+    [Documentation]  Set the given auto reboot setting.
+    [Arguments]  ${setting}
     # Description of argument(s):
-    # policy_setting    The policy setting value which can be either True or False.
+    # setting    The reboot setting, 1 for enabling and 0 for disabling.
-    ${log_dict}=  Create Dictionary  data=${policy_setting}
-    Write Attribute  ${BMC_LOGGING_URI}${/}rest_api_logs  Enabled
-    ...  data=${log_dict}  verify=${1}  expected_value=${policy_setting}
+    ${valueDict}=  Set Variable  ${setting}
+    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=${valueDict}
+    Write Attribute  ${CONTROL_HOST_URI}/auto_reboot  AutoReboot   data=${data}
+    ${current_setting}=  Get Auto Reboot
+    Should Be Equal As Integers  ${current_setting}  ${setting}
-Update Root Password
-    [Documentation]  Update system "root" user password.
-    [Arguments]  ${openbmc_password}=${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
+Set Control Boot Mode
+    [Documentation]  Set given boot mode on the boot object path attribute.
+    [Arguments]  ${boot_path}  ${boot_mode}
     # Description of argument(s):
-    # openbmc_password   The root password for the open BMC system.
+    # boot_path  Boot object path.
+    #            Example:
+    #            /xyz/openbmc_project/control/host0/boot
+    #            /xyz/openbmc_project/control/host0/boot/one_time
+    # boot_mode  Boot mode which need to be set.
+    #            Example:
+    #            "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.Mode.Modes.Regular"
-    @{password}=  Create List  ${openbmc_password}
-    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{password}
+    ${valueDict}=  Create Dictionary  data=${boot_mode}
+    Write Attribute  ${boot_path}  BootMode  data=${valueDict}
-    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary  Content-Type=application/json
-    ${resp}=  Post Request  openbmc  ${BMC_USER_URI}root/action/SetPassword
-    ...  data=${data}  headers=${headers}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
-    ...  msg=Updating the new root password failed, RC=${resp.status_code}.
+Is Power On
+    [Documentation]  Verify that the BMC chassis state is on.
+    ${state}=  Get Power State
+    Should be equal  ${state}  ${1}
+Is Power Off
+    [Documentation]  Verify that the BMC chassis state is off.
+    ${state}=  Get Power State
+    Should be equal  ${state}  ${0}