Enable of test cases for testing journal log

What is enabled
   - Added test cases in extended folder to verify that proper logs are
       getting logged in journal log for different REST operations.
   - Test cases are framed for GET, POST and PUT request.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#210

Change-Id: I66758dc65e2e093373dcb998d3ec4b648a40e0e7
Signed-off-by: Rahul Maheshwari <rahulmaheshwari@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/extended/test_journal.robot b/extended/test_journal.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc5802c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extended/test_journal.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation   This testsuite is for testing journal logs in openbmc.
+Resource           ../lib/rest_client.robot
+Resource           ../lib/utils.robot
+Resource           ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Suite Setup        Open Connection And Log In
+Suite Teardown     Close All Connections
+Test Teardown      Log FFDC
+*** Variables ***
+&{NIL}  data=@{EMPTY}
+*** Test Cases ***
+Get Request Journal Log
+    [Documentation]   This testcase is to verify that proper log is logged in
+    ...               journal log for GET request.
+    [Tags]  Get_Request_Journal_Log
+    Start Journal Log
+    openbmc get request     /org/openbmc/
+    ${output}=    Stop Journal Log
+    Should Contain   ${output}    GET /org/openbmc/ HTTP/1.1
+Post Request Journal Log
+    [Documentation]   This testcase is to verify that proper log is logged in
+    ...               journal log for POST request.
+    [Tags]  Post_Request_Journal_Log
+    Start Journal Log
+    openbmc post request     /org/openbmc/records/events/action/clear    data=${NIL}
+    ${output}=    Stop Journal Log
+    Should Contain   ${output}    POST /org/openbmc/records/events/action/clear HTTP/1.1
+Put Request Journal Log
+    [Documentation]   This testcase is to verify that proper log is logged in
+    ...               journal log for PUT request.
+    [Tags]  Put_Request_Journal_Log
+    Start Journal Log
+    ${bootpolicy} =   Set Variable   ONETIME
+    ${valueDict} =   create dictionary   data=${bootpolicy}
+    openbmc put request  /org/openbmc/settings/host0/attr/boot_policy   data=${valueDict}
+    ${output}=    Stop Journal Log
+    Should Contain   ${output}    PUT /org/openbmc/settings/host0/attr/boot_policy HTTP/1.1
+*** Keywords ***