Separating the BMC reboot and verify firmware version keyword

Here removed the verify firmware version from BMC/Host reboot.
verify firmware version will be added separately in code.

Change-Id: I4d2fbb51995af8a632b5ff66c269571d22c90380
Signed-off-by: Sushil Singh <>
diff --git a/lib/applytime_table.json b/lib/applytime_table.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fcc28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/applytime_table.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+    "bmc": {
+        "OnReset": "Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)",
+        "Immediate": "Wait For Reboot  start_boot_seconds=${state['epoch_seconds']}"
+    },
+    "host": {
+        "OnReset": "Redfish Host Reboot",
+        "Immediate": "Wait State  os_running_match_state  10 mins"
+    }
diff --git a/lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot b/lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot
index 5759b13..fc51cde 100644
--- a/lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot
+++ b/lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot
@@ -123,42 +123,6 @@
     ...    match_state='Enabled'  image_id=${image_id}
-Reboot BMC And Verify BMC Image
-    [Documentation]  Reboot or wait for BMC standby post reboot and
-    ...  verify installed image is functional.
-    [Arguments]  ${apply_time}  ${start_boot_seconds}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # apply_time            ApplyTime allowed values
-    #                       (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate").
-    # start_boot_seconds    See 'Wait For Reboot' for details.
-    Run Keyword if  'OnReset' == '${apply_time}'
-    ...  Run Keyword
-    ...      Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
-    ...  ELSE
-    ...    Run Keyword
-    ...        Wait For Reboot  start_boot_seconds=${start_boot_seconds}
-    Redfish.Login
-    Redfish Verify BMC Version  ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
-Poweron Host And Verify Host Image
-    [Documentation]  Power on Host and verify installed image is functional.
-    [Arguments]  ${apply_time}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # apply_time            ApplyTime allowed values
-    #                       (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate").
-    Run Keyword if  'OnReset' == '${apply_time}'
-    ...    Redfish Host Reboot
-    ...  ELSE
-    ...    Wait State  os_running_match_state  10 mins
-    Redfish.Login
-    Redfish Verify Host Version  ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
 Get Host Power State
     [Documentation]  Get host power state.
     [Arguments]  ${quiet}=0
diff --git a/redfish/update_service/test_redfish_bmc_code_update.robot b/redfish/update_service/test_redfish_bmc_code_update.robot
index 91d75fd..532a399 100644
--- a/redfish/update_service/test_redfish_bmc_code_update.robot
+++ b/redfish/update_service/test_redfish_bmc_code_update.robot
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 Resource                 ../../lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot
 Library                  ../../lib/
 Library                  ../../lib/
+Library                  ../../lib/
 Suite Setup              Suite Setup Execution
 Suite Teardown           Redfish.Logout
@@ -76,11 +77,12 @@
     ${state}=  Get Pre Reboot State
     Rprint Vars  state
     Set ApplyTime  policy=${apply_Time}
+    ${get_json_file}=  OperatingSystem.Get File  lib/applytime_table.json
+    ${post_code_update_actions}=  Evaluate  json.loads('''${get_json_file}''')  json
     Redfish Upload Image And Check Progress State
-    Reboot BMC And Verify BMC Image
-    ...  ${apply_time}  start_boot_seconds=${state['epoch_seconds']}
+    Run Key  ${post_code_update_actions['bmc']['${apply_time}']}
+    Redfish.Login
     Verify Get ApplyTime  ${apply_time}