New, and

Change-Id: I237dd5aab7a29466c6ec69451df9318415ea765f
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <>
diff --git a/lib/boot/ b/lib/boot/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..55bb9bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/boot/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This module is the python counterpart to poweroffs.robot.  It provides
+functions for powering off an open bmc machine.
+import gen_robot_print as grp
+import state as state_mod
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+# We need utils.robot to get keyword "Initiate Power Off".
+def bmc_power_off():
+    r"""
+    Power the Open BMC machine off and monitor status to verify.
+    """
+    grp.rprint_timen("Refreshing state data.")
+    state = state_mod.get_state()
+    grp.rprint_var(state)
+    match_state = state_mod.anchor_state(state)
+    grp.rprintn()
+    cmd_buf = ["Initiate Power Off"]
+    grp.rpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    power = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+    # Wait for the state to change in any way.
+    state_mod.wait_state(match_state, wait_time="1 min", interval="3 seconds",
+                         invert=1)
+    cmd_buf = ["Create Dictionary", "power=${0}",
+               "bmc=HOST_POWERED_OFF", "boot_progress=Off"]
+    grp.rdpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    final_state = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+    final_state = state_mod.anchor_state(final_state)
+    grp.rprintn()
+    state_mod.wait_state(final_state, wait_time="2 min", interval="3 seconds")
diff --git a/lib/boot/ b/lib/boot/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..872912a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/boot/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This module is the python counterpart to utils.robot.  It provides many
+functions for communicating with the Open BMC machine.
+import gen_robot_print as grp
+import state as state_mod
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+# We need utils.robot to get keyword "Initiate Power On".
+def bmc_power_on():
+    r"""
+    Power the Open BMC machine on and monitor status to verify.
+    """
+    grp.rprint_timen("Refreshing state data.")
+    state = state_mod.get_state()
+    grp.rprint_var(state)
+    match_state = state_mod.anchor_state(state)
+    grp.rprintn()
+    cmd_buf = ["Initiate Power On", "wait=${0}"]
+    grp.rpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    power = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+    # Wait for the state to change in any way.
+    state_mod.wait_state(match_state, wait_time="1 min", interval="3 seconds",
+                         invert=1)
+    cmd_buf = ["Create Dictionary", "power=${1}",
+               "bmc=HOST_BOOTED",
+               "boot_progress=FW Progress, Starting OS"]
+    grp.rdpissuing_keyword(cmd_buf)
+    final_state = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
+    try:
+        os_host = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OS_HOST}")
+    except TypeError:
+        os_host = ""
+    if os_host != "":
+        final_state['os_ping'] = 1
+        final_state['os_login'] = 1
+        final_state['os_run_cmd'] = 1
+    final_state = state_mod.anchor_state(final_state)
+    grp.rprintn()
+    state_mod.wait_state(final_state, wait_time="7 min", interval="3 seconds")
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9494365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This module provides functions which are useful for running plug-ins from a
+robot program.
+import sys
+import subprocess
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+import commands
+import os
+import tempfile
+import gen_print as gp
+import gen_robot_print as grp
+import gen_misc as gm
+def rvalidate_plug_ins(plug_in_dir_paths,
+                       quiet=1):
+    r"""
+    Call the external program which validates the plug-in
+    dir paths given to it.  Return a list containing a normalized path for
+    each plug-in selected.
+    Description of arguments:
+    plug_in_dir_paths               A colon-separated list of plug-in
+                                    directory paths.
+    quiet                           If quiet is set to 1, this function will
+                                    NOT write status messages to stdout.
+    """
+    cmd_buf = " \"" + plug_in_dir_paths + "\""
+    if int(quiet) != 1:
+        grp.rpissuing(cmd_buf)
+    rc, out_buf = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd_buf)
+    if rc != 0:
+        message = gp.sprint_varx("rc", rc, 1) + out_buf
+        grp.rprintn(out_buf, 'STDERR')
+        BuiltIn().fail("Validate plug ins call failed.  See stderr text for" +
+                       " details.\n")
+    plug_in_packages_list = out_buf.split("\n")
+    if len(plug_in_packages_list) == 1 and plug_in_packages_list[0] == "":
+        return []
+    return plug_in_packages_list
+def rprocess_plug_in_packages(plug_in_packages_list=None,
+                              call_point="setup",
+                              shell_rc="0x00000000",
+                              stop_on_plug_in_failure=1,
+                              stop_on_non_zero_rc=0,
+                              release_type="obmc",
+                              quiet=None,
+                              debug=None):
+    r"""
+    Call the external to process the plug-in
+    packages.  Return the following:
+    rc                              The return code - 0 = PASS, 1 = FAIL.
+    shell_rc                        The shell return code returned by
+    failed_plug_in_name             The failed plug in name (if any).
+    Description of arguments:
+    plug_in_packages_list           A python list of plug-in directory paths.
+    call_point                      The call point program to be called for
+                                    each plug-in package (e.g. post_boot).
+                                    This name should not include the "cp_"
+                                    prefix.
+    shell_rc                        The user may supply a value other than
+                                    zero to indicate an acceptable non-zero
+                                    return code.  For example, if this value
+                                    equals 0x00000200, it means that for each
+                                    plug-in call point that runs, a 0x00000200
+                                    will not be counted as a failure.
+    stop_on_plug_in_failure         If this parameter is set to 1, this
+                                    program will stop and return non-zero if
+                                    the call point program from any plug-in
+                                    directory fails.  Conversely, if it is set
+                                    to false, this program will run the call
+                                    point program from each and every plug-in
+                                    directory regardless of their return
+                                    values.  Typical example cases where you'd
+                                    want to run all plug-in call points
+                                    regardless of success or failure would be
+                                    "cleanup" or "ffdc" call points.
+    stop_on_non_zero_rc             If this parm is set to 1 and a plug-in
+                                    call point program returns a valid
+                                    non-zero return code (see "shell_rc" parm
+                                    above), this program will stop processing
+                                    and return 0 (success).  Since this
+                                    constitutes a successful exit, this would
+                                    normally be used where the caller wishes
+                                    to stop processing if one of the plug-in
+                                    directory call point programs returns a
+                                    special value indicating that some special
+                                    case has been found.  An example might be
+                                    in calling some kind of "check_errl" call
+                                    point program.  Such a call point program
+                                    might return a 2 (i.e. 0x00000200) to
+                                    indicate that a given error log entry was
+                                    found in an "ignore" list and is therefore
+                                    to be ignored.  That being the case, no
+                                    other "check_errl" call point program
+                                    would need to be called.
+    release_type                    The type of release being tested (e.g.
+                                    "obmc", "op", "fips").  This influences
+                                    which integrated plug-ins are selected.
+    quiet                           If quiet is set to 1, this function will
+                                    NOT write status messages to stdout.  This
+                                    will default to the global quiet program
+                                    parm or to 0.
+    debug                           If this parameter is set to 1, this
+                                    function will print additional debug
+                                    information.  This is mainly to be used by
+                                    the developer of this function.  This will
+                                    default to the global quiet program parm
+                                    or to 0.
+    """
+    rc = 0
+    if plug_in_packages_list is None:
+        plug_in_packages_list = BuiltIn().get_variable_value(
+                                "${plug_in_packages_list}")
+    # If there are no plug-in packages to process, return successfully.
+    if len(plug_in_packages_list) == 0:
+        return 0, 0, ""
+    if quiet is None:
+        try:
+            quiet = int(BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${quiet}"))
+        except TypeError:
+            quiet = 0
+    if debug is None:
+        try:
+            debug = int(BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${debug}"))
+        except TypeError:
+            debug = 0
+    # Create string from list.
+    plug_in_dir_paths = ':'.join(plug_in_packages_list)
+    temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+    temp_file_path =
+    temp2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+    temp_properties_file_path =
+    if int(debug) == 1:
+        os.environ["PERF_TRACE"] = "1"
+        debug_string = " --quiet=0"
+    else:
+        debug_string = ""
+    loc_shell_rc = 0
+    sub_cmd_buf = "" + debug_string +\
+                  " --call_point=" + call_point + " --shell_rc=" +\
+                  str(shell_rc) + " --stop_on_plug_in_failure=" +\
+                  str(stop_on_plug_in_failure) + " --stop_on_non_zero_rc=" +\
+                  str(stop_on_non_zero_rc) + " " + plug_in_dir_paths
+    if int(quiet) == 1:
+        cmd_buf = sub_cmd_buf + " > " + temp_file_path + " 2>&1"
+    else:
+        cmd_buf = "my_tee" + debug_string + " " + temp_file_path + " -c '" +\
+                  sub_cmd_buf + "'"
+        if int(debug) == 1:
+            grp.rpissuing(cmd_buf)
+    ppc_rc =, shell=True)
+    # As help text states, it will print the
+    # values of failed_plug_in_name and shell_rc in the following format:
+    # failed_plug_in_name:               <failed plug-in value, if any>
+    # shell_rc:                          <shell return code value of last
+    # call point program>
+    # We want to obtain those values from the output.  To make the task
+    # simpler, we'll start by grepping the output for lines that might fit
+    # such a format:
+    # - Zero or more spaces
+    # - One or more non-colon characters
+    # - A colon
+    # - Zero or more spaces
+    cmd_buf = "egrep '^[ ]*[^:]+:[ ]*' " + temp_file_path + " > " +\
+              temp_properties_file_path
+    if int(debug) == 1:
+        grp.rpissuing(cmd_buf)
+    rc = os.system(cmd_buf)
+    # Next we call my_parm_file to create a properties dictionary.
+    properties = gm.my_parm_file(temp_properties_file_path)
+    # Finally, we access the 2 values that we need.
+    try:
+        shell_rc = properties['shell_rc']
+    except KeyError:
+        shell_rc = 0
+    try:
+        failed_plug_in_name = properties['failed_plug_in_name']
+    except KeyError:
+        failed_plug_in_name = ""
+    if rc != 0 or ppc_rc != 0:
+        grp.rprint_error("Call to process_plug_in_packages failed.\n")
+        grp.rprint_varx("rc", rc)
+        grp.rprint_varx("ppc_rc", ppc_rc)
+        grp.rprint_varx("shell_rc", shell_rc)
+        grp.rprint_varx("failed_plug_in_name", failed_plug_in_name)
+    return rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name