dbus-vis: Show message arguments in pop-up window

Messages show up in the pop-window like the following:

 Message type: sig
 Serial      : 123456
 Sender      : :1.234
 Destination : <none>
 Path        : /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/SomeSensor
 Interface   : org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
 Member      : PropertiesChanged
 args[0]: Value, 38.625

This is very convenient for quickly seeing what is in the DBus messages,
and makes debugging certain bugs, for example, sensor-related ones, more

Signed-off-by: Sui Chen <suichen@google.com>
Change-Id: I29d52d5b8da315f7de1025b7f266b69ce32edb09
diff --git a/dbus-vis/timeline_view.js b/dbus-vis/timeline_view.js
index 39f98a0..98b94a7 100644
--- a/dbus-vis/timeline_view.js
+++ b/dbus-vis/timeline_view.js
@@ -1809,6 +1809,27 @@
     labels.push('Interface   : ' + iface);
     labels.push('Member      : ' + member);
+    let packet_idx = -1;
+    if (msg_type == 'mc') {
+      packet_idx = 10;
+    } else if (msg_type == 'sig') {
+      packet_idx = 9;
+    }
+    if (packet_idx != -1) {
+      let packet = theHoveredReq[packet_idx];
+      if (packet.length >= 2) {
+        const args = packet[1].length;
+        if (args.length < 1) {
+          labels.push("(no args)");
+        } else {
+          for (let i = 0; i < packet[1].length; i ++) {
+            labels.push('args[' + i + "]: " + packet[1][i]);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
     let w = 1, h = LINE_SPACING * labels.length + 2 * PAD;
     for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
       w = Math.max(w, ctx.measureText(labels[i]).width);