blob: 2971ec65fcc8945b7304f97e3ba81888f08250de [file] [log] [blame]
const { TouchBarScrubber } = require("electron");
// Default range: 0 to 300s, shared between both views
// Global timeline start
var g_StartingSec = undefined;
function ShouldShowDebugInfo() {
if (g_cb_debug_info.checked) return true;
else return false;
function GetHistoryHistogram() {
return HistoryHistogram;
function RenderHistogramForImageData(ctx, key) {
let PAD = 1, // To make up for the extra stroke width
PAD2 = 2; // To preserve some space at both ends of the histogram
let cumDensity0 = 0, cumDensity1 = 0;
// Left normalized index Left value Right normalized index, Right value
let threshEntry = [[undefined, undefined], [undefined, undefined]];
const x = 0, y = 0, w = HISTOGRAM_W, h = HISTOGRAM_H;
let hist = GetHistoryHistogram()[key];
if (hist == undefined) return;
let buckets = hist[2];
let dw = w * 1.0 / buckets.length;
let maxCount = 0, totalCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++) {
if (maxCount < buckets[i]) {
maxCount = buckets[i];
totalCount += buckets[i];
ctx.fillStyle = '#FFF';
ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
ctx.strokeStyle = '#AAA';
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeRect(x + PAD, y + PAD, w - 2 * PAD, h - 2 * PAD);
for (let i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++) {
const bucketsLen = buckets.length;
if (buckets[i] > 0) {
let dx0 = x + PAD2 + (w - 2 * PAD2) * 1.0 * i / buckets.length,
dx1 = x + PAD2 + (w - 2 * PAD2) * 1.0 * (i + 1) / buckets.length,
dy0 = y + h - h * 1.0 * buckets[i] / maxCount, dy1 = y + h;
let delta_density = buckets[i] / totalCount;
cumDensity0 = cumDensity1;
cumDensity1 += delta_density;
// Write thresholds
if (cumDensity0 < HISTOGRAM_LEFT_TAIL_WIDTH &&
threshEntry[0][0] = i / buckets.length;
threshEntry[0][1] = hist[0] + (hist[1] - hist[0]) / bucketsLen * i;
if (cumDensity0 < 1 - HISTOGRAM_RIGHT_TAIL_WIDTH &&
cumDensity1 >= 1 - HISTOGRAM_RIGHT_TAIL_WIDTH) {
threshEntry[1][0] = (i - 1) / buckets.length;
threshEntry[1][1] =
hist[0] + (hist[1] - hist[0]) / bucketsLen * (i - 1);
ctx.fillRect(dx0, dy0, dx1 - dx0, dy1 - dy0);
// Mark the threshold regions
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,255,0,0.1)';
let dx = x + PAD2;
dw = (w - 2 * PAD2) * 1.0 * threshEntry[0][0];
ctx.fillRect(dx, y, dw, h);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.1)';
dx = x + PAD2 + (w - 2 * PAD2) * 1.0 * threshEntry[1][0];
dw = (w - 2 * PAD2) * 1.0 * (1 - threshEntry[1][0]);
ctx.fillRect(dx, y, dw, h);
IsCanvasDirty = true;
return [ctx.getImageData(x, y, w, h), threshEntry];
function RenderHistogram(ctx, key, xMid, yMid) {
if (GetHistoryHistogram()[key] == undefined) {
if (IpmiVizHistogramImageData[key] == undefined) {
let hist = GetHistoryHistogram()[key];
IpmiVizHistogramImageData[key], xMid - HISTOGRAM_W / 2,
yMid - HISTOGRAM_H / 2);
let ub = ''; // Upper bound label
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
if (hist[1] > 1000) {
ub = (hist[1] / 1000.0).toFixed(1) + 'ms';
} else {
ub = hist[1].toFixed(1) + 'us';
ctx.fillText(ub, xMid + HISTOGRAM_W / 2, yMid);
let lb = ''; // Lower bound label
if (hist[0] > 1000) {
lb = (hist[0] / 1000.0).toFixed(1) + 'ms';
} else {
lb = hist[0].toFixed(1) + 'us';
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.fillText(lb, xMid - HISTOGRAM_W / 2, yMid);
// A TimelineView contains data that has already gone through
// the Layout step and is ready for showing
class TimelineView {
constructor() {
this.Intervals = [];
this.Titles = []; // { "header":true|false, "title":string, "intervals_idxes":[int] }
this.Heights = []; // Visual height for each line
this.HeaderCollapsed = {};
this.TitleProperties = []; // [Visual height, Is Header]
this.LowerBoundTime = RANGE_LEFT_INIT;
this.UpperBoundTime = RANGE_RIGHT_INIT;
this.LowerBoundTimeTarget = this.LowerBoundTime;
this.UpperBoundTimeTarget = this.UpperBoundTime;
this.LastTimeLowerBound = 0;
this.LastTimeUpperBound = 0;
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
this.IsHighlightDirty = true;
this.IsAnimating = false;
this.IpmiVizHistogramImageData = {};
this.IpmiVizHistHighlighted = {};
this.HighlightedRequests = [];
this.Canvas = undefined;
this.TitleDispLengthLimit = 32; // display this many chars for title
this.IsTimeDistributionEnabled = false;
this.AccentColor = '#000';
this.CurrentFileName = '';
this.VisualLineStartIdx = 0;
// For connecting to the data model
this.GroupBy = [];
this.GroupByStr = '';
// For keyboard navigation
this.CurrDeltaX = 0;
this.CurrDeltaZoom = 0;
this.CurrShiftFlag = false;
this.MouseState = {
hovered: true,
pressed: false,
x: 0,
y: 0,
hoveredVisibleLineIndex: -999,
hoveredSide: undefined, // 'left', 'right', 'scroll', 'timeline'
drag_begin_title_start_idx: undefined,
drag_begin_y: undefined,
IsDraggingScrollBar: function() {
return (this.drag_begin_y != undefined);
EndDragScrollBar: function() {
this.drag_begin_y = undefined;
this.drag_begin_title_start_idx = undefined;
IsHoveredOverHorizontalScrollbar: function() {
if (this.hoveredSide == "top_horizontal_scrollbar") return true;
else if (this.hoveredSide == "bottom_horizontal_scrollbar") return true;
else return false;
this.ScrollBarState = {
y0: undefined,
y1: undefined,
this.HighlightedRegion = {t0: -999, t1: -999};
// The linked view will move and zoom with this view
this.linked_views = [];
// Performs layout operation, move overlapping intervals to different
// lines
LayoutForOverlappingIntervals() {
this.Heights = [];
const MAX_STACK = 10; // Stack level limit: 10, arbitrarily chosen
for (let i=0; i<this.Titles.length; i++) {
let last_x = {};
let ymax = 0;
const title_data = this.Titles[i];
const intervals_idxes = title_data.intervals_idxes;
// TODO: What happens if there are > 1
if (title_data.header == false) {
const line = this.Intervals[intervals_idxes[0]];
for (let j=0; j<line.length; j++) {
const entry = line[j];
let y = 0;
for (; y<MAX_STACK; y++) {
if (!(y in last_x)) { break; }
if (last_x[y] <= entry[0]) {
const end_time = entry[1];
if (end_time != undefined && !isNaN(end_time)) {
last_x[y] = end_time;
} else {
last_x[y] = entry[0];
entry[4] = y;
ymax = Math.max(y, ymax);
} else if (intervals_idxes.length == 0) {
// Don't do anything, set height to 1
TotalVisualHeight() {
let ret = 0;
this.Heights.forEach((h) => {
ret += h;
return ret;
// Returns [Index, Offset]
VisualLineIndexToDataLineIndex(x) {
if (this.Heights.length < 1) return undefined;
let lb = 0, ub = this.Heights[0]-1;
for (let i=0; i<this.Heights.length; i++) {
ub = lb + this.Heights[i] - 1;
if (lb <= x && ub >= x) {
return [i, x-lb];
lb = ub+1;
return undefined;
IsEmpty() {
return (this.Intervals.length < 1);
GetTitleWidthLimit() {
if (this.IsTimeDistributionEnabled == true) {
return 32;
} else {
return 64;
ToLines(t, limit) {
let ret = [];
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i += limit) {
let j = Math.min(i + limit, t.length);
ret.push(t.substr(i, j));
return ret;
Zoom(dz, mid = undefined, iter = 1) {
if (this.CurrShiftFlag) dz *= 2;
if (dz != 0) {
if (mid == undefined) {
mid = (this.LowerBoundTime + this.UpperBoundTime) / 2;
this.LowerBoundTime = mid - (mid - this.LowerBoundTime) * (1 - dz);
this.UpperBoundTime = mid + (this.UpperBoundTime - mid) * (1 - dz);
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
this.IsAnimating = false;
if (iter > 0) {
this.linked_views.forEach(function(v) {
v.Zoom(dz, mid, iter - 1);
BeginZoomAnimation(dz, mid = undefined, iter = 1) {
if (mid == undefined) {
mid = (this.LowerBoundTime + this.UpperBoundTime) / 2;
this.LowerBoundTimeTarget = mid - (mid - this.LowerBoundTime) * (1 - dz);
this.UpperBoundTimeTarget = mid + (this.UpperBoundTime - mid) * (1 - dz);
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
this.IsAnimating = true;
if (iter > 0) {
this.linked_views.forEach(function(v) {
v.BeginZoomAnimation(dz, mid, iter - 1);
BeginPanScreenAnimaton(delta_screens, iter = 1) {
let deltat = (this.UpperBoundTime - this.LowerBoundTime) * delta_screens;
this.LowerBoundTime + deltat, this.UpperBoundTime + deltat);
if (iter > 0) {
this.linked_views.forEach(function(v) {
v.BeginPanScreenAnimaton(delta_screens, iter - 1);
BeginSetBoundaryAnimation(lt, rt, iter = 1) {
this.IsAnimating = true;
this.LowerBoundTimeTarget = lt;
this.UpperBoundTimeTarget = rt;
if (iter > 0) {
this.linked_views.forEach(function(v) {
v.BeginSetBoundaryAnimation(lt, rt, iter - 1);
BeginWarpToRequestAnimation(req, iter = 1) {
let mid_new = (req[0] + req[1]) / 2;
let mid = (this.LowerBoundTime + this.UpperBoundTime) / 2;
let lt = this.LowerBoundTime + (mid_new - mid);
let rt = this.UpperBoundTime + (mid_new - mid);
this.BeginSetBoundaryAnimation(lt, rt, 0);
this.linked_views.forEach(function(v) {
v.BeginSetBoundaryAnimation(lt, rt, 0);
UpdateAnimation() {
const EPS = 1e-3;
if (Math.abs(this.LowerBoundTime - this.LowerBoundTimeTarget) < EPS &&
Math.abs(this.UpperBoundTime - this.UpperBoundTimeTarget) < EPS) {
this.LowerBoundTime = this.LowerBoundTimeTarget;
this.UpperBoundTime = this.UpperBoundTimeTarget;
this.IsAnimating = false;
if (this.IsAnimating) {
let t = 0.80;
this.LowerBoundTime =
this.LowerBoundTime * t + this.LowerBoundTimeTarget * (1 - t);
this.UpperBoundTime =
this.UpperBoundTime * t + this.UpperBoundTimeTarget * (1 - t);
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
IsHighlighted() {
return (
this.HighlightedRegion.t0 != -999 && this.HighlightedRegion.t1 != -999);
RenderHistogram(ctx, key, xMid, yMid) {
if (GetHistoryHistogram()[key] == undefined) {
if (this.IpmiVizHistogramImageData[key] == undefined) {
let hist = GetHistoryHistogram()[key];
this.IpmiVizHistogramImageData[key], xMid - HISTOGRAM_W / 2,
yMid - HISTOGRAM_H / 2);
let ub = ''; // Upper bound label
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
if (hist[1] > 1000) {
ub = (hist[1] / 1000.0).toFixed(1) + 'ms';
} else {
ub = hist[1].toFixed(1) + 'us';
ctx.fillText(ub, xMid + HISTOGRAM_W / 2, yMid);
let lb = ''; // Lower bound label
if (hist[0] > 1000) {
lb = (hist[0] / 1000.0).toFixed(1) + 'ms';
} else {
lb = hist[0].toFixed(1) + 'us';
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.fillText(lb, xMid - HISTOGRAM_W / 2, yMid);
IsMouseOverTimeline() {
return this.MouseState.x > LEFT_MARGIN;
MouseXToTimestamp(x) {
(this.UpperBoundTime - this.LowerBoundTime) +
ret = Math.max(ret, this.LowerBoundTime);
ret = Math.min(ret, this.UpperBoundTime);
return ret;
Unhighlight() {
this.HighlightedRegion.t0 = -999;
this.HighlightedRegion.t1 = -999;
OnMouseMove() {
// Drag gestures
if (this.MouseState.pressed == true) {
const h = this.MouseState.hoveredSide;
if (h == 'timeline') {
// Update highlighted area
this.HighlightedRegion.t1 =
const PAD = 2;
if (this.MouseState.x < LEFT_MARGIN)
this.MouseState.hovered = false;
else if (this.MouseState.x > RIGHT_MARGIN)
this.MouseState.hovered = false;
this.MouseState.hovered = true;
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
let lineIndex =
Math.floor((this.MouseState.y - YBEGIN + TEXT_Y0) / LINE_SPACING);
if (this.MouseState.x <= 0 ||
this.MouseState.x >= RIGHT_MARGIN) {
lineIndex = undefined;
const old_hoveredSide = this.MouseState.hoveredSide;
// Left/right overflow markers or time axis drag
this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex = -999;
if (this.MouseState.hoveredSide != "scrollbar" &&
this.MouseState.pressed == false) {
if (lineIndex != undefined) {
this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex = lineIndex;
let should_hide_cursor = false; // Should we hide the vertical cursor for linked views?
if (this.MouseState.x <= PAD + LINE_SPACING / 2 + LEFT_MARGIN &&
this.MouseState.x >= PAD + LEFT_MARGIN) {
this.MouseState.hoveredSide = 'left';
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
} else if (
this.MouseState.x <= RIGHT_MARGIN - PAD &&
this.MouseState.x >= RIGHT_MARGIN - PAD - LINE_SPACING / 2) {
this.MouseState.hoveredSide = 'right';
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
} else if (this.MouseState.x >= PAD + LEFT_MARGIN &&
this.MouseState.y > 0) {
this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex = undefined;
this.MouseState.hoveredSide = 'top_horizontal_scrollbar';
} else if (this.MouseState.x >= PAD + LEFT_MARGIN &&
this.MouseState.y >= this.Canvas.height - BOTTOM_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_HEIGHT &&
this.MouseState.y <= this.Canvas.height) {
this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex = undefined;
this.MouseState.hoveredSide = 'bottom_horizontal_scrollbar';
} else {
this.MouseState.hoveredSide = undefined;
// During a dragging session
if (this.MouseState.pressed == true) {
if (this.MouseState.hoveredSide == "top_horizontal_scrollbar" ||
this.MouseState.hoveredSide == "bottom_horizontal_scrollbar") {
const sec_per_px = (this.MouseState.begin_UpperBoundTime - this.MouseState.begin_LowerBoundTime) / (RIGHT_MARGIN - LEFT_MARGIN);
const pan_secs = (this.MouseState.x - this.MouseState.begin_drag_x) * sec_per_px;
const new_lb = this.MouseState.begin_LowerBoundTime - pan_secs;
const new_ub = this.MouseState.begin_UpperBoundTime - pan_secs;
this.LowerBoundTime = new_lb;
this.UpperBoundTime = new_ub;
// Sync to all other views
this.linked_views.forEach((v) => {
v.LowerBoundTime = new_lb; v.UpperBoundTime = new_ub;
const tvh = this.TotalVisualHeight();
if (this.MouseState.hoveredSide == 'scrollbar') {
const diff_y = this.MouseState.y - this.MouseState.drag_begin_y;
const diff_title_idx = tvh * diff_y / this.Canvas.height;
let new_title_start_idx = this.MouseState.drag_begin_title_start_idx + parseInt(diff_title_idx);
if (new_title_start_idx < 0) { new_title_start_idx = 0; }
else if (new_title_start_idx >= tvh) {
new_title_start_idx = tvh - 1;
this.VisualLineStartIdx = new_title_start_idx;
OnMouseLeave() {
// When dragging the scroll bar, allow mouse to temporarily leave the element since we only
// care about delta Y
if (this.MouseState.hoveredSide == 'scrollbar') {
} else {
this.MouseState.hovered = false;
this.MouseState.hoveredSide = undefined;
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex = undefined;
this.MouseState.y = undefined;
this.MouseState.x = undefined;
// Assume event.button is zero (left mouse button)
OnMouseDown(iter = 1) {
// If hovering over an overflowing triangle, warp to the nearest overflowed
// request on that line
if (this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex >= 0 &&
this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex < this.Intervals.length &&
this.MouseState.hoveredSide != undefined) {
const x = this.VisualLineIndexToDataLineIndex(this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex);
if (x == undefined) return;
const line = this.Intervals[x[0]];
if (this.MouseState.hoveredSide == 'left') {
for (let i = line.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (line[i][1] <= this.LowerBoundTime) {
// TODO: pass timeline X to linked view
} else if (this.MouseState.hoveredSide == 'right') {
for (let i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
if (line[i][0] >= this.UpperBoundTime) {
// TODO: pass timeline X to linked view
let tx = this.MouseXToTimestamp(this.MouseState.x);
let t0 = Math.min(this.HighlightedRegion.t0, this.HighlightedRegion.t1),
t1 = Math.max(this.HighlightedRegion.t0, this.HighlightedRegion.t1);
if (this.MouseState.x > LEFT_MARGIN) {
// If clicking on the horizontal scroll bar, start panning the viewport
if (this.MouseState.hoveredSide == "top_horizontal_scrollbar" ||
this.MouseState.hoveredSide == "bottom_horizontal_scrollbar") {
this.MouseState.pressed = true;
this.MouseState.begin_drag_x = this.MouseState.x;
this.MouseState.begin_LowerBoundTime = this.LowerBoundTime;
this.MouseState.begin_UpperBoundTime = this.UpperBoundTime;
} else if (tx >= t0 && tx <= t1) {
// If clicking inside highlighted area, zoom around the area
this.BeginSetBoundaryAnimation(t0, t1);
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
this.linked_views.forEach(function(v) {
v.BeginSetBoundaryAnimation(t0, t1, 0);
v.IsCanvasDirty = false;
} else { // If in the timeline area, start a new dragging action
this.MouseState.hoveredSide = 'timeline';
this.MouseState.pressed = true;
this.HighlightedRegion.t0 = this.MouseXToTimestamp(this.MouseState.x);
this.HighlightedRegion.t1 = this.HighlightedRegion.t0;
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
} else if (this.MouseState.x < SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) { // Todo: draagging the scroll bar
const THRESH = 4;
if (this.MouseState.y >= this.ScrollBarState.y0 - THRESH &&
this.MouseState.y <= this.ScrollBarState.y1 + THRESH) {
this.MouseState.pressed = true;
this.MouseState.drag_begin_y = this.MouseState.y;
this.MouseState.drag_begin_title_start_idx = this.VisualLineStartIdx;
this.MouseState.hoveredSide = 'scrollbar';
// Collapse or expand a "header"
if (this.MouseState.x < LEFT_MARGIN &&
this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex != undefined) {
const x = this.VisualLineIndexToDataLineIndex(this.VisualLineStartIdx + this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex);
if (x != undefined) {
const tidx = x[0];
if (this.Titles[tidx] != undefined && this.Titles[tidx].header == true) {
// Currently, only DBus pane supports column headers, so we can hard-code the DBus re-group function (rather than to figure out which pane we're in)
this.HeaderCollapsed[this.Titles[tidx].title] = !(this.HeaderCollapsed[this.Titles[tidx].title]);
// Assume event.button == 0 (left mouse button)
OnMouseUp() {
this.MouseState.pressed = false;
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
this.IsHighlightDirty = true;
this.MouseState.hoveredSide = undefined;
UnhighlightIfEmpty() {
if (this.HighlightedRegion.t0 == this.HighlightedRegion.t1) {
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
return true;
} else
return false;
OnMouseWheel(event) {
const v = this;
let is_mouse_on_horizontal_scrollbar = false;
if (this.MouseState.y > 0 && this.MouseState.y < TOP_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_HEIGHT)
is_mouse_on_horizontal_scrollbar = true;
if (this.MouseState.y > this.Canvas.height - BOTTOM_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_HEIGHT &&
this.MouseState.y < this.Canvas.height)
is_mouse_on_horizontal_scrollbar = true;
if (/*v.IsMouseOverTimeline()*/ is_mouse_on_horizontal_scrollbar) {
let dz = 0;
if (event.deltaY > 0) { // Scroll down, zoom out
dz = -0.3;
} else if (event.deltaY < 0) { // Scroll up, zoom in
dz = 0.3;
v.Zoom(dz, v.MouseXToTimestamp(v.MouseState.x));
} else {
if (event.deltaY > 0) {
} else if (event.deltaY < 0) {
ScrollY(delta) {
this.VisualLineStartIdx += delta;
if (this.VisualLineStartIdx < 0) {
this.VisualLineStartIdx = 0;
} else if (this.VisualLineStartIdx >= this.TotalVisualHeight()) {
this.VisualLineStartIdx = this.TotalVisualHeight() - 1;
// This function is called in Render to draw a line of Intervals.
// It is made into its own function for brevity in Render().
// It depends on too much context so it doesn't look very clean though
do_RenderIntervals(ctx, intervals_j, j, dy0, dy1,
data_line_idx, visual_line_offset_within_data_line,
is_in_viewport) {
// To reduce the number of draw calls while preserve the accuracy in
// the visual presentation, combine rectangles that are within 1 pixel
// into one
let last_dx_begin = LEFT_MARGIN;
let last_dx_end = LEFT_MARGIN;
for (let i = 0; i < intervals_j.length; i++) {
let lb = intervals_j[i][0], ub = intervals_j[i][1];
const yoffset = intervals_j[i][4];
if (yoffset != visual_line_offset_within_data_line)
if (lb > ub)
continue; // Unmatched (only enter & no exit timestamp)
let isHighlighted = false;
let durationUsec =
(intervals_j[i][1] - intervals_j[i][0]) * 1000000;
let lbub = [lb, ub];
if (this.IsHighlighted()) {
if (IsIntersected(lbub, vars.highlightedInterval)) {
isHighlighted = true;
if (ub < this.LowerBoundTime) {
if (lb > this.UpperBoundTime) {
// Failed request
if (ub == undefined && lb < this.UpperBoundTime) {
let dx0 = MapXCoord(
lb, LEFT_MARGIN, RIGHT_MARGIN, this.LowerBoundTime,
dx1 = MapXCoord(
ub, LEFT_MARGIN, RIGHT_MARGIN, this.LowerBoundTime,
dx0 = Math.max(dx0, LEFT_MARGIN);
dx1 = Math.min(dx1, RIGHT_MARGIN);
let dw = Math.max(0, dx1 - dx0);
if (isHighlighted && is_in_viewport) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,128,255,0.5)';
ctx.fillRect(dx0, dy0, dw, dy1 - dy0);
let isCurrentReqHovered = false;
// Intersect with mouse using pixel coordinates
// When the mouse position is within 4 pixels distance from an entry, consider
// the mouse to be over that entry and show the information popup
const X_TOLERANCE = 4;
if (vars.theHoveredReq == undefined &&
[dx0 - X_TOLERANCE, dx0 + dw + X_TOLERANCE],
[this.MouseState.x, this.MouseState.x]) &&
[dy0, dy1], [this.MouseState.y, this.MouseState.y])) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,0,0.5)';
if (is_in_viewport) ctx.fillRect(dx0, dy0, dw, dy1 - dy0);
vars.theHoveredReq = intervals_j[i][2];
vars.theHoveredInterval = intervals_j[i];
isCurrentReqHovered = true;
ctx.lineWidth = 0.5;
// If this request is taking too long/is quick enough, use red/green
let entry = HistogramThresholds[this.Titles[data_line_idx].title];
let isError = false;
if (intervals_j[i][3] == 'error') {
isError = true;
if (entry != undefined) {
if (entry[0][1] != undefined && durationUsec < entry[0][1]) {
ctx.strokeStyle = '#0F0';
} else if (
entry[1][1] != undefined && durationUsec > entry[1][1]) {
ctx.strokeStyle = '#A00';
} else {
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
} else {
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
const duration = intervals_j[i][1] - intervals_j[i][0];
if (!isNaN(duration)) {
if (is_in_viewport) {
if (isError) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(192, 128, 128, 0.8)';
ctx.fillRect(dx0, dy0, dw, dy1 - dy0);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(192, 128, 128, 1)';
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = undefined;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
// This keeps track of the current "cluster" of requests
// that might visually overlap (i.e less than 1 pixel wide).
// This can greatly reduce overdraw and keep render time under
// a reasonable bound.
if (!ShouldShowDebugInfo()) {
if (dx0+dw - last_dx_begin > 1 ||
i == intervals_j.length - 1) {
if (is_in_viewport) {
ctx.strokeRect(last_dx_begin, dy0,
last_dx_end - last_dx_begin, // At least 1 pixel wide
last_dx_begin = dx0;
} else {
if (is_in_viewport) {
ctx.strokeRect(dx0, dy0, dw, dy1 - dy0);
last_dx_end = dx0 + dw;
} else {
// This entry has only a beginning and not an end
// perhaps the original method call did not return
if (is_in_viewport) {
if (isCurrentReqHovered) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(192, 192, 0, 0.8)';
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 128, 128, 0.8)';
ctx.arc(dx0, (dy0 + dy1) / 2, HISTOGRAM_H * 0.17, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
// Affects whether this req will be reflected in the aggregate info
// section
if ((isAggregateSelection == false) ||
(isAggregateSelection == true && isHighlighted == true)) {
if (!isNaN(duration)) {
vars.totalSecsCurrLine += duration;
} else {
// If a histogram exists for Titles[j], process the highlighted
// histogram buckets
if (GetHistoryHistogram()[this.Titles[data_line_idx].title] != undefined) {
let histogramEntry = GetHistoryHistogram()[this.Titles[data_line_idx].title];
let bucketInterval = (histogramEntry[1] - histogramEntry[0]) /
let bucketIndex =
(durationUsec - histogramEntry[0]) / bucketInterval) /
if (this.IpmiVizHistHighlighted[this.Titles[data_line_idx].title] == undefined) {
this.IpmiVizHistHighlighted[this.Titles[data_line_idx].title] = new Set();
let entry = this.IpmiVizHistHighlighted[this.Titles[data_line_idx].title];
} // end for (i=0 to interval_j.length-1)
if (!ShouldShowDebugInfo()) {
ctx.strokeRect(last_dx_begin, dy0,
last_dx_end - last_dx_begin, // At least 1 pixel wide
// For the header:
do_RenderHeader(ctx, header, j, dy0, dy1,
data_line_idx, visual_line_offset_within_data_line,
vars, is_in_viewport) {
const dy = (dy0+dy1) / 2;
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(192,192,255, 1)";
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(192,192,255, 1)"
const title_text = header.title + " (" + header.intervals_idxes.length + ")";
let skip_render = false;;
if (this.HeaderCollapsed[header.title] == false) { // Expanded
if (is_in_viewport) {
ctx.fillRect(0, dy-LINE_HEIGHT/2, x0, LINE_HEIGHT);
ctx.moveTo(x0, dy0);
ctx.lineTo(x0, dy1);
ctx.lineTo(x0 + LINE_HEIGHT, dy1);
ctx.lineWidth = 1.5;
ctx.moveTo(0, dy1);
ctx.lineTo(RIGHT_MARGIN, dy1);
ctx.fillStyle = '#003';
ctx.textBaseline = 'center';
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
ctx.fillText(title_text, LEFT_MARGIN - LINE_HEIGHT, dy);
// Don't draw the timelines so visual clutter is reduced
skip_render = true;
} else {
const x0 = LEFT_MARGIN - LINE_HEIGHT / 2;
if (is_in_viewport) {
ctx.fillRect(0, dy-LINE_HEIGHT/2, x0, LINE_HEIGHT);
ctx.lineWidth = 1.5;
ctx.moveTo(x0, dy0);
ctx.lineTo(x0 + LINE_HEIGHT/2, dy);
ctx.lineTo(x0, dy1);
ctx.moveTo(0, dy);
ctx.lineTo(RIGHT_MARGIN, dy);
ctx.fillStyle = '#003';
ctx.textBaseline = 'center';
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
ctx.fillText(title_text, LEFT_MARGIN - LINE_HEIGHT, dy);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(160,120,255,0.8)";
// Draw the merged intervals
// Similar to drawing the actual messages in do_Render(), but no collision detection against the mouse, and no hovering tooltip processing involved
const merged_intervals = header.merged_intervals;
let dxx0 = undefined, dxx1 = undefined;
for (let i=0; i<merged_intervals.length; i++) {
const lb = merged_intervals[i][0], ub = merged_intervals[i][1], weight = merged_intervals[i][2];
let duration = ub-lb;
let duration_usec = duration * 1000000;
const lbub = [lb, ub];
let isHighlighted = false;
if (this.IsHighlighted()) {
if (IsIntersected(lbub, vars.highlightedInterval)) {
vars.numIntersected += weight;
isHighlighted = true;
if (ub < this.LowerBoundTime) continue;
if (lb > this.UpperBoundTime) continue;
// Render only if collapsed
if (!skip_render) {
let dx0 = MapXCoord(
lb, LEFT_MARGIN, RIGHT_MARGIN, this.LowerBoundTime,
dx1 = MapXCoord(
ub, LEFT_MARGIN, RIGHT_MARGIN, this.LowerBoundTime,
dx0 = Math.max(dx0, LEFT_MARGIN);
dx1 = Math.min(dx1, RIGHT_MARGIN);
let dw = Math.max(1, dx1 - dx0); // At least 1 pixel wide during rendering
// Draw this interval
//ctx.fillRect(dx0, dy0, dw, dy1-dy0);
if (dxx0 == undefined || dxx1 == undefined) {
dxx0 = dx0;
const MERGE_THRESH = 0.5; // Pixels
let should_draw = true;
if (dxx1 == undefined || dx0 < dxx1 + MERGE_THRESH) should_draw = false;
if (i == merged_intervals.length - 1) {
should_draw = true;
dxx1 = dx1 + MERGE_THRESH;
if (should_draw) {
//console.log(dxx0 + ", " + dy0 + ", " + (dx1-dxx0) + ", " + LINE_HEIGHT);
if (is_in_viewport) {
ctx.fillRect(dxx0, dy0, dxx1-dxx0, LINE_HEIGHT);
dxx0 = undefined; dxx1 = undefined;
} else {
// merge
dxx1 = dx1 + MERGE_THRESH;
if ((isAggregateSelection == false) ||
(isAggregateSelection == true && isHighlighted == true)) {
vars.totalSecsCurrLine += duration;
vars.numVisibleRequestsCurrLine += weight;
Render(ctx) {
// Wait for initialization
if (this.Canvas == undefined) return;
// Update
let toFixedPrecision = 2;
const extent = this.UpperBoundTime - this.LowerBoundTime;
if (extent < 0.1) {
toFixedPrecision = 4;
} else if (extent < 1) {
toFixedPrecision = 3;
let dx = this.CurrDeltaX;
if (dx != 0) {
if (this.CurrShiftFlag) dx *= 5;
this.LowerBoundTime += dx * extent;
this.UpperBoundTime += dx * extent;
this.IsCanvasDirty = true;
// Hovered interval for display
let theHoveredReq = undefined;
let theHoveredInterval = undefined;
let currHighlightedReqs = [];
let dz = this.CurrDeltaZoom;
this.LastTimeLowerBound = this.LowerBoundTime;
this.LastTimeUpperBound = this.UpperBoundTime;
if (this.IsCanvasDirty) {
this.IsCanvasDirty = false;
// Shorthand for HighlightedRegion.t{0,1}
let t0 = undefined, t1 = undefined;
// Highlight
let highlightedInterval = [];
let numIntersected =
0; // How many requests intersect with highlighted area
if (this.IsHighlighted()) {
t0 = Math.min(this.HighlightedRegion.t0, this.HighlightedRegion.t1);
t1 = Math.max(this.HighlightedRegion.t0, this.HighlightedRegion.t1);
highlightedInterval = [t0, t1];
this.IpmiVizHistHighlighted = {};
const width = this.Canvas.width;
const height = this.Canvas.height;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.font = '12px Monospace';
// Highlight current line
if (this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex != undefined) {
const hv_lidx = this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex + this.VisualLineStartIdx;
if (hv_lidx >= 0 &&
hv_lidx < this.Titles.length) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(32,32,32,0.2)';
let dy = YBEGIN + LINE_SPACING * this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex -
ctx.fillRect(0, dy, RIGHT_MARGIN, LINE_SPACING);
// Draw highlighted background over time labels when the mouse is hovering over
// the time axis
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF9";
if (this.MouseState.hoveredSide == "top_horizontal_scrollbar") {
} else if (this.MouseState.hoveredSide == "bottom_horizontal_scrollbar") {
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
// Time marks at the beginning & end of the visible range
ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
'' + this.LowerBoundTime.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's',
LEFT_MARGIN + 3, height);
ctx.textAlign = 'end';
'' + this.UpperBoundTime.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's',
RIGHT_MARGIN - 3, height);
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
'' + this.LowerBoundTime.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's',
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
'' + this.UpperBoundTime.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's',
let y = YBEGIN;
let numVisibleRequests = 0;
ctx.moveTo(LEFT_MARGIN, 0);
ctx.lineTo(LEFT_MARGIN, height);
ctx.moveTo(RIGHT_MARGIN, 0);
ctx.lineTo(RIGHT_MARGIN, height);
// Column Titles
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
let columnTitle = '(All requests)';
if (this.GroupByStr.length > 0) {
columnTitle = this.GroupByStr;
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
// Split into lines
let lines = this.ToLines(columnTitle, this.TitleDispLengthLimit)
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
ctx.fillText(lines[i], LEFT_MARGIN - 3, 3 + i * LINE_HEIGHT);
if (this.IsTimeDistributionEnabled) {
// "Histogram" title
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.fillText('Time Distribution', HISTOGRAM_X, TEXT_Y0);
ctx.textAlign = 'right'
ctx.fillText('In dataset /', HISTOGRAM_X, TEXT_Y0 + LINE_SPACING - 2);
ctx.fillStyle = '#00F';
ctx.textAlign = 'left'
if (this.IsHighlighted()) {
' In selection', HISTOGRAM_X, TEXT_Y0 + LINE_SPACING - 2);
else {
ctx.fillText(' In viewport', HISTOGRAM_X, TEXT_Y0 + LINE_SPACING - 2);
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
// Time Axis Breaks
const breakWidths = [
86400, 10800, 3600, 1800, 1200, 600, 300, 120,
60, 30, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2,
0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001, 0.0005,
0.0002, 0.0001, 0.00005, 0.00002, 0.00001
const BreakDrawLimit = 1000; // Only draw up to this many grid lines
let bidx = 0;
while (bidx < breakWidths.length &&
breakWidths[bidx] > this.UpperBoundTime - this.LowerBoundTime) {
let breakWidth = breakWidths[bidx + 1];
if (bidx < breakWidths.length) {
let t2 = 0; // Cannot name as "t0" otherwise clash
bidx = 0;
while (bidx < breakWidths.length) {
while (t2 + breakWidths[bidx] < this.LowerBoundTime) {
t2 += breakWidths[bidx];
if (t2 + breakWidths[bidx] >= this.LowerBoundTime &&
t2 + breakWidths[bidx] <= this.UpperBoundTime) {
let draw_count = 0;
if (bidx < breakWidths.length) {
for (; t2 < this.UpperBoundTime; t2 += breakWidth) {
if (t2 > this.LowerBoundTime) {
let dx = MapXCoord(
t2, LEFT_MARGIN, RIGHT_MARGIN, this.LowerBoundTime,
ctx.strokeStyle = '#C0C0C0';
ctx.moveTo(dx, 0);
ctx.lineTo(dx, height);
ctx.fillStyle = '#C0C0C0';
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';
let label2 = t2.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's';
let w = ctx.measureText(label2).width;
if (dx + w > RIGHT_MARGIN) ctx.textAlign = 'right';
ctx.fillText(label2, dx, height);
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
ctx.fillText(label2, dx, TEXT_Y0);
if (draw_count > BreakDrawLimit) break;
// Whether we aggregate selected requests or visible requests
let isAggregateSelection = false;
if (this.IsHighlighted()) isAggregateSelection = true;
let numVisibleRequestsPerLine = {}; // DataLineIndex -> Count
let numFailedRequestsPerLine = {};
let totalSecondsPerLine = {};
// Range of Titles that were displayed
let title_start_idx = this.VisualLineStartIdx, title_end_idx = title_start_idx;
const tvh = this.TotalVisualHeight();
// This is used to handle Intervals that have overlapping entries
let last_data_line_idx = -999;//this.VisualLineIndexToDataLineIndex(this.VisualLineStartIdx);
// 'j' denotes a line index; if the viewport starts from the middle of an overlapping series of
// lines, 'j' will be rewinded to the first one in the series to make the counts correct.
let j0 = this.VisualLineStartIdx;
while (j0 > 0 && this.VisualLineIndexToDataLineIndex(j0)[1] > 0) { j0--; }
// If should_render is false, we're counting the entries outisde the viewport
// If should_render is true, do the rendering
let should_render = false;
// 'j' then iterates over the "visual rows" that need to be displayed.
// A "visual row" might be one of:
// 1. a "header" line
// 2. an actual row of data (in the Intervals variable)
// 'j' needs to go PAST the viewport if the last row is overlapping and spans beyond the viewport.
for (let j = j0; j < tvh; j++) {
if (j >= this.VisualLineStartIdx) { should_render = true; }
if (y > height) { should_render = false; }
const tmp = this.VisualLineIndexToDataLineIndex(j);
if (tmp == undefined) break;
const data_line_idx = tmp[0];
const visual_line_offset_within_data_line = tmp[1];
const should_render_title = (data_line_idx != last_data_line_idx) ||
(j == this.VisualLineStartIdx); // The first visible line should always be drawn
last_data_line_idx = data_line_idx;
if (should_render_title && data_line_idx != -999 && should_render) { // Only draw line title and histogram per data line index not visual line index
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
let desc_width = 0;
if (NetFnCmdToDescription[this.Titles[data_line_idx].title] != undefined) {
let desc = ' (' + NetFnCmdToDescription[this.Titles[data_line_idx].title] + ')';
desc_width = ctx.measureText(desc).width;
ctx.fillStyle = '#888'; // Grey
ctx.fillText(desc, LEFT_MARGIN - 3, y);
// Plot histogram
if (this.IsTimeDistributionEnabled == true) {
const t = this.Titles[data_line_idx].title;
if (GetHistoryHistogram()[t] != undefined) {
if (this.IpmiVizHistogramImageData[t] == undefined) {
let tmp = RenderHistogramForImageData(ctx, t);
this.IpmiVizHistogramImageData[t] = tmp[0];
HistogramThresholds[t] = tmp[1];
this.RenderHistogram(ctx, t, HISTOGRAM_X, y);
ctx.textAlignment = 'right';
} else {
// If is HEADER: do not draw here, darw in do_RenderHeader()
if (this.Titles[data_line_idx].header == false) {
ctx.textAlignment = 'right';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.fillStyle = '#000000'; // Revert to Black
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';
let tj_draw = this.Titles[data_line_idx].title;
const title_disp_length_limit = this.GetTitleWidthLimit();
if (tj_draw != undefined && tj_draw.length > title_disp_length_limit) {
tj_draw = tj_draw.substr(0, title_disp_length_limit) + '...'
ctx.fillText(tj_draw, LEFT_MARGIN - 3 - desc_width, y);
} else if (should_render_title && data_line_idx == -999) {
let numOverflowEntriesToTheLeft = 0; // #entries below the lower bound
let numOverflowEntriesToTheRight =
0; // #entries beyond the upper bound
let numVisibleRequestsCurrLine = 0; // #entries visible
let totalSecsCurrLine = 0; // Total duration in seconds
let numFailedRequestsCurrLine = 0;
const intervals_idxes = this.Titles[data_line_idx].intervals_idxes;
let intervals_j = undefined;
if (intervals_idxes.length == 1) {
intervals_j = this.Intervals[intervals_idxes[0]];
// Draw the contents in the set of intervals
// The drawing method depends on whether this data line is a header or not
// Save the context for reference for the rendering routines
let vars = {
"theHoveredReq": theHoveredReq,
"theHoveredInterval": theHoveredInterval,
"numIntersected": numIntersected,
"numOverflowEntriesToTheLeft": numOverflowEntriesToTheLeft,
"numOverflowEntriesToTheRight": numOverflowEntriesToTheRight,
"currHighlightedReqs": currHighlightedReqs,
"totalSecondsPerLine": totalSecondsPerLine,
"highlightedInterval": highlightedInterval,
"numVisibleRequestsCurrLine": numVisibleRequestsCurrLine,
"totalSecsCurrLine": totalSecsCurrLine,
} // Emulate a reference
let dy0 = y - LINE_HEIGHT / 2, dy1 = y + LINE_HEIGHT / 2;
if (this.Titles[data_line_idx].header == false) {
if (intervals_j != undefined) {
this.do_RenderIntervals(ctx, intervals_j, j, dy0, dy1,
data_line_idx, visual_line_offset_within_data_line, isAggregateSelection, vars, should_render);
} else {
this.do_RenderHeader(ctx, this.Titles[data_line_idx],
j, dy0, dy1,
data_line_idx, visual_line_offset_within_data_line, isAggregateSelection, vars, should_render);
// Update the context variables with updated values
theHoveredReq = vars.theHoveredReq;
theHoveredInterval = vars.theHoveredInterval;
numIntersected = vars.numIntersected;
numOverflowEntriesToTheLeft = vars.numOverflowEntriesToTheLeft;
numOverflowEntriesToTheRight = vars.numOverflowEntriesToTheRight;
currHighlightedReqs = vars.currHighlightedReqs;
totalSecondsPerLine = vars.totalSecondsPerLine;
highlightedInterval = vars.highlightedInterval;
numVisibleRequestsCurrLine = vars.numVisibleRequestsCurrLine;
totalSecsCurrLine = vars.totalSecsCurrLine;
// Triangle markers for entries outside of the viewport
const PAD = 2, H = LINE_SPACING;
if (this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex + this.VisualLineStartIdx == data_line_idx &&
this.MouseState.hoveredSide == 'left') {
ctx.fillStyle = '#0000FF';
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,128,0,0.5)';
if (numOverflowEntriesToTheLeft > 0) {
ctx.moveTo(LEFT_MARGIN + PAD + H / 2, y - H / 2);
ctx.lineTo(LEFT_MARGIN + PAD, y);
ctx.lineTo(LEFT_MARGIN + PAD + H / 2, y + H / 2);
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.textBaseline = 'center';
'+' + numOverflowEntriesToTheLeft,
LEFT_MARGIN + 2 * PAD + H / 2, y);
if (this.MouseState.hoveredVisibleLineIndex + this.VisualLineStartIdx == j &&
this.MouseState.hoveredSide == 'right') {
ctx.fillStyle = '#0000FF';
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,128,0,0.5)';
if (numOverflowEntriesToTheRight > 0) {
ctx.moveTo(RIGHT_MARGIN - PAD - H / 2, y - H / 2);
ctx.lineTo(RIGHT_MARGIN - PAD, y);
ctx.lineTo(RIGHT_MARGIN - PAD - H / 2, y + H / 2);
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
'+' + numOverflowEntriesToTheRight,
RIGHT_MARGIN - 2 * PAD - H / 2, y);
if (should_render)
// Should aggregate.
if (!(data_line_idx in numVisibleRequestsPerLine)) { numVisibleRequestsPerLine[data_line_idx] = 0; }
numVisibleRequestsPerLine[data_line_idx] += numVisibleRequestsCurrLine;
if (!(data_line_idx in numFailedRequestsPerLine)) { numFailedRequestsPerLine[data_line_idx] = 0; }
numFailedRequestsPerLine[data_line_idx] += numFailedRequestsCurrLine;
if (!(data_line_idx in totalSecondsPerLine)) { totalSecondsPerLine[data_line_idx] = 0; }
totalSecondsPerLine[data_line_idx] += totalSecsCurrLine;
title_end_idx = j;
if (y > height) {
// Make sure we don't miss the entry count of the rows beyond the viewport
if (visual_line_offset_within_data_line == 0) {
let nbreaks = this.TotalVisualHeight();
// Draw a scroll bar on the left
if (!(title_start_idx == 0 && title_end_idx == nbreaks - 1)) {
const y0 = title_start_idx * height / nbreaks;
const y1 = (1 + title_end_idx) * height / nbreaks;
let highlighted = false;
const THRESH = 8;
if (this.MouseState.IsDraggingScrollBar()) {
highlighted = true;
this.ScrollBarState.highlighted = highlighted;
// If not dragging, let title_start_idx drive y0 and y1, else let the
// user's input drive y0 and y1 and title_start_idx
if (!this.MouseState.IsDraggingScrollBar()) {
this.ScrollBarState.y0 = y0;
this.ScrollBarState.y1 = y1;
if (highlighted) {
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF3";
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = this.AccentColor;
ctx.fillRect(0, y0, SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, y1 - y0);
} else {
this.ScrollBarState.y0 = undefined;
this.ScrollBarState.y1 = undefined;
this.ScrollBarState.highlighted = false;
// Draw highlighted sections for the histograms
if (this.IsTimeDistributionEnabled) {
for (let j = this.TitleStartIdx; j < this.Intervals.length; j++) {
if (this.IpmiVizHistHighlighted[this.Titles[data_line_idx].title] != undefined) {
let entry = HistogramThresholds[this.Titles[data_line_idx].title];
const theSet =
for (let i = 0; i < theSet.length; i++) {
bidx = theSet[i];
if (entry != undefined) {
if (bidx < entry[0][0]) {
if (bidx < 0) {
bidx = 0;
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3)';
} else if (bidx > entry[1][0]) {
if (bidx > 1) {
bidx = 1;
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.3)';
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,255,0.3)';
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,255,0.3)';
const dx = HISTOGRAM_X - HISTOGRAM_W / 2 + HISTOGRAM_W * bidx;
const r = HISTOGRAM_H * 0.17;
ctx.ellipse(dx, y, r, r, 0, 0, 3.14159 * 2);
// Render number of visible requests versus totals
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
let totalOccs = 0, totalSecs = 0;
if (this.IsHighlighted()) {
ctx.fillStyle = '#00F';
ctx.fillText('# / time', 3, TEXT_Y0);
ctx.fillText('in selection', 3, TEXT_Y0 + LINE_SPACING - 2);
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
ctx.fillText('# / time', 3, TEXT_Y0);
ctx.fillText('in viewport', 3, TEXT_Y0 + LINE_SPACING - 2);
let timeDesc = '';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
last_data_line_idx = -999;
for (let j = this.VisualLineStartIdx, i = 0;
j < tvh && (YBEGIN + i*LINE_SPACING)<height; j++, i++) {
const x = this.VisualLineIndexToDataLineIndex(j);
if (x == undefined) break;
const data_line_idx = x[0];
if (data_line_idx == undefined) break;
if (data_line_idx != last_data_line_idx) {
let y1 = YBEGIN + LINE_SPACING * (i);
let totalSeconds = totalSecondsPerLine[data_line_idx];
if (totalSeconds < 1) {
timeDesc = (totalSeconds * 1000.0).toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 'ms';
} else if (totalSeconds != undefined) {
timeDesc = totalSeconds.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's';
} else {
timeDesc = "???"
const n0 = numVisibleRequestsPerLine[data_line_idx];
const n1 = numFailedRequestsPerLine[data_line_idx];
let txt = '';
if (n1 > 0) {
txt = '' + n0 + '+' + n1 + ' / ' + timeDesc;
} else {
txt = '' + n0 + ' / ' + timeDesc;
const tw = ctx.measureText(txt).width;
const PAD = 8;
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
ctx.fillText(txt, 3, y1);
totalOccs += numVisibleRequestsPerLine[data_line_idx];
totalSecs += totalSeconds;
last_data_line_idx = data_line_idx;
// This does not get displayed correctly, so disabling for now
//timeDesc = '';
//if (totalSecs < 1) {
// timeDesc = '' + (totalSecs * 1000).toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 'ms';
//} else {
// timeDesc = '' + totalSecs.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's';
//ctx.fillText('Sum:', 3, y + 2 * LINE_SPACING);
//ctx.fillText('' + totalOccs + ' / ' + timeDesc, 3, y + 3 * LINE_SPACING);
// Update highlighted requests
if (this.IsHighlightDirty) {
this.HighlightedRequests = currHighlightedReqs;
this.IsHighlightDirty = false;
// Todo: This callback will be different for the DBus pane
// Render highlight statistics
if (this.IsHighlighted()) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,128,255,0.5)';
let x0 = MapXCoord(
t0, LEFT_MARGIN, RIGHT_MARGIN, this.LowerBoundTime,
let x1 = MapXCoord(
t1, LEFT_MARGIN, RIGHT_MARGIN, this.LowerBoundTime,
ctx.fillRect(x0, 0, x1 - x0, height);
let label0 = '' + t0.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's';
let label1 = '' + t1.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's';
let width0 = ctx.measureText(label0).width;
let width1 = ctx.measureText(label1).width;
let dispWidth = x1 - x0;
// Draw time marks outside or inside?
ctx.fillStyle = '#0000FF';
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
if (dispWidth > width0 + width1) {
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.fillText(label0, x0, LINE_SPACING + TEXT_Y0);
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
ctx.fillText(label1, x1, LINE_SPACING + TEXT_Y0);
} else {
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
ctx.fillText(label0, x0, LINE_SPACING + TEXT_Y0);
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.fillText(label1, x1, LINE_SPACING + TEXT_Y0);
// This was calculated earlier
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
label1 = 'Duration: ' + (t1 - t0).toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's';
ctx.fillText(label1, (x0 + x1) / 2, height - LINE_SPACING * 2);
// Hovering cursor
// Only draw when the mouse is not over any hotizontal scroll bar
let should_hide_cursor = false;
if (this.MouseState.hoveredSide == "top_horizontal_scrollbar" ||
this.MouseState.hoveredSide == "bottom_horizontal_scrollbar") {
should_hide_cursor = true;
this.linked_views.forEach((v) => {
if (v.MouseState.hoveredSide == "top_horizontal_scrollbar" ||
v.MouseState.hoveredSide == "bottom_horizontal_scrollbar") {
should_hide_cursor = true;
if (this.MouseState.hovered == true &&
this.MouseState.hoveredSide == undefined &&
should_hide_cursor == false) {
ctx.strokeStyle = '#0000FF';
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
if (this.IsHighlighted()) {
ctx.moveTo(this.MouseState.x, 0);
ctx.lineTo(this.MouseState.x, height);
} else {
ctx.moveTo(this.MouseState.x, LINE_SPACING * 2);
ctx.lineTo(this.MouseState.x, height - LINE_SPACING * 2);
if (this.IsHighlighted() == false) {
let dispWidth = this.MouseState.x - LEFT_MARGIN;
let label = '' +
.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) +
let width0 = ctx.measureText(label).width;
ctx.fillStyle = '#0000FF';
ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.fillText(label, this.MouseState.x, height - LINE_SPACING);
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
ctx.fillText(label, this.MouseState.x, LINE_SPACING + TEXT_Y0);
// Tooltip box next to hovered entry
if (theHoveredReq !== undefined) {
ctx, theHoveredReq, theHoveredInterval, toFixedPrecision, height);
} // End IsCanvasDirty
// The extended classes have their own way of drawing popups for hovered entries
class IPMITimelineView extends TimelineView {
ctx, theHoveredReq, theHoveredInterval, toFixedPrecision, height) {
if (theHoveredReq == undefined) {
const PAD = 2, DELTA_Y = 14;
let labels = [];
let netFn = theHoveredReq[0];
let cmd = theHoveredReq[1];
let t0 = theHoveredInterval[0];
let t1 = theHoveredInterval[1];
labels.push('Netfn and CMD : (' + netFn + ', ' + cmd + ')');
let key = netFn + ', ' + cmd;
if (NetFnCmdToDescription[key] != undefined) {
labels.push('Description : ' + NetFnCmdToDescription[key]);
if (theHoveredReq.offset != undefined) {
labels.push('Offset : ' + theHoveredReq.offset);
let req = theHoveredReq[4];
labels.push('Request Data : ' + req.length + ' bytes');
if (req.length > 0) {
labels.push('Hex : ' + ToHexString(req, '', ' '));
labels.push('ASCII : ' + ToASCIIString(req));
let resp = theHoveredReq[5];
labels.push('Response Data : ' + theHoveredReq[5].length + ' bytes');
if (resp.length > 0) {
labels.push('Hex : ' + ToHexString(resp, '', ' '));
labels.push('ASCII : ' + ToASCIIString(resp));
labels.push('Start : ' + t0.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's');
labels.push('End : ' + t1.toFixed(toFixedPrecision) + 's');
labels.push('Duration : ' + ((t1 - t0) * 1000).toFixed(3) + 'ms');
let w = 1, h = LINE_SPACING * labels.length + 2 * PAD;
for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
w = Math.max(w, ctx.measureText(labels[i]).width);
let dy = this.MouseState.y + DELTA_Y;
if (dy + h > height) {
dy = height - h;
let dx = this.MouseState.x;
if (RIGHT_MARGIN - dx < w) dx -= (w + 2 * PAD);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
ctx.fillRect(dx, dy, w + 2 * PAD, h);
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF';
for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
labels[i], dx + PAD, dy + PAD + i * LINE_SPACING + LINE_SPACING / 2);
class DBusTimelineView extends TimelineView {
ctx, theHoveredReq, theHoveredInterval, toFixedPrecision, height) {
if (theHoveredReq == undefined) {
const PAD = 2, DELTA_Y = 14;
let labels = [];
let msg_type = theHoveredReq[0];
let serial = theHoveredReq[2];
let sender = theHoveredReq[3];
let destination = theHoveredReq[4];
let path = theHoveredReq[5];
let iface = theHoveredReq[6];
let member = theHoveredReq[7];
let t0 = theHoveredInterval[0];
let t1 = theHoveredInterval[1];
labels.push('Message type: ' + msg_type);
labels.push('Serial : ' + serial);
labels.push('Sender : ' + sender);
labels.push('Destination : ' + destination);
labels.push('Path : ' + path);
labels.push('Interface : ' + iface);
labels.push('Member : ' + member);
let w = 1, h = LINE_SPACING * labels.length + 2 * PAD;
for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
w = Math.max(w, ctx.measureText(labels[i]).width);
let dy = this.MouseState.y + DELTA_Y;
if (dy + h > height) {
dy = height - h;
let dx = this.MouseState.x;
if (RIGHT_MARGIN - dx < w) dx -= (w + 2 * PAD);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
ctx.fillRect(dx, dy, w + 2 * PAD, h);
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF';
for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
labels[i], dx + PAD, dy + PAD + i * LINE_SPACING + LINE_SPACING / 2);
class BoostASIOHandlerTimelineView extends TimelineView {
ctx, theHoveredReq, theHoveredInterval, toFixedPrecision, height) {
if (theHoveredReq == undefined) {
const PAD = 2, DELTA_Y = 14;
let labels = [];
let create_time = theHoveredReq[2];
let enter_time = theHoveredReq[3];
let exit_time = theHoveredReq[4];
let desc = theHoveredReq[5];
let t0 = theHoveredInterval[0];
let t1 = theHoveredInterval[1];
labels.push('Creation time: ' + create_time);
labels.push('Entry time : ' + enter_time);
labels.push('Exit time : ' + exit_time);
labels.push('Creation->Entry : ' + (enter_time - create_time));
labels.push('Entry->Exit : ' + (exit_time - enter_time));
labels.push('Description : ' + desc);
let w = 1, h = LINE_SPACING * labels.length + 2 * PAD;
for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
w = Math.max(w, ctx.measureText(labels[i]).width);
let dy = this.MouseState.y + DELTA_Y;
if (dy + h > height) {
dy = height - h;
let dx = this.MouseState.x;
if (RIGHT_MARGIN - dx < w) dx -= (w + 2 * PAD);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
ctx.fillRect(dx, dy, w + 2 * PAD, h);
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF';
for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
labels[i], dx + PAD, dy + PAD + i * LINE_SPACING + LINE_SPACING / 2);