New Function: Pretty Display Firmware
This update provides a new feature to display firmware nicely by using
the "firmware print" or "firmware list" commands. This will greatly
improve readability when retrieving firmware information from the BMC.
Signed-off-by: Justin Thaler
diff --git a/thalerj/ b/thalerj/
index f21fd13..6f1550a 100644
--- a/thalerj/
+++ b/thalerj/
@@ -1919,9 +1919,119 @@
d['imageID'] = newversionID
return activateFWImage(host, args, session)
+def getFWInventoryAttributes(rawFWInvItem, ID):
+ """
+ gets and lists all of the firmware in the system.
+ @return: returns a dictionary containing the image attributes
+ """
+ reqActivation = rawFWInvItem["RequestedActivation"].split('.')[-1]
+ pendingActivation = ""
+ if reqActivation == "None":
+ pendingActivation = "No"
+ else:
+ pendingActivation = "Yes"
+ firmwareAttr = {ID: {
+ "Purpose": rawFWInvItem["Purpose"].split('.')[-1],
+ "Version": rawFWInvItem["Version"],
+ "RequestedActivation": pendingActivation,
+ "ID": ID}}
+ if "ExtendedVersion" in rawFWInvItem:
+ firmwareAttr[ID]['ExtendedVersion'] = rawFWInvItem['ExtendedVersion'].split(',')
+ else:
+ firmwareAttr[ID]['ExtendedVersion'] = ""
+ return firmwareAttr
+def parseFWdata(firmwareDict):
+ """
+ creates a dictionary with parsed firmware data
+ @return: returns a dictionary containing the image attributes
+ """
+ firmwareInfoDict = {"Functional": {}, "Activated":{}, "NeedsActivated":{}}
+ for key in firmwareDict['data']:
+ #check for valid endpoint
+ if "Purpose" in firmwareDict['data'][key]:
+ id = key.split('/')[-1]
+ if firmwareDict['data'][key]['Activation'].split('.')[-1] == "Active":
+ fwActivated = True
+ else:
+ fwActivated = False
+ if firmwareDict['data'][key]['Priority'] == 0:
+ firmwareInfoDict['Functional'].update(getFWInventoryAttributes(firmwareDict['data'][key], id))
+ elif firmwareDict['data'][key]['Priority'] >= 0 and fwActivated:
+ firmwareInfoDict['Activated'].update(getFWInventoryAttributes(firmwareDict['data'][key], id))
+ else:
+ firmwareInfoDict['Activated'].update(getFWInventoryAttributes(firmwareDict['data'][key], id))
+ emptySections = []
+ for key in firmwareInfoDict:
+ if len(firmwareInfoDict[key])<=0:
+ emptySections.append(key)
+ for key in emptySections:
+ del firmwareInfoDict[key]
+ return firmwareInfoDict
+def displayFWInvenory(firmwareInfoDict, args):
+ """
+ gets and lists all of the firmware in the system.
+ @return: returns a string containing all of the firmware information
+ """
+ output = ""
+ if not args.json:
+ for key in firmwareInfoDict:
+ for subkey in firmwareInfoDict[key]:
+ firmwareInfoDict[key][subkey]['ExtendedVersion'] = str(firmwareInfoDict[key][subkey]['ExtendedVersion'])
+ if not args.verbose:
+ output = "---Running Images---\n"
+ colNames = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID"]
+ keylist = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID"]
+ output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Functional"])
+ if "Activated" in firmwareInfoDict:
+ output += "\n---Available Images---\n"
+ output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Activated"])
+ if "NeedsActivated" in firmwareInfoDict:
+ output += "\n---Needs Activated Images---\n"
+ output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["NeedsActivated"])
+ else:
+ output = "---Running Images---\n"
+ colNames = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID", "Pending Activation", "Extended Version"]
+ keylist = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID", "RequestedActivation", "ExtendedVersion"]
+ output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Functional"])
+ if "Activated" in firmwareInfoDict:
+ output += "\n---Available Images---\n"
+ output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Activated"])
+ if "NeedsActivated" in firmwareInfoDict:
+ output += "\n---Needs Activated Images---\n"
+ output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["NeedsActivated"])
+ return output
+ else:
+ return str(json.dumps(firmwareInfoDict, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False))
+def firmwareList(host, args, session):
+ """
+ gets and lists all of the firmware in the system.
+ @return: returns a string containing all of the firmware information
+ """
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ url="https://{hostname}/xyz/openbmc_project/software/enumerate".format(hostname=host)
+ try:
+ res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=40)
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
+ firmwareDict = json.loads(res.text)
+ #sort the received information
+ firmwareInfoDict = parseFWdata(firmwareDict)
+ #display the information
+ return displayFWInvenory(firmwareInfoDict, args)
def createCommandParser():
creates the parser for the command line along with help for each command and subcommand
@@ -2086,6 +2196,13 @@
fwActivateStatus = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('activation_status', help="Check Status of activations")
+ fwList = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('list', help="List all of the installed firmware")
+ fwList.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output')
+ fwList.set_defaults(func=firmwareList)
+ fwprint = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('print', help="List all of the installed firmware")
+ fwprint.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output')
+ fwprint.set_defaults(func=firmwareList)
return parser