Merge branch 'master' of

Change-Id: I75ed1cb71d6e9edb07e1ae9ceadb00c752745018
diff --git a/thalerj/RPMbuildfiles/README b/thalerj/RPMbuildfiles/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a260acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thalerj/RPMbuildfiles/README
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+README for build script
+This script is used to simplify the build process for rpms. It must be run with root privileges. 
+simply run the script with the current directory structure. It will prompt the user for the version
+and the release number to use. It will then create a tarball for the rpm content
+and then build the rpm. Once complete the new rpm can be found in /tmp/openbmctool-{version-release)/
diff --git a/thalerj/RPMbuildfiles/ b/thalerj/RPMbuildfiles/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6205fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thalerj/RPMbuildfiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+echo "Version: ex 1.0"
+read version
+echo "Release: ex 4"
+read release
+mkdir -p /tmp/openbmctool-$version-$release
+rm -rf /tmp/openbmctool-$version-$release/*
+cp ../* /tmp/openbmctool-$version-$release
+tar -cvzf /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/openbmctool-$version-$release.tgz -C /tmp openbmctool-$version-$release
+rpmbuild -ba --define "_version $version" --define "_release $release" /root/rpmbuild/SPECS/openbmctool.spec 
+cp /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/openbmctool-$version-$release.noarch.rpm /tmp/openbmctool-$version-$release/
diff --git a/thalerj/RPMbuildfiles/openbmctool.spec b/thalerj/RPMbuildfiles/openbmctool.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbff322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thalerj/RPMbuildfiles/openbmctool.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 International Business Machines.  All right reserved.
+%define _binaries_in_noarch_packages_terminate_build   0
+Summary: IBM OpenBMC tool
+Name: openbmctool
+Version: %{_version}
+Release: %{_release}
+License: BSD
+Group: System Environment/Base
+BuildArch: noarch
+Source0: %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.tgz
+Prefix: /opt
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
+Requires: python34 
+Requires: python34-requests
+#%if 0%{?_unitdir:1}
+#Requires(post): systemd-units
+#Requires(preun): systemd-units
+#Requires(postun): systemd-units
+# Turn off the brp-python-bytecompile script
+%global __os_install_post %(echo '%{__os_install_post}' | sed -e 's!/usr/lib[^[:space:]]*/brp-python-bytecompile[[:space:]].*$!!g')
+This package is to be applied to any linux machine that will be used to manage or interact with the IBM OpenBMC.
+It provides key functionality to easily work with the IBM OpenBMC RESTful API, making BMC management easy. 
+%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}-%{release}
+#rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+export DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/ibm/ras
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/bin
+#mkdir -p $DESTDIR/bin/ppc64le
+#mkdir -p $DESTDIR/etc
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/lib
+#mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/systemd/system
+cp openbmctool*.py $DESTDIR/bin
+cp *.json $DESTDIR/lib
+%attr(775,root,root) /opt/ibm/ras/bin/
+ln -s -f /opt/ibm/ras/bin/ /usr/bin/openbmctool
diff --git a/thalerj/ b/thalerj/
index 3f64127..2fce508 100644
--- a/thalerj/
+++ b/thalerj/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 import tarfile
 import tempfile
 import hashlib
+import re
 def hilight(textToColor, color, bold):
@@ -176,7 +177,29 @@
         return "No"
+def stringToInt(text):
+    """
+        returns an integer if the string can be converted, otherwise returns the string
+        @param text: the string to try to convert to an integer
+    """
+    if text.isdigit():
+        return int(text)
+    else:
+        return text
+def naturalSort(text):
+    """
+        provides a way to naturally sort a list
+        @param text: the key to convert for sorting
+        @return list containing the broken up string parts by integers and strings
+    """
+    stringPartList = []
+    for c in re.split('(\d+)', text):
+        stringPartList.append(stringToInt(c))
+    return stringPartList
 def tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, output):
          Logs into the BMC and creates a session
@@ -193,10 +216,12 @@
         if (i != 0): row = row + "| "
         row = row + colNames[i].ljust(colWidth[i])
     outputText += row + "\n"
-    for key in sorted(output.keys()):
+    output_keys = list(output.keys())
+    output_keys.sort(key=naturalSort)
+    for key in output_keys:
         row = ""
-        for i in range(len(output[key])):
+        for i in range(len(keylist)):
             if (i != 0): row = row + "| "
             row = row + output[key][keylist[i]].ljust(colWidth[i])
         outputText += row + "\n"
@@ -431,7 +456,7 @@
                         frus[fruName] = {"compName": fruName, "Functional": boolToString(func), "Present":boolToString(present), "IsFru": boolToString(isFru), "selList": "None" }
                     frus[fruName] = {"compName": fruName, "Functional": boolToString(func), "Present":boolToString(present), "IsFru": boolToString(isFru), "hasSEL": boolToString(hasSels) }
-        elif "power_supply" in fruName:
+        elif "power_supply" in fruName or "powersupply" in fruName:
             if component['Present'] ==1:
                 present = True
             isFru = True
@@ -1527,10 +1552,9 @@
     for key in frus:
         if frus[key]["Functional"] == "No" and frus[key]["Present"] == "Yes":
             hwStatus= "Degraded"
-            if("power_supply" in key):
-                gpuCount =0;
-                frulist = json.loads(fruList(host, args, session))
-                for comp in frulist:
+            if("power_supply" in key or "powersupply" in key):
+                gpuCount =0
+                for comp in frus:
                     if "gv100card" in comp:
                         gpuCount +=1
                 if gpuCount > 4:
@@ -1895,9 +1919,119 @@
         d['imageID'] = newversionID
         return activateFWImage(host, args, session)
+def getFWInventoryAttributes(rawFWInvItem, ID):
+    """
+         gets and lists all of the firmware in the system. 
+         @return: returns a dictionary containing the image attributes
+    """
+    reqActivation = rawFWInvItem["RequestedActivation"].split('.')[-1]
+    pendingActivation = ""
+    if reqActivation == "None":
+        pendingActivation = "No"
+    else:
+        pendingActivation = "Yes"
+    firmwareAttr = {ID: {
+        "Purpose": rawFWInvItem["Purpose"].split('.')[-1],
+        "Version": rawFWInvItem["Version"],
+        "RequestedActivation": pendingActivation,
+        "ID": ID}}
+    if "ExtendedVersion" in rawFWInvItem:
+        firmwareAttr[ID]['ExtendedVersion'] = rawFWInvItem['ExtendedVersion'].split(',')
+    else: 
+        firmwareAttr[ID]['ExtendedVersion'] = ""
+    return firmwareAttr
+def parseFWdata(firmwareDict):
+    """
+         creates a dictionary with parsed firmware data 
+         @return: returns a dictionary containing the image attributes
+    """
+    firmwareInfoDict = {"Functional": {}, "Activated":{}, "NeedsActivated":{}}
+    for key in firmwareDict['data']:
+        #check for valid endpoint
+        if "Purpose" in firmwareDict['data'][key]:
+            id = key.split('/')[-1]
+            if firmwareDict['data'][key]['Activation'].split('.')[-1] == "Active":
+                fwActivated = True
+            else:
+                fwActivated = False
+            if firmwareDict['data'][key]['Priority'] == 0:
+                firmwareInfoDict['Functional'].update(getFWInventoryAttributes(firmwareDict['data'][key], id))
+            elif firmwareDict['data'][key]['Priority'] >= 0 and fwActivated:
+                firmwareInfoDict['Activated'].update(getFWInventoryAttributes(firmwareDict['data'][key], id))
+            else:
+                firmwareInfoDict['Activated'].update(getFWInventoryAttributes(firmwareDict['data'][key], id))
+    emptySections = []
+    for key in firmwareInfoDict:
+        if len(firmwareInfoDict[key])<=0:
+            emptySections.append(key)
+    for key in emptySections:
+        del firmwareInfoDict[key]
+    return firmwareInfoDict
+def displayFWInvenory(firmwareInfoDict, args):
+    """
+         gets and lists all of the firmware in the system. 
+         @return: returns a string containing all of the firmware information
+    """
+    output = ""
+    if not args.json:
+        for key in firmwareInfoDict:
+            for subkey in firmwareInfoDict[key]:
+                firmwareInfoDict[key][subkey]['ExtendedVersion'] = str(firmwareInfoDict[key][subkey]['ExtendedVersion'])
+        if not args.verbose:
+            output = "---Running Images---\n"               
+            colNames = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID"]
+            keylist = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID"]
+            output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Functional"])
+            if "Activated" in firmwareInfoDict:
+                output += "\n---Available Images---\n" 
+                output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Activated"])
+            if "NeedsActivated" in firmwareInfoDict:
+                output += "\n---Needs Activated Images---\n" 
+                output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["NeedsActivated"])
+        else:
+            output = "---Running Images---\n"               
+            colNames = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID", "Pending Activation", "Extended Version"]
+            keylist = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID", "RequestedActivation", "ExtendedVersion"]
+            output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Functional"])
+            if "Activated" in firmwareInfoDict:
+                output += "\n---Available Images---\n" 
+                output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Activated"])
+            if "NeedsActivated" in firmwareInfoDict:
+                output += "\n---Needs Activated Images---\n" 
+                output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["NeedsActivated"])
+        return output
+    else:
+        return str(json.dumps(firmwareInfoDict, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False))
+def firmwareList(host, args, session):    
+    """
+         gets and lists all of the firmware in the system. 
+         @return: returns a string containing all of the firmware information
+    """
+    httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+    url="https://{hostname}/xyz/openbmc_project/software/enumerate".format(hostname=host)
+    try:
+        res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=40)
+    except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+        return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
+    firmwareDict = json.loads(res.text)
+    #sort the received information
+    firmwareInfoDict = parseFWdata(firmwareDict)
+    #display the information
+    return displayFWInvenory(firmwareInfoDict, args)
 def createCommandParser():
          creates the parser for the command line along with help for each command and subcommand
@@ -1919,8 +2053,9 @@
     #fru command
     parser_inv = subparsers.add_parser("fru", help='Work with platform inventory')
-    #fru print
     inv_subparser = parser_inv.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid inventory actions', help="valid inventory actions", dest='command')
+    inv_subparser.required = True
+    #fru print
     inv_print = inv_subparser.add_parser("print", help="prints out a list of all FRUs")
     #fru list [0....n]
@@ -1935,6 +2070,7 @@
     #sensors command
     parser_sens = subparsers.add_parser("sensors", help="Work with platform sensors")
     sens_subparser=parser_sens.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid sensor actions', help='valid sensor actions', dest='command')
+    sens_subparser.required = True
     #sensor print
     sens_print= sens_subparser.add_parser('print', help="prints out a list of all Sensors.")
@@ -1947,7 +2083,7 @@
     #sel command
     parser_sel = subparsers.add_parser("sel", help="Work with platform alerts")
     sel_subparser = parser_sel.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid SEL actions', help = 'valid SEL actions', dest='command')
+    sel_subparser.required = True
     #sel print
     sel_print = sel_subparser.add_parser("print", help="prints out a list of all sels in a condensed list")
     sel_print.add_argument('-d', '--devdebug', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
@@ -2001,6 +2137,7 @@
     #work with bmc dumps
     parser_bmcdump = subparsers.add_parser("dump", help="Work with bmc dump files")
     bmcDump_sub = parser_bmcdump.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
+    bmcDump_sub.required = True
     dump_Create = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('create', help="Create a bmc dump")
@@ -2045,6 +2182,8 @@
     parser_fw = subparsers.add_parser("firmware", help="Work with the system firmware")
     fwflash_subproc = parser_fw.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid firmware commands', help='sub-command help', dest='command')
+    fwflash_subproc.required = True
     fwflash = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('flash', help="Flash the system firmware")
     fwflash.add_argument('type', choices=['bmc', 'pnor'], help="image type to flash")
     fwflash.add_argument('-f', '--fileloc', required=True, help="The absolute path to the firmware image")
@@ -2057,6 +2196,13 @@
     fwActivateStatus = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('activation_status', help="Check Status of activations")
+    fwList = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('list', help="List all of the installed firmware")
+    fwList.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output')
+    fwList.set_defaults(func=firmwareList)
+    fwprint = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('print', help="List all of the installed firmware")
+    fwprint.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output')
+    fwprint.set_defaults(func=firmwareList)
     return parser
@@ -2065,7 +2211,7 @@
          main function for running the command line utility as a sub application  
     global toolVersion 
-    toolVersion = "1.04"
+    toolVersion = "1.06"
     parser = createCommandParser()
     args = parser.parse_args(argv)
diff --git a/thalerj/policyTable.json b/thalerj/policyTable.json
index a3e5097..7e0fe3e 100644
--- a/thalerj/policyTable.json
+++ b/thalerj/policyTable.json
@@ -42,6 +42,48 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": true
+        "org.open_power.Host.Access.Error.ReadCFAM": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Access.Error.ReadCFAM",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0044F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Failure to write to host CFAM interface",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Host.Access.Error.WriteCFAM": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Access.Error.WriteCFAM",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0043F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Failure to read from host CFAM interface",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "org.open_power.Host.Boot.Error.Checkstop": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Canister/Appliance",
@@ -3486,12 +3528,117 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
-        "org.open_power.Proc.FSI.Error.MasterDetectionFailure||I2C": {
+        "org.open_power.OCC.Device.Error.ConfigFailure": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.OCC.Device.Error.ConfigFailure",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0048M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Failure to configure OCC",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.OCC.Device.Error.OpenFailure": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.OCC.Device.Error.OpenFailure",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0045M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Failed to open OCC connection",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.OCC.Device.Error.ReadFailure": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.OCC.Device.Error.ReadFailure",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0046M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Failed to read from OCC",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.OCC.Device.Error.WriteFailure": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.OCC.Device.Error.WriteFailure",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0047M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Failed to write to OCC",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.OCC.Metrics.Error.Event": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.OCC.Metrics.Error.Event",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0049M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Error working with OCC metric data",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Proc.FSI.Error.MasterDetectionFailure||FSI": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
             "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Proc.FSI.Error.MasterDetectionFailure",
-            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
-            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0024G",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0093M",
             "ComponentInstance": null,
             "DateAdded": null,
             "DateReviewed": null,
@@ -3499,11 +3646,32 @@
             "Internal": false,
             "LengthyDescription": null,
             "LogSource": "BMC",
-            "Message": "Failed to read from I2C device",
-            "ReferencedInventory": "I2C",
+            "Message": "Unable to detect master processor on FSI bus",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "FSI",
             "RelatedEventIDs": {},
             "Serviceable": true,
-            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Proc.FSI.Error.SlaveDetectionFailure": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Proc.FSI.Error.SlaveDetectionFailure",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0094M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Unable to detect slave processor on FSI bus",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
@@ -3633,6 +3801,132 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card0": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 0 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card0",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Cooling",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card1": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 1 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card1",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Cooling",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card2": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 2 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card2",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Cooling",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card3": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 3 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card3",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Cooling",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card4": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 4 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card4",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Cooling",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card5": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 5 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card5",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Cooling",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
@@ -3759,6 +4053,132 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card0": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 0 suffered a power fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card0",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Power",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card1": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 1 suffered a power fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card1",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Power",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card2": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 2 suffered a power fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card2",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Power",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card3": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 3 suffered a power fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card3",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Power",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card4": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 4 suffered a power fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card4",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Power",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card5": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.GPUPowerFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "GPU 5 suffered a power fault",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gv100card5",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Power",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerOnFailure": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
@@ -4242,6 +4662,48 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyFanFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyFanFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0064M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 0,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 0 fan has failed",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyFanFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyFanFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0064M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 1,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 1 fan has failed",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyFanFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
@@ -4305,6 +4767,48 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0033M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 0,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 0 input fault detected",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0033M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 1,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 1 input fault detected",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
@@ -4347,6 +4851,48 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0035M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 0,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 0 output current is too high",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0035M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 1,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 1 output current is too high",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
@@ -4389,6 +4935,48 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0036M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 0,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 0 output voltage is too high",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0036M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 1,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 1 output voltage is too high",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
@@ -4431,6 +5019,48 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0034M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 0,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 0 has failed to power on when it needed to",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0034M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 1,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 1 has failed to power on",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
@@ -4473,6 +5103,48 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0065M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 0,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 0 is too hot",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0065M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 1,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Environmental",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 1 is too hot",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
@@ -4515,6 +5187,48 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0009M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 0,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 0 input voltage out of range",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0009M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 1,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 1 input voltage out of range",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
@@ -4578,6 +5292,48 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.Shutdown||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.Shutdown",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0037M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 0,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 0 has initiated a power off due to a failure",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.Shutdown||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.Shutdown",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0037M",
+            "ComponentInstance": 1,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 1 has initiated a power off due to a failure",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.Shutdown||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
@@ -4872,6 +5628,195 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Callout.Error.Device||FSI": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Callout.Error.Device",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0042F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "An error occurred on the FSI interface",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "FSI",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Callout.Error.Device||I2C": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Callout.Error.Device",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0041F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "An error occurred on the I2C interface",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "I2C",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Callout.Error.GPIO||GPIO": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Callout.Error.GPIO",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0039F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "An error occurred on the GPIO interface",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "GPIO",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Callout.Error.IIC||I2C": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Callout.Error.IIC",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0041F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "An error occurred on the I2C interface",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "I2C",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Callout.Error.IPMISensor||IPMI": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Callout.Error.IPMISensor",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0040F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "An error occurred working with an IPMI sensor",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "IPMI",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Device.Error.ReadFailure||FSI": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Device.Error.ReadFailure",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0033G",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Failed to read from FSI Device",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "FSI",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Device.Error.ReadFailure||I2C": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Device.Error.ReadFailure",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0024G",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Failed to read from I2C Device",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "I2C",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Device.Error.WriteFailure||FSI": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Device.Error.WriteFailure",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0035G",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Failed to write to FSI Device",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "FSI",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Device.Error.WriteFailure||I2C": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Device.Error.WriteFailure",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0034G",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Failed to write to I2C Device",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "I2C",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InsufficientPermission": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
@@ -4956,6 +5901,69 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.File.Error.Open": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.File.Error.Open",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0036F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Unable to open a file in BMC filesystem.",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.File.Error.Seek": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.File.Error.Seek",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0037F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Unable to seek a file in BMC filesystem.",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.File.Error.Write": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.File.Error.Write",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0038F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Unable to write a file in BMC filesystem.",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.Error.WriteFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
@@ -5292,6 +6300,27 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Host.Error.CommandNotSupported": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Host.Error.CommandNotSupported",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": null,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0039F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "An invalid host system control command was provided.",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "xyz.openbmc_project.Dump.Create.Error.Disabled": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Data Management",
@@ -9807,6 +10836,48 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0015M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 0 has not been detected",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Power",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0015M",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": "BMC",
+            "Message": "Power supply 1 has not been detected",
+            "ReferencedInventory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1",
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Critical",
+            "UserAction": "Power",
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
@@ -9912,6 +10983,48 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Mapper.Error.MethodError": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Mapper.Error.MethodError",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0050F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Internal method error with LED Mapper.",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Mapper.Error.ObjectNotFoundError": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Led.Mapper.Error.ObjectNotFoundError",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0051F",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "Internal error. LED Mapper object not found.",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": false,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu0": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
@@ -15918,6 +17031,27 @@
             "UserAction": null,
             "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Error.SoftOffTimeout": {
+            "AffectedLEDs": null,
+            "AffectedSubsystem": "Host Operating System",
+            "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Error.SoftOffTimeout",
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+            "CommonEventID": "FQPSPOS0000G",
+            "ComponentInstance": null,
+            "DateAdded": null,
+            "DateReviewed": null,
+            "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+            "Internal": false,
+            "LengthyDescription": null,
+            "LogSource": null,
+            "Message": "The soft power off of the host has timed out",
+            "ReferencedInventory": null,
+            "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+            "Serviceable": true,
+            "Severity": "Warning",
+            "UserAction": null,
+            "VMMigrationFlag": null
+        },
         "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.SoftOffTimeout": {
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Host Operating System",
@@ -16027,7 +17161,7 @@
             "AffectedLEDs": null,
             "AffectedSubsystem": "Canister/Appliance",
             "BMCMessageID": "xyz.opnbmc_project.State.Host.Error.SoftOffTimeout",
-            "CallHomeCandidate": null,
+            "CallHomeCandidate": false,
             "CommonEventID": "FQPSPAA0010M",
             "ComponentInstance": null,
             "DateAdded": null,
@@ -16047,7 +17181,7 @@
     "fileInfo": {
         "Entity": "IBM OpenBMC",
-        "Version": 1.4,
+        "Version": "1.7.2",
         "language": "English"
\ No newline at end of file