Merge "Add MAINTAINERS file"
diff --git a/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52aa46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+A Collection of Python Tools to Manipulate MAINTAINERS Files
+OpenBMC defines its own style of MAINTAINERS file that is almost but not
+entirely alike the Linux kernel's MAINTAINERS file.
+Historically the MAINTAINERS file was kept in the openbmc/docs repository and
+described the maintainers for all repositories under the OpenBMC Github
+organisation. Due to its separation from the repositories it was describing,
+openbmc/docs:MAINTAINERS was both incomplete and out-of-date.
+These scripts were developed to resolve unmaintained state of MAINTAINERS by
+distributing the information into each associated repository.
+General Use Stuff
+`obmc-gerrit` is a helper script for pushing changes to Gerrit. For a
+repository with an OpenBMC-compatible MAINTAINERS file at its top level,
+`obmc-gerrit` will parse the MAINTAINERS file and mangle the `git push`
+`REFSPEC` such that the maintainers and reviewers listed for the repository are
+automatically added to the changes pushed:
+$ obmc-gerrit push gerrit HEAD:refs/for/master/maintainers
+Counting objects: 13, done.
+Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
+Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
+Writing objects: 100% (13/13), 7.22 KiB | 7.22 MiB/s, done.
+Total 13 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
+remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2)
+remote: Processing changes: updated: 1, refs: 1, done
+remote: Updated Changes:
+remote: obmc-scripts: Add maintainers
+To ssh://
+ * [new branch]                HEAD -> refs/for/master/maintainers%r=...
+obmc-gerrit requires Python3. If this is not available on your system (!), see
+the virtualenv section below.
+To install obmc-gerrit:
+$ pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt
+$ python3 install --user
+I don't have Python3
+Well, hopefully you have `virtualenv`. If you do, then you can run the
+following commands:
+$ virtualenv --python=python3 .venv
+$ . .venv/bin/activate
+$ pip install -r requirements.txt
+$ python install
+To exit the virtualenv, run `deactivate`. To run `obmc-gerrit` you will need to
+ensure you have activated your virtualenv first.
+`` is the core library that handles parsing and assembling
+MAINTAINERS files. An AST can be obtained with `parse_block()`, and the content
+of a MAINTAINERS file can be obtained by passing an AST to `assemble_block()`
+Once-off Thingos
+`` is the script used to split the monolithic MAINTAINERS
+file in openbmc/docs into per-repository MAINTAINERS files and post the patches
+to Gerrit. Do not use this, it's captured for posterity.
diff --git a/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc-gerrit b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc-gerrit
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7e8f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc-gerrit
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corp.
+# Push changes to Gerrit, automatically adding reviewers to the patches by
+# parsing the OpenBMC-style MAINTAINERS file in the root of the repository (if
+# it exists).
+from obmc import maintainers
+from typing import cast, List, Optional
+import argparse
+import os
+import sh
+import sys
+git = sh.git.bake()
+def get_reviewers(root: Optional[str]=None, mname: str='MAINTAINERS') -> List[str]:
+    reviewers = cast(List[str], list())
+    if not root:
+        root = git('rev-parse', '--show-toplevel').strip()
+    mfile = os.path.join(root, mname)
+    if not os.path.exists(mfile):
+        return reviewers
+    with open(mfile, 'r') as mstream:
+        maintainers.trash_preamble(mstream)
+        block = maintainers.parse_block(mstream)
+        if not block:
+            return reviewers
+        mlist = cast(List[maintainers.Identity],
+                     block[maintainers.LineType.MAINTAINER])
+        reviewers.extend( for i in mlist)
+        if maintainers.LineType.REVIEWER in block:
+            rlist = cast(List[maintainers.Identity],
+                         block[maintainers.LineType.REVIEWER])
+            reviewers.extend( for i in rlist)
+    return reviewers
+def gerrit_refspec_args(reviewers: Optional[List[str]]=None) -> str:
+    args = ""
+    if reviewers:
+        args += ",".join("r={}".format(addr) for addr in reviewers)
+    return args
+def decorate_refspec(refspec: str) -> str:
+    gargs = gerrit_refspec_args(get_reviewers())
+    if not gargs:
+        return refspec
+    if '%' in refspec:
+        return "{},{}".format(refspec, gargs)
+    return "{}%{}".format(refspec, gargs)
+def do_push(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
+    git.push(args.remote, decorate_refspec(args.refspec),
+             _in=sys.stdin, _out=sys.stdout, _err=sys.stderr)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+subbies = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand')
+subbies.required = True
+push = subbies.add_parser("push", help="Push changes to Gerrit with reviewers")
+args = parser.parse_args()
diff --git a/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc/ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc/
diff --git a/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc/ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b261af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc/
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corp.
+import argparse
+import sys
+from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
+from enum import Enum, unique
+from typing import (Dict, NamedTuple, Iterator, Sequence, Union, Optional,
+                    List, cast, IO)
+from pprint import pprint
+class LineType(Enum):
+    REPO = 1
+    REVIEWER = 3
+    FORKED = 4
+    COMMENT = 5
+class ParseState(Enum):
+    BEGIN = 1
+    BLOCK = 2
+Email = NamedTuple("Email", [("name", str), ("address", str)])
+Identity = NamedTuple("Identity", [("email", Email), ("irc", Optional[str])])
+Entry = NamedTuple("Entry", [("type", LineType), ("content", str)])
+def parse_line(line: str) -> Optional[Entry]:
+    sline = line.strip()
+    if not sline:
+        return None
+    if sline == "MAINTAINERS":
+        return Entry(LineType.REPO, sline)
+    tag = line[:2]
+    if '@' in tag:
+        return Entry(LineType.REPO, sline[1:].split(":")[0].strip())
+    elif tag == 'M:':
+        return Entry(LineType.MAINTAINER, sline.split(":")[1].strip())
+    elif tag == 'R:':
+        return Entry(LineType.REVIEWER, sline.split(":")[1].strip())
+    elif tag == 'F:':
+        return Entry(LineType.FORKED, sline[2:].strip())
+    elif '#' in tag:
+        return Entry(LineType.COMMENT, line)
+    return None
+D = Union[str, List[Identity], List[str]]
+def parse_repo(content: str) -> str:
+    return content
+def parse_forked(content: str) -> str:
+    return content
+def parse_irc(src: Iterator[str]) -> Optional[str]:
+    irc = ""
+    for c in src:
+        if c == '#':
+            return None
+        if c == '<':
+            break
+    else:
+        return None
+    for c in src:
+        if c in '!#':
+            return irc.strip()
+        irc += c
+    raise ValueError("Unterminated IRC handle")
+def parse_address(src: Iterator[str]) -> str:
+    addr = ""
+    for c in src:
+        if c in '>#':
+            return addr.strip()
+        addr += c
+    raise ValueError("Unterminated email address")
+def parse_name(src: Iterator[str]) -> str:
+    name = ""
+    for c in src:
+        if c in '<#':
+            return name.strip()
+        name += c
+    raise ValueError("Unterminated name")
+def parse_email(src: Iterator[str]) -> Email:
+    name = parse_name(src)
+    address = parse_address(src)
+    return Email(name, address)
+def parse_identity(content: str) -> Identity:
+    ci = iter(content)
+    email = parse_email(ci)
+    irc = parse_irc(ci)
+    return Identity(email, irc)
+B = Dict[LineType, D]
+def parse_block(src: Iterator[str]) -> Optional[B]:
+    state = ParseState.BEGIN
+    repo = cast(B, OrderedDict())
+    for line in src:
+        try:
+            entry = parse_line(line)
+            if state == ParseState.BEGIN and not entry:
+                continue
+            elif state == ParseState.BEGIN and entry:
+                state = ParseState.BLOCK
+            elif state == ParseState.BLOCK and not entry:
+                return repo
+            assert entry
+            if entry.type == LineType.REPO:
+                repo[entry.type] = parse_repo(entry.content)
+            elif entry.type in { LineType.MAINTAINER, LineType.REVIEWER }:
+                if not entry.type in repo:
+                    repo[entry.type] = cast(List[Identity], list())
+                cast(list, repo[entry.type]).append(parse_identity(entry.content))
+            elif entry.type == LineType.FORKED:
+                repo[entry.type] = parse_forked(entry.content)
+            elif entry.type == LineType.COMMENT:
+                if not entry.type in repo:
+                    repo[entry.type] = cast(List[str], list())
+                cast(list, repo[entry.type]).append(entry.content)
+        except ValueError as e:
+            print("Failed to parse line '{}': {}".format(line.strip(), e))
+    if not repo:
+        return None
+    return repo
+def trash_preamble(src: Iterator[str]) -> None:
+    s = 0
+    for line in src:
+        sline = line.strip()
+        if "START OF MAINTAINERS LIST" == sline:
+            s = 1
+        if s == 1 and sline == "-------------------------":
+            break
+def parse_maintainers(src: Iterator[str]) -> Dict[D, B]:
+    maintainers = cast(Dict[D, B], OrderedDict())
+    trash_preamble(src)
+    while True:
+        repo = cast(B, parse_block(src))
+        if not repo:
+            break
+        maintainers[repo[LineType.REPO]] = repo
+    return maintainers
+def assemble_name(name: str, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    dst.write(name)
+def assemble_address(address: str, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    dst.write("<")
+    dst.write(address)
+    dst.write(">")
+def assemble_email(email: Email, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    assemble_name(, dst)
+    dst.write(" ")
+    assemble_address(email.address, dst)
+def assemble_irc(irc: Optional[str], dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    if irc:
+        dst.write(" ")
+        dst.write("<")
+        dst.write(irc)
+        dst.write("!>")
+def assemble_identity(identity: Identity, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    assemble_email(, dst)
+    assemble_irc(identity.irc, dst)
+def assemble_maintainers(identities: List[Identity], dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    for i in identities:
+        dst.write("M:  ")
+        assemble_identity(i, dst)
+        dst.write("\n")
+def assemble_reviewers(identities: List[Identity], dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    for i in identities:
+        dst.write("R:  ")
+        assemble_identity(i, dst)
+        dst.write("\n")
+def assemble_forked(content: str, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    if content:
+        dst.write("F:  ")
+        dst.write(content)
+        dst.write("\n")
+def assemble_comment(content: List[str], dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    dst.write("".join(content))
+def assemble_block(block: B, default: B, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    if LineType.COMMENT in block:
+        assemble_comment(cast(List[str], block[LineType.COMMENT]), dst)
+    if LineType.MAINTAINER in block:
+        maintainers = block[LineType.MAINTAINER]
+    else:
+        maintainers = default[LineType.MAINTAINER]
+    assemble_maintainers(cast(List[Identity], maintainers), dst)
+    if LineType.REVIEWER in block:
+        assemble_reviewers(cast(List[Identity], block[LineType.REVIEWER]), dst)
+    if LineType.FORKED in block:
+        assemble_forked(cast(str, block[LineType.FORKED]), dst)
+def main() -> None:
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("maintainers", type=argparse.FileType('r'),
+                        default=sys.stdin)
+    parser.add_argument("output", type=argparse.FileType('w'),
+                        default=sys.stdout)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    blocks = parse_maintainers(args.maintainers)
+    for block in blocks.values():
+        print(block[LineType.REPO])
+        assemble_block(block, blocks['MAINTAINERS'], args.output)
+        print()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/requirements.txt b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..579ac31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab8b585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from distutils.core import setup
+      version='0.1',
+      description='OpenBMC Gerrit wrapper',
+      author='Andrew Jeffery',
+      author_email='',
+      url='',
+      packages=['obmc'],
+      requires=['requests', 'sh'],
+      scripts=['obmc-gerrit'],
+     )
diff --git a/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf0a143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corp.
+import argparse
+import sh
+import os
+import maintainers
+from pprint import pprint
+import requests
+import json
+from typing import List, Dict, Union, cast, Iterator
+import sys
+import itertools
+git = sh.git.bake()
+mailmap = {
+    '' : '',
+def gerrit_url(name: str, user: str) -> str:
+    return "ssh://{}{}".format(user, name)
+def gerrit_push_args(reviewers: Iterator[maintainers.Identity]) -> str:
+    addrs = ( for i in reviewers)
+    maddrs = (mailmap[a] if a in mailmap else a for a in addrs)
+    return ','.join("r={}".format(ma) for ma in maddrs)
+def gerrit_push(name: str, user: str, reviewers: Iterator[maintainers.Identity]) -> None:
+    refspec = 'HEAD:refs/for/master/maintainers%{}'.format(gerrit_push_args(reviewers))
+    git.push(gerrit_url(name, user), refspec)
+def org_repos_url(name) -> str:
+    return "{}/repos?per_page=100".format(name)
+V = Union[Dict[str, str], str]
+E = Dict[str, V]
+R = List[E]
+def org_repos(name: str) -> R:
+    r = requests.get(org_repos_url(name))
+    if not r.ok:
+        raise ValueError("Bad organisation name")
+    return json.loads(r.text or r.content)
+def git_reset_upstream(name: str) -> None:
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(name)
+    git.fetch("origin")
+    git.reset("--hard", "origin/master")
+    os.chdir(cwd)
+def ensure_org_repo(name: str, user: str) -> str:
+    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(name, ".git")):
+        # git_reset_upstream(name)
+        pass
+    else:
+        git.clone(gerrit_url(name, user), name)
+    scp_src = "{}".format(user)
+    scp_dst = "{}/.git/hooks/".format(name)
+    sh.scp("-p", "-P", 29418, scp_src, scp_dst)
+    return name
+def repo_url(name: str) -> str:
+    return "{}.git".format(name)
+def ensure_repo(name: str) -> str:
+    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(name, ".git")):
+        # git_reset_upstream(name)
+        pass
+    else:
+        git.clone(repo_url(name), name)
+    return name
+preamble_text = """\
+How to use this list:
+    Find the most specific section entry (described below) that matches where
+    your change lives and add the reviewers (R) and maintainers (M) as
+    reviewers. You can use the same method to track down who knows a particular
+    code base best.
+    Your change/query may span multiple entries; that is okay.
+    If you do not find an entry that describes your request at all, someone
+    forgot to update this list; please at least file an issue or send an email
+    to a maintainer, but preferably you should just update this document.
+Description of section entries:
+    Section entries are structured according to the following scheme:
+    X:  ...
+    .
+    .
+    .
+    Where REPO_NAME is the name of the repository within the OpenBMC GitHub
+    organization; FILE_PATH is a file path within the repository, possibly with
+    wildcards; X is a tag of one of the following types:
+    M:  Denotes maintainer; has fields NAME <EMAIL_USERNAME@DOMAIN> <IRC_USERNAME!>;
+        if omitted from an entry, assume one of the maintainers from the
+        MAINTAINERS entry.
+    R:  Denotes reviewer; has fields NAME <EMAIL_USERNAME@DOMAIN> <IRC_USERNAME!>;
+        these people are to be added as reviewers for a change matching the repo
+        path.
+    F:  Denotes forked from an external repository; has fields URL.
+    Line comments are to be denoted "# SOME COMMENT" (typical shell style
+    comment); it is important to follow the correct syntax and semantics as we
+    may want to use automated tools with this file in the future.
+    A change cannot be added to an OpenBMC repository without a MAINTAINER's
+    approval; thus, a MAINTAINER should always be listed as a reviewer.
+def generate_maintainers_change(name: str, block: maintainers.B,
+        default: maintainers.B, user: str) -> None:
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(name)
+    mpath = "MAINTAINERS"
+    try:
+        if os.path.exists(mpath):
+            print("{} already exists, skipping".format(mpath))
+            return
+        with open(mpath, 'w') as m:
+            m.write(preamble_text)
+            maintainers.assemble_block(block, default, m)
+        git.add(mpath)
+        git.commit("-s", "-m", "Add {} file".format(mpath), _out=sys.stdout)
+        with open(mpath, 'r') as m:
+            maintainers.trash_preamble(m)
+            block = maintainers.parse_block(m)
+            pprint(block)
+            audience = cast(List[maintainers.Identity],
+                    block[maintainers.LineType.MAINTAINER][:])
+            if maintainers.LineType.REVIEWER in block:
+                reviewers = cast(List[maintainers.Identity],
+                        block[maintainers.LineType.REVIEWER])
+                audience.extend(reviewers)
+            gerrit_push(name, user, iter(audience))
+    finally:
+        os.chdir(cwd)
+def main() -> None:
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("--organisation", type=str, default="openbmc")
+    parser.add_argument("--user", type=str, default="amboar")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    ensure_repo("docs")
+    with open('docs/MAINTAINERS', 'r') as mfile:
+        mast = maintainers.parse_maintainers(mfile)
+    # Don't leak the generic comment into the repo-specific MAINTAINERS file
+    del mast['MAINTAINERS'][maintainers.LineType.COMMENT]
+    for e in org_repos(args.organisation):
+        print("Ensuring MAINTAINERS for {}".format(e['name']))
+        name = cast(str, e['name'])
+        try:
+            ensure_org_repo(name, args.user)
+            default = mast['MAINTAINERS']
+            block = mast[name] if name in mast else default
+            if not maintainers.LineType.FORKED in block:
+                generate_maintainers_change(name, block, default, args.user)
+        except sh.ErrorReturnCode_128:
+            print("{} has not been imported into Gerrit, skipping".format(name))
+        print()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/thalerj/ b/thalerj/
index 5d220b2..3f64127 100644
--- a/thalerj/
+++ b/thalerj/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
  Copyright 2017 IBM Corporation
@@ -73,46 +73,53 @@
         if not jsonFormat:
             return("FQPSPIN0000M: Connection timed out. Ensure you have network connectivity to the bmc")
-            errorMessageStr = ("{\n\t\"event0\":{\n" +
-            "\t\t\"CommonEventID\": \"FQPSPIN0000M\",\n"+
-            "\t\t\"sensor\": \"N/A\",\n"+
-            "\t\t\"state\": \"N/A\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"additionalDetails\": \"N/A\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"Message\": \"Connection timed out. Ensure you have network connectivity to the BMC\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"LengthyDescription\": \"While trying to establish a connection with the specified BMC, the BMC failed to respond in adequate time. Verify the BMC is functioning properly, and the network connectivity to the BMC is stable.\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"Serviceable\": \"Yes\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"CallHomeCandidate\": \"No\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"Severity\": \"Critical\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"EventType\": \"Communication Failure/Timeout\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"VMMigrationFlag\": \"Yes\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"AffectedSubsystem\": \"Interconnect (Networking)\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"timestamp\": \""+str(int(time.time()))+"\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"UserAction\": \"Verify network connectivity between the two systems and the bmc is functional.\"" +
-            "\t\n}, \n" +
-            "\t\"numAlerts\": \"1\" \n}");
+            conerror = {}
+            conerror['CommonEventID'] = 'FQPSPIN0000M'
+            conerror['sensor']="N/A"
+            conerror['state']="N/A"
+            conerror['additionalDetails'] = "N/A"
+            conerror['Message']="Connection timed out. Ensure you have network connectivity to the BMC"
+            conerror['LengthyDescription'] = "While trying to establish a connection with the specified BMC, the BMC failed to respond in adequate time. Verify the BMC is functioning properly, and the network connectivity to the BMC is stable."
+            conerror['Serviceable']="Yes"
+            conerror['CallHomeCandidate']= "No"
+            conerror['Severity'] = "Critical"
+            conerror['EventType'] = "Communication Failure/Timeout"
+            conerror['VMMigrationFlag'] = "Yes"
+            conerror["AffectedSubsystem"] = "Interconnect (Networking)"
+            conerror["timestamp"] = str(int(time.time()))
+            conerror["UserAction"] = "Verify network connectivity between the two systems and the bmc is functional."
+            eventdict = {}
+            eventdict['event0'] = conerror
+            eventdict['numAlerts'] = '1'
+            errorMessageStr = errorMessageStr = json.dumps(eventdict, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False)
     elif errorStr == "ConnectionError":
         if not jsonFormat:
             return("FQPSPIN0001M: " + str(err))
-            errorMessageStr = ("{\n\t\"event0\":{\n" +
-            "\t\t\"CommonEventID\": \"FQPSPIN0001M\",\n"+
-            "\t\t\"sensor\": \"N/A\",\n"+
-            "\t\t\"state\": \"N/A\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"additionalDetails\": \"" + str(err)+"\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"Message\": \"Connection Error. View additional details for more information\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"LengthyDescription\": \"A connection error to the specified BMC occurred and additional details are provided. Review these details to resolve the issue.\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"Serviceable\": \"Yes\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"CallHomeCandidate\": \"No\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"Severity\": \"Critical\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"EventType\": \"Communication Failure/Timeout\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"VMMigrationFlag\": \"Yes\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"AffectedSubsystem\": \"Interconnect (Networking)\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"timestamp\": \""+str(int(time.time()))+"\",\n" +
-            "\t\t\"UserAction\": \"Correct the issue highlighted in additional details and try again\"" +
-            "\t\n}, \n" +
-            "\t\"numAlerts\": \"1\" \n}");
+            conerror = {}
+            conerror['CommonEventID'] = 'FQPSPIN0001M'
+            conerror['sensor']="N/A"
+            conerror['state']="N/A"
+            conerror['additionalDetails'] = str(err)
+            conerror['Message']="Connection Error. View additional details for more information"
+            conerror['LengthyDescription'] = "A connection error to the specified BMC occurred and additional details are provided. Review these details to resolve the issue."
+            conerror['Serviceable']="Yes"
+            conerror['CallHomeCandidate']= "No"
+            conerror['Severity'] = "Critical"
+            conerror['EventType'] = "Communication Failure/Timeout"
+            conerror['VMMigrationFlag'] = "Yes"
+            conerror["AffectedSubsystem"] = "Interconnect (Networking)"
+            conerror["timestamp"] = str(int(time.time()))
+            conerror["UserAction"] = "Correct the issue highlighted in additional details and try again"
+            eventdict = {}
+            eventdict['event0'] = conerror
+            eventdict['numAlerts'] = '1'
+            errorMessageStr = json.dumps(eventdict, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False)
         return("Unknown Error: "+ str(err))
@@ -245,11 +252,9 @@
 #             requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
         return mysess
-        print(connectionErrHandler(jsonFormat, "Timeout", None))
-        sys.exit(1)
+        return (connectionErrHandler(jsonFormat, "Timeout", None))
     except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
-        print(connectionErrHandler(jsonFormat, "ConnectionError", err))
-        sys.exit(1)
+        return (connectionErrHandler(jsonFormat, "ConnectionError", err))
 def logout(host, username, pw, session, jsonFormat):
@@ -560,8 +565,8 @@
     #search terms contains the search term as the key and the return dictionary key as it's value
     searchTerms = { 'Signature Description':'signatureDescription', 'devdesc':'devdesc',
                     'Callout type': 'calloutType', 'Procedure':'procedure', 'Sensor Type': 'sensorType'}
-    with open('/tmp/esel.bin', 'wb') as f:
+    eselBinPath = tempfile.gettempdir() + os.sep + 'esel.bin'
+    with open(eselBinPath, 'wb') as f:
     errlPath = ""
     #use the right errl file for the machine architecture
@@ -585,7 +590,7 @@
         return eselParts
-        output= subprocess.check_output([errlPath, '-d', '--file=/tmp/esel.bin']).decode('utf-8')
+        output= subprocess.check_output([errlPath, '-d', '--file='+eselBinPath]).decode('utf-8')
 #         output = proc.communicate()[0]
         lines = output.split('\n')
@@ -611,7 +616,7 @@
                             eselParts[searchTerms[term]] = eselParts[searchTerms[term]] + ", " + temp
                             eselParts[searchTerms[term]] = temp
-        os.remove('/tmp/esel.bin')
+        os.remove(eselBinPath)
         print("errl file cannot be found")
@@ -698,7 +703,22 @@
                     i2creadFail = True
                     i2cdevice = str(addDataPiece[i]).strip().split('=')[1]
                     i2cdevice = '/'.join(i2cdevice.split('/')[-4:])
-                    fruCallout = 'I2C'
+                    if 'fsi' in str(addDataPiece[calloutIndex]).split('=')[1]:
+                        fruCallout = 'FSI'
+                    else:
+                        fruCallout = 'I2C'
+                    calloutFound = True
+                if("CALLOUT_GPIO_NUM" in addDataPiece[i]):
+                    if not calloutFound:
+                        fruCallout = 'GPIO'
+                    calloutFound = True
+                if("CALLOUT_IIC_BUS" in addDataPiece[i]):
+                    if not calloutFound:
+                        fruCallout = "I2C"
+                    calloutFound = True
+                if("CALLOUT_IPMI_SENSOR_NUM" in addDataPiece[i]):
+                    if not calloutFound:
+                        fruCallout = "IPMI"
                     calloutFound = True
                 if("ESEL" in addDataPiece[i]):
                     esel = str(addDataPiece[i]).strip().split('=')[1]
@@ -724,6 +744,8 @@
                 if fruCallout != "":
                     policyKey = messageID +"||" +  fruCallout
+                    if policyKey not in policyTable:
+                        policyKey = messageID
                     policyKey = messageID
@@ -1211,7 +1233,7 @@
     if (args.dumpSaveLoc is not None):
         saveLoc = args.dumpSaveLoc
-        saveLoc = '/tmp'
+        saveLoc = tempfile.gettempdir()
     url ='https://'+host+'/download/dump/' + str(dumpNum)
         r = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, stream=True, verify=False, timeout=30)
@@ -1224,7 +1246,7 @@
                 return 'Invalid save location specified'
-            filename = '/tmp/' + host+'-dump' + str(dumpNum) + '.tar.xz'
+            filename = tempfile.gettempdir()+os.sep + host+'-dump' + str(dumpNum) + '.tar.xz'
         with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
                     for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size =1024):
@@ -1366,7 +1388,7 @@
     #Collect Inventory
         args.silent = True
-        myDir = '/tmp/' + host + "--" +"%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S")
+        myDir = tempfile.gettempdir()+os.sep + host + "--" +"%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S")
         filelist = []
         frulist = fruPrint(host, args, session)
@@ -1473,7 +1495,7 @@
     #create the zip file
-        filename = myDir.split('/tmp/')[-1] + "_" + toolVersion + ''
+        filename = myDir.split(tempfile.gettempdir()+os.sep)[-1] + "_" + toolVersion + ''
         zf = zipfile.ZipFile(myDir+'/' + filename, 'w')
         for myfile in filelist:
             zf.write(myfile, os.path.basename(myfile))
@@ -2043,7 +2065,7 @@
          main function for running the command line utility as a sub application  
     global toolVersion 
-    toolVersion = "1.03"
+    toolVersion = "1.04"
     parser = createCommandParser()
     args = parser.parse_args(argv)
@@ -2070,6 +2092,14 @@
             logintimeStart = int(round(time.time()*1000))
             mysess = login(, args.user, pw, args.json)
+            if(sys.version_info < (3,0)):
+                if isinstance(mysess, basestring):
+                    print(mysess)
+                    sys.exit(1)
+            elif sys.version_info >= (3,0):
+                if isinstance(mysess, str):
+                    print(mysess)
+                    sys.exit(1)
             logintimeStop = int(round(time.time()*1000))
             commandTimeStart = int(round(time.time()*1000))