openbmctool: Add system dump operations support
Added support for system dump create,delete,retreive
and list operations
python3 -U root -P password -H <9.xx.xx.x> dump -t SystemDump list
python3 -U root -P password -H <9.xx.xx.x> dump -t SystemDump retrieve -s /tmp/verifydump -n 2
python3 -U root -P password -H <9.xx.xx.x> dump -t SystemDump delete -n 2
python3 -U root -P password -H <9.xx.xx.x> dump -t SystemDump delete all
Change-Id: I0a0d0dfea3d1cbe72bc6f8d3b8adbddc42ee29d7
Signed-off-by: Ravi Teja <>
diff --git a/thalerj/ b/thalerj/
index 715284f..2710ba3 100755
--- a/thalerj/
+++ b/thalerj/
@@ -31,7 +31,14 @@
import hashlib
import re
import uuid
+import ssl
+import socket
+import select
+import http.client
+from subprocess import check_output
jsonHeader = {'Content-Type' : 'application/json'}
xAuthHeader = {}
baseTimeout = 60
@@ -40,6 +47,163 @@
'OpenLDAP' : 'openldap'
+class NBDPipe:
+ def openHTTPSocket(self,args):
+ try:
+ _create_unverified_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
+ except AttributeError:
+ # Legacy Python that doesn't verify HTTPS certificates by default
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Handle target environment that doesn't support HTTPS verification
+ ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_https_context
+ token = gettoken(args)
+ self.conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(,port=443)
+ URI = "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/SystemDump/Entries/"+str(args.dumpNum)+"/Actions/Oem/OpenBmc/LogEntry.DownloadLog"
+ self.conn.request("POST",URI, headers={"X-Auth-Token":token})
+ def openTCPSocket(self):
+ # Create a TCP/IP socket
+ self.tcp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ # Connect the socket to the port where the server is listening
+ server_address = ('localhost', 1043)
+ self.tcp.connect(server_address)
+ def waitformessage(self):
+ inputs = [self.conn.sock,self.tcp]
+ outputs = []
+ message_queues = {}
+ while True:
+ readable, writable, exceptional =
+ inputs, outputs, inputs)
+ for s in readable:
+ if s is self.conn.sock:
+ data = self.conn.sock.recv(MAX_NBD_PACKET_SIZE)
+ print("<<HTTP")
+ #print(len(data))
+ if data:
+ self.tcp.send(data)
+ else:
+ print ("BMC Closed the connection")
+ self.conn.close()
+ self.tcp.close()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif s is self.tcp:
+ data = self.tcp.recv(MAX_NBD_PACKET_SIZE)
+ print(">>TCP")
+ #print(len(data));
+ if data:
+ self.conn.sock.send(data)
+ else:
+ print("NBD server closed the connection")
+ self.conn.sock.close()
+ self.tcp.close()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for s in exceptional:
+ inputs.remove(s)
+ print("Exceptional closing the socket")
+ s.close()
+def getsize(host,args,session):
+ url = "https://"+host+"/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/SystemDump/Entries/"+str(args.dumpNum)
+ print(url)
+ try:
+ resp = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
+ if resp.status_code==200:
+ size = resp.json()["Oem"]["OpenBmc"]['SizeInB']
+ print(size)
+ return size
+ else:
+ return "Failed get Size"
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
+ except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
+def gettoken(args):
+ mysess = requests.session()
+ resp ='https://''/login', headers=jsonHeader,json={"data":[args.user,args.PW]},verify=False)
+ if resp.status_code == 200:
+ cookie = resp.headers['Set-Cookie']
+ match ='SESSION=(\w+);', cookie)
+ return
+def get_pid(name):
+ try:
+ pid = map(int, check_output(["pidof", "-s",name]))
+ except Exception:
+ pid = 0
+ return pid
+def findThisProcess( process_name ):
+ ps = subprocess.Popen("ps -eaf | grep "+process_name, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ output =
+ ps.stdout.close()
+ ps.wait()
+ pid = get_pid(process_name)
+ print(pid)
+ return output
+def isThisProcessRunning( process_name ):
+ pid = get_pid(process_name)
+ if (pid == 0 ):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+def NBDSetup(host,args,session):
+ user=os.getenv("SUDO_USER")
+ if user is None:
+ path = os.getcwd()
+ nbdServerPath = path + "/nbd-server"
+ print(nbdServerPath,os.path.exists(nbdServerPath))
+ if not os.path.exists(nbdServerPath):
+ print("Error: this program did not run as sudo!\nplease copy nbd-server to current directory and run script again")
+ exit()
+ if isThisProcessRunning('nbd-server') == True:
+ print("nbd-server already Running! killing the nbd-server")
+ os.system('killall nbd-server')
+ if (args.dumpSaveLoc is not None):
+ if(os.path.exists(args.dumpSaveLoc)):
+ print("Error: File already exists.")
+ exit()
+ fp= open(args.dumpSaveLoc,"w")
+ sizeInBytes = getsize(host,args,session)
+ #Round off size to mutiples of 1024
+ size = int(sizeInBytes)
+ print(size)
+ mod = size % 1024
+ if mod :
+ roundoff = 1024 - mod
+ size = size + roundoff
+ cmd = 'chmod 777 ' + args.dumpSaveLoc
+ os.system(cmd)
+ #Run truncate to create file with given size
+ cmd = 'truncate -s ' + str(size) + ' '+ args.dumpSaveLoc
+ os.system(cmd)
+ if user is None:
+ cmd = './nbd-server 1043 '+ args.dumpSaveLoc
+ else:
+ cmd = 'nbd-server 1043 '+ args.dumpSaveLoc
+ os.system(cmd)
def hilight(textToColor, color, bold):
Used to add highlights to various text for displaying in a terminal
@@ -1319,6 +1483,83 @@
return "This feature is not yet implemented"
return result
+def dumpRetrieve(host, args, session):
+ """
+ Downloads dump of given dump type
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+ """
+ dumpType = args.dumpType
+ if (args.dumpType=="SystemDump"):
+ dumpResp=systemDumpRetrieve(host,args,session)
+ elif(args.dumpType=="bmc"):
+ dumpResp=bmcDumpRetrieve(host,args,session)
+ return dumpResp
+def dumpList(host, args, session):
+ """
+ Lists dump of the given dump type
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+ """
+ if (args.dumpType=="SystemDump"):
+ dumpResp=systemDumpList(host,args,session)
+ elif(args.dumpType=="bmc"):
+ dumpResp=bmcDumpList(host,args,session)
+ return dumpResp
+def dumpDelete(host, args, session):
+ """
+ Deletes dump of the given dump type
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+ """
+ if (args.dumpType=="SystemDump"):
+ dumpResp=systemDumpDelete(host,args,session)
+ elif(args.dumpType=="bmc"):
+ dumpResp=bmcDumpDelete(host,args,session)
+ return dumpResp
+def dumpDeleteAll(host, args, session):
+ """
+ Deletes all dumps of the given dump type
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+ """
+ if (args.dumpType=="SystemDump"):
+ dumpResp=systemDumpDeleteAll(host,args,session)
+ elif(args.dumpType=="bmc"):
+ dumpResp=bmcDumpDeleteAll(host,args,session)
+ return dumpResp
+def dumpCreate(host, args, session):
+ """
+ Creates dump for the given dump type
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+ """
+ if (args.dumpType=="SystemDump"):
+ dumpResp=systemDumpCreate(host,args,session)
+ elif(args.dumpType=="bmc"):
+ dumpResp=bmcDumpDelete(host,args,session)
+ return dumpResp
def bmcDumpRetrieve(host, args, session):
Downloads a dump file from the bmc
@@ -1462,6 +1703,124 @@
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
+def systemDumpRetrieve(host, args, session):
+ """
+ Downloads system dump
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+ """
+ NBDSetup(host,args,session)
+ pipe = NBDPipe()
+ pipe.openHTTPSocket(args)
+ pipe.openTCPSocket()
+ pipe.waitformessage()
+def systemDumpList(host, args, session):
+ """
+ Lists system dumps
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+ """
+ print("in systemDumpList")
+ url = "https://"+host+"/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/"+args.dumpType+"/Entries"
+ try:
+ r = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
+ dumpList = r.json()
+ return dumpList
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
+ except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
+def systemDumpDelete(host, args, session):
+ """
+ Deletes system dump
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+ """
+ dumpList = []
+ successList = []
+ failedList = []
+ if args.dumpNum is not None:
+ if isinstance(args.dumpNum, list):
+ dumpList = args.dumpNum
+ else:
+ dumpList.append(args.dumpNum)
+ for dumpNum in dumpList:
+ url = 'https://'+host+'/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/'+args.dumpType+'/Entries/'+ str(dumpNum)
+ try:
+ r = session.delete(url, headers=jsonHeader, json = {"data": []}, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
+ if r.status_code == 200:
+ successList.append(str(dumpNum))
+ else:
+ failedList.append(str(dumpNum))
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
+ except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
+ output = "Successfully deleted dumps: " + ', '.join(successList)
+ if(len(failedList)>0):
+ output+= '\nFailed to delete dumps: ' + ', '.join(failedList)
+ return output
+ else:
+ return 'You must specify an entry number to delete'
+def systemDumpDeleteAll(host, args, session):
+ """
+ Deletes All system dumps
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+ """
+ url = 'https://'+host+'/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/'+args.dumpType+'/Actions/LogService.ClearLog'
+ try:
+ r =, headers=jsonHeader, json = {"data": []}, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
+ if(r.status_code == 200 and not args.json):
+ return ('Dumps successfully cleared')
+ elif(args.json):
+ return r.json()
+ else:
+ return ('Failed to clear dumps')
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
+ except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
+def systemDumpCreate(host, args, session):
+ """
+ Creates a system dump
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+ """
+ url = 'https://'+host+'/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/'+args.dumpType+'/Actions/Oem/Openbmc/LogService.CreateLog'
+ try:
+ r =, headers=jsonHeader, json = {"data": []}, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
+ if(r.status_code == 200 and not args.json):
+ return ('Dump successfully created')
+ elif(args.json):
+ return r.json()
+ else:
+ return ('Failed to create dump')
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
+ except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
def csdDumpInitiate(host, args, session):
@@ -4295,28 +4654,29 @@
parser_healthChk = subparsers.add_parser("health_check", help="Work with platform sensors")
- #work with bmc dumps
- parser_bmcdump = subparsers.add_parser("dump", help="Work with bmc dump files")
+ #work with dumps
+ parser_bmcdump = subparsers.add_parser("dump", help="Work with dumps")
+ parser_bmcdump.add_argument("-t", "--dumpType", default='bmc', choices=['bmc','SystemDump'],help="Type of dump")
bmcDump_sub = parser_bmcdump.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
bmcDump_sub.required = True
- dump_Create = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('create', help="Create a bmc dump")
- dump_Create.set_defaults(func=bmcDumpCreate)
+ dump_Create = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('create', help="Create a dump of given type")
+ dump_Create.set_defaults(func=dumpCreate)
- dump_list = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('list', help="list all bmc dump files")
- dump_list.set_defaults(func=bmcDumpList)
+ dump_list = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('list', help="list all dumps")
+ dump_list.set_defaults(func=dumpList)
- parserdumpdelete = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('delete', help="Delete bmc dump files")
+ parserdumpdelete = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('delete', help="Delete dump")
parserdumpdelete.add_argument("-n", "--dumpNum", nargs='*', type=int, help="The Dump entry to delete")
- parserdumpdelete.set_defaults(func=bmcDumpDelete)
+ parserdumpdelete.set_defaults(func=dumpDelete)
bmcDumpDelsub = parserdumpdelete.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
- deleteAllDumps = bmcDumpDelsub.add_parser('all', help='Delete all bmc dump files')
- deleteAllDumps.set_defaults(func=bmcDumpDeleteAll)
+ deleteAllDumps = bmcDumpDelsub.add_parser('all', help='Delete all dumps')
+ deleteAllDumps.set_defaults(func=dumpDeleteAll)
parser_dumpretrieve = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('retrieve', help='Retrieve a dump file')
- parser_dumpretrieve.add_argument("dumpNum", type=int, help="The Dump entry to delete")
- parser_dumpretrieve.add_argument("-s", "--dumpSaveLoc", help="The location to save the bmc dump file")
- parser_dumpretrieve.set_defaults(func=bmcDumpRetrieve)
+ parser_dumpretrieve.add_argument("-n,", "--dumpNum", help="The Dump entry to retrieve")
+ parser_dumpretrieve.add_argument("-s", "--dumpSaveLoc", help="The location to save the bmc dump file or file path for system dump")
+ parser_dumpretrieve.set_defaults(func=dumpRetrieve)
#bmc command for reseting the bmc
parser_bmc = subparsers.add_parser('bmc', help="Work with the bmc")