obmc-scripts: Add maintainers

maintainers is a python library and collection of scripts for
parsing and generating OpenBMC MAINTAINERS files. The culmination of the
effort is the `obmc-gerrit` git wrapper that automatically adds people
listed in the per-repository MAINTAINERS file as reviewers on changes
pushed to Gerrit.

Change-Id: I4a3c3efc5899b80a65836c1ad948ec1153dd6796
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>
diff --git a/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc/maintainers.py b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc/maintainers.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d18d676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/obmc/maintainers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corp.
+import argparse
+import sys
+from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
+from enum import Enum, unique
+from typing import (Dict, NamedTuple, Iterator, Sequence, Union, Optional,
+                    List, cast, IO)
+from pprint import pprint
+class LineType(Enum):
+    REPO = 1
+    REVIEWER = 3
+    FORKED = 4
+    COMMENT = 5
+class ParseState(Enum):
+    BEGIN = 1
+    BLOCK = 2
+Email = NamedTuple("Email", [("name", str), ("address", str)])
+Identity = NamedTuple("Identity", [("email", Email), ("irc", Optional[str])])
+Entry = NamedTuple("Entry", [("type", LineType), ("content", str)])
+def parse_line(line: str) -> Optional[Entry]:
+    sline = line.strip()
+    if not sline:
+        return None
+    if sline == "MAINTAINERS":
+        return Entry(LineType.REPO, sline)
+    tag = line[:2]
+    if '@' in tag:
+        return Entry(LineType.REPO, sline[1:].split(":")[0].strip())
+    elif tag == 'M:':
+        return Entry(LineType.MAINTAINER, sline.split(":")[1].strip())
+    elif tag == 'R:':
+        return Entry(LineType.REVIEWER, sline.split(":")[1].strip())
+    elif tag == 'F:':
+        return Entry(LineType.FORKED, sline[2:].strip())
+    elif '#' in tag:
+        return Entry(LineType.COMMENT, line)
+    return None
+D = Union[str, List[Identity], List[str]]
+def parse_repo(content: str) -> str:
+    return content
+def parse_forked(content: str) -> str:
+    return content
+def parse_irc(src: Iterator[str]) -> Optional[str]:
+    irc = ""
+    for c in src:
+        if c == '#':
+            return None
+        if c == '<':
+            break
+    else:
+        return None
+    for c in src:
+        if c in '!#':
+            return irc.strip()
+        irc += c
+    raise ValueError("Unterminated IRC handle")
+def parse_address(src: Iterator[str]) -> str:
+    addr = ""
+    for c in src:
+        if c in '>#':
+            return addr.strip()
+        addr += c
+    raise ValueError("Unterminated email address")
+def parse_name(src: Iterator[str]) -> str:
+    name = ""
+    for c in src:
+        if c in '<#':
+            return name.strip()
+        name += c
+    raise ValueError("Unterminated name")
+def parse_email(src: Iterator[str]) -> Email:
+    name = parse_name(src)
+    address = parse_address(src)
+    return Email(name, address)
+def parse_identity(content: str) -> Identity:
+    ci = iter(content)
+    email = parse_email(ci)
+    irc = parse_irc(ci)
+    return Identity(email, irc)
+B = Dict[LineType, D]
+def parse_block(src: Iterator[str]) -> Optional[B]:
+    state = ParseState.BEGIN
+    repo: Dict[LineType, D] = OrderedDict()
+    for line in src:
+        try:
+            entry = parse_line(line)
+            if state == ParseState.BEGIN and not entry:
+                continue
+            elif state == ParseState.BEGIN and entry:
+                state = ParseState.BLOCK
+            elif state == ParseState.BLOCK and not entry:
+                return repo
+            assert entry
+            if entry.type == LineType.REPO:
+                repo[entry.type] = parse_repo(entry.content)
+            elif entry.type in { LineType.MAINTAINER, LineType.REVIEWER }:
+                if not entry.type in repo:
+                    repo[entry.type] = cast(List[Identity], list())
+                cast(list, repo[entry.type]).append(parse_identity(entry.content))
+            elif entry.type == LineType.FORKED:
+                repo[entry.type] = parse_forked(entry.content)
+            elif entry.type == LineType.COMMENT:
+                if not entry.type in repo:
+                    repo[entry.type] = cast(List[str], list())
+                cast(list, repo[entry.type]).append(entry.content)
+        except ValueError as e:
+            print("Failed to parse line '{}': {}".format(line.strip(), e))
+    if not repo:
+        return None
+    return repo
+def trash_preamble(src: Iterator[str]) -> None:
+    s = 0
+    for line in src:
+        sline = line.strip()
+        if "START OF MAINTAINERS LIST" == sline:
+            s = 1
+        if s == 1 and sline == "-------------------------":
+            break
+def parse_maintainers(src: Iterator[str]) -> Dict[D, B]:
+    maintainers: Dict[D, B] = OrderedDict()
+    trash_preamble(src)
+    while True:
+        repo: B = parse_block(src)
+        if not repo:
+            break
+        maintainers[repo[LineType.REPO]] = repo
+    return maintainers
+def assemble_name(name: str, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    dst.write(name)
+def assemble_address(address: str, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    dst.write("<")
+    dst.write(address)
+    dst.write(">")
+def assemble_email(email: Email, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    assemble_name(email.name, dst)
+    dst.write(" ")
+    assemble_address(email.address, dst)
+def assemble_irc(irc: Optional[str], dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    if irc:
+        dst.write(" ")
+        dst.write("<")
+        dst.write(irc)
+        dst.write("!>")
+def assemble_identity(identity: Identity, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    assemble_email(identity.email, dst)
+    assemble_irc(identity.irc, dst)
+def assemble_maintainers(identities: List[Identity], dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    for i in identities:
+        dst.write("M:  ")
+        assemble_identity(i, dst)
+        dst.write("\n")
+def assemble_reviewers(identities: List[Identity], dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    for i in identities:
+        dst.write("R:  ")
+        assemble_identity(i, dst)
+        dst.write("\n")
+def assemble_forked(content: str, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    if content:
+        dst.write("F:  ")
+        dst.write(content)
+        dst.write("\n")
+def assemble_comment(content: List[str], dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    dst.write("".join(content))
+def assemble_block(block: B, default: B, dst: IO[str]) -> None:
+    if LineType.COMMENT in block:
+        assemble_comment(cast(List[str], block[LineType.COMMENT]), dst)
+    if LineType.MAINTAINER in block:
+        maintainers = block[LineType.MAINTAINER]
+    else:
+        maintainers = default[LineType.MAINTAINER]
+    assemble_maintainers(cast(List[Identity], maintainers), dst)
+    if LineType.REVIEWER in block:
+        assemble_reviewers(cast(List[Identity], block[LineType.REVIEWER]), dst)
+    if LineType.FORKED in block:
+        assemble_forked(cast(str, block[LineType.FORKED]), dst)
+def main() -> None:
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("maintainers", type=argparse.FileType('r'),
+                        default=sys.stdin)
+    parser.add_argument("output", type=argparse.FileType('w'),
+                        default=sys.stdout)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    blocks = parse_maintainers(args.maintainers)
+    for block in blocks.values():
+        print(block[LineType.REPO])
+        assemble_block(block, blocks['MAINTAINERS'], args.output)
+        print()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()