obmc-scripts: Add maintainers

maintainers is a python library and collection of scripts for
parsing and generating OpenBMC MAINTAINERS files. The culmination of the
effort is the `obmc-gerrit` git wrapper that automatically adds people
listed in the per-repository MAINTAINERS file as reviewers on changes
pushed to Gerrit.

Change-Id: I4a3c3efc5899b80a65836c1ad948ec1153dd6796
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au>
diff --git a/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/split_maintainers.py b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/split_maintainers.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf0a143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amboar/obmc-scripts/maintainers/split_maintainers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corp.
+import argparse
+import sh
+import os
+import maintainers
+from pprint import pprint
+import requests
+import json
+from typing import List, Dict, Union, cast, Iterator
+import sys
+import itertools
+git = sh.git.bake()
+mailmap = {
+    'andrewg@us.ibm.com' : 'geissonator@yahoo.com',
+def gerrit_url(name: str, user: str) -> str:
+    return "ssh://{}@gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz:29418/openbmc/{}".format(user, name)
+def gerrit_push_args(reviewers: Iterator[maintainers.Identity]) -> str:
+    addrs = (i.email.address for i in reviewers)
+    maddrs = (mailmap[a] if a in mailmap else a for a in addrs)
+    return ','.join("r={}".format(ma) for ma in maddrs)
+def gerrit_push(name: str, user: str, reviewers: Iterator[maintainers.Identity]) -> None:
+    refspec = 'HEAD:refs/for/master/maintainers%{}'.format(gerrit_push_args(reviewers))
+    git.push(gerrit_url(name, user), refspec)
+def org_repos_url(name) -> str:
+    return "https://api.github.com/users/{}/repos?per_page=100".format(name)
+V = Union[Dict[str, str], str]
+E = Dict[str, V]
+R = List[E]
+def org_repos(name: str) -> R:
+    r = requests.get(org_repos_url(name))
+    if not r.ok:
+        raise ValueError("Bad organisation name")
+    return json.loads(r.text or r.content)
+def git_reset_upstream(name: str) -> None:
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(name)
+    git.fetch("origin")
+    git.reset("--hard", "origin/master")
+    os.chdir(cwd)
+def ensure_org_repo(name: str, user: str) -> str:
+    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(name, ".git")):
+        # git_reset_upstream(name)
+        pass
+    else:
+        git.clone(gerrit_url(name, user), name)
+    scp_src = "{}@gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz:hooks/commit-msg".format(user)
+    scp_dst = "{}/.git/hooks/".format(name)
+    sh.scp("-p", "-P", 29418, scp_src, scp_dst)
+    return name
+def repo_url(name: str) -> str:
+    return "https://github.com/openbmc/{}.git".format(name)
+def ensure_repo(name: str) -> str:
+    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(name, ".git")):
+        # git_reset_upstream(name)
+        pass
+    else:
+        git.clone(repo_url(name), name)
+    return name
+preamble_text = """\
+How to use this list:
+    Find the most specific section entry (described below) that matches where
+    your change lives and add the reviewers (R) and maintainers (M) as
+    reviewers. You can use the same method to track down who knows a particular
+    code base best.
+    Your change/query may span multiple entries; that is okay.
+    If you do not find an entry that describes your request at all, someone
+    forgot to update this list; please at least file an issue or send an email
+    to a maintainer, but preferably you should just update this document.
+Description of section entries:
+    Section entries are structured according to the following scheme:
+    X:  ...
+    .
+    .
+    .
+    Where REPO_NAME is the name of the repository within the OpenBMC GitHub
+    organization; FILE_PATH is a file path within the repository, possibly with
+    wildcards; X is a tag of one of the following types:
+    M:  Denotes maintainer; has fields NAME <EMAIL_USERNAME@DOMAIN> <IRC_USERNAME!>;
+        if omitted from an entry, assume one of the maintainers from the
+        MAINTAINERS entry.
+    R:  Denotes reviewer; has fields NAME <EMAIL_USERNAME@DOMAIN> <IRC_USERNAME!>;
+        these people are to be added as reviewers for a change matching the repo
+        path.
+    F:  Denotes forked from an external repository; has fields URL.
+    Line comments are to be denoted "# SOME COMMENT" (typical shell style
+    comment); it is important to follow the correct syntax and semantics as we
+    may want to use automated tools with this file in the future.
+    A change cannot be added to an OpenBMC repository without a MAINTAINER's
+    approval; thus, a MAINTAINER should always be listed as a reviewer.
+def generate_maintainers_change(name: str, block: maintainers.B,
+        default: maintainers.B, user: str) -> None:
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(name)
+    mpath = "MAINTAINERS"
+    try:
+        if os.path.exists(mpath):
+            print("{} already exists, skipping".format(mpath))
+            return
+        with open(mpath, 'w') as m:
+            m.write(preamble_text)
+            maintainers.assemble_block(block, default, m)
+        git.add(mpath)
+        git.commit("-s", "-m", "Add {} file".format(mpath), _out=sys.stdout)
+        with open(mpath, 'r') as m:
+            maintainers.trash_preamble(m)
+            block = maintainers.parse_block(m)
+            pprint(block)
+            audience = cast(List[maintainers.Identity],
+                    block[maintainers.LineType.MAINTAINER][:])
+            if maintainers.LineType.REVIEWER in block:
+                reviewers = cast(List[maintainers.Identity],
+                        block[maintainers.LineType.REVIEWER])
+                audience.extend(reviewers)
+            gerrit_push(name, user, iter(audience))
+    finally:
+        os.chdir(cwd)
+def main() -> None:
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("--organisation", type=str, default="openbmc")
+    parser.add_argument("--user", type=str, default="amboar")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    ensure_repo("docs")
+    with open('docs/MAINTAINERS', 'r') as mfile:
+        mast = maintainers.parse_maintainers(mfile)
+    # Don't leak the generic comment into the repo-specific MAINTAINERS file
+    del mast['MAINTAINERS'][maintainers.LineType.COMMENT]
+    for e in org_repos(args.organisation):
+        print("Ensuring MAINTAINERS for {}".format(e['name']))
+        name = cast(str, e['name'])
+        try:
+            ensure_org_repo(name, args.user)
+            default = mast['MAINTAINERS']
+            block = mast[name] if name in mast else default
+            if not maintainers.LineType.FORKED in block:
+                generate_maintainers_change(name, block, default, args.user)
+        except sh.ErrorReturnCode_128:
+            print("{} has not been imported into Gerrit, skipping".format(name))
+        print()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()