Adding openbmctool
diff --git a/thalerj/ b/thalerj/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..551c43c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thalerj/
@@ -0,0 +1,1490 @@
+# Copyright IBM Corporation 2015-2017. All Rights Reserved
+# This program is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License
+# v1.0 as published by the Eclipse Foundation and available at
+# U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights: Use, duplication or disclosure
+# restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
+import argparse
+import requests
+import getpass
+import json
+import os
+import urllib3
+import time, datetime
+# import yaml
+import binascii
+import subprocess
+import platform
+import zipfile
+#isTTY = sys.stdout.isatty()
+ Used to add highlights to various text for displaying in a terminal
+ @param textToColor: string, the text to be colored
+ @param color: string, used to color the text red or green
+ @param bold: boolean, used to bold the textToColor
+ @return: Buffered reader containing the modified string.
+def hilight(textToColor, color, bold):
+ if(sys.platform.__contains__("win")):
+ if(color == "red"):
+ os.system('color 04')
+ elif(color == "green"):
+ os.system('color 02')
+ else:
+ os.system('color') #reset to default
+ return textToColor
+ else:
+ attr = []
+ if(color == "red"):
+ attr.append('31')
+ elif(color == "green"):
+ attr.append('32')
+ else:
+ attr.append('0')
+ if bold:
+ attr.append('1')
+ else:
+ attr.append('0')
+ return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr),textToColor)
+ Error handler various connection errors to bmcs
+ @param jsonFormat: boolean, used to output in json format with an error code.
+ @param errorStr: string, used to color the text red or green
+ @param err: string, the text from the exception
+def connectionErrHandler(jsonFormat, errorStr, err):
+ if errorStr == "Timeout":
+ if not jsonFormat:
+ return("FQPSPIN0000M: Connection timed out. Ensure you have network connectivity to the bmc")
+ else:
+ errorMessageStr = ("{\n\t\"event0\":{\n" +
+ "\t\t\"CommonEventID\": \"FQPSPIN0000M\",\n"+
+ "\t\t\"sensor\": \"N/A\",\n"+
+ "\t\t\"state\": \"N/A\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"additionalDetails\": \"N/A\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"Message\": \"Connection timed out. Ensure you have network connectivity to the BMC\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"LengthyDescription\": \"While trying to establish a connection with the specified BMC, the BMC failed to respond in adequate time. Verify the BMC is functioning properly, and the network connectivity to the BMC is stable.\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"Serviceable\": \"Yes\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"CallHomeCandidate\": \"No\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"Severity\": \"Critical\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"EventType\": \"Communication Failure/Timeout\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"VMMigrationFlag\": \"Yes\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"AffectedSubsystem\": \"Interconnect (Networking)\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"timestamp\": \""+str(int(time.time()))+"\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"UserAction\": \"Verify network connectivity between the two systems and the bmc is functional.\"" +
+ "\t\n}, \n" +
+ "\t\"numAlerts\": \"1\" \n}");
+ return(errorMessageStr)
+ elif errorStr == "ConnectionError":
+ if not jsonFormat:
+ return("FQPSPIN0001M: " + str(err))
+ else:
+ errorMessageStr = ("{\n\t\"event0\":{\n" +
+ "\t\t\"CommonEventID\": \"FQPSPIN0001M\",\n"+
+ "\t\t\"sensor\": \"N/A\",\n"+
+ "\t\t\"state\": \"N/A\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"additionalDetails\": \"" + str(err)+"\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"Message\": \"Connection Error. View additional details for more information\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"LengthyDescription\": \"A connection error to the specified BMC occurred and additional details are provided. Review these details to resolve the issue.\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"Serviceable\": \"Yes\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"CallHomeCandidate\": \"No\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"Severity\": \"Critical\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"EventType\": \"Communication Failure/Timeout\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"VMMigrationFlag\": \"Yes\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"AffectedSubsystem\": \"Interconnect (Networking)\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"timestamp\": \""+str(int(time.time()))+"\",\n" +
+ "\t\t\"UserAction\": \"Correct the issue highlighted in additional details and try again\"" +
+ "\t\n}, \n" +
+ "\t\"numAlerts\": \"1\" \n}");
+ return(errorMessageStr)
+ else:
+ return("Unknown Error: "+ str(err))
+ Sets the output width of the columns to display
+ @param keylist: list, list of strings representing the keys for the dictForOutput
+ @param numcols: the total number of columns in the final output
+ @param dictForOutput: dictionary, contains the information to print to the screen
+ @param colNames: list, The strings to use for the column headings, in order of the keylist
+ @return: A list of the column widths for each respective column.
+def setColWidth(keylist, numCols, dictForOutput, colNames):
+ colWidths = []
+ for x in range(0, numCols):
+ colWidths.append(0)
+ for key in dictForOutput:
+ for x in range(0, numCols):
+ colWidths[x] = max(colWidths[x], len(str(dictForOutput[key][keylist[x]])))
+ for x in range(0, numCols):
+ colWidths[x] = max(colWidths[x], len(colNames[x])) +2
+ return colWidths
+def loadPolicyTable(pathToPolicyTable):
+ policyTable = {}
+ if(os.path.exists(pathToPolicyTable)):
+ with open(pathToPolicyTable, 'r') as stream:
+ try:
+# contents = yaml.load(stream)
+ contents =json.load(stream)
+ policyTable = contents['events']
+ except yaml.YAMLError as err:
+ print(err)
+ return policyTable
+ Logs into the BMC and creates a session
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc to log into
+ @param username: The user name for the bmc to log into
+ @param pw: The password for the BMC to log into
+ @param jsonFormat: boolean, flag that will only allow relevant data from user command to be display. This function becomes silent when set to true.
+ @return: Session object
+def login(host, username, pw,jsonFormat):
+ if(jsonFormat==False):
+ print("Attempting login...")
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ mysess = requests.session()
+ try:
+ r ='https://'+host+'/login', headers=httpHeader, json = {"data": [username, pw]}, verify=False, timeout=30)
+ loginMessage = json.loads(r.text)
+ if (loginMessage['status'] != "ok"):
+ print(loginMessage["data"]["description"].encode('utf-8'))
+ sys.exit(1)
+# if(sys.version_info < (3,0)):
+# urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
+# if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
+# requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
+ return mysess
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ print(connectionErrHandler(jsonFormat, "Timeout", None))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
+ print(connectionErrHandler(jsonFormat, "ConnectionError", err))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ Logs out of the bmc and terminates the session
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc to log out of
+ @param username: The user name for the bmc to log out of
+ @param pw: The password for the BMC to log out of
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param jsonFormat: boolean, flag that will only allow relevant data from user command to be display. This function becomes silent when set to true.
+def logout(host, username, pw, session, jsonFormat):
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ r ='https://'+host+'/logout', headers=httpHeader,json = {"data": [username, pw]}, verify=False, timeout=10)
+ if(jsonFormat==False):
+ if('"message": "200 OK"' in r.text):
+ print('User ' +username + ' has been logged out')
+ prints out the system inventory. deprecated see fruPrint and fruList
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def fru(host, args, session):
+ #url="https://"+host+"/org/openbmc/inventory/system/chassis/enumerate"
+ #print(url)
+ #res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False)
+ #print(res.text)
+ #sample = res.text
+ #inv_list = json.loads(sample)["data"]
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/enumerate"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False)
+ sample = res.text
+# inv_list.update(json.loads(sample)["data"])
+# #determine column width's
+# colNames = ["FRU Name", "FRU Type", "Has Fault", "Is FRU", "Present", "Version"]
+# colWidths = setColWidth(["FRU Name", "fru_type", "fault", "is_fru", "present", "version"], 6, inv_list, colNames)
+# print("FRU Name".ljust(colWidths[0])+ "FRU Type".ljust(colWidths[1]) + "Has Fault".ljust(colWidths[2]) + "Is FRU".ljust(colWidths[3])+
+# "Present".ljust(colWidths[4]) + "Version".ljust(colWidths[5]))
+# format the output
+# for key in sorted(inv_list.keys()):
+# keyParts = key.split("/")
+# isFRU = "True" if (inv_list[key]["is_fru"]==1) else "False"
+# fruEntry = (keyParts[len(keyParts) - 1].ljust(colWidths[0]) + inv_list[key]["fru_type"].ljust(colWidths[1])+
+# inv_list[key]["fault"].ljust(colWidths[2])+isFRU.ljust(colWidths[3])+
+# inv_list[key]["present"].ljust(colWidths[4])+ inv_list[key]["version"].ljust(colWidths[5]))
+# if(isTTY):
+# if(inv_list[key]["is_fru"] == 1):
+# color = "green"
+# bold = True
+# else:
+# color='black'
+# bold = False
+# fruEntry = hilight(fruEntry, color, bold)
+# print (fruEntry)
+ return sample
+ prints out all inventory
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+ @return returns the total fru list.
+def fruPrint(host, args, session):
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/enumerate"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False)
+# print(res.text)
+ frulist = res.text
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/software/enumerate"
+ res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False)
+# print(res.text)
+ frulist = frulist +"\n" + res.text
+ return frulist
+ prints out all inventory or only a specific specified item
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def fruList(host, args, session):
+ if(args.items==True):
+ return fruPrint(host, args, session)
+ else:
+ return "not implemented at this time"
+ prints out the status of all FRUs
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def fruStatus(host, args, session):
+ print("fru status to be implemented")
+ prints out all sensors
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the sensor sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def sensor(host, args, session):
+# url="https://"+host+"/org/openbmc/sensors/enumerate"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+# print(url)
+# res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=20)
+# print(res.text)
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/enumerate"
+ res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ #Get OCC status
+ url="https://"+host+"/org/open_power/control/enumerate"
+ occres = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ if not args.json:
+ colNames = ['sensor', 'type', 'units', 'value', 'target']
+ sensors = json.loads(res.text)["data"]
+ output = {}
+ for key in sensors:
+ senDict = {}
+ keyparts = key.split("/")
+ senDict['sensorName'] = keyparts[-1]
+ senDict['type'] = keyparts[-2]
+ senDict['units'] = sensors[key]['Unit'].split('.')[-1]
+ if('Scale' in sensors[key]):
+ scale = 10 ** sensors[key]['Scale']
+ else:
+ scale = 1
+ senDict['value'] = str(sensors[key]['Value'] * scale)
+ if 'Target' in sensors[key]:
+ senDict['target'] = str(sensors[key]['Target'])
+ else:
+ senDict['target'] = 'N/A'
+ output[senDict['sensorName']] = senDict
+ occstatus = json.loads(occres.text)["data"]
+ if '/org/open_power/control/occ0' in occstatus:
+ occ0 = occstatus["/org/open_power/control/occ0"]['OccActive']
+ if occ0 == 1:
+ occ0 = 'Active'
+ else:
+ occ0 = 'Inactive'
+ output['OCC0'] = {'sensorName':'OCC0', 'type': 'Discrete', 'units': 'N/A', 'value': occ0, 'target': 'Active'}
+ occ1 = occstatus["/org/open_power/control/occ1"]['OccActive']
+ if occ1 == 1:
+ occ1 = 'Active'
+ else:
+ occ1 = 'Inactive'
+ output['OCC1'] = {'sensorName':'OCC1', 'type': 'Discrete', 'units': 'N/A', 'value': occ0, 'target': 'Active'}
+ else:
+ output['OCC0'] = {'sensorName':'OCC0', 'type': 'Discrete', 'units': 'N/A', 'value': 'Inactive', 'target': 'Inactive'}
+ output['OCC1'] = {'sensorName':'OCC1', 'type': 'Discrete', 'units': 'N/A', 'value': 'Inactive', 'target': 'Inactive'}
+ keylist = ['sensorName', 'type', 'units', 'value', 'target']
+ colWidth = setColWidth(keylist, len(colNames), output, colNames)
+ row = ""
+ outputText = ""
+ for i in range(len(colNames)):
+ if (i != 0): row = row + "| "
+ row = row + colNames[i].ljust(colWidth[i])
+ outputText += row + "\n"
+ sortedKeys = list(output.keys()).sort
+ for key in sorted(output.keys()):
+ row = ""
+ for i in range(len(output[key])):
+ if (i != 0): row = row + "| "
+ row = row + output[key][keylist[i]].ljust(colWidth[i])
+ outputText += row + "\n"
+ return outputText
+ else:
+ return res.text + occres.text
+ prints out the bmc alerts
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the sel sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def sel(host, args, session):
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/enumerate"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ #print(url)
+ res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=60)
+ return res.text
+ converts a boolean value to a human readable string value
+ @param value: boolean, the value to convert
+ @return: A string of "Yes" or "No"
+def boolToString(value):
+ if(value):
+ return "Yes"
+ else:
+ return "No"
+ parses the esel data and gets predetermined search terms
+ @param eselRAW: string, the raw esel string from the bmc
+ @return: A dictionary containing the quick snapshot data unless args.fullEsel is listed then a full PEL log is returned
+def parseESEL(args, eselRAW):
+ eselParts = {}
+ esel_bin = binascii.unhexlify(''.join(eselRAW.split()[16:]))
+ #search terms contains the search term as the key and the return dictionary key as it's value
+ searchTerms = { 'Signature Description':'signatureDescription', 'devdesc':'devdesc',
+ 'Callout type': 'calloutType', 'Procedure':'procedure'}
+ with open('/tmp/esel.bin', 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(esel_bin)
+ errlPath = ""
+ #use the right errl file for the machine architecture
+ arch = platform.machine()
+ if(arch =='x86_64' or arch =='AMD64'):
+ if os.path.exists('/opt/ibm/ras/bin/x86_64/errl'):
+ errlPath = '/opt/ibm/ras/bin/x86_64/errl'
+ elif os.path.exists('errl/x86_64/errl'):
+ errlPath = 'errl/x86_64/errl'
+ else:
+ errlPath = 'x86_64/errl'
+ elif (platform.machine()=='ppc64le'):
+ if os.path.exists('/opt/ibm/ras/bin/ppc64le/errl'):
+ errlPath = '/opt/ibm/ras/bin/ppc64le/errl'
+ elif os.path.exists('errl/ppc64le/errl'):
+ errlPath = 'errl/ppc64le/errl'
+ else:
+ errlPath = 'ppc64le/errl'
+ else:
+ print("machine architecture not supported for parsing eSELs")
+ return eselParts
+ if(os.path.exists(errlPath)):
+ output= subprocess.check_output([errlPath, '-d', '--file=/tmp/esel.bin']).decode('utf-8')
+# output = proc.communicate()[0]
+ lines = output.split('\n')
+ if(hasattr(args, 'fullEsel')):
+ return output
+ for i in range(0, len(lines)):
+ lineParts = lines[i].split(':')
+ if(len(lineParts)>1): #ignore multi lines, output formatting lines, and other information
+ for term in searchTerms:
+ if(term in lineParts[0]):
+ temp = lines[i][lines[i].find(':')+1:].strip()[:-1].strip()
+ if lines[i+1].find(':') != -1:
+ if (len(lines[i+1].split(':')[0][1:].strip())==0):
+ while(len(lines[i][:lines[i].find(':')].strip())>2):
+ if((i+1) <= len(lines)):
+ i+=1
+ else:
+ i=i-1
+ break
+ temp = temp + lines[i][lines[i].find(':'):].strip()[:-1].strip()[:-1].strip()
+ eselParts[searchTerms[term]] = temp
+ os.remove('/tmp/esel.bin')
+ else:
+ print("errl file cannot be found")
+ return eselParts
+ sorts the sels by timestamp, then log entry number
+ @param events: Dictionary containing events
+ @return: list containing a list of the ordered log entries, and dictionary of keys
+def sortSELs(events):
+ logNumList = []
+ timestampList = []
+ eventKeyDict = {}
+ eventsWithTimestamp = {}
+ logNum2events = {}
+ for key in events:
+ if key == 'numAlerts': continue
+ if 'callout' in key: continue
+ timestamp = (events[key]['timestamp'])
+ if timestamp not in timestampList:
+ eventsWithTimestamp[timestamp] = [events[key]['logNum']]
+ else:
+ eventsWithTimestamp[timestamp].append(events[key]['logNum'])
+ #map logNumbers to the event dictionary keys
+ eventKeyDict[str(events[key]['logNum'])] = key
+ timestampList = list(eventsWithTimestamp.keys())
+ timestampList.sort()
+ for ts in timestampList:
+ if len(eventsWithTimestamp[ts]) > 1:
+ tmplist = eventsWithTimestamp[ts]
+ tmplist.sort()
+ logNumList = logNumList + tmplist
+ else:
+ logNumList = logNumList + eventsWithTimestamp[ts]
+ return [logNumList, eventKeyDict]
+ parses alerts in the IBM CER format, using an IBM policy Table
+ @param policyTable: dictionary, the policy table entries
+ @param selEntries: dictionary, the alerts retrieved from the bmc
+ @return: A dictionary of the parsed entries, in chronological order
+def parseAlerts(policyTable, selEntries, args):
+ eventDict = {}
+ eventNum =""
+ count = 0
+ esel = ""
+ eselParts = {}
+ i2cdevice= ""
+ 'prepare and sort the event entries'
+ for key in selEntries:
+ if 'callout' not in key:
+ selEntries[key]['logNum'] = key.split('/')[-1]
+ selEntries[key]['timestamp'] = selEntries[key]['Timestamp']
+ sortedEntries = sortSELs(selEntries)
+ logNumList = sortedEntries[0]
+ eventKeyDict = sortedEntries[1]
+ for logNum in logNumList:
+ key = eventKeyDict[logNum]
+# for key in selEntries:
+ hasEsel=False
+ i2creadFail = False
+ if 'callout' in key:
+ continue
+ else:
+ messageID = str(selEntries[key]['Message'])
+ addDataPiece = selEntries[key]['AdditionalData']
+ calloutIndex = 0
+ calloutFound = False
+ for i in range(len(addDataPiece)):
+ if("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH" in addDataPiece[i]):
+ calloutIndex = i
+ calloutFound = True
+ fruCallout = str(addDataPiece[calloutIndex]).split('=')[1]
+ if("CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH" in addDataPiece[i]):
+ i2creadFail = True
+ i2cdevice = str(addDataPiece[i]).strip().split('=')[1]
+ i2cdevice = '/'.join(i2cdevice.split('/')[-4:])
+ fruCallout = 'I2C'
+ calloutFound = True
+ if("ESEL" in addDataPiece[i]):
+ esel = str(addDataPiece[i]).strip().split('=')[1]
+ if args.devdebug:
+ eselParts = parseESEL(args, esel)
+ hasEsel=True
+ if("GPU" in addDataPiece[i]):
+ fruCallout = '/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu' + str(addDataPiece[i]).strip()[-1]
+ calloutFound = True
+ if("PROCEDURE" in addDataPiece[i]):
+ fruCallout = str(hex(int(str(addDataPiece[i]).split('=')[1])))[2:]
+ calloutFound = True
+ if(calloutFound):
+ policyKey = messageID +"||" + fruCallout
+ else:
+ policyKey = messageID
+ event = {}
+ eventNum = str(count)
+ if policyKey in policyTable:
+ for pkey in policyTable[policyKey]:
+ if(type(policyTable[policyKey][pkey])== bool):
+ event[pkey] = boolToString(policyTable[policyKey][pkey])
+ else:
+ if (i2creadFail and pkey == 'Message'):
+ event[pkey] = policyTable[policyKey][pkey] + ' ' +i2cdevice
+ else:
+ event[pkey] = policyTable[policyKey][pkey]
+ event['timestamp'] = selEntries[key]['Timestamp']
+ event['resolved'] = bool(selEntries[key]['Resolved'])
+ if(hasEsel):
+ if args.devdebug:
+ event['eselParts'] = eselParts
+ event['raweSEL'] = esel
+ event['logNum'] = key.split('/')[-1]
+ eventDict['event' + eventNum] = event
+ else:
+ severity = str(selEntries[key]['Severity']).split('.')[-1]
+ if severity == 'Error':
+ severity = 'Critical'
+ eventDict['event'+eventNum] = {}
+ eventDict['event' + eventNum]['error'] = "error: Not found in policy table: " + policyKey
+ eventDict['event' + eventNum]['timestamp'] = selEntries[key]['Timestamp']
+ eventDict['event' + eventNum]['Severity'] = severity
+ if(hasEsel):
+ if args.devdebug:
+ eventDict['event' +eventNum]['eselParts'] = eselParts
+ eventDict['event' +eventNum]['raweSEL'] = esel
+ eventDict['event' +eventNum]['logNum'] = key.split('/')[-1]
+ eventDict['event' +eventNum]['resolved'] = bool(selEntries[key]['Resolved'])
+ #print("Event entry "+eventNum+": not found in policy table: " + policyKey)
+ count += 1
+ return eventDict
+ displays alerts in human readable format
+ @param events: Dictionary containing events
+ @return:
+def selDisplay(events, args):
+ activeAlerts = []
+ historyAlerts = []
+ sortedEntries = sortSELs(events)
+ logNumList = sortedEntries[0]
+ eventKeyDict = sortedEntries[1]
+ keylist = ['Entry', 'ID', 'Timestamp', 'Serviceable', 'Severity','Message']
+ if(args.devdebug):
+ colNames = ['Entry', 'ID', 'Timestamp', 'Serviceable', 'Severity','Message', 'eSEL contents']
+ keylist.append('eSEL')
+ else:
+ colNames = ['Entry', 'ID', 'Timestamp', 'Serviceable', 'Severity', 'Message']
+ for log in logNumList:
+ selDict = {}
+ alert = events[eventKeyDict[str(log)]]
+ if('error' in alert):
+ selDict['Entry'] = alert['logNum']
+ selDict['ID'] = 'Unknown'
+ selDict['Timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(alert['timestamp']/1000)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ msg = alert['error']
+ polMsg = msg.split("policy table:")[0]
+ msg = msg.split("policy table:")[1]
+ msgPieces = msg.split("||")
+ err = msgPieces[0]
+ if(err.find("org.open_power.")!=-1):
+ err = err.split("org.open_power.")[1]
+ elif(err.find("xyz.openbmc_project.")!=-1):
+ err = err.split("xyz.openbmc_project.")[1]
+ else:
+ err = msgPieces[0]
+ callout = ""
+ if len(msgPieces) >1:
+ callout = msgPieces[1]
+ if(callout.find("/org/open_power/")!=-1):
+ callout = callout.split("/org/open_power/")[1]
+ elif(callout.find("/xyz/openbmc_project/")!=-1):
+ callout = callout.split("/xyz/openbmc_project/")[1]
+ else:
+ callout = msgPieces[1]
+ selDict['Message'] = polMsg +"policy table: "+ err + "||" + callout
+ selDict['Serviceable'] = 'Unknown'
+ selDict['Severity'] = alert['Severity']
+ else:
+ selDict['Entry'] = alert['logNum']
+ selDict['ID'] = alert['CommonEventID']
+ selDict['Timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(alert['timestamp']/1000)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ selDict['Message'] = alert['Message']
+ selDict['Serviceable'] = alert['Serviceable']
+ selDict['Severity'] = alert['Severity']
+ eselOrder = ['refCode','signatureDescription', 'eselType', 'devdesc', 'calloutType', 'procedure']
+ if ('eselParts' in alert and args.devdebug):
+ eselOutput = ""
+ for item in eselOrder:
+ if item in alert['eselParts']:
+ eselOutput = eselOutput + item + ": " + alert['eselParts'][item] + " | "
+ selDict['eSEL'] = eselOutput
+ else:
+ if args.devdebug:
+ selDict['eSEL'] = "None"
+ if not alert['resolved']:
+ activeAlerts.append(selDict)
+ else:
+ historyAlerts.append(selDict)
+ mergedOutput = activeAlerts + historyAlerts
+ colWidth = setColWidth(keylist, len(colNames), dict(enumerate(mergedOutput)), colNames)
+ output = ""
+ if(len(activeAlerts)>0):
+ row = ""
+ output +="----Active Alerts----\n"
+ for i in range(0, len(colNames)):
+ if i!=0: row =row + "| "
+ row = row + colNames[i].ljust(colWidth[i])
+ output += row + "\n"
+ for i in range(0,len(activeAlerts)):
+ row = ""
+ for j in range(len(activeAlerts[i])):
+ if (j != 0): row = row + "| "
+ row = row + activeAlerts[i][keylist[j]].ljust(colWidth[j])
+ output += row + "\n"
+ if(len(historyAlerts)>0):
+ row = ""
+ output+= "----Historical Alerts----\n"
+ for i in range(len(colNames)):
+ if i!=0: row =row + "| "
+ row = row + colNames[i].ljust(colWidth[i])
+ output += row + "\n"
+ for i in range(0, len(historyAlerts)):
+ row = ""
+ for j in range(len(historyAlerts[i])):
+ if (j != 0): row = row + "| "
+ row = row + historyAlerts[i][keylist[j]].ljust(colWidth[j])
+ output += row + "\n"
+# print(events[eventKeyDict[str(log)]])
+ return output
+ prints out all bmc alerts
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def selPrint(host, args, session):
+ if(args.policyTableLoc is None):
+ if os.path.exists('policyTable.json'):
+ ptableLoc = "policyTable.json"
+ elif os.path.exists('/opt/ibm/ras/lib/policyTable.json'):
+ ptableLoc = '/opt/ibm/ras/lib/policyTable.json'
+ else:
+ ptableLoc = 'lib/policyTable.json'
+ else:
+ ptableLoc = args.policyTableLoc
+ policyTable = loadPolicyTable(ptableLoc)
+ rawselEntries = ""
+ if(hasattr(args, 'fileloc') and args.fileloc is not None):
+ if os.path.exists(args.fileloc):
+ with open(args.fileloc, 'r') as selFile:
+ selLines = selFile.readlines()
+ rawselEntries = ''.join(selLines)
+ else:
+ print("Error: File not found")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ rawselEntries = sel(host, args, session)
+ loadFailed = False
+ try:
+ selEntries = json.loads(rawselEntries)
+ except ValueError:
+ loadFailed = True
+ if loadFailed:
+ cleanSels = json.dumps(rawselEntries).replace('\\n', '')
+ #need to load json twice as original content was string escaped a second time
+ selEntries = json.loads(json.loads(cleanSels))
+ selEntries = selEntries['data']
+ cerList = {}
+ if 'description' in selEntries:
+ if(args.json):
+ return("{\n\t\"numAlerts\": 0\n}")
+ else:
+ return("No log entries found")
+ else:
+ if(len(policyTable)>0):
+ events = parseAlerts(policyTable, selEntries, args)
+ if(args.json):
+ events["numAlerts"] = len(events)
+ retValue = str(json.dumps(events, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False))
+ return retValue
+ elif(hasattr(args, 'fullSel')):
+ return events
+ else:
+ #get log numbers to order event entries sequentially
+ return selDisplay(events, args)
+ else:
+ if(args.json):
+ return selEntries
+ else:
+ print("error: Policy Table not found.")
+ return selEntries
+ prints out all all bmc alerts, or only prints out the specified alerts
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def selList(host, args, session):
+ return(sel(host, args, session))
+ clears all alerts
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def selClear(host, args, session):
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/action/deleteAll"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ data = "{\"data\": [] }"
+ #print(url)
+ res =, headers=httpHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=30)
+ if res.status_code == 200:
+ return "The Alert Log has been cleared. Please allow a few minutes for the action to complete."
+ else:
+ print("Unable to clear the logs, trying to clear 1 at a time")
+ sels = json.loads(sel(host, args, session))['data']
+ for key in sels:
+ if 'callout' not in key:
+ logNum = key.split('/')[-1]
+ url = "https://"+ host+ "/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/"+logNum+"/action/Delete"
+ try:
+, headers=httpHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=30)
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return ('Sel clearing complete')
+def selSetResolved(host, args, session):
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/" + str(args.selNum) + "/attr/Resolved"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ data = "{\"data\": 1 }"
+ #print(url)
+ res = session.put(url, headers=httpHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=30)
+ if res.status_code == 200:
+ return "Sel entry "+ str(args.selNum) +" is now set to resolved"
+ else:
+ return "Unable to set the alert to resolved"
+# """
+# gathers the esels. deprecated
+# @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+# @param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
+# @param session: the active session to use
+# @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+# """
+# def getESEL(host, args, session):
+# selentry= args.selNum
+# url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry" + str(selentry)
+# httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+# print(url)
+# res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=20)
+# e = res.json()
+# if e['Message'] != 'org.open_power.Error.Host.Event' and\
+# e['Message'] != 'org.open_power.Error.Host.Event.Event':
+# raise Exception("Event is not from Host: " + e['Message'])
+# for d in e['AdditionalData']:
+# data = d.split("=")
+# tag = data.pop(0)
+# if tag != 'ESEL':
+# continue
+# data = "=".join(data)
+# if args.binary:
+# data = data.split(" ")
+# if '' == data[-1]:
+# data.pop()
+# data = "".join(map(lambda x: chr(int(x, 16)), data))
+# print(data)
+ called by the chassis function. Controls the power state of the chassis, or gets the status
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def chassisPower(host, args, session):
+ if(args.powcmd == 'on'):
+ print("Attempting to Power on...:")
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0/attr/RequestedHostTransition"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json',}
+ data = '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Transition.On"}'
+ res = session.put(url, headers=httpHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ return res.text
+ elif(args.powcmd == 'off'):
+ print("Attempting to Power off...:")
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0/attr/RequestedHostTransition"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ data = '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Transition.Off"}'
+ res = session.put(url, headers=httpHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ return res.text
+ elif(args.powcmd == 'status'):
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/state/chassis0/attr/CurrentPowerState"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+# print(url)
+ res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ chassisState = json.loads(res.text)['data'].split('.')[-1]
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0/attr/CurrentHostState"
+ res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ hostState = json.loads(res.text)['data'].split('.')[-1]
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/state/bmc0/attr/CurrentBMCState"
+ res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ bmcState = json.loads(res.text)['data'].split('.')[-1]
+ if(args.json):
+ outDict = {"Chassis Power State" : chassisState, "Host Power State" : hostState, "BMC Power State":bmcState}
+ return json.dumps(outDict, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False)
+ else:
+ return "Chassis Power State: " +chassisState + "\nHost Power State: " + hostState + "\nBMC Power State: " + bmcState
+ else:
+ return "Invalid chassis power command"
+ called by the chassis function. Controls the identify led of the chassis. Sets or gets the state
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def chassisIdent(host, args, session):
+ if(args.identcmd == 'on'):
+ print("Attempting to turn identify light on...:")
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/led/groups/enclosure_identify/attr/Asserted"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json',}
+ data = '{"data":true}'
+ res = session.put(url, headers=httpHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ return res.text
+ elif(args.identcmd == 'off'):
+ print("Attempting to turn identify light off...:")
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/led/groups/enclosure_identify/attr/Asserted"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ data = '{"data":false}'
+ res = session.put(url, headers=httpHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ return res.text
+ elif(args.identcmd == 'status'):
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/led/groups/enclosure_identify"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+# print(url)
+ res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ status = json.loads(res.text)['data']
+ if(args.json):
+ return status
+ else:
+ if status['Asserted'] == 0:
+ return "Identify light is off"
+ else:
+ return "Identify light is blinking"
+ else:
+ return "Invalid chassis identify command"
+ controls the different chassis commands
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def chassis(host, args, session):
+ if(hasattr(args, 'powcmd')):
+ result = chassisPower(host,args,session)
+ elif(hasattr(args, 'identcmd')):
+ result = chassisIdent(host, args, session)
+ else:
+ return "to be completed"
+ return result
+ Downloads a dump file from the bmc
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def bmcDumpRetrieve(host, args, session):
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ dumpNum = args.dumpNum
+ if (args.dumpSaveLoc is not None):
+ saveLoc = args.dumpSaveLoc
+ else:
+ saveLoc = '/tmp'
+ url ='https://'+host+'/download/dump/' + str(dumpNum)
+ try:
+ r = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, stream=True, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ if (args.dumpSaveLoc is not None):
+ if os.path.exists(saveLoc):
+ if saveLoc[-1] != os.path.sep:
+ saveLoc = saveLoc + os.path.sep
+ filename = saveLoc + host+'-dump' + str(dumpNum) + '.tar.xz'
+ else:
+ return 'Invalid save location specified'
+ else:
+ filename = '/tmp/' + host+'-dump' + str(dumpNum) + '.tar.xz'
+ with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
+ for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size =1024):
+ if chunk:
+ f.write(chunk)
+ return 'Saved as ' + filename
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ Lists the number of dump files on the bmc
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def bmcDumpList(host, args, session):
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ url ='https://'+host+'/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/list'
+ try:
+ r = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ dumpList = json.loads(r.text)
+ return r.text
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ Deletes BMC dump files from the bmc
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def bmcDumpDelete(host, args, session):
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ dumpList = []
+ successList = []
+ failedList = []
+ if args.dumpNum is not None:
+ if isinstance(args.dumpNum, list):
+ dumpList = args.dumpNum
+ else:
+ dumpList.append(args.dumpNum)
+ for dumpNum in dumpList:
+ url ='https://'+host+'/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/entry/'+str(dumpNum)+'/action/Delete'
+ try:
+ r =, headers=httpHeader, json = {"data": []}, verify=False, timeout=30)
+ if r.status_code == 200:
+ successList.append(str(dumpNum))
+ #return('Dump ' + str(dumpNum) + ' deleted')
+ else:
+ failedList.append(str(dumpNum))
+ #return('Unable to delete dump ' + str(dumpNum))
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
+# sys.exit(1)
+ except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
+# sys.exit(1)
+ output = "Successfully deleted dumps: " + ', '.join(successList)
+ if(len(failedList)>0):
+ output+= '\nFailed to delete dumps: ' + ', '.join(failedList)
+ return output
+ else:
+ return 'You must specify an entry number to delete'
+ Deletes All BMC dump files from the bmc
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def bmcDumpDeleteAll(host, args, session):
+ dumpList = json.loads(bmcDumpList(host, args, session))['data']
+ d = vars(args)
+ dumpNums = []
+ for dump in dumpList:
+ if '/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/internal/manager' not in dump:
+ dumpNums.append(int(dump.strip().split('/')[-1]))
+ d['dumpNum'] = dumpNums
+ return bmcDumpDelete(host, args, session)
+ Creates a bmc dump file
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def bmcDumpCreate(host, args, session):
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ url = 'https://'+host+'/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/action/CreateDump'
+ try:
+ r =, headers=httpHeader, json = {"data": []}, verify=False, timeout=30)
+ if('"message": "200 OK"' in r.text and not args.json):
+ return ('Dump successfully created')
+ else:
+ return ('Failed to create dump')
+ except(requests.exceptions.Timeout):
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
+ except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
+ return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
+ Collects all data needed for service from the BMC
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def collectServiceData(host, args, session):
+ #create a bmc dump
+ dumpcount = len(json.loads(bmcDumpList(host, args, session))['data'])
+ try:
+ dumpcreated = bmcDumpCreate(host, args, session)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('failed to create a bmc dump')
+ #Collect Inventory
+ try:
+ args.silent = True
+ myDir = '/tmp/' + host + "--" +"%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S")
+ os.makedirs(myDir)
+ filelist = []
+ frulist = fruPrint(host, args, session)
+ with open(myDir +'/inventory.txt', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(frulist)
+ print("Inventory collected and stored in " + myDir + "/inventory.txt")
+ filelist.append(myDir+'/inventory.txt')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Failed to collect inventory")
+ #Read all the sensor and OCC status
+ try:
+ sensorReadings = sensor(host, args, session)
+ with open(myDir +'/sensorReadings.txt', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(sensorReadings)
+ print("Sensor readings collected and stored in " +myDir + "/sensorReadings.txt")
+ filelist.append(myDir+'/sensorReadings.txt')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Failed to collect sensor readings")
+ #Collect all of the LEDs status
+ try:
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/led/enumerate"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ leds = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ with open(myDir +'/ledStatus.txt', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(leds.text)
+ print("System LED status collected and stored in "+myDir +"/ledStatus.txt")
+ filelist.append(myDir+'/ledStatus.txt')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Failed to collect LED status")
+ #Collect the bmc logs
+ try:
+ sels = selPrint(host,args,session)
+ with open(myDir +'/SELshortlist.txt', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(str(sels))
+ print("sel short list collected and stored in "+myDir +"/SELshortlist.txt")
+ filelist.append(myDir+'/SELshortlist.txt')
+ time.sleep(2)
+ d = vars(args)
+ d['json'] = True
+ d['fullSel'] = True
+ parsedfullsels = json.loads(selPrint(host, args, session))
+ d['fullEsel'] = True
+ sortedSELs = sortSELs(parsedfullsels)
+ with open(myDir +'/parsedSELs.txt', 'w') as f:
+ for log in sortedSELs[0]:
+ esel = ""
+ parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]]['timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]]['timestamp']/1000)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ if ('raweSEL' in parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]] and args.devdebug):
+ esel = parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]]['raweSEL']
+ del parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]]['raweSEL']
+ f.write(json.dumps(parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]],sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
+ if(args.devdebug and esel != ""):
+ f.write(parseESEL(args, esel))
+ print("fully parsed sels collected and stored in "+myDir +"/parsedSELs.txt")
+ filelist.append(myDir+'/parsedSELs.txt')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Failed to collect system event logs")
+ print(e)
+ #collect RAW bmc enumeration
+ try:
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/enumerate"
+ print("Attempting to get a full BMC enumeration")
+ fullDump = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False, timeout=120)
+ with open(myDir +'/bmcFullRaw.txt', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(fullDump.text)
+ print("RAW BMC data collected and saved into "+myDir +"/bmcFullRaw.txt")
+ filelist.append(myDir+'/bmcFullRaw.txt')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Failed to collect bmc full enumeration")
+ #collect the dump files
+ waitingForNewDump = True
+ count = 0;
+ while(waitingForNewDump):
+ dumpList = json.loads(bmcDumpList(host, args, session))['data']
+ if len(dumpList) > dumpcount:
+ waitingForNewDump = False
+ break;
+ elif(count>30):
+ print("Timed out waiting for bmc to make a new dump file. Dump space may be full.")
+ break;
+ else:
+ time.sleep(2)
+ count += 1
+ try:
+ print('Collecting bmc dump files')
+ d['dumpSaveLoc'] = myDir
+ dumpList = json.loads(bmcDumpList(host, args, session))['data']
+ for dump in dumpList:
+ if '/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/internal/manager' not in dump:
+ d['dumpNum'] = int(dump.strip().split('/')[-1])
+ print('retrieving dump file ' + str(d['dumpNum']))
+ filename = bmcDumpRetrieve(host, args, session).split('Saved as ')[-1]
+ filelist.append(filename)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Failed to collect bmc dump files")
+ print(e)
+ #create the zip file
+ try:
+ filename = myDir.split('/tmp/')[-1] + '.zip'
+ zf = zipfile.ZipFile(myDir+'/' + filename, 'w')
+ for myfile in filelist:
+ zf.write(myfile, os.path.basename(myfile))
+ zf.close()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Failed to create zip file with collected information")
+ return "data collection complete"
+ handles various bmc level commands, currently bmc rebooting
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the bmc sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def bmc(host, args, session):
+ if(
+ return "To be completed"
+ if(args.type is not None):
+ return bmcReset(host, args, session)
+ controls resetting the bmc. warm reset reboots the bmc, cold reset removes the configuration and reboots.
+ @param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
+ @param args: contains additional arguments used by the bmcReset sub command
+ @param session: the active session to use
+ @param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
+def bmcReset(host, args, session):
+ if(args.type == "warm"):
+ print("\nAttempting to reboot the BMC...:")
+ url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/state/bmc0/attr/RequestedBMCTransition"
+ httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
+ data = '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.Transition.Reboot"'
+ res =, headers=httpHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=20)
+ return res.text
+ elif(args.type =="cold"):
+ return "cold reset not available at this time."
+ else:
+ return "invalid command"
+ creates the parser for the command line along with help for each command and subcommand
+ @return: returns the parser for the command line
+def createCommandParser():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process arguments')
+ parser.add_argument("-H", "--host", required=True, help='A hostname or IP for the BMC')
+ parser.add_argument("-U", "--user", required=True, help='The username to login with')
+ #parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help='provides more detail')
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ group.add_argument("-A", "--askpw", action='store_true', help='prompt for password')
+ group.add_argument("-P", "--PW", help='Provide the password in-line')
+ parser.add_argument('-j', '--json', action='store_true', help='output json data only')
+ parser.add_argument('-t', '--policyTableLoc', help='The location of the policy table to parse alerts')
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--CerFormat', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ parser.add_argument('-T', '--procTime', action='store_true', help= argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help")
+ #fru command
+ parser_inv = subparsers.add_parser("fru", help='Work with platform inventory')
+ #fru print
+ inv_subparser = parser_inv.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid inventory actions', help="valid inventory actions")
+ inv_print = inv_subparser.add_parser("print", help="prints out a list of all FRUs")
+ inv_print.set_defaults(func=fruPrint)
+ #fru list [0....n]
+ inv_list = inv_subparser.add_parser("list", help="print out details on selected FRUs. Specifying no items will list the entire inventory")
+ inv_list.add_argument('items', nargs='?', help="print out details on selected FRUs. Specifying no items will list the entire inventory")
+ inv_list.set_defaults(func=fruList)
+ #fru status
+ inv_status = inv_subparser.add_parser("status", help="prints out the status of all FRUs")
+ inv_status.set_defaults(func=fruStatus)
+ #parser_inv.add_argument('status', action='store_true', help="Lists the status of all BMC detected components")
+ #parser_inv.add_argument('num', type=int, action='store_true', help="The number of the FRU to list")
+ #inv_status.set_defaults(func=fruStatus)
+ #sensors command
+ parser_sens = subparsers.add_parser("sensors", help="Work with platform sensors")
+ sens_subparser=parser_sens.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid sensor actions', help='valid sensor actions')
+ #sensor print
+ sens_print= sens_subparser.add_parser('print', help="prints out a list of all Sensors.")
+ sens_print.set_defaults(func=sensor)
+ #sensor list[0...n]
+ sens_list=sens_subparser.add_parser("list", help="Lists all Sensors in the platform. Specify a sensor for full details. ")
+ sens_list.add_argument("sensNum", nargs='?', help="The Sensor number to get full details on" )
+ sens_list.set_defaults(func=sensor)
+ #sel command
+ parser_sel = subparsers.add_parser("sel", help="Work with platform alerts")
+ sel_subparser = parser_sel.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid SEL actions', help = 'valid SEL actions')
+ #sel print
+ sel_print = sel_subparser.add_parser("print", help="prints out a list of all sels in a condensed list")
+ sel_print.add_argument('-d', '--devdebug', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ sel_print.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Changes the output to being very verbose")
+ sel_print.add_argument('-f', '--fileloc', help='Parse a file instead of the BMC output')
+ sel_print.set_defaults(func=selPrint)
+ #sel list
+ sel_list = sel_subparser.add_parser("list", help="Lists all SELs in the platform. Specifying a specific number will pull all the details for that individual SEL")
+ sel_list.add_argument("selNum", nargs='?', type=int, help="The SEL entry to get details on")
+ sel_list.set_defaults(func=selList)
+ sel_get = sel_subparser.add_parser("get", help="Gets the verbose details of a specified SEL entry")
+ sel_get.add_argument('selNum', type=int, help="the number of the SEL entry to get")
+ sel_get.set_defaults(func=selList)
+ sel_clear = sel_subparser.add_parser("clear", help="Clears all entries from the SEL")
+ sel_clear.set_defaults(func=selClear)
+ sel_setResolved = sel_subparser.add_parser("resolve", help="Sets the sel entry to resolved")
+ sel_setResolved.add_argument('selNum', type=int, help="the number of the SEL entry to resolve")
+ sel_setResolved.set_defaults(func=selSetResolved)
+ parser_chassis = subparsers.add_parser("chassis", help="Work with chassis power and status")
+ chas_sub = parser_chassis.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help")
+ parser_chassis.add_argument('status', action='store_true', help='Returns the current status of the platform')
+ parser_chassis.set_defaults(func=chassis)
+ parser_chasPower = chas_sub.add_parser("power", help="Turn the chassis on or off, check the power state")
+ parser_chasPower.add_argument('powcmd', choices=['on','off', 'status'], help='The value for the power command. on, off, or status')
+ parser_chasPower.set_defaults(func=chassisPower)
+ #control the chassis identify led
+ parser_chasIdent = chas_sub.add_parser("identify", help="Control the chassis identify led")
+ parser_chasIdent.add_argument('identcmd', choices=['on', 'off', 'status'], help='The control option for the led: on, off, blink, status')
+ parser_chasIdent.set_defaults(func=chassisIdent)
+ #collect service data
+ parser_servData = subparsers.add_parser("collect_service_data", help="Collect all bmc data needed for service")
+ parser_servData.add_argument('-d', '--devdebug', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ parser_servData.set_defaults(func=collectServiceData)
+ #work with bmc dumps
+ parser_bmcdump = subparsers.add_parser("dump", help="Work with bmc dump files")
+ bmcDump_sub = parser_bmcdump.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help")
+ dump_Create = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('create', help="Create a bmc dump")
+ dump_Create.set_defaults(func=bmcDumpCreate)
+ dump_list = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('list', help="list all bmc dump files")
+ dump_list.set_defaults(func=bmcDumpList)
+ parserdumpdelete = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('delete', help="Delete bmc dump files")
+ parserdumpdelete.add_argument("-n", "--dumpNum", nargs='*', type=int, help="The Dump entry to delete")
+# parserdumpdelete.add_argument('deleteAll', choices=['all'], help="Delete all entries")
+ parserdumpdelete.set_defaults(func=bmcDumpDelete)
+ bmcDumpDelsub = parserdumpdelete.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help")
+ deleteAllDumps = bmcDumpDelsub.add_parser('all', help='Delete all bmc dump files')
+ deleteAllDumps.set_defaults(func=bmcDumpDeleteAll)
+ parser_dumpretrieve = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('retrieve', help='Retrieve a dump file')
+ parser_dumpretrieve.add_argument("dumpNum", type=int, help="The Dump entry to delete")
+ parser_dumpretrieve.add_argument("-s", "--dumpSaveLoc", help="The location to save the bmc dump file")
+ parser_dumpretrieve.set_defaults(func=bmcDumpRetrieve)
+ #esel command ###notused###
+# esel_parser = subparsers.add_parser("esel", help ="Work with an ESEL entry")
+# esel_subparser = esel_parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid SEL actions', help = 'valid SEL actions')
+# esel_get = esel_subparser.add_parser("get", help="Gets the details of an ESEL entry")
+# esel_get.add_argument('selNum', type=int, help="the number of the SEL entry to get")
+# esel_get.set_defaults(func=getESEL)
+ parser_bmc = subparsers.add_parser('bmc', help="Work with the bmc")
+ bmc_sub = parser_bmc.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help")
+ parser_BMCReset = bmc_sub.add_parser('reset', help='Reset the bmc' )
+ parser_BMCReset.add_argument('type', choices=['warm','cold'], help="Warm: Reboot the BMC, Cold: CLEAR config and reboot bmc")
+# parser_BMCReset.add_argument('cold', action='store_true', help="Reboot the BMC and CLEAR the configuration")
+ parser_bmc.add_argument('info', action='store_true', help="Displays information about the BMC hardware, including device revision, firmware revision, IPMI version supported, manufacturer ID, and information on additional device support.")
+ parser_bmc.set_defaults(func=bmc)
+# parser_BMCReset.set_defaults(func=bmcReset)
+ #add alias to the bmc command
+ parser_mc = subparsers.add_parser('mc', help="Work with the management controller")
+ mc_sub = parser_mc.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help")
+ parser_MCReset = mc_sub.add_parser('reset', help='Reset the bmc' )
+ parser_MCReset.add_argument('type', choices=['warm','cold'], help="Reboot the BMC")
+ #parser_MCReset.add_argument('cold', action='store_true', help="Reboot the BMC and CLEAR the configuration")
+ parser_mc.add_argument('info', action='store_true', help="Displays information about the BMC hardware, including device revision, firmware revision, IPMI version supported, manufacturer ID, and information on additional device support.")
+ parser_mc.set_defaults(func=bmc)
+ #parser_MCReset.set_defaults(func=bmcReset)
+ return parser
+ main function for running the command line utility as a sub application
+def main(argv=None):
+ parser = createCommandParser()
+ #host power on/off
+ #reboot bmc
+ #host current state
+ #chassis power
+ #error collection - nonipmi
+ #clear logs
+ #bmc state
+ args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if (args.askpw):
+ pw = getpass.getpass()
+ elif(args.PW is not None):
+ pw = args.PW
+ else:
+ print("You must specify a password")
+ sys.exit()
+ totTimeStart = int(round(time.time()*1000))
+ if(sys.version_info < (3,0)):
+ urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
+ if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
+ requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
+ if (hasattr(args, 'fileloc') and args.fileloc is not None):
+ mysess = None
+ else:
+ logintimeStart = int(round(time.time()*1000))
+ mysess = login(, args.user, pw, args.json)
+ logintimeStop = int(round(time.time()*1000))
+ commandTimeStart = int(round(time.time()*1000))
+ output = args.func(, args, mysess)
+ commandTimeStop = int(round(time.time()*1000))
+ print(output)
+ if (mysess is not None):
+ logout(, args.user, pw, mysess, args.json)
+ if(args.procTime):
+ print("Total time: " + str(int(round(time.time()*1000))- totTimeStart))
+ print("loginTime: " + str(logintimeStop - logintimeStart))
+ print("command Time: " + str(commandTimeStop - commandTimeStart))
+ main function when called from the command line
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ isTTY = sys.stdout.isatty()
+ assert sys.version_info >= (2,7)
+ main()
diff --git a/thalerj/policyTable.json b/thalerj/policyTable.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8282713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thalerj/policyTable.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12126 @@
+ "events": {
+ "org.open_power.Host.Boot.Error.Checkstop": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Canister/Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Boot.Error.Checkstop",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPAA0007G",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "A system checkstop occurred",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Warning",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Boot.Error.WatchdogTimedOut": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Boot.Error.WatchdogTimedOut",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0023M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Hostboot has become unresponsive",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Checkstop": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Canister/Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Checkstop",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPAA0007G",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "A system checkstop occurred",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Warning",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Canister/Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPAA0008M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Hostboot procedure callout",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0090M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 10 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 11 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 12 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 13 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 14 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 15 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 16 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 17 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 18 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 19 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 2 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 20 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 21 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 22 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 23 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 3 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 4 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 5 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 6 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 7 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 8 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 9 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0090M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 10 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 11 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 12 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 13 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 14 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 15 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 16 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 17 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 18 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 19 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 2 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 20 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 21 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 22 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 23 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 3 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 4 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 5 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 6 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 7 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 8 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 9 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 10 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 11 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 12 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 13 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 14 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 15 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 2 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 3 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 4 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 5 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 6 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 7 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 8 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 9 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0003M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "A system firmware error occurred. Follow procedure EPUB_PRC_NONE",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 0,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Canister/Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPAA0000M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A vital system component has been deconfigured",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 1,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Canister/Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPAA0001M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "An unknown problem occurred",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 10,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0029M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A system firmware error occurred. Follow procedure EPUB_PRC_SUE_PREVERROR",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 11,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||16": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0007M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A system firmware error occurred. Follow procedure EPUB_PRC_PROCPATH",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 16,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||1C": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0008M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A system firmware error occurred. Follow procedure EPUB_PRC_NO_VPD_FOR_FRU",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "1C",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||22": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0044M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A memory configuration error has been detected.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 22,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||2D": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A FSI path error has occurred.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "2D",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||30": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "An external processor interface problem has occurred",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 30,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||31": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "An internal processor interface problem has occurred",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 31,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||34": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0058M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A memory bus error occurred.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 34,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||37": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "System Board",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPSB0005M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A bus error occurred.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 37,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||3F": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0012M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A system power problem has occurred",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "3F",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0004M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A system firmware error occurred. Follow procedure EPUB_PRC_SP_CODE",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 4,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||4D": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Canister/Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPAA009M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "System performance is degraded",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "4D",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||4F": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0045M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "An uncorrectable memory problem occurred.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "4F",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0005M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A system firmware error occurred. Follow procedure EPUB_PRC_PHYP_CODE",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 5,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||55": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0011M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "The service processor detected a problem during the early boot process",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 55,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||56": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Time Reference",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPTR0001M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A problem with the time of day clock and or clock function has been detected.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 56,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||5C": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0063M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "One or more processor sensors detected an over temperature condition.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "5C",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||5D": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0028M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Not Valid",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "Unable to verify the system firmware",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "5D",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||5E": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0092M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "An error occurred with a GPU and automated isolation was not possible",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "5E",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0059M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A CPU problem was detected.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 8,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0043M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "An error occurred with a memory DIMM and automated isolation was not possible",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": 9,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure||A": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcedure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0006M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": null,
+ "Message": "A system firmware error occurred. Follow procedure EPUB_PRC_INVALID_PART",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "A",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Error.WatchdogTimedOut": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Error.WatchdogTimedOut",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0023M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Hostboot has become unresponsive",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Canister/Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPAA0008M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Hostboot procedure callout",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0090M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 10 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 11 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 12 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 13 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 14 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 15 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 16 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 17 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 18 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 19 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 2 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 20 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 21 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 22 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 23 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 3 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 4 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 5 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 6 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 7 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 8 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 9 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0090M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 10 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 11 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 12 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 13 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 14 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 15 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 16 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 17 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 18 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 19 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 2 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 20 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 21 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 22 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 23 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 3 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 4 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 5 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 6 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 7 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 8 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 9 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 10 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 11 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 12 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 13 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 14 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 15 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 2 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 3 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 4 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 5 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 6 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 7 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 8 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 9 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Proc.FSI.Error.MasterDetectionFailure||I2C": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Proc.FSI.Error.MasterDetectionFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0024G",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Failed to read from I2C device",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "I2C",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Warning",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyFanFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyFanFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0064M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 fan has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyFanFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyFanFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0064M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 fan has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0033M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 input fault detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0033M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 input fault detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0035M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 output current is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0035M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 output current is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0036M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 output voltage is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0036M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 output voltage is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0034M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 has failed to power on when it needed to",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0034M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 has failed to power on",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0065M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 is too hot",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0065M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 is too hot",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0009M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 input voltage out of range",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0009M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 input voltage out of range",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.Shutdown||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.Shutdown",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0037M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 has initiated a power off due to a failure",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.Shutdown||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "org.open_power.Witherspoon.Fault.Error.Shutdown",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0037M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 has initiated a power off due to a failure",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/powersupply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InsufficientPermission": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InsufficientPermission",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0022M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Security",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "The user has insufficient priveliges",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0021M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "An internal failure has occurred while performing an operation.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InvalidArgument": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InvalidArgument",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0022M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "An invalid argument was provided to a command",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.Timeout": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.Timeout",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0020F",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Monitoring Agent",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "An internal operation has timed out",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": false,
+ "Severity": "Warning",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to set fan speed for fan 0",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to set fan speed for fan 0",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan1_0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to set fan speed for fan 1",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan1_0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan1_1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to set fan speed for fan 1",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan1_1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan2_0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to set fan speed for fan 2",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan2_0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan2_1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to set fan speed for fan 2",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan2_1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan3_0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to set fan speed for fan 3",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan3_0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan3_1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Device.WriteFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to set fan speed for fan 3",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan3_1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Dump.Create.Error.Disabled": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Data Management",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Dump.Create.Error.Disabled",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPDM0000M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to create a BMC dump due to dumps being disabled on this system.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Dump.Create.Error.QuotaExceeded": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Data Management",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Dump.Create.Error.QuotaExceeded",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPDM0001M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "There is no more space available for dump files. Please delete some.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Error.Checkstop": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Canister/Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Error.Checkstop",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPAA0007G",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "A system checkstop occurred",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Warning",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Error.WatchdogTimedOut": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Error.WatchdogTimedOut",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0023M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Hostboot has become unresponsive",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Canister/Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPAA0008M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Hostboot procedure callout",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0090M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 10 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 11 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 12 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 13 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 14 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 15 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 16 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 17 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 18 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 19 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 2 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 20 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 21 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 22 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 23 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 3 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 4 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 5 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 6 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 7 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 8 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 9 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0090M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
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+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
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+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 10 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 11 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 12 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 13 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 14 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 15 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 16 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 17 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 18 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 19 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 2 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 20 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 21 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 22 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 23 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 3 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 4 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 5 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 6 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 7 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 8 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0091M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 9 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 0 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 1 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 10 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 11 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 12 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 13 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 14 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 15 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 2 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 3 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 4 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 5 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 6 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 7 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 8 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Event.Error.Event",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 9 has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "System Board",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPSB0001M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "The system backplane has encountered a critical failure.",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0088M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 0 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 1 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 10 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 11 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 12 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 13 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 14 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 15 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 16 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 17 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 18 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 19 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 2 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 20 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 21 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 22 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 23 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 3 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 4 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 5 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 6 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 7 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 8 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 9 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0088M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 0 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 1 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 10 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 11 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 12 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 13 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 14 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 15 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 16 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 17 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 18 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 19 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 2 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 20 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 21 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 22 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 23 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 3 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 4 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 5 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 6 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 7 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 8 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0089M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 9 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 0 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 1 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 10 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 11 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 12 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 13 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 14 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 15 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 2 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 3 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 4 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 5 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 6 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 7 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 8 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 9 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Fan 0 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Fan 1 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Fan 2 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0056M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Fan 3 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0022M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power_Supply 0 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0022M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power_Supply 1 is not functional",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "System Board",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPSB0012M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "The system backplane could not be detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0085M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 0 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 1 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 10 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 11 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 12 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 13 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 14 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 15 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 16 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core16",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 17 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core17",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 18 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core18",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 19 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core19",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 2 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 20 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core20",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 21 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core21",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 22 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core22",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 23 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core23",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 3 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 4 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 5 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 6 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 7 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 8 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 0 core 9 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0085M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 0 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 1 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 10 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 11 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 12 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 13 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 14 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 15 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 16 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core16",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 17 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core17",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 18 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core18",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 19 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core19",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 2 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 20 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core20",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 21 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core21",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 22 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core22",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 23 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core23",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 3 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 4 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 5 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 6 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 7 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 8 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Processing",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPU0087M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "CPU 1 core 9 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 0 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 1 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 10 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 11 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 12 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 13 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 14 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 15 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 2 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 3 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 4 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 5 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 6 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 7 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 8 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Memory",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPMA0055M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "DIMM 9 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Fan 0 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Fan 1 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Fan 2 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0057M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Fan 3 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/fan3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0015M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power_Supply 0 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.NotPresent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0015M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Uncorrectable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power_Supply 1 has not been detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyFanFault||/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyFanFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0064M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 fan has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault||/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0033M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 input fault detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault||/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyInputFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0033M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 input fault detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent||/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0035M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 output current is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent||/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0035M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 output current is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage||/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0036M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 output voltage is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage||/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0036M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 output voltage is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn||/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0034M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 has failed to power on when it needed to",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn||/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0034M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 has failed to power on",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault||/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0065M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 is too hot",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault||/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0065M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 is too hot",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault||/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0009M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 input voltage out of range",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault||/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0009M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 input voltage out of range",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.Shutdown||/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.Shutdown",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0037M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 has initiated a power off due to a failure",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.Shutdown||/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Error.Shutdown",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0037M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 has initiated a power off due to a failure",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 0 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 1 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 2 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 3 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 4 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUOverTemp",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0066M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 5 suffered an over-temperature fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 0 suffered a power fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 1 suffered a power fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu2": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 2 suffered a power fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu2",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu3": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 3 suffered a power fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu3",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu4": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 4 suffered a power fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu4",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu5": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.GPUPowerFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "GPU 5 suffered a power fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu5",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerOnFailure": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerOnFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0038M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "The system power failed to turn on",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSequencerFault": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSequencerFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0041M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "The power sequencer chip detected a fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSequencerPGOODFault": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSequencerPGOODFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0040M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "The power sequencer chip detected a PGOOD fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSequencerVoltageFault": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSequencerVoltageFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0039M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "The power sequencer chip detected a voltage fault",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyFanFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyFanFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0064M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 fan has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyFanFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyFanFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0064M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 fan has failed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyInputFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyInputFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0033M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 input fault detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyInputFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyInputFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0033M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 input fault detected",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0035M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 output current is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0035M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 output current is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0036M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 output voltage is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0036M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 output voltage is too high",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0034M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 has failed to power on when it needed to",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyShouldBeOn",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0034M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 has failed to power on",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0065M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 is too hot",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyTemperatureFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0065M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Environmental",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 is too hot",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0009M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 input voltage out of range",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0009M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 input voltage out of range",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Shutdown||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Shutdown",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0037M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 0 has initiated a power off due to a failure",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Shutdown||/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Power.Fault.Shutdown",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": true,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0037M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Unrecoverable Hardware Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Power supply 1 has initiated a power off due to a failure",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/power_supply1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.Error.ReadFailure||I2C": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.Error.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0024G",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Failed to read from I2C device",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "I2C",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Warning",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/current/ps0_output_current": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0023M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read the output current from power supply 0",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/current/ps0_output_current",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/current/ps1_output_current": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0023M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read the output current from power supply 1",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/current/ps1_output_current",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0058M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read fan 0 rotor 0 speed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0058M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read fan 0 rotor 1 speed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan1_0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0058M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read fan 1 rotor 0 speed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan1_0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan1_1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0058M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read fan 1 rotor 1 speed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan1_1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan2_0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0058M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read fan 1 rotor 0 speed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan2_0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan2_1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0058M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read fan 1 rotor 1 speed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan2_1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan3_0": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0058M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read fan 1 rotor 0 speed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan3_0",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan3_1": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0058M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read fan 1 rotor 1 speed",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan3_1",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_gpu0_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0024M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 0 power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_gpu0_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_gpu1_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0024M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 1 power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_gpu1_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_gpu2_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0024M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 2 power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_gpu2_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_io_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0025M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 I/O power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_io_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_mem_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0026M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 memory power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_mem_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0027M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p0_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_gpu0_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0024M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 3 power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_gpu0_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_gpu1_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0024M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 4 power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_gpu1_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_gpu2_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0024M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 5 power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_gpu2_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_io_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0025M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 io power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_io_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_mem_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0026M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 memory power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_mem_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0027M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/p1_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/ps0_input_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0028M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read power supply 0 input power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/ps0_input_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/ps1_input_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0028M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read power supply 1 input power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/ps1_input_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/storage_a_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0029M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read storage a power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/storage_a_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/storage_b_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0029M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read storage b power",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/storage_b_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/total_power": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0030M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read total power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/total_power",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/ambient": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0059M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read ambient temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/ambient",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm0_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 0 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm0_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm10_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 10 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm10_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm11_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 11 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm11_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm12_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 12 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm12_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm13_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 13 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm13_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm14_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 14 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm14_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm15_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 15 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm15_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm1_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 1 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm1_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm2_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 2 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm2_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm3_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 3 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm3_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm4_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 4 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm4_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm5_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 5 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm5_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm6_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 6 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm6_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm7_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 7 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm7_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm8_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 8 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm8_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm9_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0060M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read DIMM 9 power consumption",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/dimm9_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu0_core_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 0 core temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu0_core_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu0_mem_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 0 memory temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu0_mem_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu1_core_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 1 core temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu1_core_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu1_mem_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 1 memory temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu1_mem_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu2_core_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 2 core temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu2_core_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu2_mem_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 2 memory temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu2_mem_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu3_core_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 3 core temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu3_core_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu3_mem_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 3 memory temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu3_mem_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu4_core_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 4 core temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu4_core_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu4_mem_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 4 memory temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu4_mem_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu5_core_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 5 core temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu5_core_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu5_mem_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0061M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read GPU 5 memory temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/gpu5_mem_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core0_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 0 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core0_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core10_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 10 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core10_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core11_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 11 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core11_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core12_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
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+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 12 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core12_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core13_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
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+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 13 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core13_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core14_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 14 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core14_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core15_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 15 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core15_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core16_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
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+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 16 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core16_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core17_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 17 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core17_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core18_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 18 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core18_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core19_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
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+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 19 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core19_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core1_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 1 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core1_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core20_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
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+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
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+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 20 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core20_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core21_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
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+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 21 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core21_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core22_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 22 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core22_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core23_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 23 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core23_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core2_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 2 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core2_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core3_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 3 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core3_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core4_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
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+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 4 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core4_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core5_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 5 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core5_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core6_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 6 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core6_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core7_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 7 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core7_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core8_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 8 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core8_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core9_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 core 9 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_core9_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_vcs_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0063M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 VCS voltage regulator temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_vcs_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_vdd_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0063M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 VDD voltage regulator temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_vdd_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_vddr_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0063M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 VDDR voltage regulator temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_vddr_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_vdn_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0063M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 0 VDN voltage regulator temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p0_vdn_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core0_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 0 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core0_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core10_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 10 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core10_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core11_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 11 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core11_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core12_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 12 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core12_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core13_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 13 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core13_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core14_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 14 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core14_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core15_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 15 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core15_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core16_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 16 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core16_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core17_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 17 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core17_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core18_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 18 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core18_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core19_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 19 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core19_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core1_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 1 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core1_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core20_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 20 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core20_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core21_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 21 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core21_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core22_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 22 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core22_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core23_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 23 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core23_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core2_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 2 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core2_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core3_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 3 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core3_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core4_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 4 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core4_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core5_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 5 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core5_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core6_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 6 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core6_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core7_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 7 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core7_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core8_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 8 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core8_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core9_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0062M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 core 9 temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_core9_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_vcs_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0063M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 VCS voltage regulator temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_vcs_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_vdd_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0063M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 VDD voltage regulator temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_vdd_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_vddr_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0063M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 VDDR voltage regulator temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_vddr_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_vdn_temp": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Cooling",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCA0063M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read CPU 1 VDN voltage regulator temperature",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/p1_vdn_temp",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage/ps0_input_voltage": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0031M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read power supply 0 input voltage",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage/ps0_input_voltage",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage/ps0_output_voltage": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0032M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read power supply 0 output voltage",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage/ps0_output_voltage",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage/ps1_input_voltage": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0031M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read power supply 1 input voltage",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage/ps1_input_voltage",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure||/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage/ps1_output_voltage": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Power",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Device.ReadFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPPW0032M",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Communication Failure/Timeout",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read power supply 1 output voltage",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage/ps1_output_voltage",
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Critical",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.Error.InternalFailure": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.Error.InternalFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0027G",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to process the image provided",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Warning",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.Error.ManifestFileFailure": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.Error.ManifestFileFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0025G",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unable to read the manifest file",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Warning",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.Error.UnTarFailure": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Systems Management - Core / Virtual Appliance",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.Error.UnTarFailure",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPCR0026G",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Firmware/Software Failure",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "Unabled to decompress the tar file",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Warning",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ },
+ "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.SoftOffTimeout": {
+ "AffectedLEDs": null,
+ "AffectedSubsystem": "Host Operating System",
+ "BMCMessageID": "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.SoftOffTimeout",
+ "CallHomeCandidate": false,
+ "CommonEventID": "FQPSPOS0000G",
+ "ComponentInstance": null,
+ "DateAdded": null,
+ "DateReviewed": null,
+ "EventType": "Monitoring Agent",
+ "Internal": false,
+ "LengthyDescription": null,
+ "LogSource": "BMC",
+ "Message": "The soft power off of the host has timed out",
+ "ReferencedInvetory": null,
+ "RelatedEventIDs": {},
+ "Serviceable": true,
+ "Severity": "Warning",
+ "UserAction": null,
+ "VMMigrationFlag": null
+ }
+ },
+ "fileInfo": {
+ "Entity": "IBM OpenBMC",
+ "Version": 0.1,
+ "language": "English"
+ }