
This tool is used for determining who is qualified for voting in a TOF election, based on the requirements set out by the TOF.

The tool will query Gerrit for commits and reviews, process them, and generate a report of qualified individuals.

The typical use of the tool is something like this:

./voters dump-gerrit --after=2021-06-30
./voters analyze-commits --before "2022-01-01" --after "2021-06-30"
./voters analyze-reviews --before "2022-01-01" --after "2021-06-30"
./voters report
jq '[ .[] | select(.qualified) | {(.name): .points} ] | add | to_entries | sort_by(.value) | reverse | from_entries' data/report.json

The above will yield a JSON dictionary of "users:points" where 'qualified' is set in the users' dictionary from report.json like:

    "User Name 2": 19,
    "User Name 1": 16,