blob: a10c312e97367b514c36e29718a010d3277948cd [file] [log] [blame]
DESCRIPTION = "There are two major versions of the PCRE library. The \
newest version is PCRE2, which is a re-working of the original PCRE \
library to provide an entirely new API. The original, very widely \
deployed PCRE library's API and feature are stable, future releases \
will be for bugfixes only. All new future features will be to PCRE2, \
not the original PCRE 8.x series."
SUMMARY = "Perl Compatible Regular Expressions version 2"
SECTION = "devel"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=f5e4bde9fd0493d0967b4dba9899590f"
SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.bz2 \
file://pcre-cross.patch \
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "e0b91c891a3c49050f7fd15de33d0ba4"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "e07d538704aa65e477b6a392b32ff9fc5edf75ab9a40ddfc876186c4ff4d68ac"
CVE_PRODUCT = "pcre2"
S = "${WORKDIR}/pcre2-${PV}"
PROVIDES += "pcre2"
DEPENDS += "bzip2 zlib"
BINCONFIG = "${bindir}/pcre2-config"
inherit autotools binconfig-disabled
--enable-newline-is-lf \
--enable-rebuild-chartables \
--with-link-size=2 \
--with-match-limit=10000000 \
--enable-pcre2-16 \
--enable-pcre2-32 \
# Set LINK_SIZE in BUILD_CFLAGS given that the autotools bbclass use it to
# set CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD, required for the libpcre build.
CXXFLAGS_append_powerpc = " -lstdc++"
PACKAGES =+ "libpcre2-16 libpcre2-32 pcre2grep pcre2grep-doc pcre2test pcre2test-doc"
SUMMARY_pcre2grep = "grep utility that uses perl 5 compatible regexes"
SUMMARY_pcre2grep-doc = "grep utility that uses perl 5 compatible regexes - docs"
SUMMARY_pcre2test = "program for testing Perl-comatible regular expressions"
SUMMARY_pcre2test-doc = "program for testing Perl-comatible regular expressions - docs"
FILES_libpcre2-16 = "${libdir}/*"
FILES_libpcre2-32 = "${libdir}/*"
FILES_pcre2grep = "${bindir}/pcre2grep"
FILES_pcre2grep-doc = "${mandir}/man1/pcre2grep.1"
FILES_pcre2test = "${bindir}/pcre2test"
FILES_pcre2test-doc = "${mandir}/man1/pcre2test.1"
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"