reset upstream subtrees to yocto 2.6

Reset the following subtrees on thud HEAD:

  poky: 87e3a9739d
  meta-openembedded: 6094ae18c8
  meta-security: 31dc4e7532
  meta-raspberrypi: a48743dc36
  meta-xilinx: c42016e2e6

Also re-apply backports that didn't make it into thud:
    17726d0 systemd-systemctl-native: handle Install wildcards

    4321a5d libtinyxml2: update to 7.0.1
    042f0a3 libcereal: Add native and nativesdk classes
    e23284f libcereal: Allow empty package
    030e8d4 rsyslog: curl-less build with fmhttp PACKAGECONFIG
    179a1b9 gtest: update to 1.8.1

Squashed OpenBMC subtree compatibility updates:
    Brad Bishop (1):
          aspeed: add yocto 2.6 compatibility

    Brad Bishop (1):
          ibm: prepare for yocto 2.6

    Brad Bishop (1):
          ingrasys: set layer compatibility to yocto 2.6

    Brad Bishop (1):
          openpower: set layer compatibility to yocto 2.6

    Brad Bishop (3):
          phosphor: set layer compatibility to thud
          phosphor: libgpg-error: drop patches
          phosphor: react to fitimage artifact rename

    Ed Tanous (4):
          Dropbear: upgrade options for latest upgrade
          yocto2.6: update openssl options
          busybox: remove upstream watchdog patch
          systemd: Rebase CONFIG_CGROUP_BPF patch

Change-Id: I7b1fe71cca880d0372a82d94b5fd785323e3a9e7
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
diff --git a/meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/kea/ b/meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/kea/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67de07b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/kea/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+SUMMARY = "ISC Kea DHCP Server"
+DESCRIPTION = "Kea is the next generation of DHCP software developed by ISC. It supports both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 protocols along with their extensions, e.g. prefix delegation and dynamic updates to DNS."
+SECTION = "connectivity"
+LICENSE = "MPL-2.0 & Apache-2.0"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=1666a9c4bb55adbc8939d85643096bd3"
+DEPENDS += "kea-native"
+SRC_URI = "\
+${PV}/${BP}.tar.gz \
+    file:// \
+    file://0001-Fix-error-call-of-overloaded-distance-is-ambiguous.patch \
+    file://kea-dhcp4.service \
+    file://kea-dhcp6.service \
+    file://kea-dhcp-ddns.service \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "26eedd749101642757d788431605aaa5"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "c0f8ecb93657adfc5ab970c91706754e601084828493f053f159661d21b31128"
+inherit autotools systemd
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "kea-dhcp4.service kea-dhcp6.service kea-dhcp-ddns.service"
+do_configure_prepend_class-target() {
+    mkdir -p ${B}/src/lib/log/compiler/
+    ln -sf ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/kea-msg-compiler ${B}/src/lib/log/compiler/kea-msg-compiler
+do_install_append_class-target() {
+    install -d ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/kea-dhcp*service ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}
+    sed -i -e 's,@SBINDIR@,${sbindir},g' -e 's,@BASE_BINDIR@,${base_bindir},g' \
+           -e 's,@LOCALSTATEDIR@,${localstatedir},g' -e 's,@SYSCONFDIR@,${sysconfdir},g' \
+           ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/kea-dhcp*service
+do_install_append() {
+    rm -rf "${D}${localstatedir}"
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "openssl log4cplus boost"
+PACKAGECONFIG[openssl] = "--with-openssl=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${prefix},,openssl,openssl"
+PACKAGECONFIG[log4cplus] = "--with-log4cplus=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${prefix},,log4cplus,log4cplus"
+PACKAGECONFIG[boost] = "--with-boost-include=${STAGING_INCDIR} --with-boost-lib-dir=${STAGING_LIBDIR} --with-boost-libs=-lboost_system,,boost,boost"
+FILES_${PN}-staticdev += "${libdir}/kea/hooks/*.a ${libdir}/hooks/*.a"
+FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/hooks/*.so"
+BBCLASSEXTEND += "native"