blob: abeeeccd1d2b571dffedfa40d0d584de9ec168c3 [file] [log] [blame]
DESCRIPTION = "C-Kermit is a combined serial and network communication \
software package offering a consistent, medium-independent, \
cross-platform approach to connection establishment, terminal \
sessions, file transfer, character-set translation, and automation \
of communication tasks."
SECTION = "console/network"
LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING.TXT;md5=932ca542d6c6cb8a59a0bcd76ab67cc3"
SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz;subdir=${BPN}-${PV}"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "eac4dbf18b45775e4cdee5a7c74762b0"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "0d5f2cd12bdab9401b4c836854ebbf241675051875557783c332a6a40dac0711"
export CC2 = "${CC}"
export BINDIR = "${bindir}"
export MANDIR = "${mandir}/man1"
export INFODIR = "${infodir}"
do_compile () {
# The original makefile doesn't differentiate between CC and CC_FOR_BUILD,
# so we build wart manually. Note that you need a ckwart.o with the proper
# timestamp to make this hack work:
${BUILD_CC} -c ckwart.c
${BUILD_CC} -o wart ckwart.o
./wart ckcpro.w ckcpro.c
# read ${S}/ckccfg.txt to understand this :-)
oe_runmake wermit CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -DLINUX -DCK_POSIX_SIG \
-DNOB_50 -DNOB_75 -DNOB_134 -DNOB_150 -DNOB_200 \
-DNOB_1800 -DNOB_3600 -DNOB_7200 -DNOB_76K -DNOB_230K \
-DNOB_460K -DNOB_921K \
do_install () {
install -d ${D}${BINDIR} ${D}${MANDIR} ${D}${INFODIR}
oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' install
# Fix up dangling symlink
rm ${D}${BINDIR}/kermit-sshsub
(cd ${D}${BINDIR} && ln -s ${BINDIR}/kermit kermit-sshusb)