blob: a813958b5a46d0baff52f3ed36d9c13971dae427 [file] [log] [blame]
LOG="${JQ_LIB}/ptest/jq_ptest_$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).log"
# clean up the log file to avoid a file has the same name and has existing content
echo "" > ${LOG}
# The purpose of ptest is doing intergration test, so disable valgrind by default
# change PACKAGECOFIG to enable valgrind.
#export NO_VALGRIND=1
# The --enable-valgrind configure option for jq only can be used within Makefiles,
# and it cannot be utilized here since it also checks compile, which cannot be avoid
# Requested enhancement to jq:
for test in optionaltest mantest jqtest onigtest shtest utf8test base64test; do
./tests/${test} >> ${LOG} 2>> ${LOG}
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "PASS: ${test}"
echo "PASS: ${test}" >> ${LOG}
echo "FAIL: ${test}"
echo "FAIL: ${test}" >> ${LOG}
passed=`grep PASS: ${LOG}|wc -l`
failed=`grep FAIL: ${LOG}|wc -l`
skipped=`grep SKIP: ${LOG}|wc -l`
all=$((passed + failed + skipped))
( echo "=== Test Summary ==="
echo "TOTAL: ${all}"
echo "PASSED: ${passed}"
echo "FAILED: ${failed}"
echo "SKIPPED: ${skipped}"
) | tee -a /${LOG}