blob: 9ebf601360f0ac813a672625a26dc369b2398f9f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/sh -e
# Apply fixes over FSI to POWER9 hosts. Required before VCS rail on.
$PDBG $1 putcfam $2 $3 $4
# P9 dd1 required workaround needed before powering VCS rails
putcfam -a 0x2810 0x00000000 0x00010000 && # Unfence PLL controls
putcfam -a 0x281A 0x40000000 0x40000000 && # Assert Perv chiplet endpoint reset, just in case
putcfam -a 0x281A 0x00000001 0x00000001 # Enable Nest PLL
# Put the CFAM/FSI slave into async mode
putcfam -p0 0x900 1
#Set hMFSI error recovery
putcfam -p0 0x34b8 0x0000c000
#Set hMFSI timings
putcfam -p0 0x3400 0xd0040110
putcfam -p0 0x3401 0xffff0000
#Enable hMFST ports
putcfam -p0 0x3404 0xf0000000