meta-bletchley: add bletchley-host-state-monitor service

Add a service for monitoring host power state by query port status via
mdio bus.

Test Results:
- Poweron SLED6
root@bletchley:~# obmcutil -i=6 poweron
root@bletchley:~# obmcutil -i=6 state
CurrentBMCState     : xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.BMCState.Ready
CurrentPowerState   : xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.PowerState.On
CurrentHostState    : xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState.Running
BootProgress        : xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.Unspecified
OperatingSystemState: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.Inactive
root@bletchley:~# journalctl -u bletchley-host-state-monitor
Oct 24 07:55:17 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 5
Oct 24 07:55:18 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 4
Oct 24 07:55:22 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 5
Oct 24 07:55:23 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 4
Oct 24 07:55:27 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 5
Oct 24 07:55:29 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 4
Oct 24 07:55:30 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 3
Oct 24 07:55:31 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 2
Oct 24 07:55:33 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 1
Oct 24 07:55:34 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed, update host state to ON

- Poweroff SLED6
root@bletchley:~# obmcutil -i=6 poweroff
root@bletchley:~# obmcutil -i=6 state
CurrentBMCState     : xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.BMCState.Ready
CurrentPowerState   : xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.PowerState.Off
CurrentHostState    : xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState.Off
BootProgress        : xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.Unspecified
OperatingSystemState: xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.Inactive
root@bletchley:~# journalctl -u bletchley-host-state-monitor
Oct 21 09:38:21 bletchley systemd[1]: Started Bletchley host state monitoring.
Oct 24 07:55:17 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 5
Oct 24 07:55:18 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 4
Oct 24 07:55:22 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 5
Oct 24 07:55:23 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 4
Oct 24 07:55:27 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 5
Oct 24 07:55:29 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 4
Oct 24 07:55:30 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 3
Oct 24 07:55:31 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 2
Oct 24 07:55:33 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:OFF, current:ON), check count: 1
Oct 24 07:55:34 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed, update host state to ON
Oct 24 08:03:38 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:ON, current:OFF), check count: 5
Oct 24 08:03:39 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:ON, current:OFF), check count: 4
Oct 24 08:03:40 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:ON, current:OFF), check count: 3
Oct 24 08:03:42 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:ON, current:OFF), check count: 2
Oct 24 08:03:43 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed (previous:ON, current:OFF), check count: 1
Oct 24 08:03:44 bletchley bletchley-host-state-monitor[905]: SLED6: detected state changed, update host state to OFF

Signed-off-by: Potin Lai <>
Change-Id: I5916cd411c0d7d625b54f74c888aa380e00a1853
diff --git a/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/plat-svc/files/bletchley-host-state-monitor b/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/plat-svc/files/bletchley-host-state-monitor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f34e4bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/plat-svc/files/bletchley-host-state-monitor
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/usr/libexec
+# shellcheck source=meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/plat-tools/files/bletchley-common-functions
+source /usr/libexec/bletchley-common-functions
+declare -a PORT_NUM_MAP=(10 3 2 1 7 6 5)
+declare -a HOST_PREVIOUS_STATE=("" "" "" "" "" "" "")
+declare -a HOST_STATE_CHANGE_CHECK=(0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+declare -A HOST_ACPI_ST_MAP
+declare -A HOST_STATE_MAP
+    local HOST_ID=$1
+    local I2C_BUS
+    local P1_OUTPUT_REG
+    local P1_CONFIG_REG
+    local HOST_PWR
+    local IS_OUTPUT
+    I2C_BUS=$((HOST_ID-1))
+    P1_OUTPUT_REG=$(i2cget -f -y "$I2C_BUS" 0x76 0x03)
+    P1_CONFIG_REG=$(i2cget -f -y "$I2C_BUS" 0x76 0x07)
+    HOST_PWR="$(( (P1_OUTPUT_REG & 0x80)>>7 ))"
+    IS_OUTPUT="$(( (~P1_CONFIG_REG & 0x80)>>7 ))"
+    if [ "$((HOST_PWR & IS_OUTPUT))" -eq 1 ];then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    return 1
+    local BUS_NAME="xyz.openbmc_project.Settings"
+    local OBJ_PATH="/xyz/openbmc_project/control/host$1/acpi_power_state"
+    local DBUS_PROPERTIES_INTF_NAME="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
+    local INTF_NAME="xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Power.ACPIPowerState"
+    local PROPERTY_NAME="SysACPIStatus"
+    local PROPERTY_VAL="xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Power.ACPIPowerState.ACPI.$2"
+    local BUS_NAME="xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host$1"
+    local OBJ_PATH="/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host$1"
+    local DBUS_PROPERTIES_INTF_NAME="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
+    local INTF_NAME="xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host"
+    local PROPERTY_NAME="CurrentHostState"
+    local PROPERTY_VAL="xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState.$2"
+    local BUS_NAME="xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis$1"
+    local OBJ_PATH="/xyz/openbmc_project/state/chassis$1"
+    local DBUS_PROPERTIES_INTF_NAME="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
+    local INTF_NAME="xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis"
+    local PROPERTY_NAME="CurrentPowerState"
+    local PROPERTY_VAL="xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.PowerState.$2"
+    local HOST_ID=$1
+    local HOST_STATE=$2
+    case "$HOST_STATE" in
+        ON|SLEEP)
+            systemctl start obmc-led-group-start@sled"$i"_good.service
+            ;;
+        AC_OFF|OFF)
+            systemctl start obmc-led-group-stop@sled"$i"_good.service
+            ;;
+        *)
+            ;;
+    esac
+    if ! PORT_ST_VAL=$("$MDIO_TOOL" "$SWITCH_MDIO_BUS" phy "${PORT_NUM_MAP[$1]}" 0x00); then
+        # failed to get port status via mdio
+        echo "UNKNOW"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    if [ $((PORT_ST_VAL&16#0800)) -eq $((16#0000)) ]; then
+        echo "OFF"
+    elif [ $((PORT_ST_VAL&16#0A00)) -eq $((16#0A00)) ]; then
+        echo "ON"
+    elif [ $((PORT_ST_VAL&16#0900)) -eq $((16#0900)) ]; then
+        echo "SLEEP"
+    else
+        echo "UNKNOW"
+    fi
+    return 0
+while true
+    for i in {1..6}
+    do
+        HOST_STATE=""
+        if ! is_sled_present "$i"; then
+        elif ! is_host_ac_on "$i"; then
+            HOST_STATE="AC_OFF"
+        else
+            HOST_STATE=$(check_host_state "$i")
+        fi
+        if [ "$HOST_STATE" = "${HOST_PREVIOUS_STATE[$i]}" ]; then
+        elif [ "${HOST_STATE_CHANGE_CHECK[$i]}" -gt "0" ]; then
+            echo "SLED$i: detected state changed (previous:${HOST_PREVIOUS_STATE[$i]}, current:$HOST_STATE), check count: ${HOST_STATE_CHANGE_CHECK[$i]}"
+        else
+            echo "SLED$i: detected state changed, update host state to $HOST_STATE"
+            update_host_acpi_power_state "$i" "${HOST_ACPI_ST_MAP[$HOST_STATE]}"
+            update_host_state "$i" "${HOST_STATE_MAP[$HOST_STATE]}"
+            update_chassis_power_state "$i" "${CHASSIS_PWR_STATE_MAP[$HOST_STATE]}"
+            update_sled_led_state "$i" "$HOST_STATE"
+        fi
+    done
+    sleep 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/plat-svc/files/bletchley-host-state-monitor.service b/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/plat-svc/files/bletchley-host-state-monitor.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bba0dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/plat-svc/files/bletchley-host-state-monitor.service
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Description=Bletchley host state monitoring