Revert "poky: subtree update:b23aa6b753..ad30a6d470"

This reverts commit af5e4ef732faedf66c6dc1756432e9de2ac72988.

This commit introduced openbmc/openbmc#3720 and no solution has been
forthcoming. Revert until we can get to the bottom of this.

Change-Id: I2fb0d81eb26cf3dadb2f2abdd1a1bb7a95eaf03c
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/ref-devtool-reference.xml b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/ref-devtool-reference.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c3ccc3
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+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
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+<!--SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-2.0-UK-->
+<chapter id='ref-devtool-reference'>
+    <title><filename>devtool</filename> Quick Reference</title>
+    <para>
+        The <filename>devtool</filename> command-line tool provides a number
+        of features that help you build, test, and package software.
+        This command is available alongside the <filename>bitbake</filename>
+        command.
+        Additionally, the <filename>devtool</filename> command is a key
+        part of the extensible SDK.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        This chapter provides a Quick Reference for the
+        <filename>devtool</filename> command.
+        For more information on how to apply the command when using the
+        extensible SDK, see the
+        "<ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_SDK_URL;#sdk-extensible'>Using the Extensible SDK</ulink>"
+        chapter in the Yocto Project Application Development and the
+        Extensible Software Development Kit (eSDK) manual.
+    </para>
+    <section id='devtool-getting-help'>
+        <title>Getting Help</title>
+        <para>
+            The <filename>devtool</filename> command line is organized
+            similarly to Git in that it has a number of sub-commands for
+            each function.
+            You can run <filename>devtool --help</filename> to see all
+            the commands:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool -h
+     NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
+     usage: devtool [--basepath BASEPATH] [--bbpath BBPATH] [-d] [-q]
+                    [--color COLOR] [-h]
+                    &lt;subcommand&gt; ...
+     OpenEmbedded development tool
+     options:
+       --basepath BASEPATH   Base directory of SDK / build directory
+       --bbpath BBPATH       Explicitly specify the BBPATH, rather than getting it
+                             from the metadata
+       -d, --debug           Enable debug output
+       -q, --quiet           Print only errors
+       --color COLOR         Colorize output (where COLOR is auto, always, never)
+       -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+     subcommands:
+       Beginning work on a recipe:
+         add                   Add a new recipe
+         modify                Modify the source for an existing recipe
+         upgrade               Upgrade an existing recipe
+       Getting information:
+         status                Show workspace status
+         search                Search available recipes
+         latest-version        Report the latest version of an existing recipe
+         check-upgrade-status  Report upgradability for multiple (or all) recipes
+       Working on a recipe in the workspace:
+         build                 Build a recipe
+         rename                Rename a recipe file in the workspace
+         edit-recipe           Edit a recipe file
+         find-recipe           Find a recipe file
+         configure-help        Get help on configure script options
+         update-recipe         Apply changes from external source tree to recipe
+         reset                 Remove a recipe from your workspace
+         finish                Finish working on a recipe in your workspace
+       Testing changes on target:
+         deploy-target         Deploy recipe output files to live target machine
+         undeploy-target       Undeploy recipe output files in live target machine
+         build-image           Build image including workspace recipe packages
+       Advanced:
+         create-workspace      Set up workspace in an alternative location
+         export                Export workspace into a tar archive
+         import                Import exported tar archive into workspace
+         extract               Extract the source for an existing recipe
+         sync                  Synchronize the source tree for an existing recipe
+     Use devtool &lt;subcommand&gt; --help to get help on a specific command
+            </literallayout>
+            As directed in the general help output, you can get more syntax
+            on a specific command by providing the command name and using
+            "--help":
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool add --help
+     NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
+     usage: devtool add [-h] [--same-dir | --no-same-dir] [--fetch URI]
+                        [--fetch-dev] [--version VERSION] [--no-git]
+                        [--srcrev SRCREV | --autorev] [--srcbranch SRCBRANCH]
+                        [--binary] [--also-native] [--src-subdir SUBDIR]
+                        [--mirrors] [--provides PROVIDES]
+                        [recipename] [srctree] [fetchuri]
+     Adds a new recipe to the workspace to build a specified source tree. Can
+     optionally fetch a remote URI and unpack it to create the source tree.
+     arguments:
+       recipename            Name for new recipe to add (just name - no version,
+                             path or extension). If not specified, will attempt to
+                             auto-detect it.
+       srctree               Path to external source tree. If not specified, a
+                             subdirectory of
+                             /home/scottrif/poky/build/workspace/sources will be
+                             used.
+       fetchuri              Fetch the specified URI and extract it to create the
+                             source tree
+     options:
+       -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+       --same-dir, -s        Build in same directory as source
+       --no-same-dir         Force build in a separate build directory
+       --fetch URI, -f URI   Fetch the specified URI and extract it to create the
+                             source tree (deprecated - pass as positional argument
+                             instead)
+       --fetch-dev           For npm, also fetch devDependencies
+       --version VERSION, -V VERSION
+                             Version to use within recipe (PV)
+       --no-git, -g          If fetching source, do not set up source tree as a git
+                             repository
+       --srcrev SRCREV, -S SRCREV
+                             Source revision to fetch if fetching from an SCM such
+                             as git (default latest)
+       --autorev, -a         When fetching from a git repository, set SRCREV in the
+                             recipe to a floating revision instead of fixed
+       --srcbranch SRCBRANCH, -B SRCBRANCH
+                             Branch in source repository if fetching from an SCM
+                             such as git (default master)
+       --binary, -b          Treat the source tree as something that should be
+                             installed verbatim (no compilation, same directory
+                             structure). Useful with binary packages e.g. RPMs.
+       --also-native         Also add native variant (i.e. support building recipe
+                             for the build host as well as the target machine)
+       --src-subdir SUBDIR   Specify subdirectory within source tree to use
+       --mirrors             Enable PREMIRRORS and MIRRORS for source tree fetching
+                             (disable by default).
+       --provides PROVIDES, -p PROVIDES
+                             Specify an alias for the item provided by the recipe.
+                             E.g. virtual/libgl
+            </literallayout>
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-the-workspace-layer-structure'>
+        <title>The Workspace Layer Structure</title>
+        <para>
+            <filename>devtool</filename> uses a "Workspace" layer
+            in which to accomplish builds.
+            This layer is not specific to any single
+            <filename>devtool</filename> command but is rather a common
+            working area used across the tool.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            The following figure shows the workspace structure:
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            <imagedata fileref="figures/build-workspace-directory.png"
+                width="6in" depth="5in" align="left" scale="70" />
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     attic - A directory created if devtool believes it must preserve
+             anything when you run "devtool reset".  For example, if you
+             run "devtool add", make changes to the recipe, and then
+             run "devtool reset", devtool takes notice that the file has
+             been changed and moves it into the attic should you still
+             want the recipe.
+     README - Provides information on what is in workspace layer and how to
+              manage it.
+     .devtool_md5 - A checksum file used by devtool.
+     appends - A directory that contains *.bbappend files, which point to
+               external source.
+     conf - A configuration directory that contains the layer.conf file.
+     recipes - A directory containing recipes.  This directory contains a
+               folder for each directory added whose name matches that of the
+               added recipe.  devtool places the <replaceable>recipe</replaceable>.bb file
+               within that sub-directory.
+     sources - A directory containing a working copy of the source files used
+               when building the recipe.  This is the default directory used
+               as the location of the source tree when you do not provide a
+               source tree path.  This directory contains a folder for each
+               set of source files matched to a corresponding recipe.
+            </literallayout>
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-adding-a-new-recipe-to-the-workspace'>
+        <title>Adding a New Recipe to the Workspace Layer</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool add</filename> command to add a new recipe
+            to the workspace layer.
+            The recipe you add should not exist -
+            <filename>devtool</filename> creates it for you.
+            The source files the recipe uses should exist in an external
+            area.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            The following example creates and adds a new recipe named
+            <filename>jackson</filename> to a workspace layer the tool creates.
+            The source code built by the recipes resides in
+            <filename>/home/<replaceable>user</replaceable>/sources/jackson</filename>:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool add jackson /home/<replaceable>user</replaceable>/sources/jackson
+            </literallayout>
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            If you add a recipe and the workspace layer does not exist,
+            the command creates the layer and populates it as
+            described in
+            "<link linkend='devtool-the-workspace-layer-structure'>The Workspace Layer Structure</link>"
+            section.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            Running <filename>devtool add</filename> when the
+            workspace layer exists causes the tool to add the recipe,
+            append files, and source files into the existing workspace layer.
+            The <filename>.bbappend</filename> file is created to point
+            to the external source tree.
+            <note>
+                If your recipe has runtime dependencies defined, you must be sure
+                that these packages exist on the target hardware before attempting
+                to run your application.
+                If dependent packages (e.g. libraries) do not exist on the target,
+                your application, when run, will fail to find those functions.
+                For more information, see the
+                "<link linkend='devtool-deploying-your-software-on-the-target-machine'>Deploying Your Software on the Target Machine</link>"
+                section.
+            </note>
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            By default, <filename>devtool add</filename> uses the latest
+            revision (i.e. master) when unpacking files from a remote URI.
+            In some cases, you might want to specify a source revision by
+            branch, tag, or commit hash. You can specify these options when
+            using the <filename>devtool add</filename> command:
+            <itemizedlist>
+                <listitem><para>
+                    To specify a source branch, use the
+                    <filename>--srcbranch</filename> option:
+                    <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool add --srcbranch &DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP; jackson /home/<replaceable>user</replaceable>/sources/jackson
+                    </literallayout>
+                    In the previous example, you are checking out the
+                    &DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP; branch.
+                    </para></listitem>
+                <listitem><para>
+                    To specify a specific tag or commit hash, use the
+                    <filename>--srcrev</filename> option:
+                    <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool add --srcrev &DISTRO_REL_TAG; jackson /home/<replaceable>user</replaceable>/sources/jackson
+     $ devtool add --srcrev <replaceable>some_commit_hash</replaceable> /home/<replaceable>user</replaceable>/sources/jackson
+                    </literallayout>
+                    The previous examples check out the &DISTRO_REL_TAG; tag
+                    and the commit associated with the
+                    <replaceable>some_commit_hash</replaceable> hash.
+                    </para></listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+            <note>
+                If you prefer to use the latest revision every time the recipe is
+                built, use the options <filename>--autorev</filename>
+                or <filename>-a</filename>.
+            </note>
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-extracting-the-source-for-an-existing-recipe'>
+        <title>Extracting the Source for an Existing Recipe</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool extract</filename> command to
+            extract the source for an existing recipe.
+            When you use this command, you must supply the root name
+            of the recipe (i.e. no version, paths, or extensions), and
+            you must supply the directory to which you want the source
+            extracted.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            Additional command options let you control the name of a
+            development branch into which you can checkout the source
+            and whether or not to keep a temporary directory, which is
+            useful for debugging.
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-synchronizing-a-recipes-extracted-source-tree'>
+        <title>Synchronizing a Recipe's Extracted Source Tree</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool sync</filename> command to
+            synchronize a previously extracted source tree for an
+            existing recipe.
+            When you use this command, you must supply the root name
+            of the recipe (i.e. no version, paths, or extensions), and
+            you must supply the directory to which you want the source
+            extracted.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            Additional command options let you control the name of a
+            development branch into which you can checkout the source
+            and whether or not to keep a temporary directory, which is
+            useful for debugging.
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-modifying-a-recipe'>
+        <title>Modifying an Existing Recipe</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool modify</filename> command to begin
+            modifying the source of an existing recipe.
+            This command is very similar to the
+            <link linkend='devtool-adding-a-new-recipe-to-the-workspace'><filename>add</filename></link>
+            command except that it does not physically create the
+            recipe in the workspace layer because the recipe already
+            exists in an another layer.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            The <filename>devtool modify</filename> command extracts the
+            source for a recipe, sets it up as a Git repository if the
+            source had not already been fetched from Git, checks out a
+            branch for development, and applies any patches from the recipe
+            as commits on top.
+            You can use the following command to checkout the source
+            files:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool modify <replaceable>recipe</replaceable>
+            </literallayout>
+            Using the above command form, <filename>devtool</filename> uses
+            the existing recipe's
+            <link linkend='var-SRC_URI'><filename>SRC_URI</filename></link>
+            statement to locate the upstream source, extracts the source
+            into the default sources location in the workspace.
+            The default development branch used is "devtool".
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-edit-an-existing-recipe'>
+        <title>Edit an Existing Recipe</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool edit-recipe</filename> command
+            to run the default editor, which is identified using the
+            <filename>EDITOR</filename> variable, on the specified recipe.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            When you use the <filename>devtool edit-recipe</filename>
+            command, you must supply the root name of the recipe
+            (i.e. no version, paths, or extensions).
+            Also, the recipe file itself must reside in the workspace
+            as a result of the <filename>devtool add</filename> or
+            <filename>devtool upgrade</filename> commands.
+            However, you can override that requirement by using the
+            "-a" or "--any-recipe" option.
+            Using either of these options allows you to edit any recipe
+            regardless of its location.
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-updating-a-recipe'>
+        <title>Updating a Recipe</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool update-recipe</filename> command to
+            update your recipe with patches that reflect changes you make
+            to the source files.
+            For example, if you know you are going to work on some
+            code, you could first use the
+            <link linkend='devtool-modifying-a-recipe'><filename>devtool modify</filename></link>
+            command to extract the code and set up the workspace.
+            After which, you could modify, compile, and test the code.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            When you are satisfied with the results and you have committed
+            your changes to the Git repository, you can then
+            run the <filename>devtool update-recipe</filename> to create the
+            patches and update the recipe:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool update-recipe <replaceable>recipe</replaceable>
+            </literallayout>
+            If you run the <filename>devtool update-recipe</filename>
+            without committing your changes, the command ignores the
+            changes.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            Often, you might want to apply customizations made to your
+            software in your own layer rather than apply them to the
+            original recipe.
+            If so, you can use the
+            <filename>-a</filename> or <filename>--append</filename>
+            option with the <filename>devtool update-recipe</filename>
+            command.
+            These options allow you to specify the layer into which to
+            write an append file:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool update-recipe <replaceable>recipe</replaceable> -a <replaceable>base-layer-directory</replaceable>
+            </literallayout>
+            The <filename>*.bbappend</filename> file is created at the
+            appropriate path within the specified layer directory, which
+            may or may not be in your <filename>bblayers.conf</filename>
+            file.
+            If an append file already exists, the command updates it
+            appropriately.
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-checking-on-the-upgrade-status-of-a-recipe'>
+        <title>Checking on the Upgrade Status of a Recipe</title>
+        <para>
+            Upstream recipes change over time.
+            Consequently, you might find that you need to determine if you
+            can upgrade a recipe to a newer version.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            To check on the upgrade status of a recipe, use the
+            <filename>devtool check-upgrade-status</filename> command.
+            The command displays a table of your current recipe versions,
+            the latest upstream versions, the email address of the recipe's
+            maintainer, and any additional information such as commit hash
+            strings and reasons you might not be able to upgrade a particular
+            recipe.
+            <note><title>NOTES:</title>
+                <itemizedlist>
+                    <listitem><para>
+                        For the <filename>oe-core</filename> layer, recipe
+                        maintainers come from the
+                        <ulink url=''><filename></filename></ulink>
+                        file.
+                        </para></listitem>
+                    <listitem><para>
+                        If the recipe is using the
+                        <ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_BB_URL;#git-fetcher'>Git fetcher</ulink>
+                        rather than a tarball, the commit hash points to the
+                        commit that matches the recipe's latest version tag.
+                        </para></listitem>
+                </itemizedlist>
+            </note>
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            As with all <filename>devtool</filename> commands, you can get
+            help on the individual command:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool check-upgrade-status -h
+     NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
+     usage: devtool check-upgrade-status [-h] [--all] [recipe [recipe ...]]
+     Prints a table of recipes together with versions currently provided by
+     recipes, and latest upstream versions, when there is a later version available
+     arguments:
+       recipe      Name of the recipe to report (omit to report upgrade info for
+                   all recipes)
+     options:
+      -h, --help  show this help message and exit
+       --all, -a   Show all recipes, not just recipes needing upgrade
+            </literallayout>
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            Unless you provide a specific recipe name on the command line,
+            the command checks all recipes in all configured layers.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            Following is a partial example table that reports on all the
+            recipes.
+            Notice the reported reason for not upgrading the
+            <filename>base-passwd</filename> recipe.
+            In this example, while a new version is available upstream,
+            you do not want to use it because the dependency on
+            <filename>cdebconf</filename> is not easily satisfied.
+            <note>
+                When a reason for not upgrading displays, the reason is
+                usually written into the recipe using the
+                <filename>RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON</filename> variable.
+                See the
+                <ulink url=''><filename></filename></ulink>
+                recipe for an example.
+            </note>
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool check-upgrade-status
+         ...
+         NOTE: acpid                     2.0.30          2.0.31
+     Ross Burton &lt;;
+         NOTE: u-boot-fw-utils           2018.11         2019.01
+     Marek Vasut &lt;;
+     d3689267f92c5956e09cc7d1baa4700141662bff
+         NOTE: u-boot-tools              2018.11         2019.01
+     Marek Vasut &lt;;
+     d3689267f92c5956e09cc7d1baa4700141662bff
+          .
+          .
+          .
+         NOTE: base-passwd               3.5.29          3.5.45
+     Anuj Mittal &lt;;  cannot be updated due to: Version
+     3.5.38 requires cdebconf for update-passwd utility
+         NOTE: busybox                   1.29.2          1.30.0
+     Andrej Valek &lt;;
+         NOTE: dbus-test                 1.12.10         1.12.12
+     Chen Qi &lt;;
+            </literallayout>
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-upgrading-a-recipe'>
+        <title>Upgrading a Recipe</title>
+        <para>
+            As software matures, upstream recipes are upgraded to newer
+            versions.
+            As a developer, you need to keep your local recipes up-to-date
+            with the upstream version releases.
+            Several methods exist by which you can upgrade recipes.
+            You can read about them in the
+            "<ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_DEV_URL;#gs-upgrading-recipes'>Upgrading Recipes</ulink>"
+            section of the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
+            This section overviews the <filename>devtool upgrade</filename>
+            command.
+            <note>
+                Before you upgrade a recipe, you can check on its upgrade
+                status.
+                See the
+                "<link linkend='devtool-checking-on-the-upgrade-status-of-a-recipe'>Checking on the Upgrade Status of a Recipe</link>"
+                for more information.
+            </note>
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            The <filename>devtool upgrade</filename> command
+            upgrades an existing recipe to a more recent version of the
+            recipe upstream.
+            The command puts the upgraded recipe file along with any associated
+            files into a "workspace" and, if necessary, extracts the source
+            tree to a specified location.
+            During the upgrade, patches associated with the recipe are
+            rebased or added as needed.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            When you use the <filename>devtool upgrade</filename> command,
+            you must supply the root name of the recipe (i.e. no version,
+            paths, or extensions), and you must supply the directory
+            to which you want the source extracted.
+            Additional command options let you control things such as
+            the version number to which you want to upgrade (i.e. the
+            <link linkend='var-PV'><filename>PV</filename></link>),
+            the source revision to which you want to upgrade (i.e. the
+            <link linkend='var-SRCREV'><filename>SRCREV</filename></link>),
+            whether or not to apply patches, and so forth.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            You can read more on the <filename>devtool upgrade</filename>
+            workflow in the
+            "<ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_SDK_URL;#sdk-devtool-use-devtool-upgrade-to-create-a-version-of-the-recipe-that-supports-a-newer-version-of-the-software'>Use <filename>devtool upgrade</filename> to Create a Version of the Recipe that Supports a Newer Version of the Software</ulink>"
+            section in the Yocto Project Application Development and the
+            Extensible Software Development Kit (eSDK) manual.
+            You can also see an example of how to use
+            <filename>devtool upgrade</filename> in the
+            "<ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_DEV_URL;#gs-using-devtool-upgrade'>Using <filename>devtool upgrade</filename></ulink>"
+            section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-resetting-a-recipe'>
+        <title>Resetting a Recipe</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool reset</filename> command to remove a
+            recipe and its configuration (e.g. the corresponding
+            <filename>.bbappend</filename> file) from the workspace layer.
+            Realize that this command deletes the recipe and the
+            append file.
+            The command does not physically move them for you.
+            Consequently, you must be sure to physically relocate your
+            updated recipe and the append file outside of the workspace
+            layer before running the <filename>devtool reset</filename>
+            command.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            If the <filename>devtool reset</filename> command detects that
+            the recipe or the append files have been modified, the
+            command preserves the modified files in a separate "attic"
+            subdirectory under the workspace layer.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            Here is an example that resets the workspace directory that
+            contains the <filename>mtr</filename> recipe:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool reset mtr
+     NOTE: Cleaning sysroot for recipe mtr...
+     NOTE: Leaving source tree /home/scottrif/poky/build/workspace/sources/mtr as-is; if you no
+        longer need it then please delete it manually
+     $
+            </literallayout>
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-building-your-recipe'>
+        <title>Building Your Recipe</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool build</filename> command to build your
+            recipe.
+            The <filename>devtool build</filename> command is equivalent to
+            the <filename>bitbake -c populate_sysroot</filename> command.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            When you use the <filename>devtool build</filename> command,
+            you must supply the root name of the recipe (i.e. do not provide
+            versions, paths, or extensions).
+            You can use either the "-s" or the "--disable-parallel-make"
+            options to disable parallel makes during the build.
+            Here is an example:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool build <replaceable>recipe</replaceable>
+            </literallayout>
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-building-your-image'>
+        <title>Building Your Image</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool build-image</filename> command
+            to build an image, extending it to include packages from
+            recipes in the workspace.
+            Using this command is useful when you want an image that
+            ready for immediate deployment onto a device for testing.
+            For proper integration into a final image, you need to
+            edit your custom image recipe appropriately.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            When you use the <filename>devtool build-image</filename>
+            command, you must supply the name of the image.
+            This command has no command line options:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool build-image <replaceable>image</replaceable>
+            </literallayout>
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-deploying-your-software-on-the-target-machine'>
+        <title>Deploying Your Software on the Target Machine</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool deploy-target</filename> command to
+            deploy the recipe's build output to the live target machine:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool deploy-target <replaceable>recipe</replaceable>&nbsp;<replaceable>target</replaceable>
+            </literallayout>
+            The <replaceable>target</replaceable> is the address of the
+            target machine, which must be running an SSH server (i.e.
+            <filename>user@hostname[:destdir]</filename>).
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            This command deploys all files installed during the
+            <link linkend='ref-tasks-install'><filename>do_install</filename></link>
+            task.
+            Furthermore, you do not need to have package management enabled
+            within the target machine.
+            If you do, the package manager is bypassed.
+            <note><title>Notes</title>
+                <para>
+                    The <filename>deploy-target</filename>
+                    functionality is for development only.
+                    You should never use it to update an image that will be
+                    used in production.
+                </para>
+            </note>
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            Some conditions exist that could prevent a deployed application
+            from behaving as expected.
+            When both of the following conditions exist, your application has
+            the potential to not behave correctly when run on the target:
+            <itemizedlist>
+                <listitem><para>
+                    You are deploying a new application to the target and
+                    the recipe you used to build the application had
+                    correctly defined runtime dependencies.
+                    </para></listitem>
+                <listitem><para>
+                    The target does not physically have the packages on which
+                    the application depends installed.
+                    </para></listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+            If both of these conditions exist, your application will not
+            behave as expected.
+            The reason for this misbehavior is because the
+            <filename>devtool deploy-target</filename> command does not deploy
+            the packages (e.g. libraries) on which your new application
+            depends.
+            The assumption is that the packages are already on the target.
+            Consequently, when a runtime call is made in the application
+            for a dependent function (e.g. a library call), the function
+            cannot be found.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            To be sure you have all the dependencies local to the target, you
+            need to be sure that the packages are pre-deployed (installed)
+            on the target before attempting to run your application.
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-removing-your-software-from-the-target-machine'>
+        <title>Removing Your Software from the Target Machine</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool undeploy-target</filename> command to
+            remove deployed build output from the target machine.
+            For the <filename>devtool undeploy-target</filename> command to
+            work, you must have previously used the
+            <link linkend='devtool-deploying-your-software-on-the-target-machine'><filename>devtool deploy-target</filename></link>
+            command.
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool undeploy-target <replaceable>recipe</replaceable>&nbsp;<replaceable>target</replaceable>
+            </literallayout>
+            The <replaceable>target</replaceable> is the address of the
+            target machine, which must be running an SSH server (i.e.
+            <filename>user@hostname</filename>).
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-creating-the-workspace'>
+        <title>Creating the Workspace Layer in an Alternative Location</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool create-workspace</filename> command to
+            create a new workspace layer in your
+            <link linkend='build-directory'>Build Directory</link>.
+            When you create a new workspace layer, it is populated with the
+            <filename>README</filename> file and the
+            <filename>conf</filename> directory only.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            The following example creates a new workspace layer in your
+            current working and by default names the workspace layer
+            "workspace":
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool create-workspace
+            </literallayout>
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            You can create a workspace layer anywhere by supplying
+            a pathname with the command.
+            The following command creates a new workspace layer named
+            "new-workspace":
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool create-workspace /home/scottrif/new-workspace
+            </literallayout>
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-get-the-status-of-the-recipes-in-your-workspace'>
+        <title>Get the Status of the Recipes in Your Workspace</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool status</filename> command to
+            list the recipes currently in your workspace.
+            Information includes the paths to their respective
+            external source trees.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            The <filename>devtool status</filename> command has no
+            command-line options:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool status
+            </literallayout>
+            Following is sample output after using
+            <link linkend='devtool-adding-a-new-recipe-to-the-workspace'><filename>devtool add</filename></link>
+            to create and add the <filename></filename> recipe
+            to the <filename>workspace</filename> directory:
+            <literallayout class='monospaced'>
+     $ devtool status
+     mtr: /home/scottrif/poky/build/workspace/sources/mtr (/home/scottrif/poky/build/workspace/recipes/mtr/
+     $
+            </literallayout>
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id='devtool-search-for-available-target-recipes'>
+        <title>Search for Available Target Recipes</title>
+        <para>
+            Use the <filename>devtool search</filename> command to
+            search for available target recipes.
+            The command matches the recipe name, package name,
+            description, and installed files.
+            The command displays the recipe name as a result of a
+            match.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+            When you use the <filename>devtool search</filename> command,
+            you must supply a <replaceable>keyword</replaceable>.
+            The command uses the <replaceable>keyword</replaceable> when
+            searching for a match.
+        </para>
+    </section>
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