blob: 91f5ae0e0f1a8dcbd217b25f881dd466a47c22d5 [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "VirtualBox Linux Guest Drivers"
SECTION = "core"
LICENSE = "GPL-3.0-only"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${WORKDIR}/${VBOX_NAME}/COPYING;md5=fff5fe1c81dd6dc3d522e7862e44881e"
DEPENDS = "virtual/kernel"
inherit module kernel-module-split
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(qemux86|qemux86-64)"
VBOX_NAME = "VirtualBox-${PV}"
SRC_URI = "${PV}/${VBOX_NAME}.tar.bz2 \
file://Makefile.utils \
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "58951f7d1bcda836c5e50ca0a6b13f0e61a07a904f476526a831df3d9bfe5b17"
S ?= "${WORKDIR}/vbox_module"
S:task-patch = "${WORKDIR}/${VBOX_NAME}"
export VBOX_KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH:x86-64="amd64"
# otherwise 5.2.22 builds just vboxguest
addtask export_sources after do_patch before do_configure
do_export_sources[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_shared_workdir"
do_export_sources() {
mkdir -p "${S}"
${WORKDIR}/${VBOX_NAME}/src/VBox/Additions/linux/ ${T}/vbox_modules.tar.gz
tar -C "${S}" -xzf ${T}/vbox_modules.tar.gz
# add a mount utility to use shared folder from VBox Addition Source Code
mkdir -p "${S}/utils"
install ${WORKDIR}/${VBOX_NAME}/src/VBox/Additions/linux/sharedfolders/mount.vboxsf.c ${S}/utils
install ${WORKDIR}/${VBOX_NAME}/src/VBox/Additions/linux/sharedfolders/vbsfmount.c ${S}/utils
install ${S}/../Makefile.utils ${S}/utils/Makefile
# some kernel versions have issues with stdarg.h and compatibility with
# the sysroot and libc-headers/uapi. If we include the file directly from
# the kernel source (STAGING_KERNEL_DIR) we get conflicting types on many
# structures, due to kernel .h files being found before libc .h files.
# if we grab just this one file from the source, and put it into our
# file structure, everything holds together
mkdir -p ${S}/vboxsf/include/linux
install ${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}/include/linux/stdarg.h ${S}/vboxsf/include/linux
do_configure:prepend() {
# vboxguestdrivers/5.2.6-r0/vbox_module/vboxguest/Makefile.include.header:99: *** The variable KERN_DIR must be a kernel build folder and end with /build without a trailing slash, or KERN_VER must be set. Stop.
# vboxguestdrivers/5.2.6-r0/vbox_module/vboxguest/Makefile.include.header:108: *** The kernel build folder path must end in <version>/build, or the variable KERN_VER must be set. Stop.
# compile and install mount utility
do_compile() {
oe_runmake all
oe_runmake 'LD=${CC}' 'EXTRA_CFLAGS=-I${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}/include/' 'LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS}' -C ${S}/utils
if ! [ -e vboxguest.ko -a -e vboxsf.ko -a -e vboxvideo.ko ] ; then
echo "ERROR: One of vbox*.ko modules wasn't built"
exit 1
module_do_install() {
install -d $MODULE_DIR
install -m 644 vboxguest.ko $MODULE_DIR
install -m 644 vboxsf.ko $MODULE_DIR
install -m 644 vboxvideo.ko $MODULE_DIR
do_install:append() {
install -d ${D}${base_sbindir}
install -m 755 ${S}/utils/mount.vboxsf ${D}${base_sbindir}
PACKAGES += "kernel-module-vboxguest kernel-module-vboxsf kernel-module-vboxvideo"
RRECOMMENDS:${PN} += "kernel-module-vboxguest kernel-module-vboxsf kernel-module-vboxvideo"
FILES:${PN} = "${base_sbindir}"
# autoload if installed
KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD += "vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo"