blob: 459298076604aea678b7b2356651656876bc7cce [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "An Internet printing system for Unix"
DESCRIPTION = "The Common UNIX Printing System is a printing system and \
general replacement for lpd and the like. It supports the Internet Printing \
Protocol (IPP), and has its own filtering driver model for handling various \
document types."
SECTION = "console/utils"
LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
DEPENDS = "libpng jpeg dbus zlib libusb1"
SRC_URI = "${PV}/cups-${PV}-source.tar.gz \
file://0001-use-echo-only-in-init.patch \
file://0002-don-t-try-to-run-generated-binaries.patch \
file://libexecdir.patch \
file://0004-cups-fix-multilib-install-file-conflicts.patch \
file://volatiles.99_cups \
file://cups-volatiles.conf \
UPSTREAM_CHECK_REGEX = "cups-(?P<pver>(?!.+\d(b|rc)\d.+).+)-source.tar"
# Issue only applies to MacOS
CVE_CHECK_IGNORE += "CVE-2008-1033"
# Issue affects pdfdistiller plugin used with but not part of cups
CVE_CHECK_IGNORE += "CVE-2009-0032"
# This is an Ubuntu only issue.
CVE_CHECK_IGNORE += "CVE-2018-6553"
# This is fixed in 2.4.2 but the cve-check class still reports it
CVE_CHECK_IGNORE += "CVE-2022-26691"
inherit autotools-brokensep binconfig useradd systemd pkgconfig multilib_script
GROUPADD_PARAM:${PN} = "--system lpadmin"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN} = "cups.socket cups.path cups.service cups-lpd.socket"
PACKAGECONFIG ??= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'zeroconf', 'avahi', '', d)} \
${@bb.utils.filter('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam systemd', d)}"
PACKAGECONFIG[avahi] = "--with-dnssd=avahi,--with-dnssd=no,avahi"
PACKAGECONFIG[acl] = "--enable-acl,--disable-acl,acl"
PACKAGECONFIG[gnutls] = "--with-tls=gnutls,--with-tls=no,gnutls"
PACKAGECONFIG[pam] = "--enable-pam --with-pam-module=unix, --disable-pam, libpam"
PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "--with-systemd=${systemd_system_unitdir},--without-systemd,systemd"
PACKAGECONFIG[xinetd] = "--with-xinetd=${sysconfdir}/xinetd.d,--without-xinetd,xinetd"
--enable-dbus \
--with-dbusdir=${sysconfdir}/dbus-1 \
--enable-browsing \
--disable-gssapi \
--enable-debug \
--disable-relro \
--enable-libusb \
--with-system-groups=lpadmin \
--with-cups-group=lp \
--with-domainsocket=/run/cups/cups.sock \
--with-pkgconfpath=${libdir}/pkgconfig \
EXTRA_AUTORECONF += "--exclude=autoheader"
do_install () {
oe_runmake "DESTDIR=${D}" install
# Remove /var/run from package as cupsd will populate it on startup
rm -fr ${D}/${localstatedir}/run
rm -fr ${D}/${localstatedir}/log
rmdir ${D}/${libexecdir}/${BPN}/driver
# Fix the pam configuration file permissions
if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', 'true', 'false', d)}; then
chmod 0644 ${D}${sysconfdir}/pam.d/cups
# Remove sysinit script and symlinks if sysvinit is not in DISTRO_FEATURES
if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','sysvinit','false','true',d)}; then
rm -rf ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
rm -rf ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc*
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/cups-volatiles.conf \
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/volatiles.99_cups \
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-lib ${PN}-libimage"
RDEPENDS:${PN} += "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'sysvinit', 'procps', '', d)}"
FILES:${PN} += "${libexecdir}/cups/"
FILES:${PN}-lib = "${libdir}/*"
FILES:${PN}-libimage = "${libdir}/*"
#package the html for the webgui inside the main packages (~1MB uncompressed)
FILES:${PN} += "${datadir}/doc/cups/images \
${datadir}/doc/cups/*html \
${datadir}/doc/cups/*.css \
${datadir}/icons/ \
CONFFILES:${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/cups/cupsd.conf"
MULTILIB_SCRIPTS = "${PN}-dev:${bindir}/cups-config"
SYSROOT_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += "cups_sysroot_preprocess"
cups_sysroot_preprocess () {
sed -i ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${bindir_crossscripts}/cups-config -e 's:cups_datadir=.*:cups_datadir=${datadir}/cups:' -e 's:cups_serverbin=.*:cups_serverbin=${libexecdir}/cups:'
# -25317 concerns /var/log/cups having lp ownership. Our /var/log/cups is
# root:root, so this doesn't apply.
CVE_CHECK_IGNORE += "CVE-2021-25317"