IBM DISTRO_FEATURE ibm-service-account-policy

This creates a new DISTRO_FEATURE "ibm-service-account-policy" which
 - Adds an admin account which cannot SSH to the BMC's command shell.
 - Adds a service account which can SSH and has passwordless sudo access.

This feature is applied to witherspoon-tacoma and p10bmc (rainier).

  The image behaves as before when the distro feature is not configured.
  When the distro feature is configured:
  The root user has the same access as before.
  The admin user:
   - Is not allowed to access the BMC's command shell.
   - Console login gets: This account is currently not available.
   - SSH login gets: Permission denied, please try again.
   - Redfish and REST API access works with role=Administrator.
  The service user:
   - Console login to the BMC's command shell works.  The home
     directory is /.  Passwordless sudo works.
   - SSH login works and using sudo from a SSH session works.
   - Redfish and REST API access works with role=Administrator.

Change-Id: Icac5ba7f4fa663047709ab55007bbcfec8158f5e
Signed-off-by: Joseph Reynolds <>
diff --git a/meta-ibm/recipes-extended/sudo/sudo_%.bbappend b/meta-ibm/recipes-extended/sudo/sudo_%.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4254e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-ibm/recipes-extended/sudo/sudo_%.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Allow passwordless use of sudo
+PACKAGECONFIG += "pam-wheel"
+do_install_append () {
+        # Allow members of the 'wheel' group to use passwordless sudo
+        sed -i 's/# \(%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\)/\1/' ${D}${sysconfdir}/sudoers