Yocto 2.3

Move OpenBMC to Yocto 2.3(pyro).

Tested: Built and verified Witherspoon and Palmetto images
Change-Id: I50744030e771f4850afc2a93a10d3507e76d36bc
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>
Resolves: openbmc/openbmc#2461
diff --git a/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/lib/bb/tinfoil.py b/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/lib/bb/tinfoil.py
index 9fa5b5b..928333a 100644
--- a/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/lib/bb/tinfoil.py
+++ b/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/lib/bb/tinfoil.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # tinfoil: a simple wrapper around cooker for bitbake-based command-line utilities
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Intel Corporation
 # Copyright (C) 2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -17,50 +17,210 @@
 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 import logging
-import warnings
 import os
 import sys
+import atexit
+import re
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
 import bb.cache
 import bb.cooker
 import bb.providers
+import bb.taskdata
 import bb.utils
-from bb.cooker import state, BBCooker, CookerFeatures
+import bb.command
+import bb.remotedata
 from bb.cookerdata import CookerConfiguration, ConfigParameters
+from bb.main import setup_bitbake, BitBakeConfigParameters, BBMainException
 import bb.fetch2
+# We need this in order to shut down the connection to the bitbake server,
+# otherwise the process will never properly exit
+_server_connections = []
+def _terminate_connections():
+    for connection in _server_connections:
+        connection.terminate()
+class TinfoilUIException(Exception):
+    """Exception raised when the UI returns non-zero from its main function"""
+    def __init__(self, returncode):
+        self.returncode = returncode
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return 'UI module main returned %d' % self.returncode
+class TinfoilCommandFailed(Exception):
+    """Exception raised when run_command fails"""
+class TinfoilDataStoreConnector:
+    def __init__(self, tinfoil, dsindex):
+        self.tinfoil = tinfoil
+        self.dsindex = dsindex
+    def getVar(self, name):
+        value = self.tinfoil.run_command('dataStoreConnectorFindVar', self.dsindex, name)
+        overrides = None
+        if isinstance(value, dict):
+            if '_connector_origtype' in value:
+                value['_content'] = self.tinfoil._reconvert_type(value['_content'], value['_connector_origtype'])
+                del value['_connector_origtype']
+            if '_connector_overrides' in value:
+                overrides = value['_connector_overrides']
+                del value['_connector_overrides']
+        return value, overrides
+    def getKeys(self):
+        return set(self.tinfoil.run_command('dataStoreConnectorGetKeys', self.dsindex))
+    def getVarHistory(self, name):
+        return self.tinfoil.run_command('dataStoreConnectorGetVarHistory', self.dsindex, name)
+    def expandPythonRef(self, varname, expr, d):
+        ds = bb.remotedata.RemoteDatastores.transmit_datastore(d)
+        ret = self.tinfoil.run_command('dataStoreConnectorExpandPythonRef', ds, varname, expr)
+        return ret
+    def setVar(self, varname, value):
+        if self.dsindex is None:
+            self.tinfoil.run_command('setVariable', varname, value)
+        else:
+            # Not currently implemented - indicate that setting should
+            # be redirected to local side
+            return True
+    def setVarFlag(self, varname, flagname, value):
+        if self.dsindex is None:
+            self.tinfoil.run_command('dataStoreConnectorSetVarFlag', self.dsindex, varname, flagname, value)
+        else:
+            # Not currently implemented - indicate that setting should
+            # be redirected to local side
+            return True
+    def delVar(self, varname):
+        if self.dsindex is None:
+            self.tinfoil.run_command('dataStoreConnectorDelVar', self.dsindex, varname)
+        else:
+            # Not currently implemented - indicate that setting should
+            # be redirected to local side
+            return True
+    def delVarFlag(self, varname, flagname):
+        if self.dsindex is None:
+            self.tinfoil.run_command('dataStoreConnectorDelVar', self.dsindex, varname, flagname)
+        else:
+            # Not currently implemented - indicate that setting should
+            # be redirected to local side
+            return True
+    def renameVar(self, name, newname):
+        if self.dsindex is None:
+            self.tinfoil.run_command('dataStoreConnectorRenameVar', self.dsindex, name, newname)
+        else:
+            # Not currently implemented - indicate that setting should
+            # be redirected to local side
+            return True
+class TinfoilCookerAdapter:
+    """
+    Provide an adapter for existing code that expects to access a cooker object via Tinfoil,
+    since now Tinfoil is on the client side it no longer has direct access.
+    """
+    class TinfoilCookerCollectionAdapter:
+        """ cooker.collection adapter """
+        def __init__(self, tinfoil):
+            self.tinfoil = tinfoil
+        def get_file_appends(self, fn):
+            return self.tinfoil.get_file_appends(fn)
+        def __getattr__(self, name):
+            if name == 'overlayed':
+                return self.tinfoil.get_overlayed_recipes()
+            elif name == 'bbappends':
+                return self.tinfoil.run_command('getAllAppends')
+            else:
+                raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, name))
+    class TinfoilRecipeCacheAdapter:
+        """ cooker.recipecache adapter """
+        def __init__(self, tinfoil):
+            self.tinfoil = tinfoil
+            self._cache = {}
+        def get_pkg_pn_fn(self):
+            pkg_pn = defaultdict(list, self.tinfoil.run_command('getRecipes') or [])
+            pkg_fn = {}
+            for pn, fnlist in pkg_pn.items():
+                for fn in fnlist:
+                    pkg_fn[fn] = pn
+            self._cache['pkg_pn'] = pkg_pn
+            self._cache['pkg_fn'] = pkg_fn
+        def __getattr__(self, name):
+            # Grab these only when they are requested since they aren't always used
+            if name in self._cache:
+                return self._cache[name]
+            elif name == 'pkg_pn':
+                self.get_pkg_pn_fn()
+                return self._cache[name]
+            elif name == 'pkg_fn':
+                self.get_pkg_pn_fn()
+                return self._cache[name]
+            elif name == 'deps':
+                attrvalue = defaultdict(list, self.tinfoil.run_command('getRecipeDepends') or [])
+            elif name == 'rundeps':
+                attrvalue = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list), self.tinfoil.run_command('getRuntimeDepends') or [])
+            elif name == 'runrecs':
+                attrvalue = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list), self.tinfoil.run_command('getRuntimeRecommends') or [])
+            elif name == 'pkg_pepvpr':
+                attrvalue = self.tinfoil.run_command('getRecipeVersions') or {}
+            elif name == 'inherits':
+                attrvalue = self.tinfoil.run_command('getRecipeInherits') or {}
+            elif name == 'bbfile_priority':
+                attrvalue = self.tinfoil.run_command('getBbFilePriority') or {}
+            elif name == 'pkg_dp':
+                attrvalue = self.tinfoil.run_command('getDefaultPreference') or {}
+            else:
+                raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, name))
+            self._cache[name] = attrvalue
+            return attrvalue
+    def __init__(self, tinfoil):
+        self.tinfoil = tinfoil
+        self.collection = self.TinfoilCookerCollectionAdapter(tinfoil)
+        self.recipecaches = {}
+        # FIXME all machines
+        self.recipecaches[''] = self.TinfoilRecipeCacheAdapter(tinfoil)
+        self._cache = {}
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        # Grab these only when they are requested since they aren't always used
+        if name in self._cache:
+            return self._cache[name]
+        elif name == 'skiplist':
+            attrvalue = self.tinfoil.get_skipped_recipes()
+        elif name == 'bbfile_config_priorities':
+            ret = self.tinfoil.run_command('getLayerPriorities')
+            bbfile_config_priorities = []
+            for collection, pattern, regex, pri in ret:
+                bbfile_config_priorities.append((collection, pattern, re.compile(regex), pri))
+            attrvalue = bbfile_config_priorities
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, name))
+        self._cache[name] = attrvalue
+        return attrvalue
+    def findBestProvider(self, pn):
+        return self.tinfoil.find_best_provider(pn)
 class Tinfoil:
-    def __init__(self, output=sys.stdout, tracking=False):
-        # Needed to avoid deprecation warnings with python 2.6
-        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
-        # Set up logging
+    def __init__(self, output=sys.stdout, tracking=False, setup_logging=True):
         self.logger = logging.getLogger('BitBake')
-        self._log_hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(output)
-        bb.msg.addDefaultlogFilter(self._log_hdlr)
-        format = bb.msg.BBLogFormatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
-        if output.isatty():
-            format.enable_color()
-        self._log_hdlr.setFormatter(format)
-        self.logger.addHandler(self._log_hdlr)
-        self.config = CookerConfiguration()
-        configparams = TinfoilConfigParameters(parse_only=True)
-        self.config.setConfigParameters(configparams)
-        self.config.setServerRegIdleCallback(self.register_idle_function)
-        features = []
-        if tracking:
-            features.append(CookerFeatures.BASEDATASTORE_TRACKING)
-        cleanedvars = bb.utils.clean_environment()
-        self.cooker = BBCooker(self.config, features)
-        self.config_data = self.cooker.data
-        bb.providers.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
-        self.cooker_data = None
-        for k in cleanedvars:
-            os.environ[k] = cleanedvars[k]
-    def register_idle_function(self, function, data):
-        pass
+        self.config_data = None
+        self.cooker = None
+        self.tracking = tracking
+        self.ui_module = None
+        self.server_connection = None
+        if setup_logging:
+            # This is the *client-side* logger, nothing to do with
+            # logging messages from the server
+            bb.msg.logger_create('BitBake', output)
     def __enter__(self):
         return self
@@ -68,30 +228,161 @@
     def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
-    def parseRecipes(self):
-        sys.stderr.write("Parsing recipes..")
-        self.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+    def prepare(self, config_only=False, config_params=None, quiet=0):
+        if self.tracking:
+            extrafeatures = [bb.cooker.CookerFeatures.BASEDATASTORE_TRACKING]
+        else:
+            extrafeatures = []
-        try:
-            while self.cooker.state in (state.initial, state.parsing):
-                self.cooker.updateCache()
-        except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            self.cooker.shutdown()
-            self.cooker.updateCache()
-            sys.exit(2)
+        if not config_params:
+            config_params = TinfoilConfigParameters(config_only=config_only, quiet=quiet)
-        self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-        sys.stderr.write("done.\n")
+        cookerconfig = CookerConfiguration()
+        cookerconfig.setConfigParameters(config_params)
-        self.cooker_data = self.cooker.recipecaches['']
+        server, self.server_connection, ui_module = setup_bitbake(config_params,
+                            cookerconfig,
+                            extrafeatures)
-    def prepare(self, config_only = False):
-        if not self.cooker_data:
+        self.ui_module = ui_module
+        # Ensure the path to bitbake's bin directory is in PATH so that things like
+        # bitbake-worker can be run (usually this is the case, but it doesn't have to be)
+        path = os.getenv('PATH').split(':')
+        bitbakebinpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', 'bin'))
+        for entry in path:
+            if entry.endswith(os.sep):
+                entry = entry[:-1]
+            if os.path.abspath(entry) == bitbakebinpath:
+                break
+        else:
+            path.insert(0, bitbakebinpath)
+            os.environ['PATH'] = ':'.join(path)
+        if self.server_connection:
+            _server_connections.append(self.server_connection)
             if config_only:
-                self.cooker.parseConfiguration()
-                self.cooker_data = self.cooker.recipecaches['']
+                config_params.updateToServer(self.server_connection.connection, os.environ.copy())
+                self.run_command('parseConfiguration')
-                self.parseRecipes()
+                self.run_actions(config_params)
+            self.config_data = bb.data.init()
+            connector = TinfoilDataStoreConnector(self, None)
+            self.config_data.setVar('_remote_data', connector)
+            self.cooker = TinfoilCookerAdapter(self)
+            self.cooker_data = self.cooker.recipecaches['']
+        else:
+            raise Exception('Failed to start bitbake server')
+    def run_actions(self, config_params):
+        """
+        Run the actions specified in config_params through the UI.
+        """
+        ret = self.ui_module.main(self.server_connection.connection, self.server_connection.events, config_params)
+        if ret:
+            raise TinfoilUIException(ret)
+    def parseRecipes(self):
+        """
+        Force a parse of all recipes. Normally you should specify
+        config_only=False when calling prepare() instead of using this
+        function; this function is designed for situations where you need
+        to initialise Tinfoil and use it with config_only=True first and
+        then conditionally call this function to parse recipes later.
+        """
+        config_params = TinfoilConfigParameters(config_only=False)
+        self.run_actions(config_params)
+    def run_command(self, command, *params):
+        """
+        Run a command on the server (as implemented in bb.command).
+        Note that there are two types of command - synchronous and
+        asynchronous; in order to receive the results of asynchronous
+        commands you will need to set an appropriate event mask
+        using set_event_mask() and listen for the result using
+        wait_event() - with the correct event mask you'll at least get
+        bb.command.CommandCompleted and possibly other events before
+        that depending on the command.
+        """
+        if not self.server_connection:
+            raise Exception('Not connected to server (did you call .prepare()?)')
+        commandline = [command]
+        if params:
+            commandline.extend(params)
+        result = self.server_connection.connection.runCommand(commandline)
+        if result[1]:
+            raise TinfoilCommandFailed(result[1])
+        return result[0]
+    def set_event_mask(self, eventlist):
+        """Set the event mask which will be applied within wait_event()"""
+        if not self.server_connection:
+            raise Exception('Not connected to server (did you call .prepare()?)')
+        llevel, debug_domains = bb.msg.constructLogOptions()
+        ret = self.run_command('setEventMask', self.server_connection.connection.getEventHandle(), llevel, debug_domains, eventlist)
+        if not ret:
+            raise Exception('setEventMask failed')
+    def wait_event(self, timeout=0):
+        """
+        Wait for an event from the server for the specified time.
+        A timeout of 0 means don't wait if there are no events in the queue.
+        Returns the next event in the queue or None if the timeout was
+        reached. Note that in order to recieve any events you will
+        first need to set the internal event mask using set_event_mask()
+        (otherwise whatever event mask the UI set up will be in effect).
+        """
+        if not self.server_connection:
+            raise Exception('Not connected to server (did you call .prepare()?)')
+        return self.server_connection.events.waitEvent(timeout)
+    def get_overlayed_recipes(self):
+        return defaultdict(list, self.run_command('getOverlayedRecipes'))
+    def get_skipped_recipes(self):
+        return OrderedDict(self.run_command('getSkippedRecipes'))
+    def get_all_providers(self):
+        return defaultdict(list, self.run_command('allProviders'))
+    def find_providers(self):
+        return self.run_command('findProviders')
+    def find_best_provider(self, pn):
+        return self.run_command('findBestProvider', pn)
+    def get_runtime_providers(self, rdep):
+        return self.run_command('getRuntimeProviders', rdep)
+    def get_recipe_file(self, pn):
+        """
+        Get the file name for the specified recipe/target. Raises
+        bb.providers.NoProvider if there is no match or the recipe was
+        skipped.
+        """
+        best = self.find_best_provider(pn)
+        if not best or (len(best) > 3 and not best[3]):
+            skiplist = self.get_skipped_recipes()
+            taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(None, skiplist=skiplist)
+            skipreasons = taskdata.get_reasons(pn)
+            if skipreasons:
+                raise bb.providers.NoProvider('%s is unavailable:\n  %s' % (pn, '  \n'.join(skipreasons)))
+            else:
+                raise bb.providers.NoProvider('Unable to find any recipe file matching "%s"' % pn)
+        return best[3]
+    def get_file_appends(self, fn):
+        return self.run_command('getFileAppends', fn)
+    def parse_recipe(self, pn):
+        """
+        Parse the specified recipe and return a datastore object
+        representing the environment for the recipe.
+        """
+        fn = self.get_recipe_file(pn)
+        return self.parse_recipe_file(fn)
     def parse_recipe_file(self, fn, appends=True, appendlist=None, config_data=None):
@@ -110,41 +401,82 @@
         if appends and appendlist == []:
             appends = False
-        if appends:
-            if appendlist:
-                appendfiles = appendlist
-            else:
-                if not hasattr(self.cooker, 'collection'):
-                    raise Exception('You must call tinfoil.prepare() with config_only=False in order to get bbappends')
-                appendfiles = self.cooker.collection.get_file_appends(fn)
-        else:
-            appendfiles = None
         if config_data:
-            # We have to use a different function here if we're passing in a datastore
-            localdata = bb.data.createCopy(config_data)
-            envdata = bb.cache.parse_recipe(localdata, fn, appendfiles)['']
+            dctr = bb.remotedata.RemoteDatastores.transmit_datastore(config_data)
+            dscon = self.run_command('parseRecipeFile', fn, appends, appendlist, dctr)
-            # Use the standard path
-            parser = bb.cache.NoCache(self.cooker.databuilder)
-            envdata = parser.loadDataFull(fn, appendfiles)
-        return envdata
+            dscon = self.run_command('parseRecipeFile', fn, appends, appendlist)
+        if dscon:
+            return self._reconvert_type(dscon, 'DataStoreConnectionHandle')
+        else:
+            return None
+    def build_file(self, buildfile, task):
+        """
+        Runs the specified task for just a single recipe (i.e. no dependencies).
+        This is equivalent to bitbake -b, except no warning will be printed.
+        """
+        return self.run_command('buildFile', buildfile, task, True)
     def shutdown(self):
-        self.cooker.shutdown(force=True)
-        self.cooker.post_serve()
-        self.cooker.unlockBitbake()
-        self.logger.removeHandler(self._log_hdlr)
+        if self.server_connection:
+            self.run_command('clientComplete')
+            _server_connections.remove(self.server_connection)
+            bb.event.ui_queue = []
+            self.server_connection.terminate()
+            self.server_connection = None
-class TinfoilConfigParameters(ConfigParameters):
+    def _reconvert_type(self, obj, origtypename):
+        """
+        Convert an object back to the right type, in the case
+        that marshalling has changed it (especially with xmlrpc)
+        """
+        supported_types = {
+            'set': set,
+            'DataStoreConnectionHandle': bb.command.DataStoreConnectionHandle,
+        }
-    def __init__(self, **options):
+        origtype = supported_types.get(origtypename, None)
+        if origtype is None:
+            raise Exception('Unsupported type "%s"' % origtypename)
+        if type(obj) == origtype:
+            newobj = obj
+        elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+            # New style class
+            newobj = origtype()
+            for k,v in obj.items():
+                setattr(newobj, k, v)
+        else:
+            # Assume we can coerce the type
+            newobj = origtype(obj)
+        if isinstance(newobj, bb.command.DataStoreConnectionHandle):
+            connector = TinfoilDataStoreConnector(self, newobj.dsindex)
+            newobj = bb.data.init()
+            newobj.setVar('_remote_data', connector)
+        return newobj
+class TinfoilConfigParameters(BitBakeConfigParameters):
+    def __init__(self, config_only, **options):
         self.initial_options = options
+        # Apply some sane defaults
+        if not 'parse_only' in options:
+            self.initial_options['parse_only'] = not config_only
+        #if not 'status_only' in options:
+        #    self.initial_options['status_only'] = config_only
+        if not 'ui' in options:
+            self.initial_options['ui'] = 'knotty'
+        if not 'argv' in options:
+            self.initial_options['argv'] = []
         super(TinfoilConfigParameters, self).__init__()
-    def parseCommandLine(self, argv=sys.argv):
-        class DummyOptions:
-            def __init__(self, initial_options):
-                for key, val in initial_options.items():
-                    setattr(self, key, val)
-        return DummyOptions(self.initial_options), None
+    def parseCommandLine(self, argv=None):
+        # We don't want any parameters parsed from the command line
+        opts = super(TinfoilConfigParameters, self).parseCommandLine([])
+        for key, val in self.initial_options.items():
+            setattr(opts[0], key, val)
+        return opts