Yocto 2.3

Move OpenBMC to Yocto 2.3(pyro).

Tested: Built and verified Witherspoon and Palmetto images
Change-Id: I50744030e771f4850afc2a93a10d3507e76d36bc
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>
Resolves: openbmc/openbmc#2461
diff --git a/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/lib/toaster/tests/views/test_views.py b/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/lib/toaster/tests/views/test_views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1463077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/lib/toaster/tests/views/test_views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# BitBake Toaster Implementation
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+"""Test cases for Toaster GUI and ReST."""
+from django.test import TestCase
+from django.test.client import RequestFactory
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.db.models import Q
+from orm.models import Project, Package
+from orm.models import Layer_Version, Recipe
+from orm.models import CustomImageRecipe
+from orm.models import CustomImagePackage
+import inspect
+import toastergui
+from toastergui.tables import SoftwareRecipesTable
+import json
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import string
+PROJECT_NAME = "test project"
+PROJECT_NAME2 = "test project 2"
+CLI_BUILDS_PROJECT_NAME = 'Command line builds'
+class ViewTests(TestCase):
+    """Tests to verify view APIs."""
+    fixtures = ['toastergui-unittest-data']
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.project = Project.objects.first()
+        self.recipe1 = Recipe.objects.get(pk=2)
+        self.customr = CustomImageRecipe.objects.first()
+        self.cust_package = CustomImagePackage.objects.first()
+        self.package = Package.objects.first()
+        self.lver = Layer_Version.objects.first()
+    def test_get_base_call_returns_html(self):
+        """Basic test for all-projects view"""
+        response = self.client.get(reverse('all-projects'), follow=True)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        self.assertTrue(response['Content-Type'].startswith('text/html'))
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(response, "projects-toastertable.html")
+    def test_get_json_call_returns_json(self):
+        """Test for all projects output in json format"""
+        url = reverse('all-projects')
+        response = self.client.get(url, {"format": "json"}, follow=True)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        self.assertTrue(response['Content-Type'].startswith(
+            'application/json'))
+        data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertTrue("error" in data)
+        self.assertEqual(data["error"], "ok")
+        self.assertTrue("rows" in data)
+        name_found = False
+        for row in data["rows"]:
+            name_found = row['name'].find(self.project.name)
+        self.assertTrue(name_found,
+                        "project name not found in projects table")
+    def test_typeaheads(self):
+        """Test typeahead ReST API"""
+        layers_url = reverse('xhr_layerstypeahead', args=(self.project.id,))
+        prj_url = reverse('xhr_projectstypeahead')
+        urls = [layers_url,
+                prj_url,
+                reverse('xhr_recipestypeahead', args=(self.project.id,)),
+                reverse('xhr_machinestypeahead', args=(self.project.id,))]
+        def basic_reponse_check(response, url):
+            """Check data structure of http response."""
+            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+            self.assertTrue(response['Content-Type'].startswith(
+                'application/json'))
+            data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+            self.assertTrue("error" in data)
+            self.assertEqual(data["error"], "ok")
+            self.assertTrue("results" in data)
+            # We got a result so now check the fields
+            if len(data['results']) > 0:
+                result = data['results'][0]
+                self.assertTrue(len(result['name']) > 0)
+                self.assertTrue("detail" in result)
+                self.assertTrue(result['id'] > 0)
+                # Special check for the layers typeahead's extra fields
+                if url == layers_url:
+                    self.assertTrue(len(result['layerdetailurl']) > 0)
+                    self.assertTrue(len(result['vcs_url']) > 0)
+                    self.assertTrue(len(result['vcs_reference']) > 0)
+                # Special check for project typeahead extra fields
+                elif url == prj_url:
+                    self.assertTrue(len(result['projectPageUrl']) > 0)
+                return True
+            return False
+        for url in urls:
+            results = False
+            for typeing in list(string.ascii_letters):
+                response = self.client.get(url, {'search': typeing})
+                results = basic_reponse_check(response, url)
+                if results:
+                    break
+            # After "typeing" the alpabet we should have result true
+            # from each of the urls
+            self.assertTrue(results)
+    def test_xhr_add_layer(self):
+        """Test xhr_add API"""
+        # Test for importing an already existing layer
+        api_url = reverse('xhr_layer', args=(self.project.id,))
+        layer_data = {'vcs_url': "git://git.example.com/test",
+                      'name': "base-layer",
+                      'git_ref': "c12b9596afd236116b25ce26dbe0d793de9dc7ce",
+                      'project_id': self.project.id,
+                      'local_source_dir': "",
+                      'add_to_project': True,
+                      'dir_path': "/path/in/repository"}
+        layer_data_json = json.dumps(layer_data)
+        response = self.client.put(api_url, layer_data_json)
+        data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        self.assertEqual(data["error"], "ok")
+        self.assertTrue(
+            layer_data['name'] in
+            self.project.get_all_compatible_layer_versions().values_list(
+                'layer__name',
+                flat=True),
+            "Could not find imported layer in project's all layers list"
+        )
+        # Empty data passed
+        response = self.client.put(api_url, "{}")
+        data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(data["error"], "ok")
+    def test_custom_ok(self):
+        """Test successful return from ReST API xhr_customrecipe"""
+        url = reverse('xhr_customrecipe')
+        params = {'name': 'custom', 'project': self.project.id,
+                  'base': self.recipe1.id}
+        response = self.client.post(url, params)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertEqual(data['error'], 'ok')
+        self.assertTrue('url' in data)
+        # get recipe from the database
+        recipe = CustomImageRecipe.objects.get(project=self.project,
+                                               name=params['name'])
+        args = (self.project.id, recipe.id,)
+        self.assertEqual(reverse('customrecipe', args=args), data['url'])
+    def test_custom_incomplete_params(self):
+        """Test not passing all required parameters to xhr_customrecipe"""
+        url = reverse('xhr_customrecipe')
+        for params in [{}, {'name': 'custom'},
+                       {'name': 'custom', 'project': self.project.id}]:
+            response = self.client.post(url, params)
+            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+            data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+            self.assertNotEqual(data["error"], "ok")
+    def test_xhr_custom_wrong_project(self):
+        """Test passing wrong project id to xhr_customrecipe"""
+        url = reverse('xhr_customrecipe')
+        params = {'name': 'custom', 'project': 0, "base": self.recipe1.id}
+        response = self.client.post(url, params)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(data["error"], "ok")
+    def test_xhr_custom_wrong_base(self):
+        """Test passing wrong base recipe id to xhr_customrecipe"""
+        url = reverse('xhr_customrecipe')
+        params = {'name': 'custom', 'project': self.project.id, "base": 0}
+        response = self.client.post(url, params)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(data["error"], "ok")
+    def test_xhr_custom_details(self):
+        """Test getting custom recipe details"""
+        url = reverse('xhr_customrecipe_id', args=(self.customr.id,))
+        response = self.client.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        expected = {"error": "ok",
+                    "info": {'id': self.customr.id,
+                             'name': self.customr.name,
+                             'base_recipe_id': self.recipe1.id,
+                             'project_id': self.project.id}}
+        self.assertEqual(json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')),
+                         expected)
+    def test_xhr_custom_del(self):
+        """Test deleting custom recipe"""
+        name = "to be deleted"
+        recipe = CustomImageRecipe.objects.create(
+                     name=name, project=self.project,
+                     base_recipe=self.recipe1,
+                     file_path="/tmp/testing",
+                     layer_version=self.customr.layer_version)
+        url = reverse('xhr_customrecipe_id', args=(recipe.id,))
+        response = self.client.delete(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        gotoUrl = reverse('projectcustomimages', args=(self.project.pk,))
+        self.assertEqual(json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')),
+                         {"error": "ok",
+                          "gotoUrl": gotoUrl})
+        # try to delete not-existent recipe
+        url = reverse('xhr_customrecipe_id', args=(recipe.id,))
+        response = self.client.delete(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        self.assertNotEqual(json.loads(
+            response.content.decode('utf-8'))["error"], "ok")
+    def test_xhr_custom_packages(self):
+        """Test adding and deleting package to a custom recipe"""
+        # add self.package to recipe
+        response = self.client.put(reverse('xhr_customrecipe_packages',
+                                           args=(self.customr.id,
+                                                 self.cust_package.id)))
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        self.assertEqual(json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')),
+                         {"error": "ok"})
+        self.assertEqual(self.customr.appends_set.first().name,
+                         self.cust_package.name)
+        # delete it
+        to_delete = self.customr.appends_set.first().pk
+        del_url = reverse('xhr_customrecipe_packages',
+                          args=(self.customr.id, to_delete))
+        response = self.client.delete(del_url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        self.assertEqual(json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')),
+                         {"error": "ok"})
+        all_packages = self.customr.get_all_packages().values_list('pk',
+                                                                   flat=True)
+        self.assertFalse(to_delete in all_packages)
+        # delete invalid package to test error condition
+        del_url = reverse('xhr_customrecipe_packages',
+                          args=(self.customr.id,
+                                99999))
+        response = self.client.delete(del_url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        self.assertNotEqual(json.loads(
+            response.content.decode('utf-8'))["error"], "ok")
+    def test_xhr_custom_packages_err(self):
+        """Test error conditions of xhr_customrecipe_packages"""
+        # test calls with wrong recipe id and wrong package id
+        for args in [(0, self.package.id), (self.customr.id, 0)]:
+            url = reverse('xhr_customrecipe_packages', args=args)
+            # test put and delete methods
+            for method in (self.client.put, self.client.delete):
+                response = method(url)
+                self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+                self.assertNotEqual(json.loads(
+                    response.content.decode('utf-8')),
+                    {"error": "ok"})
+    def test_download_custom_recipe(self):
+        """Download the recipe file generated for the custom image"""
+        # Create a dummy recipe file for the custom image generation to read
+        open("/tmp/a_recipe.bb", 'a').close()
+        response = self.client.get(reverse('customrecipedownload',
+                                           args=(self.project.id,
+                                                 self.customr.id)))
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+    def test_software_recipes_table(self):
+        """Test structure returned for Software RecipesTable"""
+        table = SoftwareRecipesTable()
+        request = RequestFactory().get('/foo/', {'format': 'json'})
+        response = table.get(request, pid=self.project.id)
+        data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+        recipes = Recipe.objects.filter(Q(is_image=False))
+        self.assertTrue(len(recipes) > 1,
+                        "Need more than one software recipe to test "
+                        "SoftwareRecipesTable")
+        recipe1 = recipes[0]
+        recipe2 = recipes[1]
+        rows = data['rows']
+        row1 = next(x for x in rows if x['name'] == recipe1.name)
+        row2 = next(x for x in rows if x['name'] == recipe2.name)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, 'should be 200 OK status')
+        # check other columns have been populated correctly
+        self.assertTrue(recipe1.name in row1['name'])
+        self.assertTrue(recipe1.version in row1['version'])
+        self.assertTrue(recipe1.description in
+                        row1['get_description_or_summary'])
+        self.assertTrue(recipe1.layer_version.layer.name in
+                        row1['layer_version__layer__name'])
+        self.assertTrue(recipe2.name in row2['name'])
+        self.assertTrue(recipe2.version in row2['version'])
+        self.assertTrue(recipe2.description in
+                        row2['get_description_or_summary'])
+        self.assertTrue(recipe2.layer_version.layer.name in
+                        row2['layer_version__layer__name'])
+    def test_toaster_tables(self):
+        """Test all ToasterTables instances"""
+        def get_data(table, options={}):
+            """Send a request and parse the json response"""
+            options['format'] = "json"
+            options['nocache'] = "true"
+            request = RequestFactory().get('/', options)
+            # This is the image recipe needed for a package list for
+            # PackagesTable do this here to throw a non exist exception
+            image_recipe = Recipe.objects.get(pk=4)
+            # Add any kwargs that are needed by any of the possible tables
+            args = {'pid': self.project.id,
+                    'layerid': self.lver.pk,
+                    'recipeid': self.recipe1.pk,
+                    'recipe_id': image_recipe.pk,
+                    'custrecipeid': self.customr.pk,
+                    'build_id': 1,
+                    'target_id': 1}
+            response = table.get(request, **args)
+            return json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+        def get_text_from_td(td):
+            """If we have html in the td then extract the text portion"""
+            # just so we don't waste time parsing non html
+            if "<" not in td:
+                ret = td
+            else:
+                ret = BeautifulSoup(td, "html.parser").text
+            if len(ret):
+                return "0"
+            else:
+                return ret
+        # Get a list of classes in tables module
+        tables = inspect.getmembers(toastergui.tables, inspect.isclass)
+        tables.extend(inspect.getmembers(toastergui.buildtables,
+                                         inspect.isclass))
+        for name, table_cls in tables:
+            # Filter out the non ToasterTables from the tables module
+            if not issubclass(table_cls, toastergui.widgets.ToasterTable) or \
+                table_cls == toastergui.widgets.ToasterTable or \
+               'Mixin' in name:
+                continue
+            # Get the table data without any options, this also does the
+            # initialisation of the table i.e. setup_columns,
+            # setup_filters and setup_queryset that we can use later
+            table = table_cls()
+            all_data = get_data(table)
+            self.assertTrue(len(all_data['rows']) > 1,
+                            "Cannot test on a %s table with < 1 row" % name)
+            if table.default_orderby:
+                row_one = get_text_from_td(
+                    all_data['rows'][0][table.default_orderby.strip("-")])
+                row_two = get_text_from_td(
+                    all_data['rows'][1][table.default_orderby.strip("-")])
+                if '-' in table.default_orderby:
+                    self.assertTrue(row_one >= row_two,
+                                    "Default ordering not working on %s"
+                                    " '%s' should be >= '%s'" %
+                                    (name, row_one, row_two))
+                else:
+                    self.assertTrue(row_one <= row_two,
+                                    "Default ordering not working on %s"
+                                    " '%s' should be <= '%s'" %
+                                    (name, row_one, row_two))
+            # Test the column ordering and filtering functionality
+            for column in table.columns:
+                if column['orderable']:
+                    # If a column is orderable test it in both order
+                    # directions ordering on the columns field_name
+                    ascending = get_data(table_cls(),
+                                         {"orderby": column['field_name']})
+                    row_one = get_text_from_td(
+                        ascending['rows'][0][column['field_name']])
+                    row_two = get_text_from_td(
+                        ascending['rows'][1][column['field_name']])
+                    self.assertTrue(row_one <= row_two,
+                                    "Ascending sort applied but row 0: \"%s\""
+                                    " is less than row 1: \"%s\" "
+                                    "%s %s " %
+                                    (row_one, row_two,
+                                     column['field_name'], name))
+                    descending = get_data(table_cls(),
+                                          {"orderby":
+                                           '-'+column['field_name']})
+                    row_one = get_text_from_td(
+                        descending['rows'][0][column['field_name']])
+                    row_two = get_text_from_td(
+                        descending['rows'][1][column['field_name']])
+                    self.assertTrue(row_one >= row_two,
+                                    "Descending sort applied but row 0: %s"
+                                    "is greater than row 1: %s"
+                                    "field %s table %s" %
+                                    (row_one,
+                                     row_two,
+                                     column['field_name'], name))
+                    # If the two start rows are the same we haven't actually
+                    # changed the order
+                    self.assertNotEqual(ascending['rows'][0],
+                                        descending['rows'][0],
+                                        "An orderby %s has not changed the "
+                                        "order of the data in table %s" %
+                                        (column['field_name'], name))
+                if column['filter_name']:
+                    # If a filter is available for the column get the filter
+                    # info. This contains what filter actions are defined.
+                    filter_info = get_data(table_cls(),
+                                           {"cmd": "filterinfo",
+                                            "name": column['filter_name']})
+                    self.assertTrue(len(filter_info['filter_actions']) > 0,
+                                    "Filter %s was defined but no actions "
+                                    "added to it" % column['filter_name'])
+                    for filter_action in filter_info['filter_actions']:
+                        # filter string to pass as the option
+                        # This is the name of the filter:action
+                        # e.g. project_filter:not_in_project
+                        filter_string = "%s:%s" % (
+                            column['filter_name'],
+                            filter_action['action_name'])
+                        # Now get the data with the filter applied
+                        filtered_data = get_data(table_cls(),
+                                                 {"filter": filter_string})
+                        # date range filter actions can't specify the
+                        # number of results they return, so their count is 0
+                        if filter_action['count'] is not None:
+                            self.assertEqual(
+                                len(filtered_data['rows']),
+                                int(filter_action['count']),
+                                "We added a table filter for %s but "
+                                "the number of rows returned was not "
+                                "what the filter info said there "
+                                "would be" % name)
+            # Test search functionality on the table
+            something_found = False
+            for search in list(string.ascii_letters):
+                search_data = get_data(table_cls(), {'search': search})
+                if len(search_data['rows']) > 0:
+                    something_found = True
+                    break
+            self.assertTrue(something_found,
+                            "We went through the whole alphabet and nothing"
+                            " was found for the search of table %s" % name)
+            # Test the limit functionality on the table
+            limited_data = get_data(table_cls(), {'limit': "1"})
+            self.assertEqual(len(limited_data['rows']),
+                             1,
+                             "Limit 1 set on table %s but not 1 row returned"
+                             % name)
+            # Test the pagination functionality on the table
+            page_one_data = get_data(table_cls(), {'limit': "1",
+                                                   "page": "1"})['rows'][0]
+            page_two_data = get_data(table_cls(), {'limit': "1",
+                                                   "page": "2"})['rows'][0]
+            self.assertNotEqual(page_one_data,
+                                page_two_data,
+                                "Changed page on table %s but first row is"
+                                " the same as the previous page" % name)