Yocto 2.3

Move OpenBMC to Yocto 2.3(pyro).

Tested: Built and verified Witherspoon and Palmetto images
Change-Id: I50744030e771f4850afc2a93a10d3507e76d36bc
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>
Resolves: openbmc/openbmc#2461
diff --git a/import-layers/yocto-poky/scripts/tiny/ksum.py b/import-layers/yocto-poky/scripts/tiny/ksum.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d4f3892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/yocto-poky/scripts/tiny/ksum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# DESCRIPTION 'ksum.py' generates a combined summary of vmlinux and
+# module sizes for a built kernel, as a quick tool for comparing the
+# overall effects of systemic tinification changes.  Execute from the
+# base directory of the kernel build you want to summarize.  Setting
+# the 'verbose' flag will display the sizes for each file included in
+# the summary.
+# Tom Zanussi <tom.zanussi (at] linux.intel.com>
+__version__ = "0.1.0"
+# Python Standard Library modules
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
+from subprocess import *
+def usage():
+    prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+    print('Usage: %s [OPTION]...' % prog)
+    print('  -v,                 display sizes for each file')
+    print('  -h, --help          display this help and exit')
+    print('')
+    print('Run %s from the top-level Linux kernel build directory.' % prog)
+verbose = False
+n_ko_files = 0
+ko_file_list = []
+ko_text = 0
+ko_data = 0
+ko_bss = 0
+ko_total = 0
+vmlinux_file = ""
+vmlinux_level = 0
+vmlinux_text = 0
+vmlinux_data = 0
+vmlinux_bss = 0
+vmlinux_total = 0
+def is_vmlinux_file(filename):
+    global vmlinux_level
+    if filename == ("vmlinux") and vmlinux_level == 0:
+        vmlinux_level += 1
+        return True
+    return False
+def is_ko_file(filename):
+    if filename.endswith(".ko"):
+        return True
+    return False
+def collect_object_files():
+    print "Collecting object files recursively from %s..." % os.getcwd()
+    for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
+        for filename in files:
+            if is_ko_file(filename):
+                ko_file_list.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
+            elif is_vmlinux_file(filename):
+                global vmlinux_file
+                vmlinux_file = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
+    print "Collecting object files [DONE]"
+def add_ko_file(filename):
+        p = Popen("size -t " + filename, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        output = p.communicate()[0].splitlines()
+        if len(output) > 2:
+            sizes = output[-1].split()[0:4]
+            if verbose:
+                print "     %10d %10d %10d %10d\t" % \
+                    (int(sizes[0]), int(sizes[1]), int(sizes[2]), int(sizes[3])),
+                print "%s" % filename[len(os.getcwd()) + 1:]
+            global n_ko_files, ko_text, ko_data, ko_bss, ko_total
+            ko_text += int(sizes[0])
+            ko_data += int(sizes[1])
+            ko_bss += int(sizes[2])
+            ko_total += int(sizes[3])
+            n_ko_files += 1
+def get_vmlinux_totals():
+        p = Popen("size -t " + vmlinux_file, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        output = p.communicate()[0].splitlines()
+        if len(output) > 2:
+            sizes = output[-1].split()[0:4]
+            if verbose:
+                print "     %10d %10d %10d %10d\t" % \
+                    (int(sizes[0]), int(sizes[1]), int(sizes[2]), int(sizes[3])),
+                print "%s" % vmlinux_file[len(os.getcwd()) + 1:]
+            global vmlinux_text, vmlinux_data, vmlinux_bss, vmlinux_total
+            vmlinux_text += int(sizes[0])
+            vmlinux_data += int(sizes[1])
+            vmlinux_bss += int(sizes[2])
+            vmlinux_total += int(sizes[3])
+def sum_ko_files():
+    for ko_file in ko_file_list:
+        add_ko_file(ko_file)
+def main():
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vh", ["help"])
+    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+        print('%s' % str(err))
+        usage()
+        sys.exit(2)
+    for o, a in opts:
+        if o == '-v':
+            global verbose
+            verbose = True
+        elif o in ('-h', '--help'):
+            usage()
+            sys.exit(0)
+        else:
+            assert False, "unhandled option"
+    collect_object_files()
+    sum_ko_files()
+    get_vmlinux_totals()
+    print "\nTotals:"
+    print "\nvmlinux:"
+    print "    text\tdata\t\tbss\t\ttotal"
+    print "    %-10d\t%-10d\t%-10d\t%-10d" % \
+        (vmlinux_text, vmlinux_data, vmlinux_bss, vmlinux_total)
+    print "\nmodules (%d):" % n_ko_files
+    print "    text\tdata\t\tbss\t\ttotal"
+    print "    %-10d\t%-10d\t%-10d\t%-10d" % \
+        (ko_text, ko_data, ko_bss, ko_total)
+    print "\nvmlinux + modules:"
+    print "    text\tdata\t\tbss\t\ttotal"
+    print "    %-10d\t%-10d\t%-10d\t%-10d" % \
+        (vmlinux_text + ko_text, vmlinux_data + ko_data, \
+         vmlinux_bss + ko_bss, vmlinux_total + ko_total)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        ret = main()
+    except Exception:
+        ret = 1
+        import traceback
+        traceback.print_exc(5)
+    sys.exit(ret)