blob: f6babfeedaaf3be2b4b1901810ca69dd768488ea [file] [log] [blame]
python do_rust_gen_targets () {
wd = d.getVar('WORKDIR') + '/targets/'
# It is important 'TARGET' is last here so that it overrides our less
# informed choices for BUILD & HOST if TARGET happens to be the same as
# either of them.
for thing in ['BUILD', 'HOST', 'TARGET']:
bb.debug(1, "rust_gen_target for " + thing)
features = ""
cpu = "generic"
arch = d.getVar('{}_ARCH'.format(thing))
abi = ""
if thing is "TARGET":
abi = d.getVar('ABIEXTENSION')
# arm and armv7 have different targets in llvm
if arch == "arm" and target_is_armv7(d):
arch = 'armv7'
features = d.getVar('TARGET_LLVM_FEATURES') or ""
cpu = d.getVar('TARGET_LLVM_CPU')
rust_gen_target(d, thing, wd, features, cpu, arch, abi)
# Otherwise we'll depend on what we provide
# Unlike native (which nicely maps it's DEPENDS) cross wipes them out completely.
# Generally, we (and cross in general) need the same things that native needs,
# so it might make sense to take it's mapping. For now, though, we just mention
# the bits we need explicitly.
DEPENDS += "rust-llvm-native"
DEPENDS += "rust-native"
# In the cross compilation case, rustc doesn't seem to get the rpath quite
# right. It manages to include '../../lib/${TARGET_PREFIX}', but doesn't
# include the '../../lib' (ie: relative path from cross_bindir to normal
# libdir. As a result, we end up not being able to properly reference files in normal ${libdir}.
# Most of the time this happens to work fine as the systems libraries are
# subsituted, but sometimes a host system will lack a library, or the right
# version of a library (libtinfo was how I noticed this).
# FIXME: this should really be fixed in rust itself.
# FIXME: using hard-coded relative paths is wrong, we should ask bitbake for
# the relative path between 2 of it's vars.
HOST_POST_LINK_ARGS:append = " -Wl,-rpath=../../lib"
BUILD_POST_LINK_ARGS:append = " -Wl,-rpath=../../lib"
# We need the same thing for the calls to the compiler when building the runtime crap
TARGET_CC_ARCH:append = " --sysroot=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}"
do_rust_setup_snapshot () {
do_configure () {
do_compile () {
do_install () {
mkdir -p ${D}${prefix}/${base_libdir_native}/rustlib
cp ${WORKDIR}/targets/${TARGET_SYS}.json ${D}${prefix}/${base_libdir_native}/rustlib
rust_cross_sysroot_preprocess() {
sysroot_stage_dir ${D}${prefix}/${base_libdir_native}/rustlib ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${prefix}/${base_libdir_native}/rustlib
SYSROOT_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += "rust_cross_sysroot_preprocess"