blob: 16604dbfb1adafac98b29da124f69c5f18b76fc1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Checks related to the patch's LIC_FILES_CHKSUM metadata variable
# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import base
import os
from data import PatchTestInput
class License(base.Metadata):
metadata = 'LICENSE'
invalid_license = 'PATCHTESTINVALID'
def setUp(self):
# these tests just make sense on patches that can be merged
if not PatchTestInput.repo.canbemerged:
self.skip('Patch cannot be merged')
def test_license_presence(self):
if not self.added:
self.skip('No added recipes, skipping test')
# TODO: this is a workaround so we can parse the recipe not
# containing the LICENSE var: add some default license instead
# of INVALID into auto.conf, then remove this line at the end
auto_conf = os.path.join(os.environ.get('BUILDDIR'), 'conf', 'auto.conf')
open_flag = 'w'
if os.path.exists(auto_conf):
open_flag = 'a'
with open(auto_conf, open_flag) as fd:
for pn in self.added:
fd.write('LICENSE ??= "%s"\n' % self.invalid_license)
no_license = False
for pn in self.added:
rd = self.tinfoil.parse_recipe(pn)
license = rd.getVar(self.metadata)
if license == self.invalid_license:
no_license = True
# remove auto.conf line or the file itself
if open_flag == 'w':
fd = open(auto_conf, 'r')
lines = fd.readlines()
with open(auto_conf, 'w') as fd:
if no_license:'Recipe does not have the LICENSE field set', 'Include a LICENSE into the new recipe')