blob: 718229d7ade8a061a1761c54f0039722d2b66a9e [file] [log] [blame]
# Checks related to the patch's SRC_URI metadata variable
# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import subprocess
import base
import re
import os
from data import PatchTestInput, PatchTestDataStore
class SrcUri(base.Metadata):
metadata = 'SRC_URI'
md5sum = 'md5sum'
sha256sum = 'sha256sum'
git_regex = re.compile('^git\:\/\/.*')
def setUp(self):
# these tests just make sense on patches that can be merged
if not PatchTestInput.repo.canbemerged:
self.skip('Patch cannot be merged')
def pretest_src_uri_left_files(self):
if not self.modified:
self.skip('No modified recipes, skipping pretest')
# get the proper metadata values
for pn in self.modified:
# we are not interested in images
if 'core-image' in pn:
rd = self.tinfoil.parse_recipe(pn)
PatchTestDataStore['%s-%s-%s' % (self.shortid(), self.metadata, pn)] = rd.getVar(self.metadata)
def test_src_uri_left_files(self):
if not self.modified:
self.skip('No modified recipes, skipping pretest')
# get the proper metadata values
for pn in self.modified:
# we are not interested in images
if 'core-image' in pn:
rd = self.tinfoil.parse_recipe(pn)
PatchTestDataStore['%s-%s-%s' % (self.shortid(), self.metadata, pn)] = rd.getVar(self.metadata)
for pn in self.modified:
pretest_src_uri = PatchTestDataStore['pre%s-%s-%s' % (self.shortid(), self.metadata, pn)].split()
test_src_uri = PatchTestDataStore['%s-%s-%s' % (self.shortid(), self.metadata, pn)].split()
pretest_files = set([os.path.basename(patch) for patch in pretest_src_uri if patch.startswith('file://')])
test_files = set([os.path.basename(patch) for patch in test_src_uri if patch.startswith('file://')])
# check if files were removed
if len(test_files) < len(pretest_files):
# get removals from patchset
filesremoved_from_patchset = set()
for patch in self.patchset:
if patch.is_removed_file:
# get the deleted files from the SRC_URI
filesremoved_from_usr_uri = pretest_files - test_files
# finally, get those patches removed at SRC_URI and not removed from the patchset
# TODO: we are not taking into account renames, so test may raise false positives
not_removed = filesremoved_from_usr_uri - filesremoved_from_patchset
if not_removed:'Patches not removed from tree',
'Amend the patch containing the software patch file removal',
data=[('Patch', f) for f in not_removed])