Import 80d60e7 from meta-arm

To support ARMv8 SoCs.

meta-arm has several patch files.  Since they are maintained by the
upstream meta-arm community, add meta-arm to the ignore list in

Change-Id: Ia87a2e947bbabd347d256eccc47a343e1c885479
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
diff --git a/meta-arm/meta-arm/recipes-security/optee/ b/meta-arm/meta-arm/recipes-security/optee/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7608cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-arm/meta-arm/recipes-security/optee/
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+SUMMARY = "OP-TEE Secure Partion Development Kit"
+DESCRIPTION = "Open Portable Trusted Execution Environment - Development Kit to run secure partitions"
+LICENSE = "BSD-2-Clause"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=c1f21c4f72f372ef38a5a4aee55ec173"
+inherit deploy python3native
+FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/optee-os:"
+CVE_PRODUCT = "linaro:op-tee op-tee:op-tee_os"
+DEPENDS = "python3-pyelftools-native"
+DEPENDS:append:toolchain-clang = " compiler-rt"
+# spdevkit isn't yet merged to master
+SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=psa-development \
+    file://0006-allow-setting-sysroot-for-libgcc-lookup.patch \
+    file://0007-allow-setting-sysroot-for-clang.patch \
+SRCREV = "f9de2c9520ed97b89760cc4c99424aae440b63f4"
+PV = "3.10+git${SRCPV}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+B = "${WORKDIR}/build"
+    CFG_${OPTEE_CORE}_core=y \
+    CFG_CORE_FFA=y \
+    CFG_WITH_SP=y \
+    O=${B} \
+CFLAGS[unexport] = "1"
+LDFLAGS[unexport] = "1"
+CPPFLAGS[unexport] = "1"
+AS[unexport] = "1"
+LD[unexport] = "1"
+do_configure[noexec] = "1"
+do_compile() {
+    oe_runmake -C ${S} sp_dev_kit
+do_compile[cleandirs] = "${B}"
+do_install() {
+    #install SP devkit
+    install -d ${D}${includedir}/optee/export-user_sp/
+    for f in ${B}/export-sp_${OPTEE_ARCH}/* ; do
+        cp -aR $f ${D}${includedir}/optee/export-user_sp/
+    done
+    cat > ${D}${includedir}/optee/export-user_sp/include/stddef.h <<'EOF'
+#ifndef STDDEF_H
+#define STDDEF_H
+#include <stddef_.h>
+#ifndef _PTRDIFF_T
+typedef long ptrdiff_t;
+#define _PTRDIFF_T
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL ((void *) 0)
+#define offsetof(st, m) __builtin_offsetof(st, m)
+#endif /* STDDEF_H */
+    cat > ${D}${includedir}/optee/export-user_sp/include/stddef_.h <<'EOF'
+#ifndef STDDEF__H
+#define STDDEF__H
+#ifndef SIZET_
+typedef unsigned long size_t;
+#define SIZET_
+#endif /* STDDEF__H */
+    cat > ${D}${includedir}/optee/export-user_sp/include/stdarg.h <<'EOF'
+#ifndef STDARG_H
+#define STDARG_H
+#define va_list __builtin_va_list
+#define va_start(ap, last) __builtin_va_start(ap, last)
+#define va_end(ap) __builtin_va_end(ap)
+#define va_copy(to, from) __builtin_va_copy(to, from)
+#define va_arg(to, type) __builtin_va_arg(to, type)
+#endif /* STDARG_H */
+    cat > ${D}${includedir}/optee/export-user_sp/include/stdbool.h <<'EOF'
+#ifndef STDBOOL_H
+#define STDBOOL_H
+#define bool	_Bool
+#define true	1
+#define false	0
+#define __bool_true_false_are_defined	1
+#endif /* STDBOOL_H */
+cat > ${D}${includedir}/optee/export-user_sp/include/features.h <<'EOF'
+    #ifndef _FEATURES_H
+    #define _FEATURES_H
+    #if defined(_ALL_SOURCE) && !defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
+    #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
+    #if defined(_DEFAULT_SOURCE) && !defined(_BSD_SOURCE)
+    #define _BSD_SOURCE 1
+    #if !defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) && !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) \
+     && !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) && !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) \
+     && !defined(_BSD_SOURCE) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
+    #define _BSD_SOURCE 1
+    #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
+    #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+    #define __restrict restrict
+    #elif !defined(__GNUC__)
+    #define __restrict
+    #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || defined(__cplusplus)
+    #define __inline inline
+    #elif !defined(__GNUC__)
+    #define __inline
+    #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L
+    #elif defined(__GNUC__)
+    #define _Noreturn __attribute__((__noreturn__))
+    #define _Noreturn
+    #define __REDIR(x,y) __typeof__(x) x __asm__(#y)
+cat > ${D}${includedir}/optee/export-user_sp/include/errno.h <<'EOF'
+    #ifndef _ERRNO_H
+    #define _ERRNO_H
+    #include <features.h>
+    #define EPERM            1
+    #define ENOENT           2
+    #define ESRCH            3
+    #define EINTR            4
+    #define EIO              5
+    #define ENXIO            6
+    #define E2BIG            7
+    #define ENOEXEC          8
+    #define EBADF            9
+    #define ECHILD          10
+    #define EAGAIN          11
+    #define ENOMEM          12
+    #define EACCES          13
+    #define EFAULT          14
+    #define ENOTBLK         15
+    #define EBUSY           16
+    #define EEXIST          17
+    #define EXDEV           18
+    #define ENODEV          19
+    #define ENOTDIR         20
+    #define EISDIR          21
+    #define EINVAL          22
+    #define ENFILE          23
+    #define EMFILE          24
+    #define ENOTTY          25
+    #define ETXTBSY         26
+    #define EFBIG           27
+    #define ENOSPC          28
+    #define ESPIPE          29
+    #define EROFS           30
+    #define EMLINK          31
+    #define EPIPE           32
+    #define EDOM            33
+    #define ERANGE          34
+    #define EDEADLK         35
+    #define ENAMETOOLONG    36
+    #define ENOLCK          37
+    #define ENOSYS          38
+    #define ENOTEMPTY       39
+    #define ELOOP           40
+    #define EWOULDBLOCK     EAGAIN
+    #define ENOMSG          42
+    #define EIDRM           43
+    #define ECHRNG          44
+    #define EL2NSYNC        45
+    #define EL3HLT          46
+    #define EL3RST          47
+    #define ELNRNG          48
+    #define EUNATCH         49
+    #define ENOCSI          50
+    #define EL2HLT          51
+    #define EBADE           52
+    #define EBADR           53
+    #define EXFULL          54
+    #define ENOANO          55
+    #define EBADRQC         56
+    #define EBADSLT         57
+    #define EDEADLOCK       EDEADLK
+    #define EBFONT          59
+    #define ENOSTR          60
+    #define ENODATA         61
+    #define ETIME           62
+    #define ENOSR           63
+    #define ENONET          64
+    #define ENOPKG          65
+    #define EREMOTE         66
+    #define ENOLINK         67
+    #define EADV            68
+    #define ESRMNT          69
+    #define ECOMM           70
+    #define EPROTO          71
+    #define EMULTIHOP       72
+    #define EDOTDOT         73
+    #define EBADMSG         74
+    #define EOVERFLOW       75
+    #define ENOTUNIQ        76
+    #define EBADFD          77
+    #define EREMCHG         78
+    #define ELIBACC         79
+    #define ELIBBAD         80
+    #define ELIBSCN         81
+    #define ELIBMAX         82
+    #define ELIBEXEC        83
+    #define EILSEQ          84
+    #define ERESTART        85
+    #define ESTRPIPE        86
+    #define EUSERS          87
+    #define ENOTSOCK        88
+    #define EDESTADDRREQ    89
+    #define EMSGSIZE        90
+    #define EPROTOTYPE      91
+    #define ENOPROTOOPT     92
+    #define EPROTONOSUPPORT 93
+    #define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 94
+    #define EOPNOTSUPP      95
+    #define ENOTSUP         EOPNOTSUPP
+    #define EPFNOSUPPORT    96
+    #define EAFNOSUPPORT    97
+    #define EADDRINUSE      98
+    #define EADDRNOTAVAIL   99
+    #define ENETDOWN        100
+    #define ENETUNREACH     101
+    #define ENETRESET       102
+    #define ECONNABORTED    103
+    #define ECONNRESET      104
+    #define ENOBUFS         105
+    #define EISCONN         106
+    #define ENOTCONN        107
+    #define ESHUTDOWN       108
+    #define ETOOMANYREFS    109
+    #define ETIMEDOUT       110
+    #define ECONNREFUSED    111
+    #define EHOSTDOWN       112
+    #define EHOSTUNREACH    113
+    #define EALREADY        114
+    #define EINPROGRESS     115
+    #define ESTALE          116
+    #define EUCLEAN         117
+    #define ENOTNAM         118
+    #define ENAVAIL         119
+    #define EISNAM          120
+    #define EREMOTEIO       121
+    #define EDQUOT          122
+    #define ENOMEDIUM       123
+    #define EMEDIUMTYPE     124
+    #define ECANCELED       125
+    #define ENOKEY          126
+    #define EKEYEXPIRED     127
+    #define EKEYREVOKED     128
+    #define EKEYREJECTED    129
+    #define EOWNERDEAD      130
+    #define ENOTRECOVERABLE 131
+    #define ERFKILL         132
+    #define EHWPOISON       133
+    #ifdef __GNUC__
+    __attribute__((const))
+    int *__errno_location(void);
+    #define errno (*__errno_location())
+    #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
+    extern char *program_invocation_short_name, *program_invocation_name;
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = "aarch64.*-linux"
+# optee-spdevkit static library is part of optee-os image. No need to package this library in a staticdev package
+INSANE_SKIP:${PN}-dev = "staticdev"
+# Build paths are currently embedded
+INSANE_SKIP:${PN}-dev += "buildpaths"