Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/local.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/local.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d921f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/local.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+BitBake 'Fetch' implementations
+Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the
+BitBake build tools.
+# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004  Chris Larson
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
+import os
+import urllib
+import bb
+import bb.utils
+from   bb import data
+from   bb.fetch2 import FetchMethod, FetchError
+from   bb.fetch2 import logger
+class Local(FetchMethod):
+    def supports(self, urldata, d):
+        """
+        Check to see if a given url represents a local fetch.
+        """
+        return urldata.type in ['file']
+    def urldata_init(self, ud, d):
+        # We don't set localfile as for this fetcher the file is already local!
+        ud.decodedurl = urllib.unquote(ud.url.split("://")[1].split(";")[0])
+        ud.basename = os.path.basename(ud.decodedurl)
+        ud.basepath = ud.decodedurl
+        return
+    def localpath(self, urldata, d):
+        """
+        Return the local filename of a given url assuming a successful fetch.
+        """
+        return self.localpaths(urldata, d)[-1]
+    def localpaths(self, urldata, d):
+        """
+        Return the local filename of a given url assuming a successful fetch.
+        """
+        searched = []
+        path = urldata.decodedurl
+        newpath = path
+        if path[0] == "/":
+            return [path]
+        filespath = data.getVar('FILESPATH', d, True)
+        if filespath:
+            logger.debug(2, "Searching for %s in paths:\n    %s" % (path, "\n    ".join(filespath.split(":"))))
+            newpath, hist = bb.utils.which(filespath, path, history=True)
+            searched.extend(hist)
+        if not newpath:
+            filesdir = data.getVar('FILESDIR', d, True)
+            if filesdir:
+                logger.debug(2, "Searching for %s in path: %s" % (path, filesdir))
+                newpath = os.path.join(filesdir, path)
+                searched.append(newpath)
+        if (not newpath or not os.path.exists(newpath)) and path.find("*") != -1:
+            # For expressions using '*', best we can do is take the first directory in FILESPATH that exists
+            newpath, hist = bb.utils.which(filespath, ".", history=True)
+            searched.extend(hist)
+            logger.debug(2, "Searching for %s in path: %s" % (path, newpath))
+            return searched
+        if not os.path.exists(newpath):
+            dldirfile = os.path.join(d.getVar("DL_DIR", True), path)
+            logger.debug(2, "Defaulting to %s for %s" % (dldirfile, path))
+            bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(dldirfile))
+            searched.append(dldirfile)
+            return searched
+        return searched
+    def need_update(self, ud, d):
+        if ud.url.find("*") != -1:
+            return False
+        if os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
+            return False
+        return True
+    def download(self, urldata, d):
+        """Fetch urls (no-op for Local method)"""
+        # no need to fetch local files, we'll deal with them in place.
+        if self.supports_checksum(urldata) and not os.path.exists(urldata.localpath):
+            locations = []
+            filespath = data.getVar('FILESPATH', d, True)
+            if filespath:
+                locations = filespath.split(":")
+            filesdir = data.getVar('FILESDIR', d, True)
+            if filesdir:
+                locations.append(filesdir)
+            locations.append(d.getVar("DL_DIR", True))
+            msg = "Unable to find file " + urldata.url + " anywhere. The paths that were searched were:\n    " + "\n    ".join(locations)
+            raise FetchError(msg)
+        return True
+    def checkstatus(self, fetch, urldata, d):
+        """
+        Check the status of the url
+        """
+        if urldata.localpath.find("*") != -1:
+            logger.info("URL %s looks like a glob and was therefore not checked.", urldata.url)
+            return True
+        if os.path.exists(urldata.localpath):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def clean(self, urldata, d):
+        return