Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/pysh/pyshlex.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/pysh/pyshlex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b301236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/pysh/pyshlex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+# pyshlex.py - PLY compatible lexer for pysh.
+# Copyright 2007 Patrick Mezard
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
+# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
+# TODO:
+# - review all "char in 'abc'" snippets: the empty string can be matched
+# - test line continuations within quoted/expansion strings
+# - eof is buggy wrt sublexers
+# - the lexer cannot really work in pull mode as it would be required to run
+# PLY in pull mode. It was designed to work incrementally and it would not be
+# that hard to enable pull mode.
+import re
+    s = set()
+    del s
+except NameError:
+    from Set import Set as set
+from ply import lex
+from sherrors import *
+class NeedMore(Exception):
+    pass
+def is_blank(c):
+    return c in (' ', '\t')
+_RE_DIGITS = re.compile(r'^\d+$')
+def are_digits(s):
+    return _RE_DIGITS.search(s) is not None
+_OPERATORS = dict([
+    ('&&', 'AND_IF'),
+    ('||', 'OR_IF'),
+    (';;', 'DSEMI'),
+    ('<<', 'DLESS'),
+    ('>>', 'DGREAT'),
+    ('<&', 'LESSAND'),
+    ('>&', 'GREATAND'),
+    ('<>', 'LESSGREAT'),
+    ('<<-', 'DLESSDASH'),
+    ('>|', 'CLOBBER'),
+    ('&', 'AMP'),
+    (';', 'COMMA'),
+    ('<', 'LESS'),
+    ('>', 'GREATER'),
+    ('(', 'LPARENS'),
+    (')', 'RPARENS'),
+#Make a function to silence pychecker "Local variable shadows global"
+def make_partial_ops():
+    partials = {}
+    for k in _OPERATORS:
+        for i in range(1, len(k)+1):
+            partials[k[:i]] = None
+    return partials  
+_PARTIAL_OPERATORS = make_partial_ops()    
+def is_partial_op(s):
+    """Return True if s matches a non-empty subpart of an operator starting
+    at its first character.
+    """
+    return s in _PARTIAL_OPERATORS
+def is_op(s):
+    """If s matches an operator, returns the operator identifier. Return None
+    otherwise.
+    """
+    return _OPERATORS.get(s)
+_RESERVEDS = dict([
+    ('if', 'If'),
+    ('then', 'Then'),
+    ('else', 'Else'),
+    ('elif', 'Elif'),
+    ('fi', 'Fi'),
+    ('do', 'Do'),
+    ('done', 'Done'),
+    ('case', 'Case'),
+    ('esac', 'Esac'),
+    ('while', 'While'),
+    ('until', 'Until'),
+    ('for', 'For'),
+    ('{', 'Lbrace'),
+    ('}', 'Rbrace'),
+    ('!', 'Bang'),
+    ('in', 'In'),
+    ('|', 'PIPE'),
+def get_reserved(s):
+    return _RESERVEDS.get(s)
+_RE_NAME = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$')
+def is_name(s):
+    return _RE_NAME.search(s) is not None
+def find_chars(seq, chars):
+    for i,v in enumerate(seq):
+        if v in chars:
+            return i,v
+    return -1, None
+class WordLexer:
+    """WordLexer parse quoted or expansion expressions and return an expression
+    tree. The input string can be any well formed sequence beginning with quoting
+    or expansion character. Embedded expressions are handled recursively. The
+    resulting tree is made of lists and strings. Lists represent quoted or
+    expansion expressions. Each list first element is the opening separator,
+    the last one the closing separator. In-between can be any number of strings
+    or lists for sub-expressions. Non quoted/expansion expression can written as
+    strings or as lists with empty strings as starting and ending delimiters.
+    """
+    NAME_CHARSET = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_'
+    SPECIAL_CHARSET = '@*#?-$!0'
+    #Characters which can be escaped depends on the current delimiters
+    ESCAPABLE = {
+        '`': set(['$', '\\', '`']),
+        '"': set(['$', '\\', '`', '"']),
+        "'": set(),
+    }
+    def __init__(self, heredoc = False):
+        # _buffer is the unprocessed input characters buffer
+        self._buffer = []
+        # _stack is empty or contains a quoted list being processed
+        # (this is the DFS path to the quoted expression being evaluated).
+        self._stack = []
+        self._escapable = None
+        # True when parsing unquoted here documents
+        self._heredoc = heredoc
+    def add(self, data, eof=False):
+        """Feed the lexer with more data. If the quoted expression can be
+        delimited, return a tuple (expr, remaining) containing the expression
+        tree and the unconsumed data.
+        Otherwise, raise NeedMore.
+        """
+        self._buffer += list(data)
+        self._parse(eof)
+        result = self._stack[0]
+        remaining = ''.join(self._buffer)
+        self._stack = []
+        self._buffer = []
+        return result, remaining
+    def _is_escapable(self, c, delim=None):
+        if delim is None:
+            if self._heredoc:
+                # Backslashes works as if they were double quoted in unquoted
+                # here-documents
+                delim = '"'
+            else:
+                if len(self._stack)<=1:
+                    return True
+                delim = self._stack[-2][0]
+        escapables = self.ESCAPABLE.get(delim, None)
+        return escapables is None or c in escapables
+    def _parse_squote(self, buf, result, eof):
+        if not buf:
+            raise NeedMore()
+        try:
+            pos = buf.index("'")
+        except ValueError:
+            raise NeedMore()
+        result[-1] += ''.join(buf[:pos])
+        result += ["'"]
+        return pos+1, True
+    def _parse_bquote(self, buf, result, eof):
+        if not buf:
+            raise NeedMore()
+        if buf[0]=='\n':
+            #Remove line continuations
+            result[:] = ['', '', '']
+        elif self._is_escapable(buf[0]):
+            result[-1] += buf[0]
+            result += ['']
+        else:
+            #Keep as such
+            result[:] = ['', '\\'+buf[0], '']
+        return 1, True
+    def _parse_dquote(self, buf, result, eof):
+        if not buf:
+            raise NeedMore()
+        pos, sep = find_chars(buf, '$\\`"')
+        if pos==-1:
+            raise NeedMore()
+        result[-1] += ''.join(buf[:pos])
+        if sep=='"':
+            result += ['"']
+            return pos+1, True
+        else:
+            #Keep everything until the separator and defer processing
+            return pos, False
+    def _parse_command(self, buf, result, eof):
+        if not buf:
+            raise NeedMore()
+        chars = '$\\`"\''
+        if result[0] == '$(':
+            chars += ')'
+        pos, sep = find_chars(buf, chars)
+        if pos == -1:
+            raise NeedMore()
+        result[-1] += ''.join(buf[:pos])
+        if (result[0]=='$(' and sep==')') or (result[0]=='`' and sep=='`'):
+            result += [sep]
+            return pos+1, True
+        else:
+            return pos, False
+    def _parse_parameter(self, buf, result, eof):
+        if not buf:
+            raise NeedMore()
+        pos, sep = find_chars(buf, '$\\`"\'}')
+        if pos==-1:
+            raise NeedMore()
+        result[-1] += ''.join(buf[:pos])
+        if sep=='}':
+            result += [sep]
+            return pos+1, True
+        else:
+            return pos, False
+    def _parse_dollar(self, buf, result, eof):
+        sep = result[0]
+        if sep=='$':            
+            if not buf:
+                #TODO: handle empty $
+                raise NeedMore()
+            if buf[0]=='(':
+                if len(buf)==1:
+                    raise NeedMore()
+                if buf[1]=='(':
+                    result[0] = '$(('
+                    buf[:2] = []
+                else:
+                    result[0] = '$('
+                    buf[:1] = []
+            elif buf[0]=='{':
+                result[0] = '${'
+                buf[:1] = []
+            else:
+                if buf[0] in self.SPECIAL_CHARSET:
+                    result[-1] = buf[0]
+                    read = 1
+                else:
+                    for read,c in enumerate(buf):
+                        if c not in self.NAME_CHARSET:
+                            break
+                    else:
+                        if not eof:
+                            raise NeedMore()
+                        read += 1
+                    result[-1] += ''.join(buf[0:read])
+                if not result[-1]:
+                    result[:] = ['', result[0], '']
+                else:
+                    result += [''] 
+                return read,True
+        sep = result[0]    
+        if sep=='$(':
+            parsefunc = self._parse_command
+        elif sep=='${':
+            parsefunc = self._parse_parameter
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError(sep)
+        pos, closed = parsefunc(buf, result, eof)
+        return pos, closed
+    def _parse(self, eof):
+        buf = self._buffer
+        stack = self._stack
+        recurse = False
+        while 1:
+            if not stack or recurse:
+                if not buf:
+                    raise NeedMore()
+                if buf[0] not in ('"\\`$\''):
+                    raise ShellSyntaxError('Invalid quoted string sequence')
+                stack.append([buf[0], ''])
+                buf[:1] = []
+                recurse = False
+            result = stack[-1]
+            if result[0]=="'":
+                parsefunc = self._parse_squote
+            elif result[0]=='\\':
+                parsefunc = self._parse_bquote
+            elif result[0]=='"':
+                parsefunc = self._parse_dquote
+            elif result[0]=='`':
+                parsefunc = self._parse_command
+            elif result[0][0]=='$':
+                parsefunc = self._parse_dollar
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError()
+            read, closed = parsefunc(buf, result, eof)
+            buf[:read] = []
+            if closed:
+                if len(stack)>1:
+                    #Merge in parent expression
+                    parsed = stack.pop()
+                    stack[-1] += [parsed]
+                    stack[-1] += ['']
+                else:
+                    break
+            else:
+                recurse = True
+def normalize_wordtree(wtree):
+    """Fold back every literal sequence (delimited with empty strings) into
+    parent sequence.
+    """
+    def normalize(wtree):
+        result = []
+        for part in wtree[1:-1]:
+            if isinstance(part, list):
+                part = normalize(part)
+                if part[0]=='':
+                    #Move the part content back at current level
+                    result += part[1:-1]
+                    continue
+            elif not part:
+                #Remove empty strings
+                continue
+            result.append(part)
+        if not result:
+            result = ['']    
+        return [wtree[0]] + result + [wtree[-1]]
+    return normalize(wtree)
+def make_wordtree(token, here_document=False):
+    """Parse a delimited token and return a tree similar to the ones returned by
+    WordLexer. token may contain any combinations of expansion/quoted fields and
+    non-ones.
+    """    
+    tree = ['']
+    remaining = token
+    delimiters = '\\$`'
+    if not here_document:
+        delimiters += '\'"'
+    while 1:
+        pos, sep = find_chars(remaining, delimiters)
+        if pos==-1:
+            tree += [remaining, '']
+            return normalize_wordtree(tree)
+        tree.append(remaining[:pos])
+        remaining = remaining[pos:]
+        try:
+            result, remaining = WordLexer(heredoc = here_document).add(remaining, True)
+        except NeedMore:
+            raise ShellSyntaxError('Invalid token "%s"')
+        tree.append(result)
+def wordtree_as_string(wtree):
+    """Rewrite an expression tree generated by make_wordtree as string."""
+    def visit(node, output):
+        for child in node:
+            if isinstance(child, list):
+                visit(child, output)
+            else:
+                output.append(child)
+    output = []
+    visit(wtree, output)
+    return ''.join(output)
+def unquote_wordtree(wtree):
+    """Fold the word tree while removing quotes everywhere. Other expansion
+    sequences are joined as such.
+    """
+    def unquote(wtree):
+        unquoted = []
+        if wtree[0] in ('', "'", '"', '\\'):
+            wtree = wtree[1:-1]
+        for part in wtree:
+            if isinstance(part, list):
+                part = unquote(part)
+            unquoted.append(part)
+        return ''.join(unquoted)
+    return unquote(wtree)
+class HereDocLexer:
+    """HereDocLexer delimits whatever comes from the here-document starting newline
+    not included to the closing delimiter line included.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, op, delim):
+        assert op in ('<<', '<<-')
+        if not delim:
+            raise ShellSyntaxError('invalid here document delimiter %s' % str(delim))
+        self._op = op
+        self._delim = delim
+        self._buffer = []
+        self._token = []
+    def add(self, data, eof):
+        """If the here-document was delimited, return a tuple (content, remaining).
+        Raise NeedMore() otherwise.
+        """
+        self._buffer += list(data)
+        self._parse(eof)
+        token = ''.join(self._token)
+        remaining = ''.join(self._buffer)
+        self._token, self._remaining = [], []
+        return token, remaining
+    def _parse(self, eof):
+        while 1:
+            #Look for first unescaped newline. Quotes may be ignored
+            escaped = False
+            for i,c in enumerate(self._buffer):
+                if escaped:
+                    escaped = False
+                elif c=='\\':
+                    escaped = True
+                elif c=='\n':
+                    break
+            else:
+                i = -1
+            if i==-1 or self._buffer[i]!='\n':
+                if not eof:
+                    raise NeedMore()
+                #No more data, maybe the last line is closing delimiter
+                line = ''.join(self._buffer)
+                eol = ''
+                self._buffer[:] = []
+            else:
+                line = ''.join(self._buffer[:i])
+                eol = self._buffer[i]
+                self._buffer[:i+1] = []
+            if self._op=='<<-':
+                line = line.lstrip('\t')
+            if line==self._delim:
+                break
+            self._token += [line, eol]
+            if i==-1:
+                break
+class Token:
+    #TODO: check this is still in use
+    WORD = 'WORD'
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.value = ''
+        self.type = None
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        #Behave like a two elements tuple
+        if key==0:
+            return self.type
+        if key==1:
+            return self.value
+        raise IndexError(key)
+class HereDoc:
+    def __init__(self, op, name=None):
+        self.op = op
+        self.name = name
+        self.pendings = []
+TK_COMMA        = 'COMMA'
+TK_OP           = 'OP'
+TK_TOKEN        = 'TOKEN'
+class Lexer:
+    """Main lexer.
+    Call add() until the script AST is returned.
+    """
+    # Here-document handling makes the whole thing more complex because they basically
+    # force tokens to be reordered: here-content must come right after the operator
+    # and the here-document name, while some other tokens might be following the
+    # here-document expression on the same line.
+    #
+    # So, here-doc states are basically:
+    #   *self._state==ST_NORMAL
+    #       - self._heredoc.op is None: no here-document
+    #       - self._heredoc.op is not None but name is: here-document operator matched,
+    #           waiting for the document name/delimiter
+    #       - self._heredoc.op and name are not None: here-document is ready, following
+    #           tokens are being stored and will be pushed again when the document is
+    #           completely parsed.
+    #   *self._state==ST_HEREDOC
+    #       - The here-document is being delimited by self._herelexer. Once it is done
+    #           the content is pushed in front of the pending token list then all these
+    #           tokens are pushed once again.
+    ST_NORMAL       = 'ST_NORMAL'
+    ST_OP           = 'ST_OP'
+    ST_QUOTED       = 'ST_QUOTED'
+    #Match end of backquote strings
+    RE_BACKQUOTE_END = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)(`)')
+    def __init__(self, parent_state = None):
+        self._input = []
+        self._pos = 0
+        self._token = ''
+        self._type = TK_TOKEN
+        self._state = self.ST_NORMAL
+        self._parent_state = parent_state
+        self._wordlexer = None
+        self._heredoc = HereDoc(None)
+        self._herelexer = None
+        ### Following attributes are not used for delimiting token and can safely
+        ### be changed after here-document detection (see _push_toke)
+        # Count the number of tokens following a 'For' reserved word. Needed to
+        # return an 'In' reserved word if it comes in third place.
+        self._for_count = None
+    def add(self, data, eof=False):
+        """Feed the lexer with data.
+        When eof is set to True, returns unconsumed data or raise if the lexer
+        is in the middle of a delimiting operation.
+        Raise NeedMore otherwise.
+        """
+        self._input += list(data)
+        self._parse(eof)
+        self._input[:self._pos] = []
+        return ''.join(self._input)
+    def _parse(self, eof):            
+        while self._state:
+            if self._pos>=len(self._input):
+                if not eof:
+                    raise NeedMore()
+                elif self._state not in (self.ST_OP, self.ST_QUOTED, self.ST_HEREDOC):
+                    #Delimit the current token and leave cleanly
+                    self._push_token('')
+                    break
+                else:
+                    #Let the sublexer handle the eof themselves
+                    pass
+            if self._state==self.ST_NORMAL:
+                self._parse_normal()
+            elif self._state==self.ST_COMMENT:
+                self._parse_comment()
+            elif self._state==self.ST_OP:
+                self._parse_op(eof)
+            elif self._state==self.ST_QUOTED:
+                self._parse_quoted(eof)
+            elif self._state==self.ST_HEREDOC:
+                self._parse_heredoc(eof)
+            else:
+                assert False, "Unknown state " + str(self._state)
+        if self._heredoc.op is not None:
+            raise ShellSyntaxError('missing here-document delimiter')
+    def _parse_normal(self):
+        c = self._input[self._pos]
+        if c=='\n':
+            self._push_token(c)
+            self._token = c
+            self._type = TK_NEWLINE
+            self._push_token('')
+            self._pos += 1
+        elif c in ('\\', '\'', '"', '`', '$'):
+            self._state = self.ST_QUOTED
+        elif is_partial_op(c):
+            self._push_token(c)
+            self._type = TK_OP
+            self._token += c
+            self._pos += 1
+            self._state = self.ST_OP
+        elif is_blank(c):
+            self._push_token(c)
+            #Discard blanks
+            self._pos += 1
+        elif self._token:
+            self._token += c
+            self._pos += 1
+        elif c=='#':
+            self._state = self.ST_COMMENT
+            self._type = TK_COMMENT
+            self._pos += 1
+        else:
+            self._pos += 1
+            self._token += c          
+    def _parse_op(self, eof):
+        assert self._token
+        while 1:
+            if self._pos>=len(self._input):
+                if not eof:
+                    raise NeedMore()
+                c = ''
+            else:                
+                c = self._input[self._pos]
+            op = self._token + c
+            if c and is_partial_op(op):
+                #Still parsing an operator
+                self._token = op
+                self._pos += 1
+            else:            
+                #End of operator
+                self._push_token(c)                    
+                self._state = self.ST_NORMAL
+                break
+    def _parse_comment(self):
+        while 1:
+            if self._pos>=len(self._input):
+                raise NeedMore()
+            c = self._input[self._pos]
+            if c=='\n':
+                #End of comment, do not consume the end of line
+                self._state = self.ST_NORMAL
+                break
+            else:
+                self._token += c
+                self._pos += 1
+    def _parse_quoted(self, eof):
+        """Precondition: the starting backquote/dollar is still in the input queue."""
+        if not self._wordlexer:
+            self._wordlexer = WordLexer()
+        if self._pos<len(self._input):
+             #Transfer input queue character into the subparser
+            input = self._input[self._pos:]
+            self._pos += len(input)
+        wtree, remaining = self._wordlexer.add(input, eof)
+        self._wordlexer = None
+        self._token += wordtree_as_string(wtree)
+        #Put unparsed character back in the input queue
+        if remaining:
+            self._input[self._pos:self._pos] = list(remaining)          
+        self._state = self.ST_NORMAL
+    def _parse_heredoc(self, eof):
+        assert not self._token
+        if self._herelexer is None:
+            self._herelexer = HereDocLexer(self._heredoc.op, self._heredoc.name)
+        if self._pos<len(self._input):
+             #Transfer input queue character into the subparser
+            input = self._input[self._pos:]
+            self._pos += len(input)
+        self._token, remaining = self._herelexer.add(input, eof)
+        #Reset here-document state
+        self._herelexer = None
+        heredoc, self._heredoc = self._heredoc, HereDoc(None)
+        if remaining:
+            self._input[self._pos:self._pos] = list(remaining)
+        self._state = self.ST_NORMAL
+        #Push pending tokens
+        heredoc.pendings[:0] = [(self._token, self._type, heredoc.name)]
+        for token, type, delim in heredoc.pendings:
+            self._token = token
+            self._type = type
+            self._push_token(delim)
+    def _push_token(self, delim):
+        if not self._token:
+            return 0
+        if self._heredoc.op is not None:
+            if self._heredoc.name is None:
+                #Here-document name
+                if self._type!=TK_TOKEN:
+                    raise ShellSyntaxError("expecting here-document name, got '%s'" % self._token)
+                self._heredoc.name = unquote_wordtree(make_wordtree(self._token))
+                self._type = TK_HERENAME
+            else:
+                #Capture all tokens until the newline starting the here-document
+                if self._type==TK_NEWLINE:
+                    assert self._state==self.ST_NORMAL
+                    self._state = self.ST_HEREDOC    
+                self._heredoc.pendings.append((self._token, self._type, delim))    
+                self._token = ''
+                self._type = TK_TOKEN
+                return 1
+        # BEWARE: do not change parser state from here to the end of the function:
+        # when parsing between an here-document operator to the end of the line
+        # tokens are stored in self._heredoc.pendings. Therefore, they will not
+        # reach the section below.
+        #Check operators
+        if self._type==TK_OP:
+            #False positive because of partial op matching
+            op = is_op(self._token)
+            if not op:
+                self._type = TK_TOKEN
+            else:
+                #Map to the specific operator
+                self._type = op
+                if self._token in ('<<', '<<-'):
+                    #Done here rather than in _parse_op because there is no need
+                    #to change the parser state since we are still waiting for
+                    #the here-document name
+                    if self._heredoc.op is not None:
+                        raise ShellSyntaxError("syntax error near token '%s'" % self._token)
+                    assert self._heredoc.op is None
+                    self._heredoc.op = self._token
+        if self._type==TK_TOKEN:            
+            if '=' in self._token and not delim:
+                if self._token.startswith('='):
+                    #Token is a WORD... a TOKEN that is.
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    prev = self._token[:self._token.find('=')]
+                    if is_name(prev):
+                        self._type = TK_ASSIGNMENT
+                    else:
+                        #Just a token (unspecified)
+                        pass
+            else:
+                reserved = get_reserved(self._token)
+                if reserved is not None:
+                    if reserved=='In' and self._for_count!=2:
+                        #Sorry, not a reserved word after all
+                        pass
+                    else:
+                        self._type = reserved
+                        if reserved in ('For', 'Case'):
+                            self._for_count = 0                    
+                elif are_digits(self._token) and delim in ('<', '>'):
+                    #Detect IO_NUMBER
+                    self._type = TK_IONUMBER
+                elif self._token==';':
+                    self._type = TK_COMMA
+                elif self._token=='&':
+                    self._type = TK_AMPERSAND
+        elif self._type==TK_COMMENT:
+            #Comments are not part of sh grammar, ignore them
+            self._token = ''
+            self._type = TK_TOKEN
+            return 0
+        if self._for_count is not None:
+            #Track token count in 'For' expression to detect 'In' reserved words.
+            #Can only be in third position, no need to go beyond
+            self._for_count += 1
+            if self._for_count==3:
+                self._for_count = None
+        self.on_token((self._token, self._type))
+        self._token = ''
+        self._type = TK_TOKEN
+        return 1
+    def on_token(self, token):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+tokens = [
+    TK_TOKEN,
+# To silence yacc unused token warnings
+#Add specific operators
+tokens += _OPERATORS.values()
+#Add reserved words
+tokens += _RESERVEDS.values()
+class PLYLexer(Lexer):
+    """Bridge Lexer and PLY lexer interface."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        Lexer.__init__(self)
+        self._tokens = []
+        self._current = 0
+        self.lineno = 0
+    def on_token(self, token):
+        value, type = token
+        self.lineno = 0
+        t = lex.LexToken()
+        t.value = value
+        t.type = type
+        t.lexer = self
+        t.lexpos = 0
+        t.lineno = 0
+        self._tokens.append(t)
+    def is_empty(self):
+        return not bool(self._tokens)
+    #PLY compliant interface
+    def token(self):
+        if self._current>=len(self._tokens):
+            return None
+        t = self._tokens[self._current]
+        self._current += 1
+        return t      
+def get_tokens(s):
+    """Parse the input string and return a tuple (tokens, unprocessed) where
+    tokens is a list of parsed tokens and unprocessed is the part of the input
+    string left untouched by the lexer.
+    """
+    lexer = PLYLexer()
+    untouched = lexer.add(s, True) 
+    tokens = []
+    while 1:
+        token = lexer.token()
+        if token is None:
+            break
+        tokens.append(token)
+    tokens = [(t.value, t.type) for t in tokens]
+    return tokens, untouched