Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/__init__.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/__init__.py
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/codeparser.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/codeparser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4454bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/codeparser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# BitBake Test for codeparser.py
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Chris Larson
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Richard Purdie
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import unittest
+import logging
+import bb
+logger = logging.getLogger('BitBake.TestCodeParser')
+# bb.data references bb.parse but can't directly import due to circular dependencies.
+# Hack around it for now :( 
+import bb.parse
+import bb.data
+class ReferenceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+    def setEmptyVars(self, varlist):
+        for k in varlist:
+            self.d.setVar(k, "")
+    def setValues(self, values):
+        for k, v in values.items():
+            self.d.setVar(k, v)
+    def assertReferences(self, refs):
+        self.assertEqual(self.references, refs)
+    def assertExecs(self, execs):
+        self.assertEqual(self.execs, execs)
+class VariableReferenceTest(ReferenceTest):
+    def parseExpression(self, exp):
+        parsedvar = self.d.expandWithRefs(exp, None)
+        self.references = parsedvar.references
+    def test_simple_reference(self):
+        self.setEmptyVars(["FOO"])
+        self.parseExpression("${FOO}")
+        self.assertReferences(set(["FOO"]))
+    def test_nested_reference(self):
+        self.setEmptyVars(["BAR"])
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "BAR")
+        self.parseExpression("${${FOO}}")
+        self.assertReferences(set(["FOO", "BAR"]))
+    def test_python_reference(self):
+        self.setEmptyVars(["BAR"])
+        self.parseExpression("${@bb.data.getVar('BAR', d, True) + 'foo'}")
+        self.assertReferences(set(["BAR"]))
+class ShellReferenceTest(ReferenceTest):
+    def parseExpression(self, exp):
+        parsedvar = self.d.expandWithRefs(exp, None)
+        parser = bb.codeparser.ShellParser("ParserTest", logger)
+        parser.parse_shell(parsedvar.value)
+        self.references = parsedvar.references
+        self.execs = parser.execs
+    def test_quotes_inside_assign(self):
+        self.parseExpression('foo=foo"bar"baz')
+        self.assertReferences(set([]))
+    def test_quotes_inside_arg(self):
+        self.parseExpression('sed s#"bar baz"#"alpha beta"#g')
+        self.assertExecs(set(["sed"]))
+    def test_arg_continuation(self):
+        self.parseExpression("sed -i -e s,foo,bar,g \\\n *.pc")
+        self.assertExecs(set(["sed"]))
+    def test_dollar_in_quoted(self):
+        self.parseExpression('sed -i -e "foo$" *.pc')
+        self.assertExecs(set(["sed"]))
+    def test_quotes_inside_arg_continuation(self):
+        self.setEmptyVars(["bindir", "D", "libdir"])
+        self.parseExpression("""
+sed -i -e s#"moc_location=.*$"#"moc_location=${bindir}/moc4"# \\
+-e s#"uic_location=.*$"#"uic_location=${bindir}/uic4"# \\
+        self.assertReferences(set(["bindir", "D", "libdir"]))
+    def test_assign_subshell_expansion(self):
+        self.parseExpression("foo=$(echo bar)")
+        self.assertExecs(set(["echo"]))
+    def test_shell_unexpanded(self):
+        self.setEmptyVars(["QT_BASE_NAME"])
+        self.parseExpression('echo "${QT_BASE_NAME}"')
+        self.assertExecs(set(["echo"]))
+        self.assertReferences(set(["QT_BASE_NAME"]))
+    def test_incomplete_varexp_single_quotes(self):
+        self.parseExpression("sed -i -e 's:IP{:I${:g' $pc")
+        self.assertExecs(set(["sed"]))
+    def test_until(self):
+        self.parseExpression("until false; do echo true; done")
+        self.assertExecs(set(["false", "echo"]))
+        self.assertReferences(set())
+    def test_case(self):
+        self.parseExpression("""
+case $foo in
+        self.assertExecs(set(["bar"]))
+        self.assertReferences(set())
+    def test_assign_exec(self):
+        self.parseExpression("a=b c='foo bar' alpha 1 2 3")
+        self.assertExecs(set(["alpha"]))
+    def test_redirect_to_file(self):
+        self.setEmptyVars(["foo"])
+        self.parseExpression("echo foo >${foo}/bar")
+        self.assertExecs(set(["echo"]))
+        self.assertReferences(set(["foo"]))
+    def test_heredoc(self):
+        self.setEmptyVars(["theta"])
+        self.parseExpression("""
+cat <<END
+        self.assertReferences(set(["theta"]))
+    def test_redirect_from_heredoc(self):
+        self.setEmptyVars(v)
+        self.parseExpression("""
+cat <<END >${B}/cachedpaths
+        self.assertReferences(set(v))
+        self.assertExecs(set(["cat"]))
+#    def test_incomplete_command_expansion(self):
+#        self.assertRaises(reftracker.ShellSyntaxError, reftracker.execs,
+#                          bbvalue.shparse("cp foo`", self.d), self.d)
+#    def test_rogue_dollarsign(self):
+#        self.setValues({"D" : "/tmp"})
+#        self.parseExpression("install -d ${D}$")
+#        self.assertReferences(set(["D"]))
+#        self.assertExecs(set(["install"]))
+class PythonReferenceTest(ReferenceTest):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+        if hasattr(bb.utils, "_context"):
+            self.context = bb.utils._context
+        else:
+            import __builtin__
+            self.context = __builtin__.__dict__
+    def parseExpression(self, exp):
+        parsedvar = self.d.expandWithRefs(exp, None)
+        parser = bb.codeparser.PythonParser("ParserTest", logger)
+        parser.parse_python(parsedvar.value)
+        self.references = parsedvar.references | parser.references
+        self.execs = parser.execs
+    @staticmethod
+    def indent(value):
+        """Python Snippets have to be indented, python values don't have to
+be. These unit tests are testing snippets."""
+        return " " + value
+    def test_getvar_reference(self):
+        self.parseExpression("bb.data.getVar('foo', d, True)")
+        self.assertReferences(set(["foo"]))
+        self.assertExecs(set())
+    def test_getvar_computed_reference(self):
+        self.parseExpression("bb.data.getVar('f' + 'o' + 'o', d, True)")
+        self.assertReferences(set())
+        self.assertExecs(set())
+    def test_getvar_exec_reference(self):
+        self.parseExpression("eval('bb.data.getVar(\"foo\", d, True)')")
+        self.assertReferences(set())
+        self.assertExecs(set(["eval"]))
+    def test_var_reference(self):
+        self.context["foo"] = lambda x: x
+        self.setEmptyVars(["FOO"])
+        self.parseExpression("foo('${FOO}')")
+        self.assertReferences(set(["FOO"]))
+        self.assertExecs(set(["foo"]))
+        del self.context["foo"]
+    def test_var_exec(self):
+        for etype in ("func", "task"):
+            self.d.setVar("do_something", "echo 'hi mom! ${FOO}'")
+            self.d.setVarFlag("do_something", etype, True)
+            self.parseExpression("bb.build.exec_func('do_something', d)")
+            self.assertReferences(set([]))
+            self.assertExecs(set(["do_something"]))
+    def test_function_reference(self):
+        self.context["testfunc"] = lambda msg: bb.msg.note(1, None, msg)
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "Hello, World!")
+        self.parseExpression("testfunc('${FOO}')")
+        self.assertReferences(set(["FOO"]))
+        self.assertExecs(set(["testfunc"]))
+        del self.context["testfunc"]
+    def test_qualified_function_reference(self):
+        self.parseExpression("time.time()")
+        self.assertExecs(set(["time.time"]))
+    def test_qualified_function_reference_2(self):
+        self.parseExpression("os.path.dirname('/foo/bar')")
+        self.assertExecs(set(["os.path.dirname"]))
+    def test_qualified_function_reference_nested(self):
+        self.parseExpression("time.strftime('%Y%m%d',time.gmtime())")
+        self.assertExecs(set(["time.strftime", "time.gmtime"]))
+    def test_function_reference_chained(self):
+        self.context["testget"] = lambda: "\tstrip me "
+        self.parseExpression("testget().strip()")
+        self.assertExecs(set(["testget"]))
+        del self.context["testget"]
+class DependencyReferenceTest(ReferenceTest):
+    pydata = """
+bb.data.getVar('somevar', d, True)
+def test(d):
+    foo = 'bar %s' % 'foo'
+def test2(d):
+    d.getVar(foo, True)
+    d.getVar('bar', False)
+    test2(d)
+def a():
+    \"\"\"some
+    stuff
+    \"\"\"
+    return "heh"
+bb.data.expand(bb.data.getVar("something", False, d), d)
+bb.data.expand("${inexpand} somethingelse", d)
+bb.data.getVar(a(), d, False)
+    def test_python(self):
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", self.pydata)
+        self.setEmptyVars(["inexpand", "a", "test2", "test"])
+        self.d.setVarFlags("FOO", {"func": True, "python": True})
+        deps, values = bb.data.build_dependencies("FOO", set(self.d.keys()), set(), set(), self.d)
+        self.assertEquals(deps, set(["somevar", "bar", "something", "inexpand", "test", "test2", "a"]))
+    shelldata = """
+foo () {
+echo baz
+eval `moo`
+true && false
+test -f foo
+) || aiee
+! inverted
+echo ${somevar}
+case foo in
+echo bar
+echo baz
+echo foo
+    def test_shell(self):
+        execs = ["bar", "echo", "heh", "moo", "true", "aiee"]
+        self.d.setVar("somevar", "heh")
+        self.d.setVar("inverted", "echo inverted...")
+        self.d.setVarFlag("inverted", "func", True)
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", self.shelldata)
+        self.d.setVarFlags("FOO", {"func": True})
+        self.setEmptyVars(execs)
+        deps, values = bb.data.build_dependencies("FOO", set(self.d.keys()), set(), set(), self.d)
+        self.assertEquals(deps, set(["somevar", "inverted"] + execs))
+    def test_vardeps(self):
+        self.d.setVar("oe_libinstall", "echo test")
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "foo=oe_libinstall; eval $foo")
+        self.d.setVarFlag("FOO", "vardeps", "oe_libinstall")
+        deps, values = bb.data.build_dependencies("FOO", set(self.d.keys()), set(), set(), self.d)
+        self.assertEquals(deps, set(["oe_libinstall"]))
+    def test_vardeps_expand(self):
+        self.d.setVar("oe_libinstall", "echo test")
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "foo=oe_libinstall; eval $foo")
+        self.d.setVarFlag("FOO", "vardeps", "${@'oe_libinstall'}")
+        deps, values = bb.data.build_dependencies("FOO", set(self.d.keys()), set(), set(), self.d)
+        self.assertEquals(deps, set(["oe_libinstall"]))
+    #Currently no wildcard support
+    #def test_vardeps_wildcards(self):
+    #    self.d.setVar("oe_libinstall", "echo test")
+    #    self.d.setVar("FOO", "foo=oe_libinstall; eval $foo")
+    #    self.d.setVarFlag("FOO", "vardeps", "oe_*")
+    #    self.assertEquals(deps, set(["oe_libinstall"]))
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/cow.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/cow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35c5841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/cow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# BitBake Tests for Copy-on-Write (cow.py)
+# Copyright 2006 Holger Freyther <freyther@handhelds.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import unittest
+import os
+class COWTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+    """
+    Test case for the COW module from mithro
+    """
+    def testGetSet(self):
+        """
+        Test and set
+        """
+        from bb.COW import COWDictBase
+        a = COWDictBase.copy()
+        self.assertEquals(False, a.has_key('a'))
+        a['a'] = 'a'
+        a['b'] = 'b'
+        self.assertEquals(True, a.has_key('a'))
+        self.assertEquals(True, a.has_key('b'))
+        self.assertEquals('a', a['a'] )
+        self.assertEquals('b', a['b'] )
+    def testCopyCopy(self):
+        """
+        Test the copy of copies
+        """
+        from bb.COW import COWDictBase
+        # create two COW dict 'instances'
+        b = COWDictBase.copy()
+        c = COWDictBase.copy()
+        # assign some keys to one instance, some keys to another
+        b['a'] = 10
+        b['c'] = 20
+        c['a'] = 30
+        # test separation of the two instances
+        self.assertEquals(False, c.has_key('c'))
+        self.assertEquals(30, c['a'])
+        self.assertEquals(10, b['a'])
+        # test copy
+        b_2 = b.copy()
+        c_2 = c.copy()
+        self.assertEquals(False, c_2.has_key('c'))
+        self.assertEquals(10, b_2['a'])
+        b_2['d'] = 40
+        self.assertEquals(False, c_2.has_key('d'))
+        self.assertEquals(True, b_2.has_key('d'))
+        self.assertEquals(40, b_2['d'])
+        self.assertEquals(False, b.has_key('d'))
+        self.assertEquals(False, c.has_key('d'))
+        c_2['d'] = 30
+        self.assertEquals(True, c_2.has_key('d'))
+        self.assertEquals(True, b_2.has_key('d'))
+        self.assertEquals(30, c_2['d'])
+        self.assertEquals(40, b_2['d'])
+        self.assertEquals(False, b.has_key('d'))
+        self.assertEquals(False, c.has_key('d'))
+        # test copy of the copy
+        c_3 = c_2.copy()
+        b_3 = b_2.copy()
+        b_3_2 = b_2.copy()
+        c_3['e'] = 4711
+        self.assertEquals(4711, c_3['e'])
+        self.assertEquals(False, c_2.has_key('e'))
+        self.assertEquals(False, b_3.has_key('e'))
+        self.assertEquals(False, b_3_2.has_key('e'))
+        self.assertEquals(False, b_2.has_key('e'))
+        b_3['e'] = 'viel'
+        self.assertEquals('viel', b_3['e'])
+        self.assertEquals(4711, c_3['e'])
+        self.assertEquals(False, c_2.has_key('e'))
+        self.assertEquals(True, b_3.has_key('e'))
+        self.assertEquals(False, b_3_2.has_key('e'))
+        self.assertEquals(False, b_2.has_key('e'))
+    def testCow(self):
+        from bb.COW import COWDictBase
+        c = COWDictBase.copy()
+        c['123'] = 1027
+        c['other'] = 4711
+        c['d'] = { 'abc' : 10, 'bcd' : 20 }
+        copy = c.copy()
+        self.assertEquals(1027, c['123'])
+        self.assertEquals(4711, c['other'])
+        self.assertEquals({'abc':10, 'bcd':20}, c['d'])
+        self.assertEquals(1027, copy['123'])
+        self.assertEquals(4711, copy['other'])
+        self.assertEquals({'abc':10, 'bcd':20}, copy['d'])
+        # cow it now
+        copy['123'] = 1028
+        copy['other'] = 4712
+        copy['d']['abc'] = 20
+        self.assertEquals(1027, c['123'])
+        self.assertEquals(4711, c['other'])
+        self.assertEquals({'abc':10, 'bcd':20}, c['d'])
+        self.assertEquals(1028, copy['123'])
+        self.assertEquals(4712, copy['other'])
+        self.assertEquals({'abc':20, 'bcd':20}, copy['d'])
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/data.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9aab57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# BitBake Tests for the Data Store (data.py/data_smart.py)
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Chris Larson
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Richard Purdie
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import unittest
+import bb
+import bb.data
+import bb.parse
+import logging
+class LogRecord():
+    def __enter__(self):
+        logs = []
+        class LogHandler(logging.Handler):
+            def emit(self, record):
+                logs.append(record)
+        logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake")
+        handler = LogHandler()
+        self.handler = handler
+        logger.addHandler(handler)
+        return logs
+    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+        logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake")
+        logger.removeHandler(self.handler)
+        return
+def logContains(item, logs):
+    for l in logs:
+        m = l.getMessage()
+        if item in m:
+            return True
+    return False
+class DataExpansions(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+        self.d["foo"] = "value_of_foo"
+        self.d["bar"] = "value_of_bar"
+        self.d["value_of_foo"] = "value_of_'value_of_foo'"
+    def test_one_var(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${foo}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "value_of_foo")
+    def test_indirect_one_var(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${${foo}}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "value_of_'value_of_foo'")
+    def test_indirect_and_another(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${${foo}} ${bar}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "value_of_'value_of_foo' value_of_bar")
+    def test_python_snippet(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${@5*12}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "60")
+    def test_expand_in_python_snippet(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${@'boo ' + '${foo}'}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "boo value_of_foo")
+    def test_python_snippet_getvar(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${@d.getVar('foo', True) + ' ${bar}'}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "value_of_foo value_of_bar")
+    def test_python_snippet_syntax_error(self):
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "${@foo = 5}")
+        self.assertRaises(bb.data_smart.ExpansionError, self.d.getVar, "FOO", True)
+    def test_python_snippet_runtime_error(self):
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "${@int('test')}")
+        self.assertRaises(bb.data_smart.ExpansionError, self.d.getVar, "FOO", True)
+    def test_python_snippet_error_path(self):
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "foo value ${BAR}")
+        self.d.setVar("BAR", "bar value ${@int('test')}")
+        self.assertRaises(bb.data_smart.ExpansionError, self.d.getVar, "FOO", True)
+    def test_value_containing_value(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${@d.getVar('foo', True) + ' ${bar}'}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "value_of_foo value_of_bar")
+    def test_reference_undefined_var(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${undefinedvar} meh")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "${undefinedvar} meh")
+    def test_double_reference(self):
+        self.d.setVar("BAR", "bar value")
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "${BAR} foo ${BAR}")
+        val = self.d.getVar("FOO", True)
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "bar value foo bar value")
+    def test_direct_recursion(self):
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "${FOO}")
+        self.assertRaises(bb.data_smart.ExpansionError, self.d.getVar, "FOO", True)
+    def test_indirect_recursion(self):
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "${BAR}")
+        self.d.setVar("BAR", "${BAZ}")
+        self.d.setVar("BAZ", "${FOO}")
+        self.assertRaises(bb.data_smart.ExpansionError, self.d.getVar, "FOO", True)
+    def test_recursion_exception(self):
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "${BAR}")
+        self.d.setVar("BAR", "${${@'FOO'}}")
+        self.assertRaises(bb.data_smart.ExpansionError, self.d.getVar, "FOO", True)
+    def test_incomplete_varexp_single_quotes(self):
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "sed -i -e 's:IP{:I${:g' $pc")
+        val = self.d.getVar("FOO", True)
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "sed -i -e 's:IP{:I${:g' $pc")
+    def test_nonstring(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", 5)
+        val = self.d.getVar("TEST", True)
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "5")
+    def test_rename(self):
+        self.d.renameVar("foo", "newfoo")
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("newfoo", False), "value_of_foo")
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("foo", False), None)
+    def test_deletion(self):
+        self.d.delVar("foo")
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("foo", False), None)
+    def test_keys(self):
+        keys = self.d.keys()
+        self.assertEqual(keys, ['value_of_foo', 'foo', 'bar'])
+    def test_keys_deletion(self):
+        newd = bb.data.createCopy(self.d)
+        newd.delVar("bar")
+        keys = newd.keys()
+        self.assertEqual(keys, ['value_of_foo', 'foo'])
+class TestNestedExpansions(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+        self.d["foo"] = "foo"
+        self.d["bar"] = "bar"
+        self.d["value_of_foobar"] = "187"
+    def test_refs(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${value_of_${foo}${bar}}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "187")
+    #def test_python_refs(self):
+    #    val = self.d.expand("${@${@3}**2 + ${@4}**2}")
+    #    self.assertEqual(str(val), "25")
+    def test_ref_in_python_ref(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${@'${foo}' + 'bar'}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "foobar")
+    def test_python_ref_in_ref(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${${@'f'+'o'+'o'}}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "foo")
+    def test_deep_nesting(self):
+        depth = 100
+        val = self.d.expand("${" * depth + "foo" + "}" * depth)
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "foo")
+    #def test_deep_python_nesting(self):
+    #    depth = 50
+    #    val = self.d.expand("${@" * depth + "1" + "+1}" * depth)
+    #    self.assertEqual(str(val), str(depth + 1))
+    def test_mixed(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${value_of_${@('${foo}'+'bar')[0:3]}${${@'BAR'.lower()}}}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "187")
+    def test_runtime(self):
+        val = self.d.expand("${${@'value_of' + '_f'+'o'+'o'+'b'+'a'+'r'}}")
+        self.assertEqual(str(val), "187")
+class TestMemoize(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_memoized(self):
+        d = bb.data.init()
+        d.setVar("FOO", "bar")
+        self.assertTrue(d.getVar("FOO", False) is d.getVar("FOO", False))
+    def test_not_memoized(self):
+        d1 = bb.data.init()
+        d2 = bb.data.init()
+        d1.setVar("FOO", "bar")
+        d2.setVar("FOO", "bar2")
+        self.assertTrue(d1.getVar("FOO", False) is not d2.getVar("FOO", False))
+    def test_changed_after_memoized(self):
+        d = bb.data.init()
+        d.setVar("foo", "value of foo")
+        self.assertEqual(str(d.getVar("foo", False)), "value of foo")
+        d.setVar("foo", "second value of foo")
+        self.assertEqual(str(d.getVar("foo", False)), "second value of foo")
+    def test_same_value(self):
+        d = bb.data.init()
+        d.setVar("foo", "value of")
+        d.setVar("bar", "value of")
+        self.assertEqual(d.getVar("foo", False),
+                         d.getVar("bar", False))
+class TestConcat(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "foo")
+        self.d.setVar("VAL", "val")
+        self.d.setVar("BAR", "bar")
+    def test_prepend(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "${VAL}")
+        self.d.prependVar("TEST", "${FOO}:")
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "foo:val")
+    def test_append(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "${VAL}")
+        self.d.appendVar("TEST", ":${BAR}")
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "val:bar")
+    def test_multiple_append(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "${VAL}")
+        self.d.prependVar("TEST", "${FOO}:")
+        self.d.appendVar("TEST", ":val2")
+        self.d.appendVar("TEST", ":${BAR}")
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "foo:val:val2:bar")
+class TestConcatOverride(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "foo")
+        self.d.setVar("VAL", "val")
+        self.d.setVar("BAR", "bar")
+    def test_prepend(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "${VAL}")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_prepend", "${FOO}:")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "foo:val")
+    def test_append(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "${VAL}")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_append", ":${BAR}")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "val:bar")
+    def test_multiple_append(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "${VAL}")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_prepend", "${FOO}:")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_append", ":val2")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_append", ":${BAR}")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "foo:val:val2:bar")
+    def test_append_unset(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_prepend", "${FOO}:")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_append", ":val2")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_append", ":${BAR}")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "foo::val2:bar")
+    def test_remove(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "${VAL} ${BAR}")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_remove", "val")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "bar")
+    def test_doubleref_remove(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "${VAL} ${BAR}")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_remove", "val")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_TEST", "${TEST} ${TEST}")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST_TEST", True), "bar bar")
+    def test_empty_remove(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_remove", "val")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "")
+    def test_remove_expansion(self):
+        self.d.setVar("BAR", "Z")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "${BAR}/X Y")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_remove", "${BAR}/X")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "Y")
+    def test_remove_expansion_items(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "A B C D")
+        self.d.setVar("BAR", "B D")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_remove", "${BAR}")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "A C")
+class TestOverrides(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+        self.d.setVar("OVERRIDES", "foo:bar:local")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST", "testvalue")
+    def test_no_override(self):
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "testvalue")
+    def test_one_override(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_bar", "testvalue2")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "testvalue2")
+    def test_one_override_unset(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST2_bar", "testvalue2")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST2", True), "testvalue2")
+        self.assertItemsEqual(self.d.keys(), ['TEST', 'TEST2', 'OVERRIDES', 'TEST2_bar'])
+    def test_multiple_override(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_bar", "testvalue2")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_local", "testvalue3")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_foo", "testvalue4")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "testvalue3")
+        self.assertItemsEqual(self.d.keys(), ['TEST', 'TEST_foo', 'OVERRIDES', 'TEST_bar', 'TEST_local'])
+    def test_multiple_combined_overrides(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_local_foo_bar", "testvalue3")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "testvalue3")
+    def test_multiple_overrides_unset(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST2_local_foo_bar", "testvalue3")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST2", True), "testvalue3")
+    def test_keyexpansion_override(self):
+        self.d.setVar("LOCAL", "local")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_bar", "testvalue2")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_${LOCAL}", "testvalue3")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_foo", "testvalue4")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        bb.data.expandKeys(self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "testvalue3")
+    def test_rename_override(self):
+        self.d.setVar("ALTERNATIVE_ncurses-tools_class-target", "a")
+        self.d.setVar("OVERRIDES", "class-target")
+        bb.data.update_data(self.d)
+        self.d.renameVar("ALTERNATIVE_ncurses-tools", "ALTERNATIVE_lib32-ncurses-tools")
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("ALTERNATIVE_lib32-ncurses-tools", True), "a")
+    def test_underscore_override(self):
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_bar", "testvalue2")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_some_val", "testvalue3")
+        self.d.setVar("TEST_foo", "testvalue4")
+        self.d.setVar("OVERRIDES", "foo:bar:some_val")
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("TEST", True), "testvalue3")
+class TestKeyExpansion(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+        self.d.setVar("FOO", "foo")
+        self.d.setVar("BAR", "foo")
+    def test_keyexpand(self):
+        self.d.setVar("VAL_${FOO}", "A")
+        self.d.setVar("VAL_${BAR}", "B")
+        with LogRecord() as logs:
+            bb.data.expandKeys(self.d)
+            self.assertTrue(logContains("Variable key VAL_${FOO} (A) replaces original key VAL_foo (B)", logs))
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVar("VAL_foo", True), "A")
+class TestFlags(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+        self.d.setVar("foo", "value of foo")
+        self.d.setVarFlag("foo", "flag1", "value of flag1")
+        self.d.setVarFlag("foo", "flag2", "value of flag2")
+    def test_setflag(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVarFlag("foo", "flag1"), "value of flag1")
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVarFlag("foo", "flag2"), "value of flag2")
+    def test_delflag(self):
+        self.d.delVarFlag("foo", "flag2")
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVarFlag("foo", "flag1"), "value of flag1")
+        self.assertEqual(self.d.getVarFlag("foo", "flag2"), None)
+class Contains(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+        self.d.setVar("SOMEFLAG", "a b c")
+    def test_contains(self):
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "a", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "b", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "c", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "a b", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "b c", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "c a", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "a b c", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "c b a", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertFalse(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "x", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertFalse(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "a x", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertFalse(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "x c b", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertFalse(bb.utils.contains("SOMEFLAG", "x c b a", True, False, self.d))
+    def test_contains_any(self):
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains_any("SOMEFLAG", "a", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains_any("SOMEFLAG", "b", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains_any("SOMEFLAG", "c", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains_any("SOMEFLAG", "a b", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains_any("SOMEFLAG", "b c", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains_any("SOMEFLAG", "c a", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains_any("SOMEFLAG", "a x", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertTrue(bb.utils.contains_any("SOMEFLAG", "x c", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertFalse(bb.utils.contains_any("SOMEFLAG", "x", True, False, self.d))
+        self.assertFalse(bb.utils.contains_any("SOMEFLAG", "x y z", True, False, self.d))
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/fetch.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/fetch.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e61f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/fetch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# BitBake Tests for the Fetcher (fetch2/)
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Richard Purdie
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import unittest
+import tempfile
+import subprocess
+import os
+from bb.fetch2 import URI
+from bb.fetch2 import FetchMethod
+import bb
+class URITest(unittest.TestCase):
+    test_uris = {
+        "http://www.google.com/index.html" : {
+            'uri': 'http://www.google.com/index.html',
+            'scheme': 'http',
+            'hostname': 'www.google.com',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': 'www.google.com',
+            'path': '/index.html',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'username': '',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {},
+            'query': {},
+            'relative': False
+        },
+        "http://www.google.com/index.html;param1=value1" : {
+            'uri': 'http://www.google.com/index.html;param1=value1',
+            'scheme': 'http',
+            'hostname': 'www.google.com',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': 'www.google.com',
+            'path': '/index.html',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'username': '',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {
+                'param1': 'value1'
+            },
+            'query': {},
+            'relative': False
+        },
+        "http://www.example.org/index.html?param1=value1" : {
+            'uri': 'http://www.example.org/index.html?param1=value1',
+            'scheme': 'http',
+            'hostname': 'www.example.org',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': 'www.example.org',
+            'path': '/index.html',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'username': '',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {},
+            'query': {
+                'param1': 'value1'
+            },
+            'relative': False
+        },
+        "http://www.example.org/index.html?qparam1=qvalue1;param2=value2" : {
+            'uri': 'http://www.example.org/index.html?qparam1=qvalue1;param2=value2',
+            'scheme': 'http',
+            'hostname': 'www.example.org',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': 'www.example.org',
+            'path': '/index.html',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'username': '',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {
+                'param2': 'value2'
+            },
+            'query': {
+                'qparam1': 'qvalue1'
+            },
+            'relative': False
+        },
+        "http://www.example.com:8080/index.html" : {
+            'uri': 'http://www.example.com:8080/index.html',
+            'scheme': 'http',
+            'hostname': 'www.example.com',
+            'port': 8080,
+            'hostport': 'www.example.com:8080',
+            'path': '/index.html',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'username': '',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {},
+            'query': {},
+            'relative': False
+        },
+        "cvs://anoncvs@cvs.handhelds.org/cvs;module=familiar/dist/ipkg" : {
+            'uri': 'cvs://anoncvs@cvs.handhelds.org/cvs;module=familiar/dist/ipkg',
+            'scheme': 'cvs',
+            'hostname': 'cvs.handhelds.org',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': 'cvs.handhelds.org',
+            'path': '/cvs',
+            'userinfo': 'anoncvs',
+            'username': 'anoncvs',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {
+                'module': 'familiar/dist/ipkg'
+            },
+            'query': {},
+            'relative': False
+        },
+        "cvs://anoncvs:anonymous@cvs.handhelds.org/cvs;tag=V0-99-81;module=familiar/dist/ipkg": {
+            'uri': 'cvs://anoncvs:anonymous@cvs.handhelds.org/cvs;tag=V0-99-81;module=familiar/dist/ipkg',
+            'scheme': 'cvs',
+            'hostname': 'cvs.handhelds.org',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': 'cvs.handhelds.org',
+            'path': '/cvs',
+            'userinfo': 'anoncvs:anonymous',
+            'username': 'anoncvs',
+            'password': 'anonymous',
+            'params': {
+                'tag': 'V0-99-81',
+                'module': 'familiar/dist/ipkg'
+            },
+            'query': {},
+            'relative': False
+        },
+        "file://example.diff": { # NOTE: Not RFC compliant!
+            'uri': 'file:example.diff',
+            'scheme': 'file',
+            'hostname': '',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': '',
+            'path': 'example.diff',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'username': '',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {},
+            'query': {},
+            'relative': True
+        },
+        "file:example.diff": { # NOTE: RFC compliant version of the former
+            'uri': 'file:example.diff',
+            'scheme': 'file',
+            'hostname': '',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': '',
+            'path': 'example.diff',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'username': '',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {},
+            'query': {},
+            'relative': True
+        },
+        "file:///tmp/example.diff": {
+            'uri': 'file:///tmp/example.diff',
+            'scheme': 'file',
+            'hostname': '',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': '',
+            'path': '/tmp/example.diff',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'username': '',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {},
+            'query': {},
+            'relative': False
+        },
+        "git:///path/example.git": {
+            'uri': 'git:///path/example.git',
+            'scheme': 'git',
+            'hostname': '',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': '',
+            'path': '/path/example.git',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'username': '',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {},
+            'query': {},
+            'relative': False
+        },
+        "git:path/example.git": {
+            'uri': 'git:path/example.git',
+            'scheme': 'git',
+            'hostname': '',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': '',
+            'path': 'path/example.git',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'username': '',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {},
+            'query': {},
+            'relative': True
+        },
+        "git://example.net/path/example.git": {
+            'uri': 'git://example.net/path/example.git',
+            'scheme': 'git',
+            'hostname': 'example.net',
+            'port': None,
+            'hostport': 'example.net',
+            'path': '/path/example.git',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'userinfo': '',
+            'username': '',
+            'password': '',
+            'params': {},
+            'query': {},
+            'relative': False
+        }
+    }
+    def test_uri(self):
+        for test_uri, ref in self.test_uris.items():
+            uri = URI(test_uri)
+            self.assertEqual(str(uri), ref['uri'])
+            # expected attributes
+            self.assertEqual(uri.scheme, ref['scheme'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.userinfo, ref['userinfo'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.username, ref['username'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.password, ref['password'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.hostname, ref['hostname'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.port, ref['port'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.hostport, ref['hostport'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.path, ref['path'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.params, ref['params'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.relative, ref['relative'])
+    def test_dict(self):
+        for test in self.test_uris.values():
+            uri = URI()
+            self.assertEqual(uri.scheme, '')
+            self.assertEqual(uri.userinfo, '')
+            self.assertEqual(uri.username, '')
+            self.assertEqual(uri.password, '')
+            self.assertEqual(uri.hostname, '')
+            self.assertEqual(uri.port, None)
+            self.assertEqual(uri.path, '')
+            self.assertEqual(uri.params, {})
+            uri.scheme = test['scheme']
+            self.assertEqual(uri.scheme, test['scheme'])
+            uri.userinfo = test['userinfo']
+            self.assertEqual(uri.userinfo, test['userinfo'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.username, test['username'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.password, test['password'])
+            # make sure changing the values doesn't do anything unexpected
+            uri.username = 'changeme'
+            self.assertEqual(uri.username, 'changeme')
+            self.assertEqual(uri.password, test['password'])
+            uri.password = 'insecure'
+            self.assertEqual(uri.username, 'changeme')
+            self.assertEqual(uri.password, 'insecure')
+            # reset back after our trickery
+            uri.userinfo = test['userinfo']
+            self.assertEqual(uri.userinfo, test['userinfo'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.username, test['username'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.password, test['password'])
+            uri.hostname = test['hostname']
+            self.assertEqual(uri.hostname, test['hostname'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.hostport, test['hostname'])
+            uri.port = test['port']
+            self.assertEqual(uri.port, test['port'])
+            self.assertEqual(uri.hostport, test['hostport'])
+            uri.path = test['path']
+            self.assertEqual(uri.path, test['path'])
+            uri.params = test['params']
+            self.assertEqual(uri.params, test['params'])
+            uri.query = test['query']
+            self.assertEqual(uri.query, test['query'])
+            self.assertEqual(str(uri), test['uri'])
+            uri.params = {}
+            self.assertEqual(uri.params, {})
+            self.assertEqual(str(uri), (str(uri).split(";"))[0])
+class FetcherTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.origdir = os.getcwd()
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+        self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        self.dldir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "download")
+        os.mkdir(self.dldir)
+        self.d.setVar("DL_DIR", self.dldir)
+        self.unpackdir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "unpacked")
+        os.mkdir(self.unpackdir)
+        persistdir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "persistdata")
+        self.d.setVar("PERSISTENT_DIR", persistdir)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        os.chdir(self.origdir)
+        bb.utils.prunedir(self.tempdir)
+class MirrorUriTest(FetcherTest):
+    replaceuris = {
+        ("git://git.invalid.infradead.org/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "git://.*/.*", "http://somewhere.org/somedir/") 
+            : "http://somewhere.org/somedir/git2_git.invalid.infradead.org.mtd-utils.git.tar.gz",
+        ("git://git.invalid.infradead.org/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "git://.*/([^/]+/)*([^/]*)", "git://somewhere.org/somedir/\\2;protocol=http") 
+            : "git://somewhere.org/somedir/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890;protocol=http", 
+        ("git://git.invalid.infradead.org/foo/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "git://.*/([^/]+/)*([^/]*)", "git://somewhere.org/somedir/\\2;protocol=http") 
+            : "git://somewhere.org/somedir/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890;protocol=http", 
+        ("git://git.invalid.infradead.org/foo/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "git://.*/([^/]+/)*([^/]*)", "git://somewhere.org/\\2;protocol=http") 
+            : "git://somewhere.org/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890;protocol=http", 
+        ("git://someserver.org/bitbake;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "git://someserver.org/bitbake", "git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake")
+            : "git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
+        ("file://sstate-xyz.tgz", "file://.*", "file:///somewhere/1234/sstate-cache") 
+            : "file:///somewhere/1234/sstate-cache/sstate-xyz.tgz",
+        ("file://sstate-xyz.tgz", "file://.*", "file:///somewhere/1234/sstate-cache/") 
+            : "file:///somewhere/1234/sstate-cache/sstate-xyz.tgz",
+        ("http://somewhere.org/somedir1/somedir2/somefile_1.2.3.tar.gz", "http://.*/.*", "http://somewhere2.org/somedir3") 
+            : "http://somewhere2.org/somedir3/somefile_1.2.3.tar.gz",
+        ("http://somewhere.org/somedir1/somefile_1.2.3.tar.gz", "http://somewhere.org/somedir1/somefile_1.2.3.tar.gz", "http://somewhere2.org/somedir3/somefile_1.2.3.tar.gz") 
+            : "http://somewhere2.org/somedir3/somefile_1.2.3.tar.gz",
+        ("http://www.apache.org/dist/subversion/subversion-1.7.1.tar.bz2", "http://www.apache.org/dist", "http://archive.apache.org/dist")
+            : "http://archive.apache.org/dist/subversion/subversion-1.7.1.tar.bz2",
+        ("http://www.apache.org/dist/subversion/subversion-1.7.1.tar.bz2", "http://.*/.*", "file:///somepath/downloads/")
+            : "file:///somepath/downloads/subversion-1.7.1.tar.bz2",
+        ("git://git.invalid.infradead.org/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "git://.*/.*", "git://somewhere.org/somedir/BASENAME;protocol=http") 
+            : "git://somewhere.org/somedir/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890;protocol=http", 
+        ("git://git.invalid.infradead.org/foo/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "git://.*/.*", "git://somewhere.org/somedir/BASENAME;protocol=http") 
+            : "git://somewhere.org/somedir/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890;protocol=http", 
+        ("git://git.invalid.infradead.org/foo/mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "git://.*/.*", "git://somewhere.org/somedir/MIRRORNAME;protocol=http") 
+            : "git://somewhere.org/somedir/git.invalid.infradead.org.foo.mtd-utils.git;tag=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890;protocol=http", 
+        #Renaming files doesn't work
+        #("http://somewhere.org/somedir1/somefile_1.2.3.tar.gz", "http://somewhere.org/somedir1/somefile_1.2.3.tar.gz", "http://somewhere2.org/somedir3/somefile_2.3.4.tar.gz") : "http://somewhere2.org/somedir3/somefile_2.3.4.tar.gz"
+        #("file://sstate-xyz.tgz", "file://.*/.*", "file:///somewhere/1234/sstate-cache") : "file:///somewhere/1234/sstate-cache/sstate-xyz.tgz",
+    }
+    mirrorvar = "http://.*/.* file:///somepath/downloads/ \n" \
+                "git://someserver.org/bitbake git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake \n" \
+                "https://.*/.* file:///someotherpath/downloads/ \n" \
+                "http://.*/.* file:///someotherpath/downloads/ \n"
+    def test_urireplace(self):
+        for k, v in self.replaceuris.items():
+            ud = bb.fetch.FetchData(k[0], self.d)
+            ud.setup_localpath(self.d)
+            mirrors = bb.fetch2.mirror_from_string("%s %s" % (k[1], k[2]))
+            newuris, uds = bb.fetch2.build_mirroruris(ud, mirrors, self.d)
+            self.assertEqual([v], newuris)
+    def test_urilist1(self):
+        fetcher = bb.fetch.FetchData("http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz", self.d)
+        mirrors = bb.fetch2.mirror_from_string(self.mirrorvar)
+        uris, uds = bb.fetch2.build_mirroruris(fetcher, mirrors, self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(uris, ['file:///somepath/downloads/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz', 'file:///someotherpath/downloads/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz'])
+    def test_urilist2(self):
+        # Catch https:// -> files:// bug
+        fetcher = bb.fetch.FetchData("https://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz", self.d)
+        mirrors = bb.fetch2.mirror_from_string(self.mirrorvar)
+        uris, uds = bb.fetch2.build_mirroruris(fetcher, mirrors, self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(uris, ['file:///someotherpath/downloads/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz'])
+    def test_mirror_of_mirror(self):
+        # Test if mirror of a mirror works
+        mirrorvar = self.mirrorvar + " http://.*/.* http://otherdownloads.yoctoproject.org/downloads/ \n"
+        mirrorvar = mirrorvar + " http://otherdownloads.yoctoproject.org/.* http://downloads2.yoctoproject.org/downloads/ \n"
+        fetcher = bb.fetch.FetchData("http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz", self.d)
+        mirrors = bb.fetch2.mirror_from_string(mirrorvar)
+        uris, uds = bb.fetch2.build_mirroruris(fetcher, mirrors, self.d)
+        self.assertEqual(uris, ['file:///somepath/downloads/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz', 
+                                'file:///someotherpath/downloads/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz', 
+                                'http://otherdownloads.yoctoproject.org/downloads/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz',
+                                'http://downloads2.yoctoproject.org/downloads/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz'])
+class FetcherLocalTest(FetcherTest):
+    def setUp(self):
+        def touch(fn):
+            with file(fn, 'a'):
+                os.utime(fn, None)
+        super(FetcherLocalTest, self).setUp()
+        self.localsrcdir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'localsrc')
+        os.makedirs(self.localsrcdir)
+        touch(os.path.join(self.localsrcdir, 'a'))
+        touch(os.path.join(self.localsrcdir, 'b'))
+        os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.localsrcdir, 'dir'))
+        touch(os.path.join(self.localsrcdir, 'dir', 'c'))
+        touch(os.path.join(self.localsrcdir, 'dir', 'd'))
+        os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.localsrcdir, 'dir', 'subdir'))
+        touch(os.path.join(self.localsrcdir, 'dir', 'subdir', 'e'))
+        self.d.setVar("FILESPATH", self.localsrcdir)
+    def fetchUnpack(self, uris):
+        fetcher = bb.fetch.Fetch(uris, self.d)
+        fetcher.download()
+        fetcher.unpack(self.unpackdir)
+        flst = []
+        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.unpackdir):
+            for f in files:
+                flst.append(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, f), self.unpackdir))
+        flst.sort()
+        return flst
+    def test_local(self):
+        tree = self.fetchUnpack(['file://a', 'file://dir/c'])
+        self.assertEqual(tree, ['a', 'dir/c'])
+    def test_local_wildcard(self):
+        tree = self.fetchUnpack(['file://a', 'file://dir/*'])
+        # FIXME: this is broken - it should return ['a', 'dir/c', 'dir/d', 'dir/subdir/e']
+        # see https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6128
+        self.assertEqual(tree, ['a', 'b', 'dir/c', 'dir/d', 'dir/subdir/e'])
+    def test_local_dir(self):
+        tree = self.fetchUnpack(['file://a', 'file://dir'])
+        self.assertEqual(tree, ['a', 'dir/c', 'dir/d', 'dir/subdir/e'])
+    def test_local_subdir(self):
+        tree = self.fetchUnpack(['file://dir/subdir'])
+        # FIXME: this is broken - it should return ['dir/subdir/e']
+        # see https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6129
+        self.assertEqual(tree, ['subdir/e'])
+    def test_local_subdir_file(self):
+        tree = self.fetchUnpack(['file://dir/subdir/e'])
+        self.assertEqual(tree, ['dir/subdir/e'])
+    def test_local_subdirparam(self):
+        tree = self.fetchUnpack(['file://a;subdir=bar'])
+        self.assertEqual(tree, ['bar/a'])
+    def test_local_deepsubdirparam(self):
+        tree = self.fetchUnpack(['file://dir/subdir/e;subdir=bar'])
+        self.assertEqual(tree, ['bar/dir/subdir/e'])
+class FetcherNetworkTest(FetcherTest):
+    if os.environ.get("BB_SKIP_NETTESTS") == "yes":
+        print("Unset BB_SKIP_NETTESTS to run network tests")
+    else:
+        def test_fetch(self):
+            fetcher = bb.fetch.Fetch(["http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz", "http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/bitbake-1.1.tar.gz"], self.d)
+            fetcher.download()
+            self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(self.dldir + "/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz"), 57749)
+            self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(self.dldir + "/bitbake-1.1.tar.gz"), 57892)
+            self.d.setVar("BB_NO_NETWORK", "1")
+            fetcher = bb.fetch.Fetch(["http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz", "http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/bitbake-1.1.tar.gz"], self.d)
+            fetcher.download()
+            fetcher.unpack(self.unpackdir)
+            self.assertEqual(len(os.listdir(self.unpackdir + "/bitbake-1.0/")), 9)
+            self.assertEqual(len(os.listdir(self.unpackdir + "/bitbake-1.1/")), 9)
+        def test_fetch_mirror(self):
+            self.d.setVar("MIRRORS", "http://.*/.* http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake")
+            fetcher = bb.fetch.Fetch(["http://invalid.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz"], self.d)
+            fetcher.download()
+            self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(self.dldir + "/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz"), 57749)
+        def test_fetch_mirror_of_mirror(self):
+            self.d.setVar("MIRRORS", "http://.*/.* http://invalid2.yoctoproject.org/ \n http://invalid2.yoctoproject.org/.* http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake")
+            fetcher = bb.fetch.Fetch(["http://invalid.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz"], self.d)
+            fetcher.download()
+            self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(self.dldir + "/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz"), 57749)
+        def test_fetch_file_mirror_of_mirror(self):
+            self.d.setVar("MIRRORS", "http://.*/.* file:///some1where/ \n file:///some1where/.* file://some2where/ \n file://some2where/.* http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake")
+            fetcher = bb.fetch.Fetch(["http://invalid.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz"], self.d)
+            os.mkdir(self.dldir + "/some2where")
+            fetcher.download()
+            self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(self.dldir + "/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz"), 57749)
+        def test_fetch_premirror(self):
+            self.d.setVar("PREMIRRORS", "http://.*/.* http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake")
+            fetcher = bb.fetch.Fetch(["http://invalid.yoctoproject.org/releases/bitbake/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz"], self.d)
+            fetcher.download()
+            self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(self.dldir + "/bitbake-1.0.tar.gz"), 57749)
+        def gitfetcher(self, url1, url2):
+            def checkrevision(self, fetcher):
+                fetcher.unpack(self.unpackdir)
+                revision = bb.process.run("git rev-parse HEAD", shell=True, cwd=self.unpackdir + "/git")[0].strip()
+                self.assertEqual(revision, "270a05b0b4ba0959fe0624d2a4885d7b70426da5")
+            self.d.setVar("BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS", "1")
+            self.d.setVar("SRCREV", "270a05b0b4ba0959fe0624d2a4885d7b70426da5")
+            fetcher = bb.fetch.Fetch([url1], self.d)
+            fetcher.download()
+            checkrevision(self, fetcher)
+            # Wipe out the dldir clone and the unpacked source, turn off the network and check mirror tarball works
+            bb.utils.prunedir(self.dldir + "/git2/")
+            bb.utils.prunedir(self.unpackdir)
+            self.d.setVar("BB_NO_NETWORK", "1")
+            fetcher = bb.fetch.Fetch([url2], self.d)
+            fetcher.download()
+            checkrevision(self, fetcher)
+        def test_gitfetch(self):
+            url1 = url2 = "git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake"
+            self.gitfetcher(url1, url2)
+        def test_gitfetch_goodsrcrev(self):
+            # SRCREV is set but matches rev= parameter
+            url1 = url2 = "git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake;rev=270a05b0b4ba0959fe0624d2a4885d7b70426da5"
+            self.gitfetcher(url1, url2)
+        def test_gitfetch_badsrcrev(self):
+            # SRCREV is set but does not match rev= parameter
+            url1 = url2 = "git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake;rev=dead05b0b4ba0959fe0624d2a4885d7b70426da5"
+            self.assertRaises(bb.fetch.FetchError, self.gitfetcher, url1, url2)
+        def test_gitfetch_tagandrev(self):
+            # SRCREV is set but does not match rev= parameter
+            url1 = url2 = "git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake;rev=270a05b0b4ba0959fe0624d2a4885d7b70426da5;tag=270a05b0b4ba0959fe0624d2a4885d7b70426da5"
+            self.assertRaises(bb.fetch.FetchError, self.gitfetcher, url1, url2)
+        def test_gitfetch_premirror(self):
+            url1 = "git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake"
+            url2 = "git://someserver.org/bitbake"
+            self.d.setVar("PREMIRRORS", "git://someserver.org/bitbake git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake \n")
+            self.gitfetcher(url1, url2)
+        def test_gitfetch_premirror2(self):
+            url1 = url2 = "git://someserver.org/bitbake"
+            self.d.setVar("PREMIRRORS", "git://someserver.org/bitbake git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake \n")
+            self.gitfetcher(url1, url2)
+        def test_gitfetch_premirror3(self):
+            realurl = "git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake"
+            dummyurl = "git://someserver.org/bitbake"
+            self.sourcedir = self.unpackdir.replace("unpacked", "sourcemirror.git")
+            os.chdir(self.tempdir)
+            bb.process.run("git clone %s %s 2> /dev/null" % (realurl, self.sourcedir), shell=True)
+            self.d.setVar("PREMIRRORS", "%s git://%s;protocol=file \n" % (dummyurl, self.sourcedir))
+            self.gitfetcher(dummyurl, dummyurl)
+        def test_git_submodule(self):
+            fetcher = bb.fetch.Fetch(["gitsm://git.yoctoproject.org/git-submodule-test;rev=f12e57f2edf0aa534cf1616fa983d165a92b0842"], self.d)
+            fetcher.download()
+            # Previous cwd has been deleted
+            os.chdir(os.path.dirname(self.unpackdir))
+            fetcher.unpack(self.unpackdir)
+        def test_trusted_network(self):
+            # Ensure trusted_network returns False when the host IS in the list.
+            url = "git://Someserver.org/foo;rev=1"
+            self.d.setVar("BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS", "server1.org someserver.org server2.org server3.org")
+            self.assertTrue(bb.fetch.trusted_network(self.d, url))
+        def test_wild_trusted_network(self):
+            # Ensure trusted_network returns true when the *.host IS in the list.
+            url = "git://Someserver.org/foo;rev=1"
+            self.d.setVar("BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS", "server1.org *.someserver.org server2.org server3.org")
+            self.assertTrue(bb.fetch.trusted_network(self.d, url))
+        def test_prefix_wild_trusted_network(self):
+            # Ensure trusted_network returns true when the prefix matches *.host.
+            url = "git://git.Someserver.org/foo;rev=1"
+            self.d.setVar("BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS", "server1.org *.someserver.org server2.org server3.org")
+            self.assertTrue(bb.fetch.trusted_network(self.d, url))
+        def test_two_prefix_wild_trusted_network(self):
+            # Ensure trusted_network returns true when the prefix matches *.host.
+            url = "git://something.git.Someserver.org/foo;rev=1"
+            self.d.setVar("BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS", "server1.org *.someserver.org server2.org server3.org")
+            self.assertTrue(bb.fetch.trusted_network(self.d, url))
+        def test_untrusted_network(self):
+            # Ensure trusted_network returns False when the host is NOT in the list.
+            url = "git://someserver.org/foo;rev=1"
+            self.d.setVar("BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS", "server1.org server2.org server3.org")
+            self.assertFalse(bb.fetch.trusted_network(self.d, url))
+        def test_wild_untrusted_network(self):
+            # Ensure trusted_network returns False when the host is NOT in the list.
+            url = "git://*.someserver.org/foo;rev=1"
+            self.d.setVar("BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS", "server1.org server2.org server3.org")
+            self.assertFalse(bb.fetch.trusted_network(self.d, url))
+class URLHandle(unittest.TestCase):
+    datatable = {
+       "http://www.google.com/index.html" : ('http', 'www.google.com', '/index.html', '', '', {}),
+       "cvs://anoncvs@cvs.handhelds.org/cvs;module=familiar/dist/ipkg" : ('cvs', 'cvs.handhelds.org', '/cvs', 'anoncvs', '', {'module': 'familiar/dist/ipkg'}),
+       "cvs://anoncvs:anonymous@cvs.handhelds.org/cvs;tag=V0-99-81;module=familiar/dist/ipkg" : ('cvs', 'cvs.handhelds.org', '/cvs', 'anoncvs', 'anonymous', {'tag': 'V0-99-81', 'module': 'familiar/dist/ipkg'}),
+       "git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake;branch=@foo" : ('git', 'git.openembedded.org', '/bitbake', '', '', {'branch': '@foo'})
+    }
+    def test_decodeurl(self):
+        for k, v in self.datatable.items():
+            result = bb.fetch.decodeurl(k)
+            self.assertEqual(result, v)
+    def test_encodeurl(self):
+        for k, v in self.datatable.items():
+            result = bb.fetch.encodeurl(v)
+            self.assertEqual(result, k)
+class FetchLatestVersionTest(FetcherTest):
+    test_git_uris = {
+        # version pattern "X.Y.Z"
+        ("mx-1.0", "git://github.com/clutter-project/mx.git;branch=mx-1.4", "9b1db6b8060bd00b121a692f942404a24ae2960f", "")
+            : "1.99.4",
+        # version pattern "vX.Y"
+        ("mtd-utils", "git://git.infradead.org/mtd-utils.git", "ca39eb1d98e736109c64ff9c1aa2a6ecca222d8f", "")
+            : "1.5.0",
+        # version pattern "pkg_name-X.Y"
+        ("presentproto", "git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/proto/presentproto", "24f3a56e541b0a9e6c6ee76081f441221a120ef9", "")
+            : "1.0",
+        # version pattern "pkg_name-vX.Y.Z"
+        ("dtc", "git://git.qemu.org/dtc.git", "65cc4d2748a2c2e6f27f1cf39e07a5dbabd80ebf", "")
+            : "1.4.0",
+        # combination version pattern
+        ("sysprof", "git://git.gnome.org/sysprof", "cd44ee6644c3641507fb53b8a2a69137f2971219", "")
+            : "1.2.0",
+        ("u-boot-mkimage", "git://git.denx.de/u-boot.git;branch=master;protocol=git", "62c175fbb8a0f9a926c88294ea9f7e88eb898f6c", "")
+            : "2014.01",
+        # version pattern "yyyymmdd"
+        ("mobile-broadband-provider-info", "git://git.gnome.org/mobile-broadband-provider-info", "4ed19e11c2975105b71b956440acdb25d46a347d", "")
+            : "20120614",
+        # packages with a valid GITTAGREGEX
+        ("xf86-video-omap", "git://anongit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-omap", "ae0394e687f1a77e966cf72f895da91840dffb8f", "(?P<pver>(\d+\.(\d\.?)*))")
+            : "0.4.3",
+        ("build-appliance-image", "git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky", "b37dd451a52622d5b570183a81583cc34c2ff555", "(?P<pver>(([0-9][\.|_]?)+[0-9]))")
+            : "11.0.0",
+        ("chkconfig-alternatives-native", "git://github.com/kergoth/chkconfig;branch=sysroot", "cd437ecbd8986c894442f8fce1e0061e20f04dee", "chkconfig\-(?P<pver>((\d+[\.\-_]*)+))")
+            : "1.3.59",
+        ("remake", "git://github.com/rocky/remake.git", "f05508e521987c8494c92d9c2871aec46307d51d", "(?P<pver>(\d+\.(\d+\.)*\d*(\+dbg\d+(\.\d+)*)*))")
+            : "3.82+dbg0.9",
+    }
+    test_wget_uris = {
+        # packages with versions inside directory name
+        ("util-linux", "http://kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/v2.23/util-linux-2.24.2.tar.bz2", "", "")
+            : "2.24.2",
+        ("enchant", "http://www.abisource.com/downloads/enchant/1.6.0/enchant-1.6.0.tar.gz", "", "")
+            : "1.6.0",
+        ("cmake", "http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-", "", "")
+            : "",
+        # packages with versions only in current directory
+        ("eglic", "http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/eglibc/eglibc-2.18-svnr23787.tar.bz2", "", "")
+            : "2.19",
+        ("gnu-config", "http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/gnu-config/gnu-config-20120814.tar.bz2", "", "")
+            : "20120814",
+        # packages with "99" in the name of possible version
+        ("pulseaudio", "http://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/releases/pulseaudio-4.0.tar.xz", "", "")
+            : "5.0",
+        ("xserver-xorg", "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-1.15.1.tar.bz2", "", "")
+            : "1.15.1",
+        # packages with valid REGEX_URI and REGEX
+        ("cups", "http://www.cups.org/software/1.7.2/cups-1.7.2-source.tar.bz2", "http://www.cups.org/software.php", "(?P<name>cups\-)(?P<pver>((\d+[\.\-_]*)+))\-source\.tar\.gz")
+            : "2.0.0",
+        ("db", "http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-5.3.21.tar.gz", "http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/products/berkeleydb/downloads/index-082944.html", "http://download.oracle.com/otn/berkeley-db/(?P<name>db-)(?P<pver>((\d+[\.\-_]*)+))\.tar\.gz")
+            : "6.1.19",
+    }
+    if os.environ.get("BB_SKIP_NETTESTS") == "yes":
+        print("Unset BB_SKIP_NETTESTS to run network tests")
+    else:
+        def test_git_latest_versionstring(self):
+            for k, v in self.test_git_uris.items():
+                self.d.setVar("PN", k[0])
+                self.d.setVar("SRCREV", k[2])
+                self.d.setVar("GITTAGREGEX", k[3])
+                ud = bb.fetch2.FetchData(k[1], self.d)
+                pupver= ud.method.latest_versionstring(ud, self.d)
+                verstring = pupver[0]
+                r = bb.utils.vercmp_string(v, verstring)
+                self.assertTrue(r == -1 or r == 0, msg="Package %s, version: %s <= %s" % (k[0], v, verstring))
+        def test_wget_latest_versionstring(self):
+            for k, v in self.test_wget_uris.items():
+                self.d.setVar("PN", k[0])
+                self.d.setVar("REGEX_URI", k[2])
+                self.d.setVar("REGEX", k[3])
+                ud = bb.fetch2.FetchData(k[1], self.d)
+                pupver = ud.method.latest_versionstring(ud, self.d)
+                verstring = pupver[0]
+                r = bb.utils.vercmp_string(v, verstring)
+                self.assertTrue(r == -1 or r == 0, msg="Package %s, version: %s <= %s" % (k[0], v, verstring))
+class FetchCheckStatusTest(FetcherTest):
+    test_wget_uris = ["http://www.cups.org/software/1.7.2/cups-1.7.2-source.tar.bz2",
+                      "http://www.cups.org/software/ipptool/ipptool-20130731-linux-ubuntu-i686.tar.gz",
+                      "http://www.cups.org/",
+                      "http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/sato/sato-engine-0.1.tar.gz",
+                      "http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/sato/sato-engine-0.2.tar.gz",
+                      "http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/sato/sato-engine-0.3.tar.gz",
+                      "https://yoctoproject.org/",
+                      "https://yoctoproject.org/documentation",
+                      "http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/opkg/opkg-0.1.7.tar.gz",
+                      "http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/opkg/opkg-0.3.0.tar.gz",
+                      "ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-2.60.tar.gz",
+                      "ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/chess/gnuchess-5.08.tar.gz",
+                      "ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gmp/gmp-4.0.tar.gz",
+                      ]
+    if os.environ.get("BB_SKIP_NETTESTS") == "yes":
+        print("Unset BB_SKIP_NETTESTS to run network tests")
+    else:
+        def test_wget_checkstatus(self):
+            fetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch(self.test_wget_uris, self.d)
+            for u in self.test_wget_uris:
+                ud = fetch.ud[u]
+                m = ud.method
+                ret = m.checkstatus(fetch, ud, self.d)
+                self.assertTrue(ret, msg="URI %s, can't check status" % (u))
+        def test_wget_checkstatus_connection_cache(self):
+            from bb.fetch2 import FetchConnectionCache
+            connection_cache = FetchConnectionCache()
+            fetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch(self.test_wget_uris, self.d,
+                        connection_cache = connection_cache)
+            for u in self.test_wget_uris:
+                ud = fetch.ud[u]
+                m = ud.method
+                ret = m.checkstatus(fetch, ud, self.d)
+                self.assertTrue(ret, msg="URI %s, can't check status" % (u))
+            connection_cache.close_connections()
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/parse.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/parse.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6beb76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/parse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# BitBake Test for lib/bb/parse/
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Richard Purdie
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import unittest
+import tempfile
+import logging
+import bb
+import os
+logger = logging.getLogger('BitBake.TestParse')
+import bb.parse
+import bb.data
+import bb.siggen
+class ParseTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    testfile = """
+A = "1"
+B = "2"
+do_install() {
+	echo "hello"
+C = "3"
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = bb.data.init()
+        bb.parse.siggen = bb.siggen.init(self.d)
+    def parsehelper(self, content, suffix = ".bb"):
+        f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix = suffix)
+        f.write(content)
+        f.flush()
+        os.chdir(os.path.dirname(f.name))
+        return f
+    def test_parse_simple(self):
+        f = self.parsehelper(self.testfile)
+        d = bb.parse.handle(f.name, self.d)['']
+        self.assertEqual(d.getVar("A", True), "1")
+        self.assertEqual(d.getVar("B", True), "2")
+        self.assertEqual(d.getVar("C", True), "3")
+    def test_parse_incomplete_function(self):
+        testfileB = self.testfile.replace("}", "")
+        f = self.parsehelper(testfileB)
+        with self.assertRaises(bb.parse.ParseError):
+            d = bb.parse.handle(f.name, self.d)['']
+    overridetest = """
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN}_libc = "b"
+OVERRIDES = "libc:${PN}"
+PN = "gtk+"
+    def test_parse_overrides(self):
+        f = self.parsehelper(self.overridetest)
+        d = bb.parse.handle(f.name, self.d)['']
+        self.assertEqual(d.getVar("RRECOMMENDS", True), "b")
+        bb.data.expandKeys(d)
+        self.assertEqual(d.getVar("RRECOMMENDS", True), "b")
+        d.setVar("RRECOMMENDS_gtk+", "c")
+        self.assertEqual(d.getVar("RRECOMMENDS", True), "c")
+    overridetest2 = """
+EXTRA_OECONF_class-target = "b"
+EXTRA_OECONF_append = " c"
+    def test_parse_overrides(self):
+        f = self.parsehelper(self.overridetest2)
+        d = bb.parse.handle(f.name, self.d)['']
+        d.appendVar("EXTRA_OECONF", " d")
+        d.setVar("OVERRIDES", "class-target")
+        self.assertEqual(d.getVar("EXTRA_OECONF", True), "b c d")
+    overridetest3 = """
+PN = "bc"
+    def test_parse_combinations(self):
+        f = self.parsehelper(self.overridetest3)
+        d = bb.parse.handle(f.name, self.d)['']
+        bb.data.expandKeys(d)
+        self.assertEqual(d.getVar("DESCRIPTION_bc-dev", True), "A B")
+        d.setVar("DESCRIPTION", "E")
+        d.setVar("DESCRIPTION_bc-dev", "C D")
+        d.setVar("OVERRIDES", "bc-dev")
+        self.assertEqual(d.getVar("DESCRIPTION", True), "C D")
+    classextend = """
+VAR_var_override1 = "B"
+EXTRA = ":override1"
+OVERRIDES = "nothing${EXTRA}"
+    classextend_bbclass = """
+EXTRA = ""
+python () {
+    d.renameVar("VAR_var", "VAR_var2")
+    #
+    # Test based upon a real world data corruption issue. One
+    # data store changing a variable poked through into a different data
+    # store. This test case replicates that issue where the value 'B' would 
+    # become unset/disappear.
+    #
+    def test_parse_classextend_contamination(self):
+        cls = self.parsehelper(self.classextend_bbclass, suffix=".bbclass")
+        #clsname = os.path.basename(cls.name).replace(".bbclass", "")
+        self.classextend = self.classextend.replace("###CLASS###", cls.name)
+        f = self.parsehelper(self.classextend)
+        alldata = bb.parse.handle(f.name, self.d)
+        d1 = alldata['']
+        d2 = alldata[cls.name]
+        self.assertEqual(d1.getVar("VAR_var", True), "B")
+        self.assertEqual(d2.getVar("VAR_var", True), None)
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/utils.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9171509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/tests/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# BitBake Tests for utils.py
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Richard Purdie
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import unittest
+import bb
+import os
+import tempfile
+class VerCmpString(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_vercmpstring(self):
+        result = bb.utils.vercmp_string('1', '2')
+        self.assertTrue(result < 0)
+        result = bb.utils.vercmp_string('2', '1')
+        self.assertTrue(result > 0)
+        result = bb.utils.vercmp_string('1', '1.0')
+        self.assertTrue(result < 0)
+        result = bb.utils.vercmp_string('1', '1.1')
+        self.assertTrue(result < 0)
+        result = bb.utils.vercmp_string('1.1', '1_p2')
+        self.assertTrue(result < 0)
+        result = bb.utils.vercmp_string('1.0', '1.0+1.1-beta1')
+        self.assertTrue(result < 0)
+        result = bb.utils.vercmp_string('1.1', '1.0+1.1-beta1')
+        self.assertTrue(result > 0)
+    def test_explode_dep_versions(self):
+        correctresult = {"foo" : ["= 1.10"]}
+        result = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2("foo (= 1.10)")
+        self.assertEqual(result, correctresult)
+        result = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2("foo (=1.10)")
+        self.assertEqual(result, correctresult)
+        result = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2("foo ( = 1.10)")
+        self.assertEqual(result, correctresult)
+        result = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2("foo ( =1.10)")
+        self.assertEqual(result, correctresult)
+        result = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2("foo ( = 1.10 )")
+        self.assertEqual(result, correctresult)
+        result = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2("foo ( =1.10 )")
+        self.assertEqual(result, correctresult)
+    def test_vercmp_string_op(self):
+        compareops = [('1', '1', '=', True),
+                      ('1', '1', '==', True),
+                      ('1', '1', '!=', False),
+                      ('1', '1', '>', False),
+                      ('1', '1', '<', False),
+                      ('1', '1', '>=', True),
+                      ('1', '1', '<=', True),
+                      ('1', '0', '=', False),
+                      ('1', '0', '==', False),
+                      ('1', '0', '!=', True),
+                      ('1', '0', '>', True),
+                      ('1', '0', '<', False),
+                      ('1', '0', '>>', True),
+                      ('1', '0', '<<', False),
+                      ('1', '0', '>=', True),
+                      ('1', '0', '<=', False),
+                      ('0', '1', '=', False),
+                      ('0', '1', '==', False),
+                      ('0', '1', '!=', True),
+                      ('0', '1', '>', False),
+                      ('0', '1', '<', True),
+                      ('0', '1', '>>', False),
+                      ('0', '1', '<<', True),
+                      ('0', '1', '>=', False),
+                      ('0', '1', '<=', True)]
+        for arg1, arg2, op, correctresult in compareops:
+            result = bb.utils.vercmp_string_op(arg1, arg2, op)
+            self.assertEqual(result, correctresult, 'vercmp_string_op("%s", "%s", "%s") != %s' % (arg1, arg2, op, correctresult))
+        # Check that clearly invalid operator raises an exception
+        self.assertRaises(bb.utils.VersionStringException, bb.utils.vercmp_string_op, '0', '0', '$')
+class Path(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_unsafe_delete_path(self):
+        checkitems = [('/', True),
+                      ('//', True),
+                      ('///', True),
+                      (os.getcwd().count(os.sep) * ('..' + os.sep), True),
+                      (os.environ.get('HOME', '/home/test'), True),
+                      ('/home/someone', True),
+                      ('/home/other/', True),
+                      ('/home/other/subdir', False),
+                      ('', False)]
+        for arg1, correctresult in checkitems:
+            result = bb.utils._check_unsafe_delete_path(arg1)
+            self.assertEqual(result, correctresult, '_check_unsafe_delete_path("%s") != %s' % (arg1, correctresult))
+class EditMetadataFile(unittest.TestCase):
+    _origfile = """
+# A comment
+HELLO = "oldvalue"
+THIS = "that"
+# Another comment
+NOCHANGE = "samevalue"
+OTHER = 'anothervalue'
+MULTILINE = "a1 \\
+             a2 \\
+             a3"
+MULTILINE2 := " \\
+               b1 \\
+               b2 \\
+               b3 \\
+               "
+MULTILINE3 = " \\
+              c1 \\
+              c2 \\
+              c3 \\
+do_functionname() {
+    command1 ${VAL1} ${VAL2}
+    command2 ${VAL3} ${VAL4}
+    def _testeditfile(self, varvalues, compareto, dummyvars=None):
+        if dummyvars is None:
+            dummyvars = []
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) as tf:
+            tf.write(self._origfile)
+            tf.close()
+            try:
+                varcalls = []
+                def handle_file(varname, origvalue, op, newlines):
+                    self.assertIn(varname, varvalues, 'Callback called for variable %s not in the list!' % varname)
+                    self.assertNotIn(varname, dummyvars, 'Callback called for variable %s in dummy list!' % varname)
+                    varcalls.append(varname)
+                    return varvalues[varname]
+                bb.utils.edit_metadata_file(tf.name, varvalues.keys(), handle_file)
+                with open(tf.name) as f:
+                    modfile = f.readlines()
+                # Ensure the output matches the expected output
+                self.assertEqual(compareto.splitlines(True), modfile)
+                # Ensure the callback function was called for every variable we asked for
+                # (plus allow testing behaviour when a requested variable is not present)
+                self.assertEqual(sorted(varvalues.keys()), sorted(varcalls + dummyvars))
+            finally:
+                os.remove(tf.name)
+    def test_edit_metadata_file_nochange(self):
+        # Test file doesn't get modified with nothing to do
+        self._testeditfile({}, self._origfile)
+        # Test file doesn't get modified with only dummy variables
+        self._testeditfile({'DUMMY1': ('should_not_set', None, 0, True),
+                        'DUMMY2': ('should_not_set_again', None, 0, True)}, self._origfile, dummyvars=['DUMMY1', 'DUMMY2'])
+        # Test file doesn't get modified with some the same values
+        self._testeditfile({'THIS': ('that', None, 0, True),
+                        'OTHER': ('anothervalue', None, 0, True),
+                        'MULTILINE3': ('               c1               c2               c3', None, 4, False)}, self._origfile)
+    def test_edit_metadata_file_1(self):
+        newfile1 = """
+# A comment
+HELLO = "newvalue"
+THIS = "that"
+# Another comment
+NOCHANGE = "samevalue"
+OTHER = 'anothervalue'
+MULTILINE = "a1 \\
+             a2 \\
+             a3"
+MULTILINE2 := " \\
+               b1 \\
+               b2 \\
+               b3 \\
+               "
+MULTILINE3 = " \\
+              c1 \\
+              c2 \\
+              c3 \\
+do_functionname() {
+    command1 ${VAL1} ${VAL2}
+    command2 ${VAL3} ${VAL4}
+        self._testeditfile({'HELLO': ('newvalue', None, 4, True)}, newfile1)
+    def test_edit_metadata_file_2(self):
+        newfile2 = """
+# A comment
+HELLO = "oldvalue"
+THIS = "that"
+# Another comment
+NOCHANGE = "samevalue"
+OTHER = 'anothervalue'
+    d1 \\
+    d2 \\
+    d3 \\
+    "
+MULTILINE2 := " \\
+               b1 \\
+               b2 \\
+               b3 \\
+               "
+MULTILINE3 = "nowsingle"
+do_functionname() {
+    command1 ${VAL1} ${VAL2}
+    command2 ${VAL3} ${VAL4}
+        self._testeditfile({'MULTILINE': (['d1','d2','d3'], None, 4, False),
+                        'MULTILINE3': ('nowsingle', None, 4, True),
+                        'NOTPRESENT': (['a', 'b'], None, 4, False)}, newfile2, dummyvars=['NOTPRESENT'])
+    def test_edit_metadata_file_3(self):
+        newfile3 = """
+# A comment
+HELLO = "oldvalue"
+# Another comment
+NOCHANGE = "samevalue"
+OTHER = "yetanothervalue"
+MULTILINE = "e1 \\
+             e2 \\
+             e3 \\
+             "
+MULTILINE2 := "f1 \\
+\tf2 \\
+MULTILINE3 = " \\
+              c1 \\
+              c2 \\
+              c3 \\
+do_functionname() {
+    othercommand_one a b c
+    othercommand_two d e f
+        self._testeditfile({'do_functionname()': (['othercommand_one a b c', 'othercommand_two d e f'], None, 4, False),
+                        'MULTILINE2': (['f1', 'f2'], None, '\t', True),
+                        'MULTILINE': (['e1', 'e2', 'e3'], None, -1, True),
+                        'THIS': (None, None, 0, False),
+                        'OTHER': ('yetanothervalue', None, 0, True)}, newfile3)
+    def test_edit_metadata_file_4(self):
+        newfile4 = """
+# A comment
+HELLO = "oldvalue"
+THIS = "that"
+# Another comment
+OTHER = 'anothervalue'
+MULTILINE = "a1 \\
+             a2 \\
+             a3"
+MULTILINE2 := " \\
+               b1 \\
+               b2 \\
+               b3 \\
+               "
+        self._testeditfile({'NOCHANGE': (None, None, 0, False),
+                        'MULTILINE3': (None, None, 0, False),
+                        'THIS': ('that', None, 0, False),
+                        'do_functionname()': (None, None, 0, False)}, newfile4)
+    def test_edit_metadata(self):
+        newfile5 = """
+# A comment
+HELLO = "hithere"
+# A new comment
+THIS += "that"
+# Another comment
+NOCHANGE = "samevalue"
+OTHER = 'anothervalue'
+MULTILINE = "a1 \\
+             a2 \\
+             a3"
+MULTILINE2 := " \\
+               b1 \\
+               b2 \\
+               b3 \\
+               "
+MULTILINE3 = " \\
+              c1 \\
+              c2 \\
+              c3 \\
+NEWVAR = "value"
+do_functionname() {
+    command1 ${VAL1} ${VAL2}
+    command2 ${VAL3} ${VAL4}
+        def handle_var(varname, origvalue, op, newlines):
+            if varname == 'THIS':
+                newlines.append('# A new comment\n')
+            elif varname == 'do_functionname()':
+                newlines.append('NEWVAR = "value"\n')
+                newlines.append('\n')
+            valueitem = varvalues.get(varname, None)
+            if valueitem:
+                return valueitem
+            else:
+                return (origvalue, op, 0, True)
+        varvalues = {'HELLO': ('hithere', None, 0, True), 'THIS': ('that', '+=', 0, True)}
+        varlist = ['HELLO', 'THIS', 'do_functionname()']
+        (updated, newlines) = bb.utils.edit_metadata(self._origfile.splitlines(True), varlist, handle_var)
+        self.assertTrue(updated, 'List should be updated but isn\'t')
+        self.assertEqual(newlines, newfile5.splitlines(True))