Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d1ed51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@
+# BitBake ToasterUI Implementation
+# Copyright (C) 2013        Intel Corporation
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import sys
+import bb
+import re
+import os
+os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "toaster.toastermain.settings"
+from django.utils import timezone
+def _configure_toaster():
+    """ Add toaster to sys path for importing modules
+    """
+    sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))), 'toaster'))
+from toaster.orm.models import Build, Task, Recipe, Layer_Version, Layer, Target, LogMessage, HelpText
+from toaster.orm.models import Target_Image_File, BuildArtifact
+from toaster.orm.models import Variable, VariableHistory
+from toaster.orm.models import Package, Package_File, Target_Installed_Package, Target_File
+from toaster.orm.models import Task_Dependency, Package_Dependency
+from toaster.orm.models import Recipe_Dependency
+from toaster.orm.models import Project
+from bldcontrol.models import BuildEnvironment, BuildRequest
+from bb.msg import BBLogFormatter as formatter
+from django.db import models
+from pprint import pformat
+import logging
+from django.db import transaction, connection
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+# the logger name is standard throughout BitBake
+logger = logging.getLogger("ToasterLogger")
+class NotExisting(Exception):
+    pass
+class ORMWrapper(object):
+    """ This class creates the dictionaries needed to store information in the database
+        following the format defined by the Django models. It is also used to save this
+        information in the database.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.layer_version_objects = []
+        self.task_objects = {}
+        self.recipe_objects = {}
+    @staticmethod
+    def _build_key(**kwargs):
+        key = "0"
+        for k in sorted(kwargs.keys()):
+            if isinstance(kwargs[k], models.Model):
+                key += "-%d" % kwargs[k].id
+            else:
+                key += "-%s" % str(kwargs[k])
+        return key
+    def _cached_get_or_create(self, clazz, **kwargs):
+        """ This is a memory-cached get_or_create. We assume that the objects will not be created in the
+            database through any other means.
+        """
+        assert issubclass(clazz, models.Model), "_cached_get_or_create needs to get the class as first argument"
+        key = ORMWrapper._build_key(**kwargs)
+        dictname = "objects_%s" % clazz.__name__
+        if not dictname in vars(self).keys():
+            vars(self)[dictname] = {}
+        created = False
+        if not key in vars(self)[dictname].keys():
+            vars(self)[dictname][key] = clazz.objects.create(**kwargs)
+            created = True
+        return (vars(self)[dictname][key], created)
+    def _cached_get(self, clazz, **kwargs):
+        """ This is a memory-cached get. We assume that the objects will not change  in the database between gets.
+        """
+        assert issubclass(clazz, models.Model), "_cached_get needs to get the class as first argument"
+        key = ORMWrapper._build_key(**kwargs)
+        dictname = "objects_%s" % clazz.__name__
+        if not dictname in vars(self).keys():
+            vars(self)[dictname] = {}
+        if not key in vars(self)[dictname].keys():
+            vars(self)[dictname][key] = clazz.objects.get(**kwargs)
+        return vars(self)[dictname][key]
+    # pylint: disable=no-self-use
+    # we disable detection of no self use in functions because the methods actually work on the object
+    # even if they don't touch self anywhere
+    # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
+    # we do not follow the python conventions for continuation indentation due to long lines here
+    def create_build_object(self, build_info, brbe, project_id):
+        assert 'machine' in build_info
+        assert 'distro' in build_info
+        assert 'distro_version' in build_info
+        assert 'started_on' in build_info
+        assert 'cooker_log_path' in build_info
+        assert 'build_name' in build_info
+        assert 'bitbake_version' in build_info
+        prj = None
+        buildrequest = None
+        if brbe is not None:            # this build was triggered by a request from a user
+            logger.debug(1, "buildinfohelper: brbe is %s" % brbe)
+            br, _ = brbe.split(":")
+            buildrequest = BuildRequest.objects.get(pk = br)
+            prj = buildrequest.project
+        elif project_id is not None:    # this build was triggered by an external system for a specific project
+            logger.debug(1, "buildinfohelper: project is %s" % prj)
+            prj = Project.objects.get(pk = project_id)
+        else:                           # this build was triggered by a legacy system, or command line interactive mode
+            prj = Project.objects.get_default_project()
+            logger.debug(1, "buildinfohelper: project is not specified, defaulting to %s" % prj)
+        if buildrequest is not None:
+            build = buildrequest.build
+            logger.info("Updating existing build, with %s", build_info)
+            build.project = prj
+            build.machine=build_info['machine']
+            build.distro=build_info['distro']
+            build.distro_version=build_info['distro_version']
+            build.cooker_log_path=build_info['cooker_log_path']
+            build.build_name=build_info['build_name']
+            build.bitbake_version=build_info['bitbake_version']
+            build.save()
+            Target.objects.filter(build = build).delete()
+        else:
+            build = Build.objects.create(
+                                    project = prj,
+                                    machine=build_info['machine'],
+                                    distro=build_info['distro'],
+                                    distro_version=build_info['distro_version'],
+                                    started_on=build_info['started_on'],
+                                    completed_on=build_info['started_on'],
+                                    cooker_log_path=build_info['cooker_log_path'],
+                                    build_name=build_info['build_name'],
+                                    bitbake_version=build_info['bitbake_version'])
+        logger.debug(1, "buildinfohelper: build is created %s" % build)
+        if buildrequest is not None:
+            buildrequest.build = build
+            buildrequest.save()
+        return build
+    def create_target_objects(self, target_info):
+        assert 'build' in target_info
+        assert 'targets' in target_info
+        targets = []
+        for tgt_name in target_info['targets']:
+            tgt_object = Target.objects.create( build = target_info['build'],
+                                    target = tgt_name,
+                                    is_image = False,
+                                    )
+            targets.append(tgt_object)
+        return targets
+    def update_build_object(self, build, errors, warnings, taskfailures):
+        assert isinstance(build,Build)
+        assert isinstance(errors, int)
+        assert isinstance(warnings, int)
+        outcome = Build.SUCCEEDED
+        if errors or taskfailures:
+            outcome = Build.FAILED
+        build.completed_on = timezone.now()
+        build.outcome = outcome
+        build.save()
+    def update_target_set_license_manifest(self, target, license_manifest_path):
+        target.license_manifest_path = license_manifest_path
+        target.save()
+    def get_update_task_object(self, task_information, must_exist = False):
+        assert 'build' in task_information
+        assert 'recipe' in task_information
+        assert 'task_name' in task_information
+        # we use must_exist info for database look-up optimization
+        task_object, created = self._cached_get_or_create(Task,
+                        build=task_information['build'],
+                        recipe=task_information['recipe'],
+                        task_name=task_information['task_name']
+                        )
+        if created and must_exist:
+            task_information['debug'] = "build id %d, recipe id %d" % (task_information['build'].pk, task_information['recipe'].pk)
+            raise NotExisting("Task object created when expected to exist", task_information)
+        object_changed = False
+        for v in vars(task_object):
+            if v in task_information.keys():
+                if vars(task_object)[v] != task_information[v]:
+                    vars(task_object)[v] = task_information[v]
+                    object_changed = True
+        # update setscene-related information if the task has a setscene
+        if task_object.outcome == Task.OUTCOME_COVERED and 1 == task_object.get_related_setscene().count():
+            task_object.outcome = Task.OUTCOME_CACHED
+            object_changed = True
+            outcome_task_setscene = Task.objects.get(task_executed=True, build = task_object.build,
+                                    recipe = task_object.recipe, task_name=task_object.task_name+"_setscene").outcome
+            if outcome_task_setscene == Task.OUTCOME_SUCCESS:
+                task_object.sstate_result = Task.SSTATE_RESTORED
+                object_changed = True
+            elif outcome_task_setscene == Task.OUTCOME_FAILED:
+                task_object.sstate_result = Task.SSTATE_FAILED
+                object_changed = True
+        # mark down duration if we have a start time and a current time
+        if 'start_time' in task_information.keys() and 'end_time' in task_information.keys():
+            duration = task_information['end_time'] - task_information['start_time']
+            task_object.elapsed_time = duration
+            object_changed = True
+            del task_information['start_time']
+            del task_information['end_time']
+        if object_changed:
+            task_object.save()
+        return task_object
+    def get_update_recipe_object(self, recipe_information, must_exist = False):
+        assert 'layer_version' in recipe_information
+        assert 'file_path' in recipe_information
+        assert 'pathflags' in recipe_information
+        assert not recipe_information['file_path'].startswith("/")      # we should have layer-relative paths at all times
+        recipe_object, created = self._cached_get_or_create(Recipe, layer_version=recipe_information['layer_version'],
+                                     file_path=recipe_information['file_path'], pathflags = recipe_information['pathflags'])
+        if created and must_exist:
+            raise NotExisting("Recipe object created when expected to exist", recipe_information)
+        object_changed = False
+        for v in vars(recipe_object):
+            if v in recipe_information.keys():
+                object_changed = True
+                vars(recipe_object)[v] = recipe_information[v]
+        if object_changed:
+            recipe_object.save()
+        return recipe_object
+    def get_update_layer_version_object(self, build_obj, layer_obj, layer_version_information):
+        assert isinstance(build_obj, Build)
+        assert isinstance(layer_obj, Layer)
+        assert 'branch' in layer_version_information
+        assert 'commit' in layer_version_information
+        assert 'priority' in layer_version_information
+        assert 'local_path' in layer_version_information
+        layer_version_object, _ = Layer_Version.objects.get_or_create(
+                                    build = build_obj,
+                                    layer = layer_obj,
+                                    branch = layer_version_information['branch'],
+                                    commit = layer_version_information['commit'],
+                                    priority = layer_version_information['priority'],
+                                    local_path = layer_version_information['local_path'],
+                                    )
+        self.layer_version_objects.append(layer_version_object)
+        return layer_version_object
+    def get_update_layer_object(self, layer_information, brbe):
+        assert 'name' in layer_information
+        assert 'layer_index_url' in layer_information
+        if brbe is None:
+            layer_object, _ = Layer.objects.get_or_create(
+                                name=layer_information['name'],
+                                layer_index_url=layer_information['layer_index_url'])
+            return layer_object
+        else:
+            # we are under managed mode; we must match the layer used in the Project Layer
+            br_id, be_id = brbe.split(":")
+            # find layer by checkout path;
+            from bldcontrol import bbcontroller
+            bc = bbcontroller.getBuildEnvironmentController(pk = be_id)
+            # we might have a race condition here, as the project layers may change between the build trigger and the actual build execution
+            # but we can only match on the layer name, so the worst thing can happen is a mis-identification of the layer, not a total failure
+            # note that this is different
+            buildrequest = BuildRequest.objects.get(pk = br_id)
+            for brl in buildrequest.brlayer_set.all():
+                localdirname = os.path.join(bc.getGitCloneDirectory(brl.giturl, brl.commit), brl.dirpath)
+                # we get a relative path, unless running in HEAD mode where the path is absolute
+                if not localdirname.startswith("/"):
+                    localdirname = os.path.join(bc.be.sourcedir, localdirname)
+                #logger.debug(1, "Localdirname %s lcal_path %s" % (localdirname, layer_information['local_path']))
+                if localdirname.startswith(layer_information['local_path']):
+                    # we matched the BRLayer, but we need the layer_version that generated this BR; reverse of the Project.schedule_build()
+                    #logger.debug(1, "Matched %s to BRlayer %s" % (pformat(layer_information["local_path"]), localdirname))
+                    for pl in buildrequest.project.projectlayer_set.filter(layercommit__layer__name = brl.name):
+                        if pl.layercommit.layer.vcs_url == brl.giturl :
+                            layer = pl.layercommit.layer
+                            layer.save()
+                            return layer
+            raise NotExisting("Unidentified layer %s" % pformat(layer_information))
+    def save_target_file_information(self, build_obj, target_obj, filedata):
+        assert isinstance(build_obj, Build)
+        assert isinstance(target_obj, Target)
+        dirs = filedata['dirs']
+        files = filedata['files']
+        syms = filedata['syms']
+        # we insert directories, ordered by name depth
+        for d in sorted(dirs, key=lambda x:len(x[-1].split("/"))):
+            (user, group, size) = d[1:4]
+            permission = d[0][1:]
+            path = d[4].lstrip(".")
+            if len(path) == 0:
+                # we create the root directory as a special case
+                path = "/"
+                tf_obj = Target_File.objects.create(
+                        target = target_obj,
+                        path = path,
+                        size = size,
+                        inodetype = Target_File.ITYPE_DIRECTORY,
+                        permission = permission,
+                        owner = user,
+                        group = group,
+                        )
+                tf_obj.directory = tf_obj
+                tf_obj.save()
+                continue
+            parent_path = "/".join(path.split("/")[:len(path.split("/")) - 1])
+            if len(parent_path) == 0:
+                parent_path = "/"
+            parent_obj = self._cached_get(Target_File, target = target_obj, path = parent_path, inodetype = Target_File.ITYPE_DIRECTORY)
+            tf_obj = Target_File.objects.create(
+                        target = target_obj,
+                        path = path,
+                        size = size,
+                        inodetype = Target_File.ITYPE_DIRECTORY,
+                        permission = permission,
+                        owner = user,
+                        group = group,
+                        directory = parent_obj)
+        # we insert files
+        for d in files:
+            (user, group, size) = d[1:4]
+            permission = d[0][1:]
+            path = d[4].lstrip(".")
+            parent_path = "/".join(path.split("/")[:len(path.split("/")) - 1])
+            inodetype = Target_File.ITYPE_REGULAR
+            if d[0].startswith('b'):
+                inodetype = Target_File.ITYPE_BLOCK
+            if d[0].startswith('c'):
+                inodetype = Target_File.ITYPE_CHARACTER
+            if d[0].startswith('p'):
+                inodetype = Target_File.ITYPE_FIFO
+            tf_obj = Target_File.objects.create(
+                        target = target_obj,
+                        path = path,
+                        size = size,
+                        inodetype = inodetype,
+                        permission = permission,
+                        owner = user,
+                        group = group)
+            parent_obj = self._cached_get(Target_File, target = target_obj, path = parent_path, inodetype = Target_File.ITYPE_DIRECTORY)
+            tf_obj.directory = parent_obj
+            tf_obj.save()
+        # we insert symlinks
+        for d in syms:
+            (user, group, size) = d[1:4]
+            permission = d[0][1:]
+            path = d[4].lstrip(".")
+            filetarget_path = d[6]
+            parent_path = "/".join(path.split("/")[:len(path.split("/")) - 1])
+            if not filetarget_path.startswith("/"):
+                # we have a relative path, get a normalized absolute one
+                filetarget_path = parent_path + "/" + filetarget_path
+                fcp = filetarget_path.split("/")
+                fcpl = []
+                for i in fcp:
+                    if i == "..":
+                        fcpl.pop()
+                    else:
+                        fcpl.append(i)
+                filetarget_path = "/".join(fcpl)
+            try:
+                filetarget_obj = Target_File.objects.get(target = target_obj, path = filetarget_path)
+            except Target_File.DoesNotExist:
+                # we might have an invalid link; no way to detect this. just set it to None
+                filetarget_obj = None
+            parent_obj = Target_File.objects.get(target = target_obj, path = parent_path, inodetype = Target_File.ITYPE_DIRECTORY)
+            tf_obj = Target_File.objects.create(
+                        target = target_obj,
+                        path = path,
+                        size = size,
+                        inodetype = Target_File.ITYPE_SYMLINK,
+                        permission = permission,
+                        owner = user,
+                        group = group,
+                        directory = parent_obj,
+                        sym_target = filetarget_obj)
+    def save_target_package_information(self, build_obj, target_obj, packagedict, pkgpnmap, recipes):
+        assert isinstance(build_obj, Build)
+        assert isinstance(target_obj, Target)
+        errormsg = ""
+        for p in packagedict:
+            searchname = p
+            if 'OPKGN' in pkgpnmap[p].keys():
+                searchname = pkgpnmap[p]['OPKGN']
+            packagedict[p]['object'], created = Package.objects.get_or_create( build = build_obj, name = searchname )
+            if created or packagedict[p]['object'].size == -1:    # save the data anyway we can, not just if it was not created here; bug [YOCTO #6887]
+                # fill in everything we can from the runtime-reverse package data
+                try:
+                    packagedict[p]['object'].recipe = recipes[pkgpnmap[p]['PN']]
+                    packagedict[p]['object'].version = pkgpnmap[p]['PV']
+                    packagedict[p]['object'].installed_name = p
+                    packagedict[p]['object'].revision = pkgpnmap[p]['PR']
+                    packagedict[p]['object'].license = pkgpnmap[p]['LICENSE']
+                    packagedict[p]['object'].section = pkgpnmap[p]['SECTION']
+                    packagedict[p]['object'].summary = pkgpnmap[p]['SUMMARY']
+                    packagedict[p]['object'].description = pkgpnmap[p]['DESCRIPTION']
+                    packagedict[p]['object'].size = int(pkgpnmap[p]['PKGSIZE'])
+                # no files recorded for this package, so save files info
+                    packagefile_objects = []
+                    for targetpath in pkgpnmap[p]['FILES_INFO']:
+                        targetfilesize = pkgpnmap[p]['FILES_INFO'][targetpath]
+                        packagefile_objects.append(Package_File( package = packagedict[p]['object'],
+                            path = targetpath,
+                            size = targetfilesize))
+                    if len(packagefile_objects):
+                        Package_File.objects.bulk_create(packagefile_objects)
+                except KeyError as e:
+                    errormsg += "  stpi: Key error, package %s key %s \n" % ( p, e )
+            # save disk installed size
+            packagedict[p]['object'].installed_size = packagedict[p]['size']
+            packagedict[p]['object'].save()
+            Target_Installed_Package.objects.create(target = target_obj, package = packagedict[p]['object'])
+        packagedeps_objs = []
+        for p in packagedict:
+            for (px,deptype) in packagedict[p]['depends']:
+                if deptype == 'depends':
+                    tdeptype = Package_Dependency.TYPE_TRDEPENDS
+                elif deptype == 'recommends':
+                    tdeptype = Package_Dependency.TYPE_TRECOMMENDS
+                packagedeps_objs.append(Package_Dependency( package = packagedict[p]['object'],
+                                        depends_on = packagedict[px]['object'],
+                                        dep_type = tdeptype,
+                                        target = target_obj))
+        if len(packagedeps_objs) > 0:
+            Package_Dependency.objects.bulk_create(packagedeps_objs)
+        if len(errormsg) > 0:
+            logger.warn("buildinfohelper: target_package_info could not identify recipes: \n%s", errormsg)
+    def save_target_image_file_information(self, target_obj, file_name, file_size):
+        Target_Image_File.objects.create( target = target_obj,
+                            file_name = file_name,
+                            file_size = file_size)
+    def save_artifact_information(self, build_obj, file_name, file_size):
+        # we skip the image files from other builds
+        if Target_Image_File.objects.filter(file_name = file_name).count() > 0:
+            return
+        # do not update artifacts found in other builds
+        if BuildArtifact.objects.filter(file_name = file_name).count() > 0:
+            return
+        BuildArtifact.objects.create(build = build_obj, file_name = file_name, file_size = file_size)
+    def create_logmessage(self, log_information):
+        assert 'build' in log_information
+        assert 'level' in log_information
+        assert 'message' in log_information
+        log_object = LogMessage.objects.create(
+                        build = log_information['build'],
+                        level = log_information['level'],
+                        message = log_information['message'])
+        for v in vars(log_object):
+            if v in log_information.keys():
+                vars(log_object)[v] = log_information[v]
+        return log_object.save()
+    def save_build_package_information(self, build_obj, package_info, recipes):
+        assert isinstance(build_obj, Build)
+        # create and save the object
+        pname = package_info['PKG']
+        if 'OPKGN' in package_info.keys():
+            pname = package_info['OPKGN']
+        bp_object, _ = Package.objects.get_or_create( build = build_obj,
+                                       name = pname )
+        bp_object.installed_name = package_info['PKG']
+        bp_object.recipe = recipes[package_info['PN']]
+        bp_object.version = package_info['PKGV']
+        bp_object.revision = package_info['PKGR']
+        bp_object.summary = package_info['SUMMARY']
+        bp_object.description = package_info['DESCRIPTION']
+        bp_object.size = int(package_info['PKGSIZE'])
+        bp_object.section = package_info['SECTION']
+        bp_object.license = package_info['LICENSE']
+        bp_object.save()
+        # save any attached file information
+        packagefile_objects = []
+        for path in package_info['FILES_INFO']:
+            packagefile_objects.append(Package_File( package = bp_object,
+                                        path = path,
+                                        size = package_info['FILES_INFO'][path] ))
+        if len(packagefile_objects):
+            Package_File.objects.bulk_create(packagefile_objects)
+        def _po_byname(p):
+            pkg, created = Package.objects.get_or_create(build = build_obj, name = p)
+            if created:
+                pkg.size = -1
+                pkg.save()
+            return pkg
+        packagedeps_objs = []
+        # save soft dependency information
+        if 'RDEPENDS' in package_info and package_info['RDEPENDS']:
+            for p in bb.utils.explode_deps(package_info['RDEPENDS']):
+                packagedeps_objs.append(Package_Dependency(  package = bp_object,
+                    depends_on = _po_byname(p), dep_type = Package_Dependency.TYPE_RDEPENDS))
+        if 'RPROVIDES' in package_info and package_info['RPROVIDES']:
+            for p in bb.utils.explode_deps(package_info['RPROVIDES']):
+                packagedeps_objs.append(Package_Dependency(  package = bp_object,
+                    depends_on = _po_byname(p), dep_type = Package_Dependency.TYPE_RPROVIDES))
+        if 'RRECOMMENDS' in package_info and package_info['RRECOMMENDS']:
+            for p in bb.utils.explode_deps(package_info['RRECOMMENDS']):
+                packagedeps_objs.append(Package_Dependency(  package = bp_object,
+                    depends_on = _po_byname(p), dep_type = Package_Dependency.TYPE_RRECOMMENDS))
+        if 'RSUGGESTS' in package_info and package_info['RSUGGESTS']:
+            for p in bb.utils.explode_deps(package_info['RSUGGESTS']):
+                packagedeps_objs.append(Package_Dependency(  package = bp_object,
+                    depends_on = _po_byname(p), dep_type = Package_Dependency.TYPE_RSUGGESTS))
+        if 'RREPLACES' in package_info and package_info['RREPLACES']:
+            for p in bb.utils.explode_deps(package_info['RREPLACES']):
+                packagedeps_objs.append(Package_Dependency(  package = bp_object,
+                    depends_on = _po_byname(p), dep_type = Package_Dependency.TYPE_RREPLACES))
+        if 'RCONFLICTS' in package_info and package_info['RCONFLICTS']:
+            for p in bb.utils.explode_deps(package_info['RCONFLICTS']):
+                packagedeps_objs.append(Package_Dependency(  package = bp_object,
+                    depends_on = _po_byname(p), dep_type = Package_Dependency.TYPE_RCONFLICTS))
+        if len(packagedeps_objs) > 0:
+            Package_Dependency.objects.bulk_create(packagedeps_objs)
+        return bp_object
+    def save_build_variables(self, build_obj, vardump):
+        assert isinstance(build_obj, Build)
+        helptext_objects = []
+        for k in vardump:
+            desc = vardump[k]['doc']
+            if desc is None:
+                var_words = [word for word in k.split('_')]
+                root_var = "_".join([word for word in var_words if word.isupper()])
+                if root_var and root_var != k and root_var in vardump:
+                    desc = vardump[root_var]['doc']
+            if desc is None:
+                desc = ''
+            if len(desc):
+                helptext_objects.append(HelpText(build=build_obj,
+                    area=HelpText.VARIABLE,
+                    key=k,
+                    text=desc))
+            if not bool(vardump[k]['func']):
+                value = vardump[k]['v']
+                if value is None:
+                    value = ''
+                variable_obj = Variable.objects.create( build = build_obj,
+                    variable_name = k,
+                    variable_value = value,
+                    description = desc)
+                varhist_objects = []
+                for vh in vardump[k]['history']:
+                    if not 'documentation.conf' in vh['file']:
+                        varhist_objects.append(VariableHistory( variable = variable_obj,
+                                file_name = vh['file'],
+                                line_number = vh['line'],
+                                operation = vh['op']))
+                if len(varhist_objects):
+                    VariableHistory.objects.bulk_create(varhist_objects)
+        HelpText.objects.bulk_create(helptext_objects)
+class MockEvent(object):
+    """ This object is used to create event, for which normal event-processing methods can
+        be used, out of data that is not coming via an actual event
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.msg = None
+        self.levelno = None
+        self.taskname = None
+        self.taskhash = None
+        self.pathname = None
+        self.lineno = None
+class BuildInfoHelper(object):
+    """ This class gathers the build information from the server and sends it
+        towards the ORM wrapper for storing in the database
+        It is instantiated once per build
+        Keeps in memory all data that needs matching before writing it to the database
+    """
+    # pylint: disable=protected-access
+    # the code will look into the protected variables of the event; no easy way around this
+    # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
+    # we do not follow the python conventions for continuation indentation due to long lines here
+    def __init__(self, server, has_build_history = False):
+        self.internal_state = {}
+        self.internal_state['taskdata'] = {}
+        self.task_order = 0
+        self.autocommit_step = 1
+        self.server = server
+        # we use manual transactions if the database doesn't autocommit on us
+        if not connection.features.autocommits_when_autocommit_is_off:
+            transaction.set_autocommit(False)
+        self.orm_wrapper = ORMWrapper()
+        self.has_build_history = has_build_history
+        self.tmp_dir = self.server.runCommand(["getVariable", "TMPDIR"])[0]
+        self.brbe    = self.server.runCommand(["getVariable", "TOASTER_BRBE"])[0]
+        self.project = self.server.runCommand(["getVariable", "TOASTER_PROJECT"])[0]
+        logger.debug(1, "buildinfohelper: Build info helper inited %s" % vars(self))
+    ###################
+    ## methods to convert event/external info into objects that the ORM layer uses
+    def _get_build_information(self):
+        build_info = {}
+        # Generate an identifier for each new build
+        build_info['machine'] = self.server.runCommand(["getVariable", "MACHINE"])[0]
+        build_info['distro'] = self.server.runCommand(["getVariable", "DISTRO"])[0]
+        build_info['distro_version'] = self.server.runCommand(["getVariable", "DISTRO_VERSION"])[0]
+        build_info['started_on'] = timezone.now()
+        build_info['completed_on'] = timezone.now()
+        build_info['cooker_log_path'] = self.server.runCommand(["getVariable", "BB_CONSOLELOG"])[0]
+        build_info['build_name'] = self.server.runCommand(["getVariable", "BUILDNAME"])[0]
+        build_info['bitbake_version'] = self.server.runCommand(["getVariable", "BB_VERSION"])[0]
+        return build_info
+    def _get_task_information(self, event, recipe):
+        assert 'taskname' in vars(event)
+        task_information = {}
+        task_information['build'] = self.internal_state['build']
+        task_information['outcome'] = Task.OUTCOME_NA
+        task_information['recipe'] = recipe
+        task_information['task_name'] = event.taskname
+        try:
+            # some tasks don't come with a hash. and that's ok
+            task_information['sstate_checksum'] = event.taskhash
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        return task_information
+    def _get_layer_version_for_path(self, path):
+        assert path.startswith("/")
+        assert 'build' in self.internal_state
+        if self.brbe is None:
+            def _slkey_interactive(layer_version):
+                assert isinstance(layer_version, Layer_Version)
+                return len(layer_version.local_path)
+            # Heuristics: we always match recipe to the deepest layer path in the discovered layers
+            for lvo in sorted(self.orm_wrapper.layer_version_objects, reverse=True, key=_slkey_interactive):
+                # we can match to the recipe file path
+                if path.startswith(lvo.local_path):
+                    return lvo
+        else:
+            br_id, be_id = self.brbe.split(":")
+            from bldcontrol.bbcontroller import getBuildEnvironmentController
+            bc = getBuildEnvironmentController(pk = be_id)
+            def _slkey_managed(layer_version):
+                return len(bc.getGitCloneDirectory(layer_version.giturl, layer_version.commit) + layer_version.dirpath)
+            # Heuristics: we match the path to where the layers have been checked out
+            for brl in sorted(BuildRequest.objects.get(pk = br_id).brlayer_set.all(), reverse = True, key = _slkey_managed):
+                localdirname = os.path.join(bc.getGitCloneDirectory(brl.giturl, brl.commit), brl.dirpath)
+                # we get a relative path, unless running in HEAD mode where the path is absolute
+                if not localdirname.startswith("/"):
+                    localdirname = os.path.join(bc.be.sourcedir, localdirname)
+                if path.startswith(localdirname):
+                    #logger.warn("-- managed: matched path %s with layer %s " % (path, localdirname))
+                    # we matched the BRLayer, but we need the layer_version that generated this br
+                    for lvo in self.orm_wrapper.layer_version_objects:
+                        if brl.name == lvo.layer.name:
+                            return lvo
+        #if we get here, we didn't read layers correctly; dump whatever information we have on the error log
+        logger.warn("Could not match layer version for recipe path %s : %s", path, self.orm_wrapper.layer_version_objects)
+        #mockup the new layer
+        unknown_layer, _ = Layer.objects.get_or_create(name="__FIXME__unidentified_layer", layer_index_url="")
+        unknown_layer_version_obj, _ = Layer_Version.objects.get_or_create(layer = unknown_layer, build = self.internal_state['build'])
+        # append it so we don't run into this error again and again
+        self.orm_wrapper.layer_version_objects.append(unknown_layer_version_obj)
+        return unknown_layer_version_obj
+    def _get_recipe_information_from_taskfile(self, taskfile):
+        localfilepath = taskfile.split(":")[-1]
+        filepath_flags = ":".join(sorted(taskfile.split(":")[:-1]))
+        layer_version_obj = self._get_layer_version_for_path(localfilepath)
+        recipe_info = {}
+        recipe_info['layer_version'] = layer_version_obj
+        recipe_info['file_path'] = localfilepath
+        recipe_info['pathflags'] = filepath_flags
+        if recipe_info['file_path'].startswith(recipe_info['layer_version'].local_path):
+            recipe_info['file_path'] = recipe_info['file_path'][len(recipe_info['layer_version'].local_path):].lstrip("/")
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError("Recipe file path %s is not under layer version at %s" % (recipe_info['file_path'], recipe_info['layer_version'].local_path))
+        return recipe_info
+    def _get_path_information(self, task_object):
+        assert isinstance(task_object, Task)
+        build_stats_format = "{tmpdir}/buildstats/{target}-{machine}/{buildname}/{package}/"
+        build_stats_path = []
+        for t in self.internal_state['targets']:
+            target = t.target
+            machine = self.internal_state['build'].machine
+            buildname = self.internal_state['build'].build_name
+            pe, pv = task_object.recipe.version.split(":",1)
+            if len(pe) > 0:
+                package = task_object.recipe.name + "-" + pe + "_" + pv
+            else:
+                package = task_object.recipe.name + "-" + pv
+            build_stats_path.append(build_stats_format.format(tmpdir=self.tmp_dir, target=target,
+                                                     machine=machine, buildname=buildname,
+                                                     package=package))
+        return build_stats_path
+    ################################
+    ## external available methods to store information
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_data_from_event(event):
+        evdata = None
+        if '_localdata' in vars(event):
+            evdata = event._localdata
+        elif 'data' in vars(event):
+            evdata = event.data
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Event with neither _localdata or data properties")
+        return evdata
+    def store_layer_info(self, event):
+        layerinfos = BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event)
+        self.internal_state['lvs'] = {}
+        for layer in layerinfos:
+            try:
+                self.internal_state['lvs'][self.orm_wrapper.get_update_layer_object(layerinfos[layer], self.brbe)] = layerinfos[layer]['version']
+                self.internal_state['lvs'][self.orm_wrapper.get_update_layer_object(layerinfos[layer], self.brbe)]['local_path'] = layerinfos[layer]['local_path']
+            except NotExisting as nee:
+                logger.warn("buildinfohelper: cannot identify layer exception:%s ", nee)
+    def store_started_build(self, event):
+        assert '_pkgs' in vars(event)
+        build_information = self._get_build_information()
+        build_obj = self.orm_wrapper.create_build_object(build_information, self.brbe, self.project)
+        self.internal_state['build'] = build_obj
+        # save layer version information for this build
+        if not 'lvs' in self.internal_state:
+            logger.error("Layer version information not found; Check if the bitbake server was configured to inherit toaster.bbclass.")
+        else:
+            for layer_obj in self.internal_state['lvs']:
+                self.orm_wrapper.get_update_layer_version_object(build_obj, layer_obj, self.internal_state['lvs'][layer_obj])
+            del self.internal_state['lvs']
+        # create target information
+        target_information = {}
+        target_information['targets'] = event._pkgs
+        target_information['build'] = build_obj
+        self.internal_state['targets'] = self.orm_wrapper.create_target_objects(target_information)
+        # Save build configuration
+        data = self.server.runCommand(["getAllKeysWithFlags", ["doc", "func"]])[0]
+        # convert the paths from absolute to relative to either the build directory or layer checkouts
+        path_prefixes = []
+        if self.brbe is not None:
+            _, be_id = self.brbe.split(":")
+            be = BuildEnvironment.objects.get(pk = be_id)
+            path_prefixes.append(be.builddir)
+        for layer in sorted(self.orm_wrapper.layer_version_objects, key = lambda x:len(x.local_path), reverse=True):
+            path_prefixes.append(layer.local_path)
+        # we strip the prefixes
+        for k in data:
+            if not bool(data[k]['func']):
+                for vh in data[k]['history']:
+                    if not 'documentation.conf' in vh['file']:
+                        abs_file_name = vh['file']
+                        for pp in path_prefixes:
+                            if abs_file_name.startswith(pp + "/"):
+                                vh['file']=abs_file_name[len(pp + "/"):]
+                                break
+        # save the variables
+        self.orm_wrapper.save_build_variables(build_obj, data)
+        return self.brbe
+    def update_target_image_file(self, event):
+        evdata = BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event)
+        for t in self.internal_state['targets']:
+            if t.is_image == True:
+                output_files = list(evdata.viewkeys())
+                for output in output_files:
+                    if t.target in output and 'rootfs' in output and not output.endswith(".manifest"):
+                        self.orm_wrapper.save_target_image_file_information(t, output, evdata[output])
+    def update_artifact_image_file(self, event):
+        evdata = BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event)
+        for artifact_path in evdata.keys():
+            self.orm_wrapper.save_artifact_information(self.internal_state['build'], artifact_path, evdata[artifact_path])
+    def update_build_information(self, event, errors, warnings, taskfailures):
+        if 'build' in self.internal_state:
+            self.orm_wrapper.update_build_object(self.internal_state['build'], errors, warnings, taskfailures)
+    def store_license_manifest_path(self, event):
+        deploy_dir = BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event)['deploy_dir']
+        image_name = BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event)['image_name']
+        path = deploy_dir + "/licenses/" + image_name + "/license.manifest"
+        for target in self.internal_state['targets']:
+            if target.target in image_name:
+                self.orm_wrapper.update_target_set_license_manifest(target, path)
+    def store_started_task(self, event):
+        assert isinstance(event, (bb.runqueue.sceneQueueTaskStarted, bb.runqueue.runQueueTaskStarted, bb.runqueue.runQueueTaskSkipped))
+        assert 'taskfile' in vars(event)
+        localfilepath = event.taskfile.split(":")[-1]
+        assert localfilepath.startswith("/")
+        identifier = event.taskfile + ":" + event.taskname
+        recipe_information = self._get_recipe_information_from_taskfile(event.taskfile)
+        recipe = self.orm_wrapper.get_update_recipe_object(recipe_information, True)
+        task_information = self._get_task_information(event, recipe)
+        task_information['outcome'] = Task.OUTCOME_NA
+        if isinstance(event, bb.runqueue.runQueueTaskSkipped):
+            assert 'reason' in vars(event)
+            task_information['task_executed'] = False
+            if event.reason == "covered":
+                task_information['outcome'] = Task.OUTCOME_COVERED
+            if event.reason == "existing":
+                task_information['outcome'] = Task.OUTCOME_PREBUILT
+        else:
+            task_information['task_executed'] = True
+            if 'noexec' in vars(event) and event.noexec == True:
+                task_information['task_executed'] = False
+                task_information['outcome'] = Task.OUTCOME_EMPTY
+                task_information['script_type'] = Task.CODING_NA
+        # do not assign order numbers to scene tasks
+        if not isinstance(event, bb.runqueue.sceneQueueTaskStarted):
+            self.task_order += 1
+            task_information['order'] = self.task_order
+        self.orm_wrapper.get_update_task_object(task_information)
+        self.internal_state['taskdata'][identifier] = {
+                        'outcome': task_information['outcome'],
+                    }
+    def store_tasks_stats(self, event):
+        for (taskfile, taskname, taskstats, recipename) in BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event):
+            localfilepath = taskfile.split(":")[-1]
+            assert localfilepath.startswith("/")
+            recipe_information = self._get_recipe_information_from_taskfile(taskfile)
+            try:
+                if recipe_information['file_path'].startswith(recipe_information['layer_version'].local_path):
+                    recipe_information['file_path'] = recipe_information['file_path'][len(recipe_information['layer_version'].local_path):].lstrip("/")
+                recipe_object = Recipe.objects.get(layer_version = recipe_information['layer_version'],
+                            file_path__endswith = recipe_information['file_path'],
+                            name = recipename)
+            except Recipe.DoesNotExist:
+                logger.error("Could not find recipe for recipe_information %s name %s" , pformat(recipe_information), recipename)
+                raise
+            task_information = {}
+            task_information['build'] = self.internal_state['build']
+            task_information['recipe'] = recipe_object
+            task_information['task_name'] = taskname
+            task_information['cpu_usage'] = taskstats['cpu_usage']
+            task_information['disk_io'] = taskstats['disk_io']
+            if 'elapsed_time' in taskstats:
+                task_information['elapsed_time'] = taskstats['elapsed_time']
+            self.orm_wrapper.get_update_task_object(task_information, True)  # must exist
+    def update_and_store_task(self, event):
+        assert 'taskfile' in vars(event)
+        localfilepath = event.taskfile.split(":")[-1]
+        assert localfilepath.startswith("/")
+        identifier = event.taskfile + ":" + event.taskname
+        if not identifier in self.internal_state['taskdata']:
+            if isinstance(event, bb.build.TaskBase):
+                # we do a bit of guessing
+                candidates = [x for x in self.internal_state['taskdata'].keys() if x.endswith(identifier)]
+                if len(candidates) == 1:
+                    identifier = candidates[0]
+        assert identifier in self.internal_state['taskdata']
+        identifierlist = identifier.split(":")
+        realtaskfile = ":".join(identifierlist[0:len(identifierlist)-1])
+        recipe_information = self._get_recipe_information_from_taskfile(realtaskfile)
+        recipe = self.orm_wrapper.get_update_recipe_object(recipe_information, True)
+        task_information = self._get_task_information(event,recipe)
+        if 'time' in vars(event):
+            if not 'start_time' in self.internal_state['taskdata'][identifier]:
+                self.internal_state['taskdata'][identifier]['start_time'] = event.time
+            else:
+                task_information['end_time'] = event.time
+                task_information['start_time'] = self.internal_state['taskdata'][identifier]['start_time']
+        task_information['outcome'] = self.internal_state['taskdata'][identifier]['outcome']
+        if 'logfile' in vars(event):
+            task_information['logfile'] = event.logfile
+        if '_message' in vars(event):
+            task_information['message'] = event._message
+        if 'taskflags' in vars(event):
+            # with TaskStarted, we get even more information
+            if 'python' in event.taskflags.keys() and event.taskflags['python'] == '1':
+                task_information['script_type'] = Task.CODING_PYTHON
+            else:
+                task_information['script_type'] = Task.CODING_SHELL
+        if task_information['outcome'] == Task.OUTCOME_NA:
+            if isinstance(event, (bb.runqueue.runQueueTaskCompleted, bb.runqueue.sceneQueueTaskCompleted)):
+                task_information['outcome'] = Task.OUTCOME_SUCCESS
+                del self.internal_state['taskdata'][identifier]
+            if isinstance(event, (bb.runqueue.runQueueTaskFailed, bb.runqueue.sceneQueueTaskFailed)):
+                task_information['outcome'] = Task.OUTCOME_FAILED
+                del self.internal_state['taskdata'][identifier]
+        if not connection.features.autocommits_when_autocommit_is_off:
+            # we force a sync point here, to get the progress bar to show
+            if self.autocommit_step % 3 == 0:
+                transaction.set_autocommit(True)
+                transaction.set_autocommit(False)
+            self.autocommit_step += 1
+        self.orm_wrapper.get_update_task_object(task_information, True) # must exist
+    def store_missed_state_tasks(self, event):
+        for (fn, taskname, taskhash, sstatefile) in BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event)['missed']:
+            # identifier = fn + taskname + "_setscene"
+            recipe_information = self._get_recipe_information_from_taskfile(fn)
+            recipe = self.orm_wrapper.get_update_recipe_object(recipe_information)
+            mevent = MockEvent()
+            mevent.taskname = taskname
+            mevent.taskhash = taskhash
+            task_information = self._get_task_information(mevent,recipe)
+            task_information['start_time'] = timezone.now()
+            task_information['outcome'] = Task.OUTCOME_NA
+            task_information['sstate_checksum'] = taskhash
+            task_information['sstate_result'] = Task.SSTATE_MISS
+            task_information['path_to_sstate_obj'] = sstatefile
+            self.orm_wrapper.get_update_task_object(task_information)
+        for (fn, taskname, taskhash, sstatefile) in BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event)['found']:
+            # identifier = fn + taskname + "_setscene"
+            recipe_information = self._get_recipe_information_from_taskfile(fn)
+            recipe = self.orm_wrapper.get_update_recipe_object(recipe_information)
+            mevent = MockEvent()
+            mevent.taskname = taskname
+            mevent.taskhash = taskhash
+            task_information = self._get_task_information(mevent,recipe)
+            task_information['path_to_sstate_obj'] = sstatefile
+            self.orm_wrapper.get_update_task_object(task_information)
+    def store_target_package_data(self, event):
+        # for all image targets
+        for target in self.internal_state['targets']:
+            if target.is_image:
+                try:
+                    pkgdata = BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event)['pkgdata']
+                    imgdata = BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event)['imgdata'][target.target]
+                    self.orm_wrapper.save_target_package_information(self.internal_state['build'], target, imgdata, pkgdata, self.internal_state['recipes'])
+                    filedata = BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event)['filedata'][target.target]
+                    self.orm_wrapper.save_target_file_information(self.internal_state['build'], target, filedata)
+                except KeyError:
+                    # we must have not got the data for this image, nothing to save
+                    pass
+    def store_dependency_information(self, event):
+        assert '_depgraph' in vars(event)
+        assert 'layer-priorities' in event._depgraph
+        assert 'pn' in event._depgraph
+        assert 'tdepends' in event._depgraph
+        errormsg = ""
+        # save layer version priorities
+        if 'layer-priorities' in event._depgraph.keys():
+            for lv in event._depgraph['layer-priorities']:
+                (_, path, _, priority) = lv
+                layer_version_obj = self._get_layer_version_for_path(path[1:]) # paths start with a ^
+                assert layer_version_obj is not None
+                layer_version_obj.priority = priority
+                layer_version_obj.save()
+        # save recipe information
+        self.internal_state['recipes'] = {}
+        for pn in event._depgraph['pn']:
+            file_name = event._depgraph['pn'][pn]['filename'].split(":")[-1]
+            pathflags = ":".join(sorted(event._depgraph['pn'][pn]['filename'].split(":")[:-1]))
+            layer_version_obj = self._get_layer_version_for_path(file_name)
+            assert layer_version_obj is not None
+            recipe_info = {}
+            recipe_info['name'] = pn
+            recipe_info['layer_version'] = layer_version_obj
+            if 'version' in event._depgraph['pn'][pn]:
+                recipe_info['version'] = event._depgraph['pn'][pn]['version'].lstrip(":")
+            if 'summary' in event._depgraph['pn'][pn]:
+                recipe_info['summary'] = event._depgraph['pn'][pn]['summary']
+            if 'license' in event._depgraph['pn'][pn]:
+                recipe_info['license'] = event._depgraph['pn'][pn]['license']
+            if 'description' in event._depgraph['pn'][pn]:
+                recipe_info['description'] = event._depgraph['pn'][pn]['description']
+            if 'section' in event._depgraph['pn'][pn]:
+                recipe_info['section'] = event._depgraph['pn'][pn]['section']
+            if 'homepage' in event._depgraph['pn'][pn]:
+                recipe_info['homepage'] = event._depgraph['pn'][pn]['homepage']
+            if 'bugtracker' in event._depgraph['pn'][pn]:
+                recipe_info['bugtracker'] = event._depgraph['pn'][pn]['bugtracker']
+            recipe_info['file_path'] = file_name
+            recipe_info['pathflags'] = pathflags
+            if recipe_info['file_path'].startswith(recipe_info['layer_version'].local_path):
+                recipe_info['file_path'] = recipe_info['file_path'][len(recipe_info['layer_version'].local_path):].lstrip("/")
+            else:
+                raise RuntimeError("Recipe file path %s is not under layer version at %s" % (recipe_info['file_path'], recipe_info['layer_version'].local_path))
+            recipe = self.orm_wrapper.get_update_recipe_object(recipe_info)
+            recipe.is_image = False
+            if 'inherits' in event._depgraph['pn'][pn].keys():
+                for cls in event._depgraph['pn'][pn]['inherits']:
+                    if cls.endswith('/image.bbclass'):
+                        recipe.is_image = True
+                        break
+            if recipe.is_image:
+                for t in self.internal_state['targets']:
+                    if pn == t.target:
+                        t.is_image = True
+                        t.save()
+            self.internal_state['recipes'][pn] = recipe
+        # we'll not get recipes for key w/ values listed in ASSUME_PROVIDED
+        assume_provided = self.server.runCommand(["getVariable", "ASSUME_PROVIDED"])[0].split()
+        # save recipe dependency
+        # buildtime
+        recipedeps_objects = []
+        for recipe in event._depgraph['depends']:
+            try:
+                target = self.internal_state['recipes'][recipe]
+                for dep in event._depgraph['depends'][recipe]:
+                    dependency = self.internal_state['recipes'][dep]
+                    recipedeps_objects.append(Recipe_Dependency( recipe = target,
+                            depends_on = dependency, dep_type = Recipe_Dependency.TYPE_DEPENDS))
+            except KeyError as e:
+                if e not in assume_provided and not str(e).startswith("virtual/"):
+                    errormsg += "  stpd: KeyError saving recipe dependency for %s, %s \n" % (recipe, e)
+        Recipe_Dependency.objects.bulk_create(recipedeps_objects)
+        # save all task information
+        def _save_a_task(taskdesc):
+            spec = re.split(r'\.', taskdesc)
+            pn = ".".join(spec[0:-1])
+            taskname = spec[-1]
+            e = event
+            e.taskname = pn
+            recipe = self.internal_state['recipes'][pn]
+            task_info = self._get_task_information(e, recipe)
+            task_info['task_name'] = taskname
+            task_obj = self.orm_wrapper.get_update_task_object(task_info)
+            return task_obj
+        # create tasks
+        tasks = {}
+        for taskdesc in event._depgraph['tdepends']:
+            tasks[taskdesc] = _save_a_task(taskdesc)
+        # create dependencies between tasks
+        taskdeps_objects = []
+        for taskdesc in event._depgraph['tdepends']:
+            target = tasks[taskdesc]
+            for taskdep in event._depgraph['tdepends'][taskdesc]:
+                if taskdep not in tasks:
+                    # Fetch tasks info is not collected previously
+                    dep = _save_a_task(taskdep)
+                else:
+                    dep = tasks[taskdep]
+                taskdeps_objects.append(Task_Dependency( task = target, depends_on = dep ))
+        Task_Dependency.objects.bulk_create(taskdeps_objects)
+        if len(errormsg) > 0:
+            logger.warn("buildinfohelper: dependency info not identify recipes: \n%s", errormsg)
+    def store_build_package_information(self, event):
+        package_info = BuildInfoHelper._get_data_from_event(event)
+        self.orm_wrapper.save_build_package_information(self.internal_state['build'],
+                            package_info,
+                            self.internal_state['recipes'],
+                            )
+    def _store_build_done(self, errorcode):
+        logger.info("Build exited with errorcode %d", errorcode)
+        br_id, be_id = self.brbe.split(":")
+        be = BuildEnvironment.objects.get(pk = be_id)
+        be.lock = BuildEnvironment.LOCK_LOCK
+        be.save()
+        br = BuildRequest.objects.get(pk = br_id)
+        if errorcode == 0:
+            # request archival of the project artifacts
+            br.state = BuildRequest.REQ_ARCHIVE
+        else:
+            br.state = BuildRequest.REQ_FAILED
+        br.save()
+    def store_log_error(self, text):
+        mockevent = MockEvent()
+        mockevent.levelno = formatter.ERROR
+        mockevent.msg = text
+        mockevent.pathname = '-- None'
+        mockevent.lineno = LogMessage.ERROR
+        self.store_log_event(mockevent)
+    def store_log_exception(self, text, backtrace = ""):
+        mockevent = MockEvent()
+        mockevent.levelno = -1
+        mockevent.msg = text
+        mockevent.pathname = backtrace
+        mockevent.lineno = -1
+        self.store_log_event(mockevent)
+    def store_log_event(self, event):
+        if event.levelno < formatter.WARNING:
+            return
+        if 'args' in vars(event):
+            event.msg = event.msg % event.args
+        if not 'build' in self.internal_state:
+            if self.brbe is None:
+                if not 'backlog' in self.internal_state:
+                    self.internal_state['backlog'] = []
+                self.internal_state['backlog'].append(event)
+                return
+            else:   # we're under Toaster control, the build is already created
+                br, _ = self.brbe.split(":")
+                buildrequest = BuildRequest.objects.get(pk = br)
+                self.internal_state['build'] = buildrequest.build
+        if 'build' in self.internal_state and 'backlog' in self.internal_state:
+            # if we have a backlog of events, do our best to save them here
+            if len(self.internal_state['backlog']):
+                tempevent = self.internal_state['backlog'].pop()
+                logger.debug(1, "buildinfohelper: Saving stored event %s " % tempevent)
+                self.store_log_event(tempevent)
+            else:
+                logger.info("buildinfohelper: All events saved")
+                del self.internal_state['backlog']
+        log_information = {}
+        log_information['build'] = self.internal_state['build']
+        if event.levelno == formatter.ERROR:
+            log_information['level'] = LogMessage.ERROR
+        elif event.levelno == formatter.WARNING:
+            log_information['level'] = LogMessage.WARNING
+        elif event.levelno == -2:   # toaster self-logging
+            log_information['level'] = -2
+        else:
+            log_information['level'] = LogMessage.INFO
+        log_information['message'] = event.msg
+        log_information['pathname'] = event.pathname
+        log_information['lineno'] = event.lineno
+        logger.info("Logging error 2: %s", log_information)
+        self.orm_wrapper.create_logmessage(log_information)
+    def close(self, errorcode):
+        if self.brbe is not None:
+            self._store_build_done(errorcode)
+        if 'backlog' in self.internal_state:
+            if 'build' in self.internal_state:
+                # we save missed events in the database for the current build
+                tempevent = self.internal_state['backlog'].pop()
+                self.store_log_event(tempevent)
+            else:
+                # we have no build, and we still have events; something amazingly wrong happend
+                for event in self.internal_state['backlog']:
+                    logger.error("UNSAVED log: %s", event.msg)
+        if not connection.features.autocommits_when_autocommit_is_off:
+            transaction.set_autocommit(True)